999 resultados para Test columns


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Cold-formed steel sections are commonly used in low-rise commercial and residential buildings. During fire events, cold-formed steel structural elements in these buildings are exposed to elevated temperatures. Hence after such events there is a need to determine the residual strength of these structural elements. However, only limited information is available in relation to the residual strength of fire exposed cold-formed steel members. This research is aimed at investigating the residual distortional buckling capacities of fire exposed cold-formed steel lipped channel sections. A series of compression tests of fire exposed, short lipped channel columns made of varying steel grades and thicknesses was undertaken in this research. Test columns were exposed to different elevated temperatures up to 800 oC. They were then allowed to cool down at ambient temperature before they were tested to failure. Suitable finite element models of tested columns were also developed and validated using test results. The residual compression capacities of tested columns were predicted using the ambient temperature cold-formed steel design rules (AS/NZS 4600, AISI S100 and Direct Strength Method). Post-fire mechanical properties obtained from a previous study were used in this study. Comparison of results showed that ambient temperature design rules for compression members can be used to predict the residual compression capacities of fire exposed short or laterally restrained cold-formed steel columns provided the maximum temperature experienced by the columns can be estimated after a fire event. Such residual capacity assessments will allow structural and fire engineers to make an accurate prediction of the safety of buildings after fire events. This paper presents the details of these experimental and numerical studies and the results.


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Cold-formed steel sections are commonly used in low-rise commercial and residential buildings. During fire events, cold-formed steel structural elements in these buildings will be exposed to elevated temperatures. Hence after such events there is a need to evaluate the residual strength of these structural elements. However, only limited information is available in relation to the residual strength of fire exposed cold-formed steel sections. This means conservative decisions are often made in relation to fire exposed building structures. This research is aimed at investigating the buckling capacities of fire exposed cold-formed lipped channel steel sections. A series of compression tests of fire exposed, short lipped channel columns made of varying steel grades and thicknesses was undertaken in this research. Test columns were first exposed to different elevated temperatures up to 800 oC. They were then allowed to cool down at ambient temperatures before they were tested to failure. Similarly tensile coupon tests were also undertaken after being exposed to various elevated temperatures, from which the residual mechanical properties (yield stress and Young’s modulus) of the steels used in this study were derived. Using these mechanical properties, the residual compression capacities of tested short columns were predicted using the currently used design rules in AS/NZS 4600 and AISI cold-formed steel standards. This comparison showed that ambient temperature design rules for compression members can be used to predict the residual compression capacities of fire exposed short or laterally restrained cold-formed steel columns provided the maximum temperature experienced by the columns can be estimated after a fire event. Such residual capacity assessments will allow structural and fire engineers to make an accurate prediction of the safety of fire exposed buildings. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results.


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Cold-formed steel sections are commonly used in low-rise commercial and residential buildings. During fire events, cold-formed steel structural elements in these buildings can be exposed to elevated temperatures. Hence after such events there is a need to evaluate their residual strengths. However, only limited information is available in relation to the residual strength of fire exposed cold-formed steel sections. This research is aimed at investigating the distortional buckling capacities of fire exposed cold-formed lipped channel sections. A series of compression tests of fire exposed, short lipped channel columns made of varying steel grades and thicknesses was undertaken in this research. Test columns were first exposed to different elevated temperatures up to 800 oC, and then tested to failure after cooling down. Suitable finite element models were developed with post-fire mechanical properties to simulate the behaviour of tested columns and were validated using test results. The residual compression capacities of short columns were also predicted using the current cold-formed steel standards and compared with test and finite element analysis results. This comparison showed that ambient temperature design rules for columns can be used to predict the residual compression capacities of fire exposed short or laterally restrained cold-formed steel columns provided the maximum temperature experienced by the column can be estimated after a fire event. Such residual capacity assessments will allow engineers to evaluate the safety of fire exposed buildings. This paper presents the details of this experimental study, finite element analyses and the results.


