995 resultados para Teaching sequences


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This study investigated whether conceptual development is greater if students learning senior chemistry hear teacher explanations and other traditional teaching approaches first then see computer based visualizations or vice versa. Five Canadian chemistry classes, taught by three different teachers, studied the topics of Le Chatelier’s Principle and dynamic chemical equilibria using scientific visualizations with the explanation and visualizations in different orders. Conceptual development was measured using a 12 item test based on the Chemistry Concepts Inventory. Data was obtained about the students’ abilities, learning styles (auditory, visual or kinesthetic) and sex, and the relationships between these factors and conceptual development due to the teaching sequences were investigated. It was found that teaching sequence is not important in terms of students’ conceptual learning gains, across the whole cohort or for any of the three subgroups.


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L'objectiu bàsic d'aquesta investigació es elaborar una proposta de criteris útil per a l'elaboració i revisió de les seqüències de continguts educatius al currículum. Per dur-lo a terme, s'han desenvolupat les tasques següents: - Revisió critica de les diferents aportacions al tema des de la psicologia, l'epis¬temologia i la didàctica. - Elaboració d'un conjunt de criteris, fonamentals i relacionats, per orientar el professorat i els dissenyadors de currículums i materials curriculars en la presa de decisions sobre la manera de presentar i desenvolupar els continguts educatius en els plans d'ensenyament, englobant de manera simultània les dife¬rents variables que intervenen. - Estudi d'un cas en el qual un equip docent d'Educació Primària elabora una seqüència educativa per a l'estudi dels essers vius, i l'experimenta a l'aula, ba¬sant-se en la proposta de criteris realitzada. L'estudi del cas ha cobert un període de quatre anys de treball conjunt de l'investigador i l'equip docent. Hipòtesis de treball: L'establiment d'un conjunt de criteris explícits que orientin l'anàlisi i l'elaboració de seqüències de continguts educatius per part dels equips docents pot ajudar a millorar el disseny i el desenvolupament del currículum als centres. Se suposa que els criteris esmentats: 1. Proporcionaran als docents una millor comprensió dels continguts educatius que ensenyen, de la seva estructura lògica i psicològica i, en conseqüència dels as¬pectes més rellevants per a l'ensenyament. 2. Situaran el professorat en unes millors condicions per elaborar seqüències d'ensenyament fonamentades i progressives. 3. Facilitaran l'adaptació de Is continguts educatius a les capacitats, el conei¬xements i les experiències prèvies de l'alumnat. 4. Afavoriran una presentació dels continguts a l'alumnat més organitzada i relacionada. 5. Comentaran un tractament mes equilibrat i integrat dels diferents tipus de continguts. Conclusions: - Els criteris proposats s'han mostrat útils i coherents per ajudar a analitzar i reconduir les seqüències educatives, mitjançant hipòtesis explícites fonamentades que els donin més coherència. - El tipus d'intervenció realitzada i la metodologia utilitzada en l'estudi del cas, basades a l'observació participant s'han mostrat útils per tractar els pro¬blemes plantejats. - Els resultats del treball realitzat tenen repercussions en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat i en el disseny dels currículums i materials curri¬culars. D'una altra banda, la seva generalització faria necessari la seva rèplica en altres etapes i àrees curriculars.


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O presente estudo trata da formação continuada com foco na prática pedagógica do professor na sala de aula, tendo como objetivo maior analisar se a formação continuada ofertada pela rede municipal de ensino de Itupiranga, estado do Pará, tem contribuído para a mudança da prática do professor na sala de aula. No referencial teórico autores como Nóvoa (2007, 2009), Tardif (2002), Romanowski (2010), Alarcão (2001, 2007), Lüdke (2004) contribuem com suas pesquisas no sentido do entendimento sobre a prática do professor e do processo de formação continuada docente. A pesquisa incorreu sobre um grupo de docentes e de formadores de professores atuantes em cursos, programas e/ou projetos de formação continuada ofertados pela rede municipal de ensino, sendo alvo apenas os envolvidos entre o período de 2005 a 2012. A metodologia de abordagem qualitativa aliados a dados quantitativos desta pesquisa foi realizada a partir de estudos de Bignardi (2009), Oliveira (2007), Bogdan e Bicklen (1994). Optou-se pela aplicação de questionário e entrevista; seguido para uma análise de conteúdo profunda dos dados coletados que apontam que a formação continuada de professores realizada em âmbito municipal contribui de forma significativa para que haja mudança na prática pedagógica dos docentes, os respondentes destacaram três aspectos considerados como alteração de suas práticas, o primeiro está relacionado ao entendimento sobre o reconhecimento e identificação dos níveis de desenvolvimento da leitura e escrita dos educandos; o segundo refere –se ao não uso de cartilhas e de sílabas soltas no processo de alfabetização, as quais foram substituídas por textos, por acreditarem que estes viabilizam tanto o processo de decodificação, identificação de palavras quanto o letramento propriamente dito, o terceiro aspecto demonstra que a mudança ocorreu quando começaram a planejar, de forma coletiva, vários projetos didáticos e sequências didáticas envolvendo os vários gêneros textuais levando em consideração aquilo que o educando já sabe para aprender o que ainda não sabe. Parte significativa dos docentes concordam que a formação continuada por eles frequentada alterou sua forma de atuação em sala de aula, entretanto, surgem outros questionamentos que apontam para a continuidade de pesquisa desta temática.


