965 resultados para Thomas Pogge


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This Paper is part of a broader project examining the ways in which Amartya Sen’s “capability approach” provides a framework for thinking about global poverty as a denial or a violation of basic human rights. The Paper compares the “capability approach” as a basis for thinking about global poverty and human rights with the alternative framework developed by Thomas Pogge. Both the “capability approach” and Pogge’s theory of “severe poverty as a violation of negative duties” support the idea of “freedom from severe poverty as a basic human right”. However, there are important differences. The Paper examines the limitations of Pogge’s “apparent minimalism” and establishes the ways in which Sen’s treatment of the “capability approach” and human rights moves beyond a “minimalist normative position” whilst avoiding Pogge’s charge of “implausibility”.


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Thomas Pogge’s notion of moral loopholes serves to provide support for two claims: first, that the ethical code of the global economic order contains moral loopholes that allow participants in special social arrangements to reduce their obligations to those outside the social arrangement, which leads to morally objectionable actions for which no party feels responsible and that are also counterproductive to the overall objective of the economic system; and, second, that these moral loopholes are more likely to exist as our economic order becomes more global. Finally, it will be shown that attempts to rectify the situation with voluntary corporate codes of conduct are inadequate. The argument proceeds through analysis of one case study, concerning action by the executive of the Cerrejón mining operation at La Guajira Penisular, Colombia.


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Thomas Pogge’s notion of moral loopholes serves to provide support for two claims: first, that the ethical code of the global economic order contains moral loopholes that allow participants in special social arrangements to reduce their obligations to those outside the social arrangement, which leads to morally objectionable actions for which no party feels responsible and that are also counterproductive to the overall objective of the economic system; and, second, that these moral loopholes are more likely to exist as our economic order becomes more global. Finally, it will be shown that attempts to rectify the situation with voluntary corporate codes of conduct are inadequate. The argument proceeds through analysis of one case study, concerning action by the executive of the Cerrejón mining operation at La Guajira Penisular, Colombia.


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Full Text / Article complet


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In the present contribution, I discuss the claim, endorsed by a number of authors, that contributing to a collective harm is the ground for special responsibilities to the victims of that harm. Contributors should, between them, cover the costs of the harms they have inflicted, at least if those harms would otherwise be rights-violating. I raise some doubts about the generality of this principle before moving on to sketch a framework for thinking about liability for the costs of harms in general. This framework uses a contractualist framework to build an account of how to think about liability for costs on the basis of the presumably attractive thought that individual agents should have as much control over their liabilities as is compatible with others having like control. I then use that framework to suggest that liability on the basis of contribution should be restricted to cases in which the contributors could have avoided their contribution relatively costlessly, in which meeting the liability is not crippling for them, and in which such a liability would not have chilling effects, either on them or on third parties. This account of the grounds for contributory liability also has the advantage of avoiding a number of awkward questions about what counts as a contribution by shifting the issue away from often unanswerable questions about the precise causal genesis of some harm or other. Instead, control over conduct, which plausibly has some relation to the harm, becomes crucial. On the basis of this account, I then investigate whether a number of uses of the contributory principle are entirely appropriate. I argue that contributory liability is not appropriate for cases of collective harms committed by coordinated groups in the way that, for example, Iris Marion Young and Thomas Pogge have suggested and that further investigation of how members of such groups may be liable will be needed.


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Riconosciuto il problema dell’accesso ai farmaci come un problema di giustizia globale, la dissertazione, da un lato, è incentrata sullo studio dei diritti umani e sul diritto alla salute da una prospettiva giusfilosofica e, dall’altro, è finalizzata ad analizzare la disciplina brevettuale internazionale, sia approfondendo gli interessi realmente in gioco, sia studiando la struttura economica del brevetto stesso. Si è cercato quindi di guardare a tali interessi da una nuova prospettiva, ipotizzando una gerarchia di valori che sia completa e coerente con gli obiettivi che la dottrina, la giurisprudenza, nonché il diritto internazionale formalmente enunciano. Il progetto di ricerca vuole, in definitiva, arrivare a proporre nuove soluzioni giuridiche al problema dell’accesso ai farmaci. La dissertazione svolge pertanto uno studio critico della proposta di Thomas Pogge, di natura politica e giuridica e sorretta da istanze filosofiche, volta alla soluzione del problema dell’accesso ai farmaci, i.e. l’Health Impact Fund (HIF). Proposta che pone radicalmente in discussione, anche concretamente, il dogma del monopolio concesso con la privativa quale ricompensa per i costi di R&D sostenuti dai titolari dei brevetti e che pone, invece, l’accento sull’effettivo impatto sulla salute globale di ogni singola invenzione. Analizzandone approfonditamente gli aspetti più rilevanti, si passano poi in rassegna, criticamente, le proposte, alternative o di riforma, del sistema di proprietà intellettuale, volte al miglioramento dell’accesso ai farmaci; a tal proposito, si propone quindi una riforma transitoria della disciplina brevettuale, c.d. Trading Time for Space (TTS), che prevede un allungamento temporale dell’esclusiva brevettuale (Time) in cambio della vendita da parte del titolare della privativa del farmaco ad un prezzo accessibile nei Paesi in via di sviluppo (Space).


