984 resultados para Tomografie elettriche Conducibilità idraulica Plume
Nel corso del tempo, nell’ambito dell’idrogeologia sono state sviluppate diverse tecniche per la determinazione conducibilità idraulica (K). Negli ultimi decenni sempre maggiori sforzi sono stati compiuti per integrare le tecniche geofisiche a questo specifico settore di ricerca; in particolare le metodologie geoelettriche sono state fonte di molteplici studi per la determinazione indiretta di K. Su questa idea è stato impostato il lavoro presentato in questo elaborato di tesi. Ciò che questo propone è infatti l’esecuzione di test in campo che prevedono il monitoraggio time lapse con tecnologia ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) di un tracciante salino iniettato nel terreno. Il fine ultimo è quello di poter sviluppare una tecnica indiretta per la stima della conducibilità idraulica verticale dei terreni sciolti. Le immagini tomografiche, realizzate in sequenza nel tempo, premettono la visualizzazione l’avanzamento del plume basso resistivo in movimento nel terreno (causato dalla salamoia iniettata). Un successivo confronto grafico fra queste permette di quantificare lo spostamento nel tempo, in modo da calcolare in seguito la velocità di infiltrazione del tracciante, e in ultimo stimare la K del terreno in analisi. I risultati ottenuti con tale metodologia sperimentale, opportunamente elaborati tramite specifici software, sono stati confrontati, dove possibile, con i valori forniti dall’impiego di altre tecniche più tradizionali, in modo da poter valutare la bontà del dato ottenuto. Le aree studio individuate per condurre tali sperimentazioni ricadono all’interno del territorio regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, in particolare nell’area di Alta e Bassa pianura friulana. La strumentazione (resistivimetro multicanale VHR X612-EM della MAE-Molisana Apparecchiature Elettroniche) e il software (Res2dinv) per la raccolta e l’elaborazione delle immagini tomografiche sono stati gentilmente messi a disposizione dalla società Geomok s.r.l. del Dott. Geol. Mocchiutti (Udine) con la cui collaborazione è stato realizzato questo elaborato di tesi.
La prima parte di questo lavoro di tesi tratta dell’interazione tra un bacino di laminazione e il sottostante acquifero: è in fase di progetto, infatti, la costruzione di una cassa di espansione sul torrente Baganza, a monte della città di Parma. L’obiettivo di tale intervento è di ridurre il rischio di esondazione immagazzinando temporaneamente, in un serbatoio artificiale, la parte più pericolosa del volume di piena che verrebbe rilasciata successivamente con portate che possono essere agevolmente contenute nel tratto cittadino del torrente. L’acquifero è stato preliminarmente indagato e monitorato permettendone la caratterizzazione litostratigrafica. La stratigrafia si può riassumere in una sequenza di strati ghiaioso-sabbiosi con successione di lenti d’argilla più o meno spesse e continue, distinguendo due acquiferi differenti (uno freatico ed uno confinato). Nel presente studio si fa riferimento al solo acquifero superficiale che è stato modellato numericamente, alle differenze finite, per mezzo del software MODFLOW_2005. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è di rappresentare il sistema acquifero nelle condizioni attuali (in assenza di alcuna opera) e di progetto. La calibrazione è stata condotta in condizioni stazionarie utilizzando i livelli piezometrici raccolti nei punti d’osservazione durante la primavera del 2013. I valori di conducibilità idraulica sono stati stimati per mezzo di un approccio geostatistico Bayesiano. Il codice utilizzato per la stima è il bgaPEST, un software gratuito per la soluzione di problemi inversi fortemente parametrizzati, sviluppato sulla base dei protocolli del software PEST. La metodologia inversa stima il campo di conducibilità idraulica combinando osservazioni sullo stato del sistema (livelli piezometrici nel caso in esame) e informazioni a-priori sulla struttura dei parametri incogniti. La procedura inversa richiede il calcolo della sensitività di ciascuna osservazione a ciascuno dei parametri stimati; questa è stata valutata in maniera efficiente facendo ricorso ad una formulazione agli stati aggiunti del codice in avanti MODFLOW_2005_Adjoint. I risultati della metodologia sono coerenti con la natura alluvionale dell'acquifero indagato e con le informazioni raccolte nei punti di osservazione. Il modello calibrato può quindi essere utilizzato come supporto alla progettazione e gestione dell’opera di laminazione. La seconda parte di questa tesi tratta l'analisi delle sollecitazioni indotte dai percorsi di flusso preferenziali causati da fenomeni di piping all’interno dei rilevati arginali. Tali percorsi