989 resultados para Tecnica de Fontan


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Objective: Thrombosis has been widely described after the Fontan procedure. The vascular endothelium plays a central role in the control of coagulation and fibrinolysis. The aim of this study was to investigate if patients undergoing a modified Fontan procedure have impaired endothelial function and fibrinolysis in the late postoperative course. Patients and methods: We compared 23 patients aged from 7 to 26 years with age-matched healthy volunteers, collecting blood samples prior to and following standardized venous occlusion testing. Plasma levels of von Willebrand factor antigen, tissue-type plasminogen activator antigen, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and D-dimer were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: We found increased plasma levels of von Willebrand factor antigen in patients when compared to controls (p = 0.003). At the basal condition, concentrations of tissue-type plasminogen activator antigen and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 antigen in the plasma, as well as their activity, were not significantly different between patients and controls. Following venous occlusion, concentrations of tissue-type plasminogen activator antigen in the plasma were significantly increased both in patients and controls, compared to pre-occlusion values. D-dimer was within the reference range. Multivariate discriminant analysis differentiated patients and their controls on the basis of differences for plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and von Willebrand factor antigen (p = 0.0016). Conclusions: Our data suggest that patients with the Fontan circulation may have endothelial dysfunction, as indicated by raised levels of von Willebrand factor. Fibrinolysis seems to be relatively preserved, as suggested by appropriate response to venous occlusion.


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En este estudio se comprobó que el Instituto Butantan produce antígenos y sueros indicadores que se pueden utilizar con éxito en la prueba de contrainmunoelectroforesis para titular anticuerpos antirrábicos en personas inmunizadas. No se pudieron demostrar diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los resultados de las pruebas de estandarización realizadas en el Instituto Butantan y las pruebas de control de referencia llevadas a cabo en el Centro Panamericano de Zoonosis. Se propone que el Instituto Butantan produzca y distribuya a nivel nacional los reactivos para que los laboratorios de diagnóstico apliquen la técnica de contrainmunoelectroforesis para la determinación de anticuerpos antirrábicos.


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En el presente estudio se comparó la técnica de inmunoperoxidasa para la detección de citomegalovirus (IPCMV) utilizando anticuerpos monoclonales que reconocen proteínas precoces virales con el método convencional de aislamiento viral en fibroblastos humanos. Un total de 150 muestras de orina fueron examinadas encontrando una sensibilidad de un 89.8% y una especificidad de 91.3% de la técnica de IPCMV comparada con el aislamiento viral. Una de las ventajas que presentó la IPCMV fue la rapidez con que fueron obtenidos los resultados (48 horas) mientras que el aislamiento viral fue como promedio 14 días.


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El método recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para la prueba de potencia de vacunas antirrábicas como producto final es la prueba NIH. Algunas técnicas in vitro se han propuesto para el control durante el proceso de produción y complementan el ensayo in vivo antes mencionado. Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos cuando se utilizó la técnica de contrainmunoelectroforésis (CIE) para determinar el contenido de antígenos en muestras de 84 y 40 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas producidas en tejido nervioso de cerebro de ratón lactante mediante cultivo de tejidos, respectivamente. La evaluación de las muestras en, y en torno de, las 0.3 UI por ambos métodos muestran que, en la práctica, un título CIE de 1:4 cumpliría con un mínimo de potencia de la prueba NIH. Un bajo grado de variabilidad de la prueba CIE fue observada en nuestro laboratorio cuando dos lotes de vacunas de referencia de trabajo y 7 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas, de diferente origen y actividad, fueron ensayadas en cinco pruebas independientes. Todos los títulos se ubicaron dentro de una dilución doble, lo que es indicativo de su reproducibilidad. Se observó buena sensibilidad para detectar el deterioro del antígeno en el ensayo de degradación térmica, cuando muestras de 3 lotes de vacuna líquida de cerebro de ratón lactante fueron mantenidas a4 y 37ºC cada una, por 28 días. Se evaluaron semanalmente por los ensayos de CIE y NIH. Finalmente, se observó que el ensayo de CIE podría ser utilizado por los productores para estimar el punto final de los procesos de concentración para que se corresponda con un valor antigénico deseado en la prueba de potencia NIH.