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La pobreza ha sido una cuestión vinculada a la justicia desde Platón a Thomas Pogge. El objetivo del presente texto es hacer hincapié en que Aristóteles establece que la pobreza es un mal en sí misma, fuente de conflictos sociales que -él piensa- una sociedad justa debería evitar. Por una parte, el lado histórico de la teoría aristotélica de la pobreza plantea que la democracia paradigmática promueve alguna clase de bienestar. Por otra parte, la faceta utópica expone los pensamientos de Aristóteles acerca de una sociedad ideal donde el crecimiento de la clase media reduce la lucha entre ciudadanos ricos y pobres. Sucintamente, encuentro en la filosofía política clásica lo que denomino una "Economía utópica del bienestar". Por lo tanto, me adhiero a aquellos que ven el origen de la teoría de los derechos humanos en Grecia Clásica


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La pobreza ha sido una cuestión vinculada a la justicia desde Platón a Thomas Pogge. El objetivo del presente texto es hacer hincapié en que Aristóteles establece que la pobreza es un mal en sí misma, fuente de conflictos sociales que -él piensa- una sociedad justa debería evitar. Por una parte, el lado histórico de la teoría aristotélica de la pobreza plantea que la democracia paradigmática promueve alguna clase de bienestar. Por otra parte, la faceta utópica expone los pensamientos de Aristóteles acerca de una sociedad ideal donde el crecimiento de la clase media reduce la lucha entre ciudadanos ricos y pobres. Sucintamente, encuentro en la filosofía política clásica lo que denomino una "Economía utópica del bienestar". Por lo tanto, me adhiero a aquellos que ven el origen de la teoría de los derechos humanos en Grecia Clásica


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La pobreza ha sido una cuestión vinculada a la justicia desde Platón a Thomas Pogge. El objetivo del presente texto es hacer hincapié en que Aristóteles establece que la pobreza es un mal en sí misma, fuente de conflictos sociales que -él piensa- una sociedad justa debería evitar. Por una parte, el lado histórico de la teoría aristotélica de la pobreza plantea que la democracia paradigmática promueve alguna clase de bienestar. Por otra parte, la faceta utópica expone los pensamientos de Aristóteles acerca de una sociedad ideal donde el crecimiento de la clase media reduce la lucha entre ciudadanos ricos y pobres. Sucintamente, encuentro en la filosofía política clásica lo que denomino una "Economía utópica del bienestar". Por lo tanto, me adhiero a aquellos que ven el origen de la teoría de los derechos humanos en Grecia Clásica


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A novel karyotype with 2n = 50, FN = 48, was described for specimens of Thaptomys collected at Una, State of Bahia, Brazil, which are morphologically indistinguishable from Thaptomys nigrita, 2n = 52, FN = 52, found in other localities. It was hence proposed that the 2n = 50 karyotype could belong to a distinct species, cryptic of Thaptomys nigrita, once chromosomal rearrangements observed, along with the geographic distance, might represent a reproductive barrier between both forms. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood based on partial cytochrome b sequences with 1077 bp were performed, attempting to establish the relationships among the individuals with distinct karyotypes along the geographic distribution of the genus; the sample comprised 18 karyotyped specimens of Thaptomys, encompassing 15 haplotypes, from eight different localities of the Atlantic Rainforest. The intra-generic relationships corroborated the distinct diploid numbers, once both phylogenetic reconstructions recovered two monophyletic lineages, a northeastern clade grouping the 2n = 50 and a southeastern clade with three subclades, grouping the 2n = 52 karyotype. The sequence divergence observed between their individuals ranged from 1.9% to 3.5%.


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The life of Dr. Thomas Parmeter MD was one of astonishing complexity. Convicted of bigamy in London, he arrived in Sydney on 16 January 1816 and almost immediately resumed his medical practice. In England he had engaged in several literary activities and these too he soon resumed in New South Wales, contributing to contemporary newspapers. A riding accident in 1820 and a stroke in 1825 restricted his ability to practise medicine and so he turned to writing and farming for an income. Neither activity was a financial success and he died in poverty. Herein are collected together his poems, epigrams, aphorisms and quotations from poets and other writers. His contribution to the cultural life of Sydney, though not fully documented, was very likely significant.