preferenziali possono essere dovuti alla presenza di gallerie scavate da animali selvatici. Questo studio è stato ispirato dal crollo del rilevato arginale del Fiume Secchia (Modena), che si è verificato in gennaio 2014 a seguito di un evento alluvionale, durante il quale il livello dell'acqua non ha mai raggiunto la sommità arginale. La commissione scientifica, la cui relazione finale fornisce i dati utilizzati per questo studio, ha attribuito, con molta probabilità, il crollo del rilevato alla presenza di tane di animali. Con lo scopo di analizzare il comportamento del rilevato in condizioni integre e in condizioni modificate dall'esistenza di un tunnel che attraversa il manufatto arginale, è stato realizzato un modello numerico 3D dell’argine mediante i noti software Femwater e Feflow. I modelli descrivono le infiltrazioni all'interno del rilevato considerando il terreno in entrambe le porzioni sature ed insature, adottando la tecnica agli elementi finiti. La tana è stata rappresentata da elementi con elevata permeabilità e porosità, i cui valori sono stati modificati al fine di valutare le diverse influenze sui flussi e sui contenuti idrici. Per valutare se le situazioni analizzate presentino o meno il verificarsi del fenomeno di erosione, sono stati calcolati i valori del fattore di sicurezza. Questo è stato valutato in differenti modi, tra cui quello recentemente proposto da Richards e Reddy (2014), che si riferisce al criterio di energia cinetica critica. In ultima analisi è stato utilizzato il modello di Bonelli (2007) per calcolare il tempo di erosione ed il tempo rimanente al collasso del rilevato.
Lo scopo di questa tesi di dottorato è la comparazione di metodi per redarre mappe della vulnerabilità degli acquiferi all’inquinamento. Sono state redatte le mappe di vulnerabilità dell’acquifero della conoide del Reno utilizzando i metodi parametrici SINTACS (Civita e De Maio, 1997) e DRASTIC (Aller et al., 1987). E' stato elaborato un modello tridimensionale del flusso tramite l'utilizzo del software di modellistica numerica FEFLOW. I risultati ottenuti sono stati confrontati con le mappe derivanti dall'appllicazione dei PCSM. E’ stato, inoltre, approfondito lo sviluppo di un modello inverso, che, partendo dalla distruzione del carico piezometrico, fornisce la distribuzione della conducibilità idraulica dell’acquifero.La conoscenza di questo parametro è, infatti, il punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di un nuovo metodo per la definizione della vulnerabilità basato sulla caratterizzazione dell'area di acquifero potenzialmente inquinabile rispetto ad uno sversamento in superficie di un inquinante.L’indice di vulnerabilità viene definito sulla lunghezza del cammino che un inquinante percorrere nell’arco di un anno.
L’acquifero freatico costiero ravennate è intensamente salinizzato fino a diversi km nell’entroterra. Il corpo dell’acquifero è formato da sabbie che poggiano su un substrato argilloso ad una profondità media di 25 m, i depositi affioranti sono sabbie e argille. Il lavoro svolto consiste in una caratterizzazione dello stato di salinizzazione con metodologie indirette (geoelettrica) e metodologie dirette (letture dei parametri fisici delle acque in pozzo). I sondaggi elettrici verticali (V.E.S.) mostrano stagionalità dovuta alle differenti quantità di pioggia e quindi di ricarica, le aree con depositi superficiali ad alta conducibilità idraulica (sabbie) hanno una lente d’acqua dolce compresa tra 0,1 e 2,25 m di spessore, al di sotto della quale troviamo una zona di mescolamento con spessori che vanno da 1,00 a 12,00 m, mentre quando in superficie abbiamo depositi a bassa conducibilità idraulica (limi sabbiosi e argille sabbiose) la lente d’acqua dolce scompare e la zona di mescolamento è sottile. Le misure dirette in pozzo mostrano una profondità della tavola d’acqua quasi ovunque sotto il livello del mare in entrambi i mesi monitorati, Giugno e Dicembre 2010, presentando una profondità leggermente maggiore nel mese di Dicembre. Dalla ricostruzione litologica risulta un acquifero composto da 4×109 m3 di sabbia, per cui ipotizzando una porosità media del 30% sono presenti 1,2×109 m3 di acqua. Dalla modellazione numerica (Modflow-SEAWAT 2000) risulta che l’origine dell’acqua salata che si trova in falda trova più facilmente spiegazione ipotizzando la sua presenza fin dalla formazione dell’acquifero, residuo delle acque marine che regredivano. Un’altra problematica analizzata è valutare l’applicazione della metodologia a minifiltri in uno studio sulla salinizzazione delle acque di falda. É stata implementata la costruzione di un transetto sperimentale, che ha permesso la mappatura dell’interfaccia acqua dolce/salmastra/salata con una precisione finora non raggiungibile.
