15 resultados para Tracp


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Background: In Finland, breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer among women, and prostate cancer (PC) that among men. At the metastatic stage both cancers remain essentially incurable. The goals of therapy include palliation of symptoms, improvement or maintenance of quality of life (QoL), delay of disease progression, and prolongation of survival. Balancing between efficacy and toxicity is the major challenge. With increasing costs of new treatments, appropriate use of resources is paramount. When new treatment regimes are introduced into clinical practice a comprehensive assessment of clinical benefit, adverse effects and cost is necessary. Both BC and PC show a predilection to metastasize to bone. Bone metastases cause significant morbidity impairing the patients´ QoL. Diagnosis of bone metastases relies mainly on radiological methods, which however lack optimal sensitivity and specificity. New tools are needed for detection and follow-up of bone metastases. Aims: Anthracyclines and taxanes are effective chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with different mechanisms of action. Therefore, evaluation of the combination of anthracyclines with taxanes was a justifiable approach in the treatment of MBC patients. We assessed the efficacy, toxicity, cost of treatment and QoL of BC patients treated with first-line chemotherapy for metastatic disease with the combination epirubicin and docetaxel. We also evaluated the diagnostic potential of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) and carboxyterminal telopeptides of type I collagen (ICTP) in the diagnosis of bone metastases in BC and TRACP 5b in PC patients. Results: The combination of epirubicin and docetaxel was effective in this phase II study, but required individual dose adjustment to avoid neutropenic infections, and the use of growth factors to maintain a feasible dose level. The response rate was 54 % (95 % CI 37-71) and the median overall survival (OS) was 26 months. Of the patients, 87 % were treated for infections. The treatment of adverse events required additional use of health resources mainly due to neutropenic infections, thereby raising direct treatment costs by 20 %. Despite adverse events, the global QoL was not significantly compromised during the treatment. Clinically evident acute cardiac toxicity was not observed. The combination of serum TRACP 5b and ICTP was at least equally sensitive and specific in detection of of bone metastases as commonly used total alkaline phosphatise (tALP) in BC patients. In contrast, TRACP 5b was less specific and sensitive than tALP as a marker of skeletal changes in PC patients. Conclusions: Treatment with epirubicin and docetaxel showed high efficacy in first-line chemotherapy of MBC. The relatively high incidence of neutropenic infections requiring hospitalization increased the treatment costs. Despite adverse events, the global QoL of the patients was not significantly compromised. The combination of TRACP 5b and ICTP showed similar activity as tALP in detecting bone metastases in MBC. In contrast, TRACP 5b was less specific and sensitive than tALP as a marker of skeletal changes in PC.


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The activity of the TRACP promoter has been investigated as a model of gene regulation in osteoclasts. The murine TRACP gene promoter contains potential binding sites for a number of transcription factors in particular, candidate sites for the Ets factor PU.1 and for the microphthalmia transcription factor (MiTF). These are of relevance to osteoclast biology because the PU.1 knockout mouse has an osteopetrotic phenotype, and MiTF, when mutated in the mi/mi mouse, also results in osteopetrosis. The binding sites for both of these factors have been identified, and they have been determined to be functional in regulating TRACP expression. A novel assay system using the highly osteoclastogenic RAW/C4 subclone of the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7 was used to perform gene expression experiments on macrophage and osteoclast cell backgrounds. We have shown that TRACP expression is a target for regulation by the macrophage/osteoclast transcription factor PU.1 and the osteoclast commitment factor MiTF and that these factors act synergistically in regulating this promoter. This directly links two controlling factors of osteoclast differentiation to the expression of an effector of cell function.


