998 resultados para Textual construction
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Los problemas y soluciones de las cuestiones homéricas generaron disquisiciones filológicas y gramaticales en los primeros siglos del imperio romano, pero fundamentalmente se buscó siempre el sentido profundo y la razón filosófica de cada figura de los poemas épicos. Heráclito, el alegorista, pretende alcanzar esa verdad que subyace en los relatos mitológicos siguiendo los pasos de un discurso epidíctico en el estilo de la oratoria clásica. Sus Alegorías de Homero son, en esta oportunidad, la fuente principal para acercarnos a la construcción textual de Apolo, Atenea, Hera y Zeus en el primer siglo de nuestra era, así como la Theologia de Cornutus y Sobre la vida y poesía de Homero atribuida a Plutarco
Los problemas y soluciones de las cuestiones homéricas generaron disquisiciones filológicas y gramaticales en los primeros siglos del imperio romano, pero fundamentalmente se buscó siempre el sentido profundo y la razón filosófica de cada figura de los poemas épicos. Heráclito, el alegorista, pretende alcanzar esa verdad que subyace en los relatos mitológicos siguiendo los pasos de un discurso epidíctico en el estilo de la oratoria clásica. Sus Alegorías de Homero son, en esta oportunidad, la fuente principal para acercarnos a la construcción textual de Apolo, Atenea, Hera y Zeus en el primer siglo de nuestra era, así como la Theologia de Cornutus y Sobre la vida y poesía de Homero atribuida a Plutarco
Los problemas y soluciones de las cuestiones homéricas generaron disquisiciones filológicas y gramaticales en los primeros siglos del imperio romano, pero fundamentalmente se buscó siempre el sentido profundo y la razón filosófica de cada figura de los poemas épicos. Heráclito, el alegorista, pretende alcanzar esa verdad que subyace en los relatos mitológicos siguiendo los pasos de un discurso epidíctico en el estilo de la oratoria clásica. Sus Alegorías de Homero son, en esta oportunidad, la fuente principal para acercarnos a la construcción textual de Apolo, Atenea, Hera y Zeus en el primer siglo de nuestra era, así como la Theologia de Cornutus y Sobre la vida y poesía de Homero atribuida a Plutarco
Currently there is an increase in the occurrence of plagiarism in varied types of academic texts. Therefore, in agreement with the Brazilian Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) policies, Brazilian higher education institutions should establish guidelines for the detection and inhibition of academic plagiarism. However, the notion of plagiarism is extremely complex, since the ability of textual construction acquired during education is also developed using others' words. Thus, it is necessary to better know the concept of plagiarism and its implications, as well as the consequences of plagiarism and the punishments that may result from it. Consequently, rules and policies to be established will be better founded in order to address the problem of plagiarism in academic texts in a comprehensive and consistent way, not only to inhibit plagiarism but also to promote education on how is possible to create texts in an original fashion.
La passion est un élément central dans les œuvres d’Anne Hébert. Chez les personnages hébertiens, la passion se traduit par une rhétorique distinctive: la rhétorique du pâtir. L’Île de la Demoiselle, pièce de théâtre radiophonique diffusée en 1974, ainsi que Kamouraska, roman publié en 1970, sont des exemples de la construction textuelle du pâtir. Cette forme de souffrance est particulière dans le cas des deux œuvres, car elle semble à la fois subie et voulue par les protagonistes. Notre mémoire porte sur un outil de théâtralisation spécifique, la parole dans le texte, et ce, principalement celle des héroïnes Marguerite de Notron et Elisabeth d’Aulnières. Nous étudions comment le discours construit un pâtir en partie subi, mais aussi maîtrisé et voulu par les protagonistes par le biais de la théâtralisation de la parole. À l’image du théoricien Jean-Pierre Richard, nous effectuons pour chacune des œuvres des microlectures d’extraits, afin de montrer comment le pâtir se déploie dans la parole au fil des phrases. Ces microlectures servent de tremplin à une ouverture sur l’ensemble du texte. Nous appuyant sur la théorie du langage d’Austin, nous analysons le discours, afin de montrer comment il y a performativité de la parole chez les protagonistes, même si les personnages en proie à la passion semblent inactifs. Notre objectif est de montrer comment la mise en scène de la parole est la même dans les deux œuvres.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Nesta releitura de “A causa secreta”, conhecido conto de Machado de Assis, publicado no volume Várias histórias, em 1896, explorar-se-á a maneira como o autor, em um conto aparentemente sério, constrói uma narrativa permeada pela ironia, entendida aqui não em sua concepção mais restrita, como figura da inversão, mas como modo de construção textual que leva à refl exão sobre a natureza e a função da literatura, a par do enfoque crítico acerca da sociedade contemporânea ao momento da produção do texto e sobre a condição humana.