An experimental investigation has been made of a round, non-buoyant plume of nitric oxide, NO, in a turbulent grid flow of ozone, 03, using the Turbulent Smog Chamber at the University of Sydney. The measurements have been made at a resolution not previously reported in the literature. The reaction is conducted at non-equilibrium so there is significant interaction between turbulent mixing and chemical reaction. The plume has been characterized by a set of constant initial reactant concentration measurements consisting of radial profiles at various axial locations. Whole plume behaviour can thus be characterized and parameters are selected for a second set of fixed physical location measurements where the effects of varying the initial reactant concentrations are investigated. Careful experiment design and specially developed chemilurninescent analysers, which measure fluctuating concentrations of reactive scalars, ensure that spatial and temporal resolutions are adequate to measure the quantities of interest. Conserved scalar theory is used to define a conserved scalar from the measured reactive scalars and to define frozen, equilibrium and reaction dominated cases for the reactive scalars. Reactive scalar means and the mean reaction rate are bounded by frozen and equilibrium limits but this is not always the case for the reactant variances and covariances. The plume reactant statistics are closer to the equilibrium limit than those for the ambient reactant. The covariance term in the mean reaction rate is found to be negative and significant for all measurements made. The Toor closure was found to overestimate the mean reaction rate by 15 to 65%. Gradient model turbulent diffusivities had significant scatter and were not observed to be affected by reaction. The ratio of turbulent diffusivities for the conserved scalar mean and that for the r.m.s. was found to be approximately 1. Estimates of the ratio of the dissipation timescales of around 2 were found downstream. Estimates of the correlation coefficient between the conserved scalar and its dissipation (parallel to the mean flow) were found to be between 0.25 and the significant value of 0.5. Scalar dissipations for non-reactive and reactive scalars were found to be significantly different. Conditional statistics are found to be a useful way of investigating the reactive behaviour of the plume, effectively decoupling the interaction of chemical reaction and turbulent mixing. It is found that conditional reactive scalar means lack significant transverse dependence as has previously been found theoretically by Klimenko (1995). It is also found that conditional variance around the conditional reactive scalar means is relatively small, simplifying the closure for the conditional reaction rate. These properties are important for the Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) model for turbulent reacting flows recently proposed by Klimenko (1990) and Bilger (1993). Preliminary CMC model calculations are carried out for this flow using a simple model for the conditional scalar dissipation. Model predictions and measured conditional reactive scalar means compare favorably. The reaction dominated limit is found to indicate the maximum reactedness of a reactive scalar and is a limiting case of the CMC model. Conventional (unconditional) reactive scalar means obtained from the preliminary CMC predictions using the conserved scalar p.d.f. compare favorably with those found from experiment except where measuring position is relatively far upstream of the stoichiometric distance. Recommendations include applying a full CMC model to the flow and investigations both of the less significant terms in the conditional mean species equation and the small variation of the conditional mean with radius. Forms for the p.d.f.s, in addition to those found from experiments, could be useful for extending the CMC model to reactive flows in the atmosphere.
Experimental results for a reactive non-buoyant plume of nitric oxide (NO) in a turbulent grid flow doped with ozone (O3) are presented. The Damkohler number (Nd) for the experiment is of order unity indicating the turbulence and chemistry have similar timescales and both affect the chemical reaction rate. Continuous measurements of two components of velocity using hot-wire anemometry and the two reactants using chemiluminescent analysers have been made. A spatial resolution for the reactants of four Kolmogorov scales has been possible because of the novel design of the experiment. Measurements at this resolution for a reactive plume are not found in the literature. The experiment has been conducted relatively close to the grid in the region where self-similarity of the plume has not yet developed. Statistics of a conserved scalar, deduced from both reactive and non-reactive scalars by conserved scalar theory, are used to establish the mixing field of the plume, which is found to be consistent with theoretical considerations and with those found by other investigators in non-reative flows. Where appropriate the reactive species means and higher moments, probability density functions, joint statistics and spectra are compared with their respective frozen, equilibrium and reaction-dominated limits deduced from conserved scalar theory. The theoretical limits bracket reactive scalar statistics where this should be so according to conserved scalar theory. Both reactants approach their equilibrium limits with greater distance downstream. In the region of measurement, the plume reactant behaves as the reactant not in excess and the ambient reactant behaves as the reactant in excess. The reactant covariance lies outside its frozen and equilibrium limits for this value of Vd. The reaction rate closure of Toor (1969) is compared with the measured reaction rate. The gradient model is used to obtain turbulent diffusivities from turbulent fluxes. Diffusivity of a non-reactive scalar is found to be close to that measured in non-reactive flows by others.
