847 resultados para Tragic events
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
In March of 2004, the Observatory of European Foreign Policy published a special monograph about Spain in Europe (1996-2004) in digital format. The objective of the monograph was to analyse Spain’s foreign policy agenda and strategy during the period of José María Aznar’s presidency. As the title suggests, one of the initial suppositions of the analysis is the Europeanization of Spanish foreign activities. Is that how it was? Did Aznar’s Spain see the world and relate to it through Brussels? The publication was well received, considering the number of visits received and above all the institutions which asked to link the publication to their web pages. Among these, the EUobserver published the introduction to the piece in English titled Aznar: thinking locally, acting in Europe (described by the EUobserver as a paper of utmost importance). The fact that the elections were held three days after the tragic events of the 11th of March dramatically increased interest in Spain and the implications for Europe. This publication is the second of its type, in this case analysing the period of the Zapatero government (2004-2008). Once again the starting premise (the Europeanization of the agenda and the methods employed) has been considered by the analysts. And once again the articles collected in this publication serve to “triangulate” the analysis. Spain and Europe are two vertices (more or less distant, in essence and in form) which the authors handle in their analysis of the case (third vertex).
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
La autora analiza tres ejemplos de la actual narrativa oral quechua del distrito de Chinchero, en Perú. En ellos muestra cómo la incorporación del simbolismo culinario es una herramienta para inculcar y reforzar ciertas costumbres o la historia sociocultural del ayllu. En esta narrativa, la presencia de personajes que violan la etiqueta culinaria de la comunidad presagia, con frecuencia, eventos funestos, anticiparían la llegada de la muerte o de un personaje malévolo (el “condenado”, la layqa, la suq’a), o la desintegración de relaciones familiares. Por otro lado, si en la trama algún personaje ofrece comida bajo circunstancias inusuales o misteriosas, esta llega a causar daño o es, incluso, mortal. Para aumentar la tensión, los narradores quechuas utilizan la mímica, los efectos sonoros, las alusiones culinarias a comidas adulteradas, la creación de la estructura paralela y la repetición de los conceptos e ideas clave. La autora concluye que los relatos de advertencia cumplen dos funciones: entretener y enseñar, fortaleciendo en ambos casos la cohesión social en el ayllu.
Background: Parents that loose a child in connection to labour are in great need of support.Health care provider treatment and support is of great importance to how the parents will experience something that is doomed from the beginning to be one of the most tragic events the parents will ever experience. For care givers to live up to this it is incredibly important that there are worked out guidelines to follow at these situations.Aim: To chart and describe Swedish maternity wards care program with reference to “IUFD”.Method: All clinics in Sweden have been questioned regarding care program for handling of “IUFD”. Care programs has been gathered, charted and described.Results: 87% (29 of 33) off the maternity wards has a plan for treatment and guidelines for “IUFD”. Care programs are more or less explanatory and a number of variables are present in different extents.Conclusion: That ones children die is the most tragic thing that can happen to a parent.The writer is of the opinion that it is of outmost importance that these parents get the best thinkable nursing and care.There are good guidelines regarding “IUFD” at the majority of the clinics, but to safeguard the quality the writer is of the opinion that it would be good if there where national guidelines for the shaping of these care programs.