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Evidence demonstrates that sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation causes osteopenia via beta(2)-adrenoceptor (beta(2)-AR) signaling. Here we show that female mice with chronic sympathetic hyperactivity owing to double knockout of adrenoceptors that negatively regulate norepinephrine release, alpha(2A)-AR and alpha(2C)-AR(alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-ARKO), present an unexpected and generalized phenotype of high bone mass with decreased bone resorption and increased formation. In alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-ARKO versus wild-type (WT) mice, micro-computed tomographic (mu CT) analysis showed increased, better connected, and more plate-shaped trabeculae in the femur and vertebra and increased cortical thickness in the vertebra, whereas biomechanical analysis showed increased tibial and femoral strength. Tibial mRNA expression of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) and receptor activator of NF-kappa B (RANK), which are osteoclast-related factors, was lower in knockout (KO) mice. Plasma leptin and brain mRNA levels of cocaine amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), which are factors that centrally affect bone turnover, and serum levels of estradiol were similar between mice strains. Tibial beta(2)-AR mRNA expression also was similar in KO and WT littermates, whereas alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-AR mRNAs were detected in the tibia of WT mice and in osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. By immunohistochemistry, we detected alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)-, alpha(2C)- and beta(2)-ARs in osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and chondrocytes of 18.5-day-old mouse fetuses and 35-day-old mice. Finally, we showed that isolated osteoclasts in culture are responsive to the selective alpha(2)-AR agonist clonidine and to the nonspecific alpha-AR antagonist phentolamine. These findings suggest that beta(2)-AR is not the single adrenoceptor involved in bone turnover regulation and show that alpha(2)-AR signaling also may mediate the SNS actions in the skeleton. (c) 2011 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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According to the new KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines, the term of renal osteodystrophy, should be used exclusively in reference to the invasive diagnosis of bone abnormalities. Due to the low sensitivity and specificity of biochemical serum markers of bone remodelling,the performance of bone biopsies is highly stimulated in dialysis patients and after kidney transplantation. The tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is an iso-enzyme of the group of acid phosphatases, which is highly expressed by activated osteoclasts and macrophages. TRACP in osteoclasts is in intracytoplasmic vesicles that transport the products of bone matrix degradation. Being present in activated osteoclasts, the identification of this enzyme by histochemistry in undecalcified bone biopsies is an excellent method to quantify the resorption of bone. Since it is an enzymatic histochemical method for a thermolabile enzyme, the temperature at which it is performed is particularly relevant. This study aimed to determine the optimal temperature for identification of TRACP in activated osteoclasts in undecalcified bone biopsies embedded in methylmethacrylate. We selected 10 cases of undecalcified bone biopsies from hemodialysis patients with the diagnosis of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Sections of 5 μm were stained to identify TRACP at different incubation temperatures (37º, 45º, 60º, 70º and 80ºC) for 30 minutes. Activated osteoclasts stained red and trabecular bone (mineralized bone) was contrasted with toluidine blue. This approach also increased the visibility of the trabecular bone resorption areas (Howship lacunae). Unlike what is suggested in the literature and in several international protocols, we found that the best results were obtained with temperatures between 60ºC and 70ºC. For technical reasons and according to the results of the present study, we recommended that, for an incubation time of 30 minutes, the reaction should be carried out at 60ºC. As active osteoclasts are usually scarce in a bone section, the standardization of the histochemistry method is of great relevance, to optimize the identification of these cells and increase the accuracy of the histomosphometric results. Our results, allowing an increase in osteoclasts contrast, also support the use of semi-automatic histomorphometric measurements.