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An infrequent but devastating late complication of Fontan circulation is protein-losing enteropathy (PLE), which results from unbalanced lymphatic homeostasis. Surgical decompression of the thoracic duct by redirecting its drainage to the pulmonary venous atrium has been introduced recently as a possible treatment. This report describes a single-institution experience with this innovative procedure in 2 patients with failing Fontan circulation with PLE refractory to optimized medical therapy.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare immediate and late results in patients with or without fenestration who underwent cavopulmonary anastomosis so that we could assess the efficiency of the technique. METHODS: Sixty-two patients underwent surgery between 1988 and 1999, 41 with fenestration (group I -G I) and 21 without fenestration (group II -G II). Tricuspid atresia was prevalent in group I (23-56%) and single ventricle was prevalent in group II (14-66%). Mean ages at the time of operation were 7.3 years in group I and 7.6 in group II. At late follow-up, mean ages were 10.6 years in group I and 12.8 years in group II. RESULTS: Immediate and late mortality were 7.3% in G-I and 4.7% in G-II. Significant pleural effusion occurred in 41.4% of G-I patients and in 23.8% of G-II patients. Significant pericardial effusion occurred in 29.2% and 14.2%, respectively, in groups I and II. Central venous pressure was greater in G-II, 17.7 cm in H2O, as opposed to 15 cm in G-I. Hospital stay was similar between the groups, 26.3 and 21.8 days, respectively. Cyanosis and arterial insaturation occurred in 5 patients, and 4 patients were in functional class II, all from G-I. At late follow-up, 58 (93.5%) were in functional class I. Sinus rhythm was present in 94%, and pulmonary perfusion was similar in both groups. Eleven patients who underwent spirometry had good tolerance to physical effort. CONCLUSION: Atrial fenestration did not improve the immediate or late follow-up of patients who underwent cavopulmonary anastomosis, and is, therefore, dispensable.


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OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the long-term clinical results of the Fontan operation in patients with tricuspid atresia. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul (Institute of Cardiology of Rio Grande do Sul), from August 1980 through January 2000, of 25 patients with a long-term follow-up, out of a series of 36 patients who underwent the Fontan operation or one of its variants due to tricuspid atresia. Their mean age at surgery was 5.4±3.1 years, and their mean weight was 15.8±6.1 kg, the majority of them (63.9%) being males. Four patients underwent the classical Fontan operation, 12 the Kreutzer variant, 6 the Björk variant, 9 total cavopulmonary shunt with a fenestrated tube, and 5 total cavopulmonary shunt with a nonfenestrated tube. RESULTS: The patients were followed-up on an outpatient basis, with a mean long-term survival time of 5.5±4.2 years (50 days to 17.8 years) and a late mortality rate of 8%. Arterial saturation increased from 77.2±18.8% in the preoperative period to 91±6.7% upon the last outpatient visit (p>0.05). At the final check, most (67%) patients were asymptomatic and 87% could tolerate exercise. Ten (40%) patients experienced some kind of complication during the long-term follow-up, such as cardiac arrhythmia, cyanosis, protein-losing enteropathy, neurological events, right heart failure, intolerance to exercise and reoperation. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that, once the immediate postoperative period is over, during which the adaptations to the new circulatory physiology occur, the evolution of patients with tricuspid atresia who underwent the Fontan operation is satisfactory, in spite of a low, yet significant, morbidity.


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Relatamos um caso incomum de associação de bronquite plástica (BP) com enteropatia perdedora de proteínas (EPP) em menina de 4 anos e 9 meses de idade. com dupla via de entrada de ventrículo único tipo esquerdo e concordância ventrículo-arterial submetida à cirurgia cavopulmonar total. com túnel lateral intracardíaco aos três anos. Tornaram-se chamativas a eliminação de molde brônquico de fibrina de 10 cm (BP) e a elevação de alfa-1-antitripsina de 52 mg/g de fezes. Em uso de sildenafila. programou-se. em caso de continuidade do processo. a ligadura do ducto torácico e transplante cardíaco.