In the recent decade, the request for structural health monitoring expertise increased exponentially in the United States. The aging issues that most of the transportation structures are experiencing can put in serious jeopardy the economic system of a region as well as of a country. At the same time, the monitoring of structures is a central topic of discussion in Europe, where the preservation of historical buildings has been addressed over the last four centuries. More recently, various concerns arose about security performance of civil structures after tragic events such the 9/11 or the 2011 Japan earthquake: engineers looks for a design able to resist exceptional loadings due to earthquakes, hurricanes and terrorist attacks. After events of such a kind, the assessment of the remaining life of the structure is at least as important as the initial performance design. Consequently, it appears very clear that the introduction of reliable and accessible damage assessment techniques is crucial for the localization of issues and for a correct and immediate rehabilitation. The System Identification is a branch of the more general Control Theory. In Civil Engineering, this field addresses the techniques needed to find mechanical characteristics as the stiffness or the mass starting from the signals captured by sensors. The objective of the Dynamic Structural Identification (DSI) is to define, starting from experimental measurements, the modal fundamental parameters of a generic structure in order to characterize, via a mathematical model, the dynamic behavior. The knowledge of these parameters is helpful in the Model Updating procedure, that permits to define corrected theoretical models through experimental validation. The main aim of this technique is to minimize the differences between the theoretical model results and in situ measurements of dynamic data. Therefore, the new model becomes a very effective control practice when it comes to rehabilitation of structures or damage assessment. The instrumentation of a whole structure is an unfeasible procedure sometimes because of the high cost involved or, sometimes, because it’s not possible to physically reach each point of the structure. Therefore, numerous scholars have been trying to address this problem. In general two are the main involved methods. Since the limited number of sensors, in a first case, it’s possible to gather time histories only for some locations, then to move the instruments to another location and replay the procedure. Otherwise, if the number of sensors is enough and the structure does not present a complicate geometry, it’s usually sufficient to detect only the principal first modes. This two problems are well presented in the works of Balsamo [1] for the application to a simple system and Jun [2] for the analysis of system with a limited number of sensors. Once the system identification has been carried, it is possible to access the actual system characteristics. A frequent practice is to create an updated FEM model and assess whether the structure fulfills or not the requested functions. Once again the objective of this work is to present a general methodology to analyze big structure using a limited number of instrumentation and at the same time, obtaining the most information about an identified structure without recalling methodologies of difficult interpretation. A general framework of the state space identification procedure via OKID/ERA algorithm is developed and implemented in Matlab. Then, some simple examples are proposed to highlight the principal characteristics and advantage of this methodology. A new algebraic manipulation for a prolific use of substructuring results is developed and implemented.
En la sociedad europea crece la preocupación por el retorno de tendencias fascistas y neonazis y por la extensión de ideologías xenófobas y antisemitas, algunas de ellas alimentadas a partir de tesis de negacionistas de aquellos trágicos eventos de nuestra historia reciente. La lucha frente a los discursos negacionistas se ha llevado más allá del ámbito social y académico, y se ha propuesto la incorporación en los ordenamientos jurídicos europeos de tipos penales específicos que incriminan este tipo de discurso: negar, banalizar, o justificar el Holocausto u otros genocidios o graves crímenes contra la humanidad. Esta legislación, que encuentra su mayor expresión en la Decisión marco 2008/913/JAI, aunque castiga un discurso socialmente repugnante, sin embargo presenta dudas en cuanto a su legitimidad con un sistema de libertades erigido sobre el pilar del pluralismo propio de los Estados democráticos. Surge así la cuestión de si pueden estar surgiendo «nuevos» delitos de opinión y a ello se dedica entonces la presente tesis. El objetivo concreto de este trabajo será analizar esta política-criminal para proponer una configuración del delito de negacionismo compatible con la libertad de expresión, aunque se cuestionará la conveniencia de castigar penalmente a través de un específico delito este tipo de conductas. En particular se pretende responder a tres preguntas: en primer lugar, ¿el discurso negacionista debe ampararse prima facie por la libertad de expresión en un ordenamiento abierto y personalista y cuáles podrían ser las «reglas» que podrían servir como criterio para limitar este género de manifestaciones? La segunda pregunta sería entonces: ¿Cómo podría construirse un tipo penal respetuoso con los principios constitucionales y penales que específicamente incriminara este género de conductas? Y, como última pregunta: ¿Es conveniente o adecuada una política criminal que lleve a crear un específico delito de negacionismo?