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Bone is a physiologically dynamic tissue being constantly regenerated throughout life as a consequence of bone turnover by bone-resorbing osteoclasts and bone-forming osteoblasts. In certain bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, the imbalance in bone turnover leads to bone loss and increased fracture risk. Measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) predicts the risk of fracture, but also biochemical markers of bone metabolism have been suggested to be suitable for prediction of fractures and monitoring the efficacy of antiresorptive treatment. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) is an enzyme released from osteoclasts into the circulation, from where it can be detected kinetically or immunologically. Conventional assays for serum total TRACP were spectrophotometric and suffered from interference by other acid phosphatases and non-osteoclastic TRACP 5a isoform. Our aim was to develop novel immunoassays for osteoclastic TRACP 5b. Serum TRACP 5b levels were elevated in individuals with high bone turnover, such as children, postmenopausal women, patients with osteoporosis, Paget’s disease and breast cancer patients with bone metastases. As expected, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women decreased the levels of serum TRACP 5b. Surprisingly, the highest TRACP 5b levels were observed in individuals with rare autosomal dominant osteopetrosis type II (ADO2), which is characterized by high BMD and fracture risk with simultaneously elevated levels of deficient osteoclasts. In ADO2 patients, elevated levels of serum TRACP 5b were associated with high fracture frequency. It is likely that serum TRACP 5b reflects the number of inactive osteoclasts in ADO2. Similar results supporting the hypothesis that TRACP 5b would reflect the number of osteoclasts instead of their activity were observed with cultured osteoclasts and in animal models. Novel TRACP 5b immunoassays may prove to be of value either as independent or combinatory tools with other bone metabolic markers and BMD measurements in clinical practice and bone research.


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Tartraatti-resistentin happaman fosfataasin hiljentäminen RNAi menetelmällä: odottamaton vaikutus monosyytti-makrofagi linjan soluissa RNA interferenssi (RNAi) eli RNA:n hiljentyminen löydettiin ensimmäisenä kasveissa, ja 2000-luvulla RNAi menetelmä on otettu käyttöön myös nisäkässoluissa. RNAi on mekanismi, jossa lyhyet kaksi juosteiset RNA molekyylit eli siRNA:t sitoutuvat proteiinikompleksiin ja sitoutuvat komplementaarisesti proteiinia koodaavaan lähetti RNA:han katalysoiden lähetti RNA:n hajoamisen. Tällöin RNA:n koodaamaa proteiinia ei solussa tuoteta. Tässä työssä on RNA interferenssi menetelmän avuksi kehitetty uusi siRNA molekyylien suunnittelualgoritmi siRNA_profile, joka etsii lähetti RNA:sta geenin hiljentämiseen sopivia kohdealueita. Optimaalisesti suunnitellulla siRNA molekyylillä voi olla mahdollista saavuttaa pitkäaikainen geenin hiljeneminen ja spesifinen kohdeproteiinin määrän aleneminen solussa. Erilaiset kemialliset modifikaatiot, mm. 2´-Fluoro-modifikaatio, siRNA molekyylin riboosirenkaassa lisäsivät siRNA molekyylin stabiilisuutta veren plasmassa sekä siRNA molekyylin tehokkuutta. Nämä ovat tärkeitä siRNA molekyylien ominaisuuksia kun RNAi menetelmää sovelletaan lääketieteellisiin tarkoituksiin. Tartraatti-resistentti hapan fosfataasi (TRACP) on entsyymi, joka esiintyy luunsyöjäsoluissa eli osteoklasteissa, antigeenejä esittelevissä dendiriittisissä soluissa sekä eri kudosten makrofageissa, jotka ovat syöjäsoluja. TRACP entsyymin biologista tehtävää ei ole saatu selville, mutta oletetaan että TRACP entsyymin kyvyllä tuottaa reaktiivisia happiradikaaleja on tehtävä sekä luuta hajoittavissa osteoklasteissa sekä antigeenia esittelevissä dendriittisissä soluissa. Makrofageilla, jotka yliekpressoivat TRACP entsyymiä, on myös solunsisäinen reaktiivisten happiradikaalien tuotanto sekä bakteerin tappokyky lisääntynyt. TRACP-geenin hiljentämiseen tarkoitetut spesifiset DNA ja siRNA molekyylit aiheuttivat monosyytti-makrofagilinjan soluviljelymallissa TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymistä odotusten vastaisesti. DNA ja RNA molekyylien vaikutusta TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymiseen tutkittiin myös Tolllike reseptori 9 (TLR9) poistogeenisestä hiirestä eristetyissä monosyyttimakrofaagisoluissa. TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntyminen todettiin sekvenssistä ja TLR9:stä riippumattomaksi vasteeksi solun ulkopuolisia DNA ja RNA molekyylejä vastaan. Havainto TRACP entsyymin tuoton lisääntymisestä viittaa siihen, että TRACP entsyymillä on tehtävä solun immuunipuolustusjärjestelmässä.