This paper presents a method for investigating ship emissions, the plume capture and analysis system (PCAS), and its application in measuring airborne pollutant emission factors (EFs) and particle size distributions. The current investigation was conducted in situ, aboard two dredgers (Amity: a cutter suction dredger and Brisbane: a hopper suction dredger) but the PCAS is also capable of performing such measurements remotely at a distant point within the plume. EFs were measured relative to the fuel consumption using the fuel combustion derived plume CO2. All plume measurements were corrected by subtracting background concentrations sampled regularly from upwind of the stacks. Each measurement typically took 6 minutes to complete and during one day, 40 to 50 measurements were possible. The relationship between the EFs and plume sample dilution was examined to determine the plume dilution range over which the technique could deliver consistent results when measuring EFs for particle number (PN), NOx, SO2, and PM2.5 within a targeted dilution factor range of 50-1000 suitable for remote sampling. The EFs for NOx, SO2, and PM2.5 were found to be independent of dilution, for dilution factors within that range. The EF measurement for PN was corrected for coagulation losses by applying a time dependant particle loss correction to the particle number concentration data. For the Amity, the EF ranges were PN: 2.2 - 9.6 × 1015 (kg-fuel)-1; NOx: 35-72 g(NO2).(kg-fuel)-1, SO2 0.6 - 1.1 g(SO2).(kg-fuel)-1and PM2.5: 0.7 – 6.1 g(PM2.5).(kg-fuel)-1. For the Brisbane they were PN: 1.0 – 1.5 x 1016 (kg-fuel)-1, NOx: 3.4 – 8.0 g(NO2).(kg-fuel)-1, SO2: 1.3 – 1.7 g(SO2).(kg-fuel)-1 and PM2.5: 1.2 – 5.6 g(PM2.5).(kg-fuel)-1. The results are discussed in terms of the operating conditions of the vessels’ engines. Particle number emission factors as a function of size as well as the count median diameter (CMD), and geometric standard deviation of the size distributions are provided. The size distributions were found to be consistently uni-modal in the range below 500 nm, and this mode was within the accumulation mode range for both vessels. The representative CMDs for the various activities performed by the dredgers ranged from 94-131 nm in the case of the Amity, and 58-80 nm for the Brisbane. A strong inverse relationship between CMD and EF(PN) was observed.
There is an increased interest on the use of UAVs for environmental research and to track bush fire plumes, volcanic plumes or pollutant sources. The aim of this paper is to describe the theory and results of a bio-inspired plume tracking algorithm. A memory based and gradient based approach, were developed and compared. A method for generating sparse plumes was also developed. Results indicate the ability of the algorithms to track plumes in 2D and 3D.
We report here on a series of laboratory experiments on plumes, undertaken with the object of simulating the effect of the heat release that occurs in clouds on condensation of water vapor. The experimental technique used for this purpose relies on ohmic heating generated in an electrically conducting plume fluid subjected to a suitable alternating voltage across specified axial stations in the plume flow [Bhat et al., 1989]. The present series of experiments achieves a value of the Richardson number that is toward the lower end of the range that characteristics cumulus clouds. It is found that the buoyancy enhancement due to heating disrupts the eddy structures in the flow and reduces the dilution owing to entrainment of ambient fluid that would otherwise have occurred in the central region of the plume. Heating also reduces the spread rate of the plume, but as it accelerates the flow as well, the overall specific mass flux in the plume does not show a very significant change at the heat input employed in the experiment. However, there is some indication that the entrainment rate (proportional to the streamwise derivative of the mass flux) is slightly higher immediately after heat injection and slightly lower farther downstream. The measurements support a previous proposal for a cloud scenario [Bhat and Narasimha, 1996] and demonstrate how fresh insights into certain aspects of the fluid dynamics of clouds may be derived from the experimental techniques employed here.
he induced current and voltage on the skin of an airborne vehicle due to the coupling of external electromagnetic field could be altered in the presence of ionized exhaust plume. So in the present work, a theoretical analysis is done to estimate the electrical parameters such as electrical conductivity and permittivity and their distribution in the axial and radial directions of the exhaust plume of an airborne vehicle. The electrical conductivity depends on the distribution of the major ionic species produced from the propellant combustion. In addition it also depends on temperature and pressure distribution of the exhaust plume as well as the generated shock wave. The chemically reactive rocket exhaust flow is modeled in two stages. The first part is simulated from the combustion chamber to the throat of the supersonic nozzle by using NASA Chemical Equilibrium with Application (CEA) package and the second part is simulated from the nozzle throat to the downstream of the plume by using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver. The contour plots of the exhaust parameters are presented. Eight barrel shocks which influence the distribution of the vehicle exhaust parameters are obtained in this simulation. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the plume is 0.123 S/m and the relative permittivity varies from 0.89 to 0.99. The attenuation of the microwave when it is passing through the conducting exhaust plume has also been presented.