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Telhados verdes são uma alternativa interessante para mitigar o risco de enchentes dada a enorme área de telhados não utilizada das superfícies impermeáveis nas áreas urbanas. Graças a sua capacidade de armazenagem de água, os telhados verdes podem reduzir significativamente o pico de escoamento dos eventos de maior pluviosidade. Investigações sobre a composição de substratos baseados em materiais locais e projetos adequados para regiões climáticas tropicais são menos frequentes. Vegetação e substrato são elementos de um telhado verde que precisam ser adaptados para cada microclima e não universalizados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de diferentes composições de substratos baseados em solo local, biomassa de coco, condicionador de solo e componentes comerciais, com a finalidade de maximizar a capacidade de retenção da água de chuva e diminuir necessidades de manutenção. Um pré-ensaio de colunas avaliou a capacidade de retenção hídrica e a relação peso seco x peso úmido de 15 composições de substrato. As composições com melhores resultados constituíram os substratos S1(15% solo + 55% coco + 30%componentes comerciais), S2 (30% solo + 40% coco + 30%componentes comerciais) e S3 (60% solo + 10% coco + 30%componentes comerciais). A caracterização físico-química dos substratos, solo e fibra de coco foi realizada. Em seguida um teste de colunas avaliou a capacidade de retenção hídrica dos substratos sob duas condições de precipitação: uma leve (8,77 mm/h); e outra mais forte (42,0 mm/h). Os resultados apontaram que os substratos S2 e S3 apresentaram melhores resultados de retenção para ambas as intensidades de precipitação. Observou-se que S1, que apresentou melhor capacidade de retenção no pré-ensaio, teve desempenho inferior aos demais o que pode ser atribuído à maior concentração de fibra de coco na sua composição e o consequente surgimento de caminhos preferenciais ao longo do perfil da coluna, por onde a água escoou mais rapidamente. Em eventos de precipitação mais leve, os substratos reteram de 60 a 100% do total aplicado. Quando se aplicou uma intensidade de precipitação mais forte, a faixa de retenção ficou entre 40% e 59%. No entanto, as variáveis analisadas para avaliar a qualidade da água de escoamento dos substratos (pH, CE, P, NO3, NH4, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cr, Co, Ni) ficaram acima dos valores comumente encontrados na literatura, indicando que as composições aqui adotadas para os substratos podem implicar em uma fonte de poluição hídrica. Os substratos para uso em telhados verdes apresentados neste estudo atenderam seu objetivo quanto à retenção hídrica, mas a qualidade da água percolada torna seu uso inviável até o momento. Verificou-se a necessidade de estudar mais profundamente a qualidade da água lixiviada por cada componente dos substratos, individualmente, a fim de identificar as fontes dos elementos que presentes em concentrações elevadas tornam-se poluentes. Pode ser considerada a remoção de algum (s) dos componentes presentes na composição para se atingir um nível satisfatório de qualidade da água de escoamento.


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The method described here cannot fully replace the analysis of large columns by small test columns (microcolumns). The procedure, however, is suitable for speeding up the determination of adsorption parameters of dye onto the adsorbent and for speeding up the initial screening of a large adsorbent collection that can be tedious if a several adsorbents and adsorption conditions must be tested. The performance of methylene blue (MB), a basic dye, Cibacron reactive black (RB) and Cibacron reactive yellow (RY) was predicted in this way and the influence of initial dye concentration and other adsorption conditions on the adsorption behaviour were demonstrated.


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This paper introduces an indirect estimate for the coefficients of distribution, hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation for contaminants commonly encountered in sanitary landfills and their liners, such as Cu2+ and K+; this estimate is based on the relationship between concentration and certain physical characteristics of typical Brazilian soils. The results of previous studies investigating the migration of contaminants were used to develop mathematical expressions from multiple non-linear regressions. Using minimal squares regression, this transport was linked to various combinations of contaminant concentration and both structural and textural characteristics of the porous medium. Various combinations of characteristics and concentrations were investigated, with a mathematical expression obtained for each. The relationship between percentage of clay and the contaminant content proved to be the most closely correlated with actual transport parameters, with coefficients close to one.