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The skeleton undergoes continuous turnover throughout life. In women, an increase in bone turnover is pronounced during childhood and puberty and after menopause. Bone turnover can be monitored by measuring biochemical markers of bone resorption and bone formation. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is an enzyme secreted by osteoclasts, macrophages and dendritic cells. The secreted enzyme can be detected from the blood circulation by recently developed immunoassays. In blood circulation, the enzyme exists as two isoforms, TRACP 5a with an intact polypeptide chain and TRACP 5b in which the polypeptide chain consists of two subunits. The 5b form is predominantly secreted by osteoclasts and is thus associated with bone turnover. The secretion of TRACP 5b is not directly related to bone resorption; instead, the levels are shown to be proportional to the number of osteoclasts. Therefore, the combination of TRACP 5b and a marker reflecting bone degradation, such as C-terminal cross-linked telopeptides of type I collagen (CTX), enables a more profound analysis of the changes in bone turnover. In this study, recombinant TRACP 5a-like protein was proteolytically processed into TRACP 5b-like two subunit form. The 5b-like form was more active both as an acid phosphatase and in producing reactive oxygen species, suggesting a possible function for TRACP 5b in osteoclastic bone resorption. Even though both TRACP 5a and 5b were detected in osteoclasts, serum TRACP 5a levels demonstrated no change in response to alendronate treatment of postmenopausal women. However, TRACP 5b levels decreased substantially, demonstrating that alendronate decreases the number of osteoclasts. This was confirmed in human osteoclast cultures, showing that alendronate decreased the number of osteoclats by inducing osteoclast apoptosis, and TRACP 5b was not secreted as an active enzyme from the apoptotic osteoclasts. In peripubertal girls, the highest levels of TRACP 5b and other bone turnover markers were observed at the time of menarche, whereas at the same time the ratio of CTX to TRACP 5b was lowest, indicating the presence of a high number of osteoclasts with decreased resorptive activity. These results support the earlier findings that TRACP 5b is the predominant form of TRACP secreted by osteoclasts. The major source of circulating TRACP 5a remains to be established, but is most likely other cells of the macrophage-monocyte system. The results also suggest that bone turnover can be differentially affected by both osteoclast number and their resorptive activity, and provide further support for the possible clinical use of TRACP 5b as a marker of osteoclast number.