There is an increased interest on the use of UAVs for environmental research such as tracking bush fires, volcanic eruptions, chemical accidents or pollution sources. The aim of this paper is to describe the theory and results of a bio-inspired plume tracking algorithm. A method for generating sparse plumes in a virtual environment was also developed. Results indicated the ability of the algorithms to track plumes in 2D and 3D. The system has been tested with hardware in the loop (HIL) simulations and in flight using a CO2 gas sensor mounted to a multi-rotor UAV. The UAV is controlled by the plume tracking algorithm running on the ground control station (GCS).
Hydrographic observations were taken along two coastal sections and one open ocean section in the Bay of Bengal during the 1999 southwest monsoon, as a part of the Bay of Bengal Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX). The coastal section in the northwestern Bay of Bengal, which was occupied twice, captured a freshwater plume in its two stages: first when the plume was restricted to the coastal region although separated from the coast, and then when the plume spread offshore. Below the freshwater layer there were indications of an undercurrent. The coastal section in the southern Bay of Bengal was marked by intense coastal upwelling in a 50 km wide band. In regions under the influence of the freshwater plume, the mixed layer was considerably thinner and occasionally led to the formation of a temperature inversion. The mixed layer and isothermal layer were of similar depth for most of the profiles within and outside the freshwater plume and temperature below the mixed layer decreased rapidly till the top of seasonal thermocline. There was no barrier layer even in regions well under the influence of the freshwater plume. The freshwater plume in the open Bay of Bengal does not advect to the south of 16 degrees N during the southwest monsoon. A model of the Indian Ocean, forced by heat, momentum and freshwater fluxes for the year 1999, reproduces the freshwater plume in the Bay of Bengal reasonably well. Model currents as well as the surface circulation calculated as the sum of geostrophic and Ekman drift show a southeastward North Bay Monsoon Current (NBMC) across the Bay, which forms the southern arm of a cyclonic gyre. The NBMC separates the very low salinity waters of the northern Bay from the higher salinities in the south and thus plays an important role in the regulation of near surface stratification. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrographic observations were taken along two coastal sections and one open ocean section in the Bay of Bengal during the 1999 southwest monsoon, as a part of the Bay of Bengal Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX). The coastal section in the northwestern Bay of Bengal, which was occupied twice, captured a freshwater plume in its two stages: first when the plume was restricted to the coastal region although separated from the coast, and then when the plume spread offshore. Below the freshwater layer there were indications of an undercurrent. The coastal section in the southern Bay of Bengal was marked by intense coastal upwelling in a 50 km wide band. In regions under the influence of the freshwater plume, the mixed layer was considerably thinner and occasionally led to the formation of a temperature inversion. The mixed layer and isothermal layer were of similar depth for most of the profiles within and outside the freshwater plume and temperature below the mixed layer decreased rapidly till the top of seasonal thermocline. There was no barrier layer even in regions well under the influence of the freshwater plume. The freshwater plume in the open Bay of Bengal does not advect to the south of 16 degrees N during the southwest monsoon. A model of the Indian Ocean, forced by heat, momentum and freshwater fluxes for the year 1999, reproduces the freshwater plume in the Bay of Bengal reasonably well. Model currents as well as the surface circulation calculated as the sum of geostrophic and Ekman drift show a southeastward North Bay Monsoon Current (NBMC) across the Bay, which forms the southern arm of a cyclonic gyre. The NBMC separates the very low salinity waters of the northern Bay from the higher salinities in the south and thus plays an important role in the regulation of near surface stratification. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The boundary-layer type conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy for the steady free turbulent flow in gravitational convection over heat sources are set up for both two-dimensional and axisymmetric cases. These are reduced to ordinary differential equations in a similarity parameter by suitable transformations. The three classical hypotheses of turbulent diffusion-the Constant Exchange Coefficient hypothesis, Prandtl's Momentum Transfer theory and Taylor's Vorticity Transfer theory-are then incorporated into these equations in succession. The resulting equations are solved numerically and the results compared with some experimental results on gravitational convection over heat sources reported by Rouse et al.