991 resultados para Theory of Human Motivation
Colonius suggests that, in using standard set theory as the language in which to express our computational-level theory of human memory, we would need to violate the axiom of foundation in order to express meaningful memory bindings in which a context is identical to an item in the list. We circumvent Colonius's objection by allowing that a list item may serve as a label for a context without being identical to that context. This debate serves to highlight the value of specifying memory operations in set theoretic notation, as it would have been difficult if not impossible to formulate such an objection at the algorithmic level.
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This is a study of education students’ conceptions of and experiences with academic stress and help-seeking. The study explored teacher education and Master of Education students’ academic stress by examining causes of academic stress and how these stressors affect students’ academic and university experiences. Stress-related help-seeking was also a focus of this study, and was explored using inquiries regarding where participants sought stress-related support. Additionally, exploring students’ use of the Internet for stress-related information or support was a goal of this study. These research goals were pursued using a qualitative methodology that applied grounded theory design. Consequently, data were used to develop a theory that would contribute to existing literature. Specifically, participant descriptions related to causes of and responses to academic stress aligned with Maslow’s (1954) theory of human motivation and Alderfer’s (1969) E. R. G. theory, and led to theoretical contributions that took a hierarchy of student needs and motivation into consideration.
Ongoing changes in global economic structure along information revolution have produced an environment where knowledge and skills or education and training are considered increasingly valued commodities. This is based on the simple notion that nation’s economic progress is linked to education and training. This idea is embodied in the theory of human capital, according to which the knowledge and skill found in labour represents valuable resources for the market. Thus the important assumptions of the Human capital theory are 910 Human capital is an investment for future (2) More training and education leads to better work skills (3) Educational institutions play a central role in the development of human capital(4) the technological revolution is often cited as the most pressing reason why education and knowledge are becoming valuable economic commodities . The objectives of the present study are, the investment and institutional or structural framework of higher education in Kerala, the higher education market and the strengths and weakness of supply demand conditions , cost and the benefits of higher education in Kerala , impact of recent policy changes in higher education,need for expanding higher education market to solve the grave problem of Un employment on the basis of as systematic manpower planning and the higher education and its association with income and employment.
Bogotá Chirriadísima nace al identificar la gran oportunidad que tienen los souvenirs como una propuesta alternativa dentro del sector artesanal; la falta de innovación y el crecimiento del turismo en la ciudad, han creado el campo de acción para los productos que ofrecen un concepto 100% Bogotano. Estos productos a parte de cumplir su función de recordar gratos momentos de la experiencias vividas, son un medio para trasmitir una imagen histórica de los atractivos turísticos de la ciudad como de los lugares poco visitados que aun guardan su magia natural. Buscamos ofrecer productos funcionales y diferentes a los convencionales, con la idea de que en diferentes actividades hagan parte de la vida del turista. Al contar con mercado turístico en crecimiento, siendo Bogotá la ciudad mas visitada del país, se determino el tamaño de mercado por más de 55 mil millones de pesos; sin embargo por las condiciones de inicio del proyecto nos enfocaremos en una pequeña parte del segmento. Para desarrollar el proyecto se requiere de una inversión inicial de 28,3 millones de pesos, con el objetivo de lograr para el primer año la venta de 5.510 unidades que representen ingresos por más de 160 millones de pesos, para el segundo año se incrementa la producción a 9.743 unidades con ingresos por mas de 288 millones de pesos, lo que equivale a un incremento del 72% con respecto al año anterior. Finalmente para el año 3, se prevé un incremento en las ventas del 84% con ingresos por más de 532 millones correspondientes a 17.503 unidades El flujo del proyecto para el periodo de tres años, arroja una TIR o rentabilidad anual promedio de 124,39% lo cual determina que es un proyecto viable y de bajo riesgo, en cuanto al Valor Presente Neto, el proyecto arroja 102 millones adicionales, es decir que es mas rentable invertir los recursos en este proyecto que en uno que rente al 20% anual, finalmente, como la suma de las utilidades del primer y segundo año es superior a la inversión inicial, se determina que el Periodo de Recuperación de la Inversión se da en el segundo año.