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Skeletal tissue is constantly remodeled in a process where osteoclasts resorb old bone and osteoblasts form new bone. Balance in bone remodeling is related to age, gender and genetic factors, but also many skeletal diseases, such as osteoporosis and cancer-induced bone metastasis, cause imbalance in bone turnover and lead to decreased bone mass and increased fracture risk. Biochemical markers of bone turnover are surrogates for bone metabolism and may be used as indicators of the balance between bone resorption and formation. They are released during the remodeling process and can be conveniently and reliably measured from blood or urine by immunoassays. Most commonly used bone formation markers include N-terminal propeptides of type I collagen (PINP) and osteocalcin, whereas tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b (TRACP 5b) and C-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX) are common resorption markers. Of these, PINP has been, until recently, the only marker not commercially available for preclinical use. To date, widespread use of bone markers is still limited due to their unclear biological significance, variability, and insufficient evidence of their prognostic value to reflect long term changes. In this study, the feasibility of bone markers as predictors of drug efficacy in preclinical osteoporosis models was elucidated. A non-radioactive PINP immunoassay for preclinical use was characterized and validated. The levels of PINP, N-terminal mid-fragment of osteocalcin, TRACP 5b and CTX were studied in preclinical osteoporosis models and the results were compared with the results obtained by traditional analysis methods such as histology, densitometry and microscopy. Changes in all bone markers at early timepoints correlated strongly with the changes observed in bone mass and bone quality parameters at the end of the study. TRACP 5b correlated strongly with the osteoclast number and CTX correlated with the osteoclast activity in both in vitro and in vivo studies. The concept “resorption index” was applied to the relation of CTX/TRACP 5b to describe the mean osteoclast activity. The index showed more substantial changes than either of the markers alone in the preclinical osteoporosis models used in this study. PINP was strongly associated with bone formation whereas osteocalcin was associated with both bone formation and resorption. These results provide novel insight into the feasibility of PINP, osteocalcin, TRACP 5b and CTX as predictors of drug efficacy in preclinical osteoporosis models. The results support clinical findings which indicate that short-term changes of these markers reflect long-term responses in bone mass and quality. Furthermore, this information may be useful when considering cost-efficient and clinically predictive drug screening and development assays for mining new drug candidates for skeletal diseases.


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Magnesium (Mg2+) deficiency is a frequently occurring disorder that leads to loss of bone mass, abnormal bone growth and skeletal weakness. It is not clear whether Mg2+ deficiency affects the formation and/or activity of osteoclasts. We evaluated the effect of Mg2+ restriction on these parameters. Bone marrow cells from long bone and jaw of mice were seeded on plastic and on bone in medium containing different concentrations of Mg2+ (0.8 mM which is 100% of the normal value, 0.4, 0.08 and 0 mM). The effect of Mg2+ deficiency was evaluated on osteoclast precursors for their viability after 3 days and proliferation rate after 3 and 6 days, as was mRNA expression of osteoclastogenesis-related genes and Mg2+-related genes. After 6 days of incubation, the number of tartrate resistant acid phosphatase-positive (TRACP+) multinucleated cells was determined, and the TRACP activity of the medium was measured. Osteoclastic activity was assessed at 8 days by resorption pit analysis. Mg2+ deficiency resulted in increased numbers of osteoclast-like cells, a phenomenon found for both types of marrow. Mg2+ deficiency had no effect on cell viability and proliferation. Increased osteoclastogenesis due to Mg2+ deficiency was reflected in higher expression of osteoclast-related genes. However, resorption per osteoclast and TRACP activity were lower in the absence of Mg2+. In conclusion, Mg2+ deficiency augmented osteoclastogenesis but appeared to inhibit the activity of these cells. Together, our in vitro data suggest that altered osteoclast numbers and activity may contribute to the skeletal phenotype as seen in Mg2+ deficient patients. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Osteoclasts and macrophages share progenitors that must receive decisive lineage signals driving them into their respective differentiation routes. Macrophage colony stimulation factor M-CSF is a common factor; bone is likely the stimulus for osteoclast differentiation. To elucidate the effect of both, shared mouse bone marrow precursor myeloid blast was pre-cultured with M-CSF on plastic and on bone. M-CSF priming prior to stimulation with M-CSF and osteoclast differentiation factor RANKL resulted in a complete loss of osteoclastogenic potential without bone. Such M-CSF primed cells expressed the receptor RANK, but lacked the crucial osteoclastogenic transcription factor NFATc1. This coincided with a steeply decreased expression of osteoclast genes TRACP and DC-STAMP, but an increased expression of the macrophage markers F4/80 and CD11b. Compellingly, M-CSF priming on bone accelerated the osteoclastogenic potential: M-CSF primed cells that had received only one day M-CSF and RANKL and were grown on bone already expressed an array of genes that are associated with osteoclast differentiation and these cells differentiated into osteoclasts within 2 days. Osteoclastogenesis-insensitive precursors grown in the absence of bone regained their osteoclastogenic potential when transferred to bone. This implies that adhesion to bone dictates the fate of osteoclast precursors. Common macrophage-osteoclast precursors may become insensitive to differentiate into osteoclasts and regain osteoclastogenesis when bound to bone or when in the vicinity of bone. J. Cell. Physiol. 