Since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the United States has engaged in building the infrastructure and developing the expertise necessary to protect its borders and its citizens from further attacks against its homeland. One approach has been the development of academic courses to educate individuals on the nature and dangers of subversive attacks and to prepare them to respond to attacks and other large-scale emergencies in their roles as working professionals, participating members of their communities, and collaborators with first responders. An initial review of the literature failed to reveal any university-based emergency management courses or programs with a disaster medical component, despite the public health significance and need for such programs. In the Fall of 2003, The School of Management at The University of Texas at Dallas introduced a continuing education Certificate in Emergency Management and Preparedness Program. This thesis will (1) describe the development and implementation of a new Disaster Medical Track as a component of this Certificate in Emergency Management and Preparedness Program, (2) analyze the need for and effectiveness of this Disaster Medical Track, and (3) propose improvements in the track based on this analysis. ^
Since the tragic events of September, 11 2001 the United States bioterrorism and disaster preparedness has made significant progress; yet, numerous research studies of nationwide hospital emergency response have found alarming shortcomings in surge capacity and training level of health care personnel in responding to bioterrorism incidents. The primary goals of this research were to assess hospital preparedness towards the threat of bioterrorist agents in the Southwest Region of the United States and provide recommendations for its improvement. Since little formal research has been published on the hospital preparedness of Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico, this research study specifically focused on the measurable factors affecting the respective states' resources and level of preparedness, such as funding, surge capacity and preparedness certification status.^ Over 300 citations of peer-reviewed articles and 17 Web sites were reviewed, of which 57 reports met inclusion criteria. The results of the systematic review highlighted key gaps in the existing literature and the key targets for future research, as well as identified strengths and weaknesses of the hospital preparedness in the Southwest states compared to the national average. ^ Based on the conducted research, currently, the Southwest states hospital systems are unable fully meet presidential preparedness mandates for emergency and disaster care: the staffed beds to 1,000 population value fluctuated around 1,5 across the states; funding for the hospital preparedness lags behind hospital costs by millions of dollars; and public health-hospital partnership in bioterrorism preparedness is quite weak as evident in lack of joint exercises and training. However, significant steps towards it are being made, including on-going hospital preparedness certification by the Joint Commission of Health Organization. Variations in preparedness levels among states signify that geographic location might determine a hospital level of bioterrorism preparedness as well, tending to favor bigger states such as Texas.^ Suggested recommendations on improvement of the hospital bioterrorism preparedness are consistent with the existing literature and include establishment and maintenance of solid partnerships between hospitals and public health agencies, conduction of joint exercises and drills for the health care personnel and key partners, improved state and federal funding specific to bioterrorism preparedness objectives, as well as on-going training of the clinical personnel on recognition of the bioterrorism agents.^
La producción de José Martí como cronista en los Estados Unidos para los diarios latinoamericanos El Partido Liberal, de México, y La Nación, de Argentina, estaba sujeta a diversas políticas editoriales. Hasta ahora estos mecanismos que condicionaban su obra no han sido estudiados para comprender un giro radical en su pensamiento. El 2 de setiembre de 1886, Martí escribió para La Nación una crónica acerca de los trágicos acontecimientos que se desencadenaron en Chicago, tras una protesta de trabajadores. En esa, Martí no duda de la responsabilidad de líderes anarquistas por la muerte de un policía. Sin embargo, en una segunda crónica enviada un año después, Martí presenta un giro radical en su apreciación de los anarquistas y critica las causas que los habían empujado a radicalizar el movimiento obrero. El presente ensayo revela cómo Martí modifica su posición al escribir bajo distintos sistemas de autorización y analiza la estrategia narrativa que emplea el escritor para surcar soterradamente estas presiones. El contenido de la segunda crónica para La Nación es analizado como la materialización de la voluntad autonómica del escritor modernista. Una afirmación que marca un clivaje crucial en su trayectoria que al poco tiempo lo conduciría a participar en la guerra de independencia de Cuba en 1895.
