881 resultados para Teaching to read


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th and 9th grade Algebra I students, I investigated if there are any benefits for the students in my class to learn how to read, translate, use, and understand the mathematical language found daily in their math lessons. I discovered that daily use and practice of the mathematical language in both written and verbal form, by not only me but by my students as well, improved their understanding of the textbook instructions, increased their vocabulary and also increased their understanding of their math lessons. I also found that my students remembered the mathematical material better with constant use of mathematical language and terms. As a result of this research, I plan to continue stressing the use of mathematical language and vocabulary in my classroom and will try to develop new ways to help students to read, understand, and remember mathematical language they find daily in their textbooks.


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The ability to learn new reading vocabulary was assessed in 30 grade 3 poor readers reading approximately one to two years below grade level; the results of the assessment were compared to the performance abilities of 33 normal readers in grade 3 as obtained from an earlier study that employed the same approach and stimuli. The purpose of the study was to examine the strategies employed by poor readers in the acquisition of new reading vocabulary. Students were randomly assigned to either a treatment group (Mixed Phonics Explicit), or to a control group (Phonics Implicit). Subjects in the Mixed Phonics Explicit groups received explicit letter/sound correspondence training. Subjects in the Phonics Implicit group were asked to re-read the presented pseudo-words, receiving corrective feedback when necessary. The stimuli on which the subjects were trained involved a list of six pseudo-words presented in sentences as surnames. The training involved a teaching and test format on each trial for a total of six trials or until criterion had been reached. The results suggested that both normal and poor readers engage in visual learning and verbal coding when acquiring new reading vocabulary. However, poor readers appear to engage in less verbal coding than normal readers. Between group comparisons showed no difference between poor and normal readers in trials and errors to criterion in the visual recognition memory measure. However, normal readers performed significantly better in reading their visual recognition choices.


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Cette lecture, tant critique, comparative, et théorique que pédagogique, s’ancre dans le constat, premièrement, qu’il advient aux étudiantEs en littérature de se (re)poser la question des coûts et complicités qu’apprendre à lire et à écrire présuppose aujourd’hui; deuxièmement, que nos pratiques littéraires se trament au sein de lieux empreints de différences, que l’on peut nommer, selon le contexte, métaphore, récit, ville; et, troisièmement, que les efforts et investissements requis sont tout autant couteux et interminable qu’un plaisir et une nécessité politique. Ces conclusions tendent vers l’abstrait et le théorique, mais le langage en lequel elles sont articulées, langage corporel et urbain, de la dépendance et de la violence, cherche d’autant plus une qualité matérielle et concrète. Or, l’introduction propose un survol des lectures et comparaisons de Heroine de Gail Scott qui centre ce projet; identifie les contextes institutionnels, historiques, et personnels qui risquent, ensuite, de décentrer celui-ci. Le premier chapitre permet de cerner le matérialisme littéraire qui me sert de méthode par laquelle la littérature, à la fois, sollicite et offre une réponse à ces interrogations théoriques. Inspirée de l’œuvre de Gail Scott et Réjean Ducharme, premièrement, et de Walter Benjamin, Elisabeth Grosz, et Pierre Macherey ensuite, ‘matérialisme’ fait référence à cette collection de figures de pratiques littéraires et urbaines qui proviennent, par exemple, de Georges Perec, Michel DeCerteau, Barbara Johnson, et Patricia Smart, et qui invitent ensuite une réflexions sur les relations entre corporalité et narrativité, entre la nécessité et la contingence du littéraire. De plus, une collection de figures d’un Montréal littéraire et d’une cité pédagogique, acquis des œuvres de Zygmunt Bauman, Partricia Godbout, et Lewis Mumford, constitue en effet un vocabulaire nous permettant de mieux découvrir (et donc enseigner) ce que lire et apprendre requiert. Le deuxième chapitre propose une lecture comparée de Heroine et des romans des auteures québécoises Anne Dandurand, Marie Gagnon, et Tess Fragoulis, dans le contexte, premièrement, les débats entourant l’institutionnalisation de la littérature (anglo)Québécoise et, deuxièmement, des questions pédagogiques et politiques plus larges et plus urgentes que nous pose, encore aujourd’hui, cette violence récurrente qui s’acharna, par exemple, sur la Polytechnique en 1989. Or, cette intersection de la violence meurtrière, la pratique littéraire, et la pédagogie qui en résulte se pose et s’articule, encore, par le biais d’une collection de figures de styles. En fait, à travers le roman de Scott et de l’œuvre critique qui en fait la lecture, une série de craques invite à reconnaître Heroine comme étant, ce que j’appelle, un récit de dépendance, au sein duquel se concrétise une temporalité récursive et une logique d’introjection nous permettant de mieux comprendre la violence et, par conséquent, le pouvoir d’une pratique littéraire sur laquelle, ensuite, j’appuie ma pédagogie en devenir. Jetant, finalement, un regard rétrospectif sur l’oeuvre dans son entier, la conclusion de ce projet se tourne aussi vers l’avant, c’est-à-dire, vers ce que mes lectures dites matérialistes de la littérature canadienne et québécoise contribuent à mon enseignement de la langue anglaise en Corée du Sud. C’est dans ce contexte que les propos de Jacques Rancière occasionnent un dernier questionnement quant à l’historique des débats et des structures pédagogiques en Corée, d’une part, et, de l’autre, les conclusions que cette lecture de la fiction théorique de Gail Scott nous livre.