229: 210-225, 2014. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Disuse osteoporosis is a condition in which reduced mechanical loading (e.g. bed-rest, immobilization, or paralysis) results in unbalanced bone turnover. The American black bear is a unique, naturally occurring model for the prevention of disuse osteoporosis. Bears remain mostly inactive for up to half a year of hibernation annually, yet they do not lose bone mechanical strength or structural properties throughout hibernation. The long-term goal of this study is to determine the biological mechanism through which bears maintain bone during hibernation. This mechanism could pinpoint new signaling pathway targets for the development of drugs for osteoporosis prevention. In this study, bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BSALP), a marker of osteoblast activity, and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP), a marker of osteoclast number, were quantified in the serum of hibernating and active black bears. BSALP and TRACP decreased during hibernation, suggesting a balanced reduction in bone turnover. This decrease in BSALP and TRACP were correlated positively to serum adiponectin and inversely to serum neuropeptide Y, suggesting a possible role of these hormones in suppressing bone turnover during hibernation. Osteocalcin (OCN) and undercarboxylated OCN increased dramatically in the serum of hibernating bears. These increases were inversely correlated with adiponectin, glucose, and serotonin, suggesting that OCN may have a unique role in energy homeostasis during hibernation. Finally, MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts were cultured in the serum from active and hibernating bears, and seasonal cell responses were quantified. Cells cultured in serum from hibernating bears had a reduced caspase-3/7 response, and more living cells, after apoptotic threat. The caspase-3/7 response was positively correlated to serum adiponectin and to gene expression of OCN and Runx2, suggesting that reduced caspase-3/7 activity may be related to the reduced differentiation potential of osteoblasts in hibernation serum, and that adiponectin is a potential effector hormone. In summary, the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts are reduced during hibernation in bears. This reduced turnover is due, in part, to hormonal control. Further study of potential effectors adiponectin and neuropeptide Y may provide insight into the biological mechanism through which bears maintain bone throughout hibernation.


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Proteolytic, cleavage in an exposed loop of human tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAcP) with trypsin leads to a significant increase in activity. At each pH value between 3.25 and 8.0 the cleaved enzyme is more active. Substrate specificity is also influenced by proteolysis. Only the cleaved form is able to hydrolyze unactivated substrates efficiently, and at pH > 6 cleaved TRAcP acquires a marked preference for ATP. The cleaved enzyme also has altered sensitivity to inhibitors. Interestingly, the magnitude and mode of inhibition by fluoride depends not only on the proteolytic state but also pH. The combined kinetic data imply a role of the loop residue D158 in catalysis in the cleaved enzyme. Notably, at low pH this residue may act as a proton donor for the leaving group. In this respect the mechanism of cleaved TRAcP resembles that of sweet potato purple acid phosphatase. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. Ail rights reserved.


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Activated macrophages and osteoclasts express high amounts of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP, acp5). TRACP has a binuclear iron center with a redox-active iron that has been shown to catalyze the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by Fenton's reaction. Previous Studies Suggest that ROS generated by TRACP may participate in degradation of endocytosed bone matrix products in resorbing osteoclasts and degradation of foreign Compounds during. antigen presentation in activated macrophages. Here we have compared free radical production in macrophages of TRACP overexpressing (TRACP +) and wild-type (WT) mice. TRACP overexpression increased both ROS levels and Superoxide production. Nitric oxide production was increased in activated macrophages or WT mice, but not in TRACP+ mice, Macrophages from TRACP+ mice showed increased capacity or bacterial killing. Recombinant TRACP enzyme was capable of bacterial killing in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. These results suggest that TRACP has an important biological function in immune defense systern.