Entre las definiciones que el concepto de ATH presenta en la tragedia griega clásica, en las obras de Esquilo hay elementos que lo aproximan a la definición dada por E. R. Dodds en The greeks and the irrational, en referencia a la presencia del término en la Ilíada como un "state of mind". Este "estado de ánimo", sin embargo, se perfila como una ceguera profunda del héroe, que sólo entiende las consecuencias de sus acciones después de un intenso sufrimiento. En las siete tragedias conservadas de Esquilo, se puede encontrar el concepto íntimamente vinculado a las muertes heroicas, en el destino de Jerjes en Los persas, o en la maldición de los hermanos Etéocles y Polinices, herederos de las aflicciones de Edipo, en Los siete contra Tebas. Por lo tanto, esta ponencia examina algunos aspectos del concepto en Esquilo y cómo esta "ceguera profunda" es el elemento desencadenante de los acontecimientos trágicos
Entre las definiciones que el concepto de ATH presenta en la tragedia griega clásica, en las obras de Esquilo hay elementos que lo aproximan a la definición dada por E. R. Dodds en The greeks and the irrational, en referencia a la presencia del término en la Ilíada como un "state of mind". Este "estado de ánimo", sin embargo, se perfila como una ceguera profunda del héroe, que sólo entiende las consecuencias de sus acciones después de un intenso sufrimiento. En las siete tragedias conservadas de Esquilo, se puede encontrar el concepto íntimamente vinculado a las muertes heroicas, en el destino de Jerjes en Los persas, o en la maldición de los hermanos Etéocles y Polinices, herederos de las aflicciones de Edipo, en Los siete contra Tebas. Por lo tanto, esta ponencia examina algunos aspectos del concepto en Esquilo y cómo esta "ceguera profunda" es el elemento desencadenante de los acontecimientos trágicos
Entre las definiciones que el concepto de ATH presenta en la tragedia griega clásica, en las obras de Esquilo hay elementos que lo aproximan a la definición dada por E. R. Dodds en The greeks and the irrational, en referencia a la presencia del término en la Ilíada como un "state of mind". Este "estado de ánimo", sin embargo, se perfila como una ceguera profunda del héroe, que sólo entiende las consecuencias de sus acciones después de un intenso sufrimiento. En las siete tragedias conservadas de Esquilo, se puede encontrar el concepto íntimamente vinculado a las muertes heroicas, en el destino de Jerjes en Los persas, o en la maldición de los hermanos Etéocles y Polinices, herederos de las aflicciones de Edipo, en Los siete contra Tebas. Por lo tanto, esta ponencia examina algunos aspectos del concepto en Esquilo y cómo esta "ceguera profunda" es el elemento desencadenante de los acontecimientos trágicos
The tragic deaths of over 300 people off the coast of Lampedusa in 2013 and many other incidents involving migrants from Middle East and North Africa (MENA) crossing the Mediterranean in order to seek refuge in Europe has led to a European Union (EU) level debate on asylum policies and how to deal with irregular migration. However, no concrete policy has been agreed since the tragic events at Lampedusa in 2013 and continuous crossings that have resulted in many more deaths. This background brief provides an overview of the existing EU policies on asylum seekers and in addressing irregular migration and some of the actions which the relevant Member States take when confronted with continuous flows of irregular migrants. This brief concludes that the EU should delink the rescue of irregular migrants from security concerns, provide a legal basis which offers protection to irregular migrants, and create a transparent working environment in which member states are better able to support each other when dealing with such events.
Recognizing the need to share critical information, the State of Illinois established the Illinois Integrated Justice Information System (IIJIS) Governing Board in 2001. This board, comprised of representatives from state, county, and municipal justice agencies, was charged with the responsibility of developing a plan for justice information sharing in Illinois. Their report, the Illinois Integrated Justice Information System Strategic Plan, was completed in December 2002. In order to implement the strategic plan developed by the IIJIS Board, Governor Rod Blagojevich created the Illinois Integrated Justice Information System Implementation Board in 2003. Created by executive Order 16, the IIJIS Implementation Board is an intergovernmental effort dedicated to improving the administration of justice in Illinois. It was created in recognition of the need to improve information sharing and to meet challenges to public safety, such as those presented by the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and the Washington, DC serial sniper incident. In light of the demand for increased access to critical subject information, the Board is additionally charged with the responsibility of safeguarding individual privacy rights and preventing unauthorized disclosures of information.