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This thesis is a critical reflection of the author’s time as a Principal of an Indigenous state school from 2003-2004. The purpose is to reassess the impact of her principalship in terms of the staff, students and Community change that affected learning outcomes at the school and to reanalyse to what actions and to whom positive changes could be attributed. This thesis reflects and identifies, in light of the literature, strategies which were effective in enhancing student learning outcomes. The focus of this thesis was the Doongal State School*, its students, staff and facilities. The author will attempt to draw out theoretical frameworks in terms of: (1) what changed educationally in Doongal State School, (2) what seemed to be important in the Principal’s role, (3) the processes that took place, and (4) the effect of being non- Indigenous and a female. Overall, the author undertook this critical reflection in order to understand and embrace educational practices that will (a) lessen the gap between the academic outcomes achieved by Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, and (b) enhance life choices for Indigenous children. The findings indicate that principal leadership is critical for success in Indigenous schools and is the centrepiece of the models developed to explain improvement at Doongal State School. School factors, Principal Leadership factors, Change factors and factors relating to being a non-Indigenous female principal, which, when implemented, will lead to improved educational outcomes for Indigenous students, have evolved as a result of this thesis. Principal Leadership factors were found to be the enablers for the effective implementation of the key components for success.


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This chapter explores the perceptions of middle years specialist teachers in the contemporary Australian schools context. Written narratives were obtained from 4 Australian teachers. Each has followed distinctly different paths to teaching in the middle years. However, each has a high leadership profile in the general schooling sector assumed relatively early in their professional careers. These teachers were asked about their entry into teaching, the pathways they pursued to teaching at the middle level, opportunities and limitations experienced for them in schools, and their conceptions of the future of middle years reforms in Australia.


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In this paper I discuss some of the approaches that I take in challenging student teachers to understand education in global context, rather than in a decontextualized or instrumental way. These approaches draw on my experience of being an educator from the ‘global South’ (the Caribbean) now working in the ‘global North’ (Australia). As the first black teacher that most Australian student teachers have encountered in their entire education, I find that I can offer them provocative educational narratives and questions stemming from a lifetime career in education, studying and working in various roles in schools, colleges, universities and ministries of education in Jamaica, Grenada, Hong Kong, the UK, the USA and Australia. I set out to disrupt the preconceptions of my students as a starting point in a collective journey of thinking differently about education.


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On 13 August, 1997 Prime Minister Mr Howard announced five principles as a foundation for a Tax Reform Package to revitalise the Australian economy. They were that: 1. there should be no overall increase in the overall tax burden; 2. any new taxation system should involve major reductions in personal income tax with special regard to the taxation treatment of families; 3. consideration should be given to a broad-based indirect tax to replace some or all of the existing indirect taxes; 4. there would be appropriate compensation for those deserving of special consideration; and 5. reform of Commonwealth-State financial relations must be addressed...


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Millions of people with print disabilities are denied the right to read. While some important efforts have been made to convert standard books to accessible formats and create accessible repositories, these have so far only addressed this crisis in an ad hoc way. This article argues that universally designed ebook libraries have the potential of substantially enabling persons with print disabilities. As a case study of what is possible, we analyse 12 academic ebook libraries to map their levels of accessibility. The positive results from this study indicate that universally designed ebooks are more than possible; they exist. While results are positive, however, we also found that most ebook libraries have some features that frustrate full accessibility, and some ebook libraries present critical barriers for people with disabilities. Based on these findings, we consider that some combination of private pressure and public law is both possible and necessary to advance the right-to-read cause. With access improving and recent advances in international law, now is the time to push for universal design and equality.