UNATI (Open University of the Third Age), UNESP, Marília campus, has offered subsidies for the development of this work aimed at researching the existing relationships between information mediation processes and technological devices, especially computers, assuming that reading practices and textual construction in online environments could help the “third age” population to have access to these devices, thus promoting digital inclusion in this group. Mediation was presented as an interventionist action that, by introducing an intermediate element in the learning process, causes a rupture in the ways of living and personal digital inclusion processes hitherto experienced. In the context of a workshop, we found out that there is a physical relationship between subjects and technological supports and such a contact proved to be necessary, considering that handling a computer required knowledge of procedures, thus furthering a logic of use. It turned out to be necessary to develop actions that would enable the handling of a computer so as to bring about acceptance of these supports. Accordingly, activities were developed so as to articulate reminiscent processes, memories of older adults, the writing down of such memories and the creation of a blog to bring enhanced visibility to the content produced by older people. Such actions have shown that remembering, writing down and posting can reshape not only social relations but somehow significantly promote digital inclusion among older adults.
The main purpose of this paper is to observe the Portuguese into English translational process regarding the metaphors of specific lexical units related to erogenous zones and to intercourse in the context of the literary work Maira (1978), written by Darcy Ribeiro, as well as in its translation, Maíra (1985), performed by Goodland e Colchie. We based our study on an interdisciplinary proposal that associates the theoretical framework of Lexical Studies (BIDERMAN, 1996; LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002; ORSI, 2007, 2009; ORSI; ZAVAGLIA, 2007; 2012; PRETI, 1984; XATARA; RIVA; RIOS, 2002; XATARA, 2004), Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (TYMOCZKO, 1998; BERBER SARDINHA, 2004), and, in part, Terminology (COELHO, 2003; BARROS, 2004; FAULSTICH, 2004). Concerning the methodology, we used the program WordSmith Tools, which provided the tools WordList and Concord, for collection and observation of data. We thus verified the value attributed to the erotic-obscene lexicon in Darcy Ribeiro’s literary-textual construction, and we also analyzed the reformulation of taboo lexicon in English. Finally, we intended to reflect on the process of translation of these lexical units considered socially disreputable, in an attempt to provide a possible support fortranslators, linguists, writers and social scientists.
We analyze in this paper how the enunciator of two Brazilian magazines (Capricho and Atrevida) builds his enunciatee. Our analysis is based on French Semiotics and on woks by Eric Landowski (2002), whose studies about semiotization of social behavior point out the fact that the society excludes people who are not similar to those who belong to groups considered as a reference. In the textual construction, we noticed that the enunciator uses figures which allow us to visualize euphoric ways of life. However, we intend to verify if the figures show if these magazines are made for enunciatees from different social class or not. This verification is important as there is also a disphoric way of life, i.e., a segregated or excluded way of life.
The present text aims to evaluate some effects of the use of elements in the representation of the madness and of the absurdity in the play Marat/Sade, written by the German author Peter Weiss. To accomplish this task, the analysis is built on comparative evaluations between text elements of the absurdity and of the surrealism, pursuing its textual construction.
This paper is the result of a research developed in one of the subgroups of the Project Toward a History of “Paulista” Portuguese which focuses on the investigation of the “Diachrony of the constitutive processes of the text”. The aim of this research is to study the Portuguese item assim in the parenthesis contexts using specifically the letter Discursive Tradition in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Focusing on the Textual Interactive theory/perspective, the main purpose is to proceed with a qualitative analysis of the functionality of assim in the process of textual construction.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)