Мотивация как движущая сила имеет основное значение для эффек-тов работы. Знание факторов, которые имеют на нее влияние является предметом исследований как с точки зрения индивидуальных интересов (развитие самосознания, индивидуального пути карьеры), так и интересов кадров управляющих работниками. Знание процесса и обусловленности мо-тивации позволяет более эффективно управлять работниками через подбор оптимальных инструментов мотивирования. В статье объяснено понятие мотивации, а также обсуждено избранные теории, которые указывают на обусловленность процесса мотивации. Разработка имеет обзорный характер, возникла на основании анализа литературы и дисскусий, веденных автором во время исследований в области управления человеческими ресурсами (на Факультете политических наук и журналистики Университета им. Адама Мицкевича в Познани, 2015-2016). Представлено основные теории мотива-ции, такие как: инструментальная теория, теория потребностей, двухфак-торная модель, теория ожиданий, теория цели и теория справедливости. Об-зор теорий указывает широкую гамму факторов, влияющих на мотивацию к работе, их лабильность и относительность, которая зависит от контекста си-туации данного человека. Составляет хорошую базу для эмпирического ис-следования индивидуальной мотивации и конкретных профессиональных групп. Должен также составлять основную базу знаний для кадров, управ-ляющих работниками.
La presente investigación pretendió incorporar el uso intensivo de TIC en los procedimientos establecidos y necesarios en los procesos de generación, distribución y control de la energía, lo que se expresa en un manual para el sistema de gestión humana de la organización analizada. La investigación partió de un levantamiento de un estado del arte, continuó con la realización de un análisis de actitudes y aptitudes de los colaboradores, basado en propuestas teóricas y mejores prácticas existentes del medio, y, por último, concluyó con un manual de gestión humana en el que se indican las competencias en los diferentes perfiles de la organización para el uso de TIC y su aplicación, con el propósito de alinearse con las perspectivas y objetivos de la organización analizada al tener como base la perdurabilidad y la competitividad de la misma.
Este trabajo tiene como propósito determinar los factores de motivación en los trabajadores de la industria de la construcción en Colombia, tomando como muestra una población de empleados de la ciudad de Pasto, Colombia. Inicialmente se revisaron artículos científicos de diversos países que estudian los efectos de factores motivadores, desmotivadores, características intrínsecas y extrínsecas, relacionados con el rendimiento laboral. De esta forma se identificaron los factores que conforman la base del instrumento “Study Of Motivators And Demotivators Affecting The Performance Of Employees In The Construction Industry–Questionare” entregado a 190 empleados. Los resultados fueron clasificados, mediante un software estadístico SPSS.
This study considers the complex dynamics of work motivation. Forty-eight employees completed a work-motivation diary several times per day over a period of four weeks. The obtained time series were analysed using different methodologies derived from chaos theory (i.e. recurrence plots, Lyapunov exponents, correlation dimension and surrogate data). Results showed chaotic dynamics in 75% of cases. The findings confirm the universality of chaotic behavior within human behavior, challenge some of the underlying assumptions on which work motivation theories are based, and suggest that chaos theory may offer useful and relevant information on how this process is managed within organizations.
Grounded in Vroom’s motivational framework of performance, we examine the interactive influence of collective human capital (ability) and aggregated service orientation (motivation) on the cross-level relationship between high-performance work systems (HPWS) and individual-level service quality. Results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) revealed that HPWS related to collective human capital and aggregated service orientation, which in turn related to individual-level service quality. Furthermore, both HLM and ordinary least squares regression analyses revealed a cross-level interaction effect of collective human capital and aggregated service orientation such that high levels of collective human capital and aggregated service orientation influence individual-level service quality.
The study of workarounds (WA) has increased in importance due to their impact on patient safety and efficiency. However, there are no adequate theories to explain the motivation to create and use a workaround in a healthcare sitting. Although theories of technology acceptance help to understand the reasons to accept or reject technology, they fail to explain drivers for alternatives. Also workarounds involve creators and performers that have different motivations. Models such as Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) or Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) can help to explain the role of workaround users, but lack explanation of workaround creators’ dynamics. Our aim is to develop a theoretical foundation to explain workaround motivation behaviour models with norms that relate to sanctions to provide an integrated Workaround Motivation Model; WAMM. The development of WAMM model is explained in this paper based on workaround cases as part of further research to establish the model.
We develop a transaction cost economics theory of the family firm, building upon the concepts of family-based asset specificity, bounded rationality, and bounded reliability. We argue that the prosperity and survival of family firms depend on the absence of a dysfunctional bifurcation bias. The bifurcation bias is an expression of bounded reliability, reflected in the de facto asymmetric treatment of family vs. nonfamily assets (especially human assets). We propose that absence of bifurcation bias is critical to fostering reliability in family business functioning. Our study ends the unproductive divide between the agency and stewardship perspectives of the family firm, which offer conflicting accounts of this firm type's functioning. We show that the predictions of the agency and stewardship perspectives can be usefully reconciled when focusing on how family firms address the bifurcation bias or fail to do so.