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This paper discusses the results of tests on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete columns strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) sheet. The shear transfer mechanism of the specimens reinforced with CFRP sheet was studied. The factors affecting the shear capacity of reinforced concrete columns strengthened with CFRP sheet were analyzed. Several suggestions such as the number of layers, width and tensile strength of the CFRP sheet are proposed for this new strengthening technique. Finally, a simple and practical design method is presented in the paper. The calculated results of the suggested method are shown to be in good agreement with the test results. The suggested design method can be used in evaluating the shear capacity of reinforced concrete columns strengthened with CFRP sheet.


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Fire safety design of building structures has received greater attention in recent times due to continuing losses of properties and lives in fires. However, the structural behaviour of thin-walled cold-formed steel columns under fire conditions is not well understood despite the increasing use of light gauge steels in building construction. Cold-formed steel columns are often subject to local buckling effects. Therefore a series of laboratory tests of lipped and unlipped channel columns made of varying steel thicknesses and grades was undertaken at uniform elevated temperatures up to 700°C under steady state conditions. Finite element models of the tested columns were also developed, and their elastic buckling and nonlinear analysis results were compared with test results at elevated temperatures. Effects of the degradation of mechanical properties of steel with temperature were included in the finite element analyses. The use of accurately measured yield stress, elasticity modulus and stress-strain curves at elevated temperatures provided a good comparison of the ultimate loads and load-deflection curves from tests and finite element analyses. The commonly used effective width design rules and the direct strength method at ambient temperature were then used to predict the ultimate loads at elevated temperatures by using the reduced mechanical properties. By comparing these predicted ultimate loads with those from tests and finite element analyses, the accuracy of using this design approach was evaluated.


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This paper has presented the details of an investigation into the flexural and flexuraltorsional buckling behaviour of cold-formed structural steel columns with pinned and fixed ends. Current design rules for the member capacities of cold-formed steel columns are based on the same non-dimensional strength curve for both fixed and pinned-ended columns. This research has reviewed the accuracy of the current design rules in AS/NZS 4600 and the North American Specification in determining the member capacities of cold-formed steel columns using the results from detailed finite element analyses and an experimental study of lipped channel columns. It was found that the current Australian and American design rules accurately predicted the member capacities of pin ended lipped channel columns undergoing flexural and flexural torsional buckling. However, for fixed ended columns with warping fixity undergoing flexural-torsional buckling, it was found that the current design rules significantly underestimated the column capacities as they disregard the beneficial effect of warping fixity. This paper has therefore proposed improved design rules and verified their accuracy using finite element analysis and test results of cold-formed lipped channel columns made of three cross-sections and five different steel grades and thicknesses.


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Cold-formed steel members are often subject to axial compression loads in a range of applications. These thin-walled members can be subject to various types of buckling modes, including flexural-torsional buckling. Design standards provide guidelines for columns subject to flexural-torsional buckling modes at ambient temperature. However, there are no specific design guidelines for elevated temperature conditions. Hence extensive research efforts have gone into the many investigations addressing the flexural-torsional buckling behaviour of cold-formed steel columns at elevated temperatures.This research has reviewed the accuracy of the current design rules in AS/NZS 4600 and the North American Specification in determining the member capacities of cold-formed steel columns using the results from detailed finite element analyses and an experimental study of lipped channel columns. It was found that the current ambient temperature Australian and American design rules accurately predicted the member capacities of pin ended lipped channel columns undergoing flexural torsional buckling at elevated temperatures by simply using the appropriate elevated temperature mechanical properties. However, for fixed ended columns with warping fixity undergoing flexural-torsional buckling, it was found that the current design rules significantly underestimated the column capacities as they disregard the beneficial effect of warping fixity. This research has therefore proposed improved design rules and verified their accuracy using finite element analysis and test results of cold-formed lipped channel columns made of three cross-sections and five different steel grades and thicknesses. This paper presents the details of this research study and the results.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact performance of axially loaded concrete-filled double-skin tube (CFDST) columns. These columns have desirable structural and constructional properties and have been used as columns in building, legs of off shore platforms and as bridge piers. Since they could be vulnerable to impact from passing vessels or vehicles, it is necessary to understand their behaviour under lateral impact loads. With this in mind, an experimental method employing an innovative instrumented horizontal impact testing system (HITS) was developed to apply lateral impact loads whilst the column maintained a static axial pre-loading to examine the failure mechanism and key response parameters of the column. These included the time histories of impact force, reaction forces, global lateral deflection and permanent local buckling profile. Eight full scale columns were tested for key parameters including the axial load level and impact location. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, impact duration, peak reaction forces, reaction force duration, column maximum and residual global deflections and column local buckling length, depth and width under varying conditions are analysed and discussed. It is evident that the innovative HITS can successfully test structural columns under the combination of axial pre-loading and impact loading. The findings on the lateral impact response of the CFDST columns can serve as a benchmark reference for their future analysis and design.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact response of axially loaded concrete filled double skin tube (CFDST) columns. A total of four test series are being conducted at Queensland University of Technology using a novel horizontal impact-testing rig. The test results reported in this paper are from the first test series, where the columns are pinned at both ends and impacted at mid-span. In the next three series, effects of support conditions, impact location and repeated impact will be treated. The main objectives of the current paper are to describe the innovative testing procedure and provide some insight into the lateral impact behavior and failure of simply supported axially pre-loaded CFDST columns. The results include time histories of impact forces, reaction forces, axial force and global lateral deflection. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, peak reaction forces, maximum deflection and residual deflection, with and without axial load, are analyzed and discussed. The findings of this study will serve as a benchmark reference for future analysis and design of CFDST columns.


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An analysis of eccentrically loaded short reinforced concrete columns using a variable failure strain criterion is presented. The method dispenses with the usual procedure of assuming a fixed value for the ultimate strain in concrete. The analysis is based on the use of a simple, single equation for the complete stress-strain curve of concrete and the adoption of a process of maximisation of moment with respect to extreme fibre concrete compressive strain. Columns of rectangular section and loaded eccentrically along one axis only are considered in this paper. A good agreement is observed between the theoretical and experimental values of some test results.


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There are over 600,000 bridges in the US, and not all of them can be inspected and maintained within the specified time frame. This is because manually inspecting bridges is a time-consuming and costly task, and some state Departments of Transportation (DOT) cannot afford the essential costs and manpower. In this paper, a novel method that can detect large-scale bridge concrete columns is proposed for the purpose of eventually creating an automated bridge condition assessment system. The method employs image stitching techniques (feature detection and matching, image affine transformation and blending) to combine images containing different segments of one column into a single image. Following that, bridge columns are detected by locating their boundaries and classifying the material within each boundary in the stitched image. Preliminary test results of 114 concrete bridge columns stitched from 373 close-up, partial images of the columns indicate that the method can correctly detect 89.7% of these elements, and thus, the viability of the application of this research.


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After earthquakes, licensed inspectors use the established codes to assess the impact of damage on structural elements. It always takes them days to weeks. However, emergency responders (e.g. firefighters) must act within hours of a disaster event to enter damaged structures to save lives, and therefore cannot wait till an official assessment completes. This is a risk that firefighters have to take. Although Search and Rescue Organizations offer training seminars to familiarize firefighters with structural damage assessment, its effectiveness is hard to guarantee when firefighters perform life rescue and damage assessment operations together. Also, the training is not available to every firefighter. The authors therefore proposed a novel framework that can provide firefighters with a quick but crude assessment of damaged buildings through evaluating the visible damage on their critical structural elements (i.e. concrete columns in the study). This paper presents the first step of the framework. It aims to automate the detection of concrete columns from visual data. To achieve this, the typical shape of columns (long vertical lines) is recognized using edge detection and the Hough transform. The bounding rectangle for each pair of long vertical lines is then formed. When the resulting rectangle resembles a column and the material contained in the region of two long vertical lines is recognized as concrete, the region is marked as a concrete column surface. Real video/image data are used to test the method. The preliminary results indicate that concrete columns can be detected when they are not distant and have at least one surface visible.