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The researcher worked closely with two biology-trained teachers to plan three teaching sequences in the topics of forces, substances and astronomy that were subsequently taught to Year 7 students. The sequences sought to develop a model of classroom practice that foregrounds students’ negotiation of conceptual representations.

The difficulties encountered by individuals in learning science point to the need for a very strong emphasis of the role of representations in learning. There is a need for learners to use their own representational, cultural and cognitive resources to engage with the subject-specific representational practices of science. Researchers who have undertaken classroom studies whereby students have constructed and used their own representations have pointed to several principles in the planning, execution and assessment of student learning (diSessa, 2004; Greeno & Hall, 1997). A key principle is that teachers need to identify big ideas, key concepts, of the topic at the planning stage in order to guide refinement of representational work. These researchers also point out the need for students to engage with multiple representations in different modes that are both teacher and student generated. A representation can only partially explain a particular phenomenon or process and has both positive and negative attributes to the target that it represents. The issue of the partial nature of representations needs to be a component of classroom practice (Greeno & Hall, 1997) in terms of students critiquing representations for their limitations and affordances and explicitly linking multiple representations to construct a fuller understanding of the phenomenon or process under study. The classroom practice should also provide opportunities for students to manipulate representations as reasoning tools (Cox, 1999) in constructing the scientifically acceptable ideas and communicating them.

Research question: What impact was there on the participating teacher’s practice through the adoption of a representational focus to teaching science?

Data collection included video sequences of classroom practice and student responses, student work, field notes, tape records of meetings and discussions, and student and teacher interviews based in some cases on video stimulated recall. Video analysis software was used to capture the variety of representations used, and sequences of representational negotiation.

The teachers in this study reported substantial shifts in their classroom practices, and in the quality of classroom discussions, arising from adopting a representational focus. The shifts were reported by them as a three-fold challenge. First, there was an epistemological challenge as they came to terms with the culturally produced nature of representations in the topics of force, substance and astronomy and their flexibility and power as tools for analysis and communication, as opposed to their previous assumption that this was given knowledge to be learnt as an end point. The second challenge was pedagogical, in that this approach was acknowledged to place much greater agency in the hands of students, and this brought a need to learn to run longer and more structured discussions around conceptual problems. The third challenge related to content coverage. The teachers sacrificed coverage for the greater depth offered by this approach, and were unanimous in their judgment that this had been a change that had paid dividends in terms of student learning.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The proposal of this work is based on the elaboration of didactic sequences from fairy tales, for students of Elementary School, during reinforcement classes of Portuguese language. It is deemed appropriate to use this genre, because it gives to the child and to the adolescents a pleasurable reading, approaching them of playful situations. As a main goal of this work, this research aimed the preparation of didactic sequences using fairy tales in the classroom, as well as encouraging the reading for these students. The intention was also the internalization of the narratives and the messages conveyed by them, associating them to everyday situations. We used the deductive method, in which we initially organized the approach in the classroom and the teaching sequences from theoretical assumptions and materials already designed


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Aquest article parteix de la hipòtesi inicial que les eines TIC presenten un gran potencial per millorar els processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la llengua i la literatura, però que aquesta potencialitat (COLL: 2008) només es pot fer efectiva quan es fonamenta en una sòlida formació del professorat i quan l'ús de les TIC s'integra en metodologies actives que atorguen el protagonisme a l'estudiant i que se centren en l'acompanyament al llarg del procés, com els treballs per projectes o les seqüències didàctiques (SD) (CAMPS: 1994). Per desenvolupar aquest plantejament, primerament argumentaré la necessitat d'una formació dels docents que ha d'incloure tant la integració de les eines i dels recursos tecnològics que tenim al nostre abast, com els coneixements sobre els continguts que volem ensenyar i els coneixements pedagògics sobre com s'ensenya i com s'aprèn. I, tot seguit, em centraré en les característiques de les SD i en les possibilitats que obren per integrar els avenços que la recerca en didàctica de la llengua i de la literatura ha posat de manifest, i defensaré que són el millor marc per a un ús significatiu de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació.


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Els textos literaris, a banda de ser un terreny molt òptim per a desenvolupar la sensibilitat i ensenyar a sentir, són un recurs útil també per a millorar la competència lingüística de l’alumnat de manera motivadora i divertida. Aquests textos, junt a altres, formen part del treball diari a l’aula del Portafolis de Valencià on l’alumnat reflexiona sobre com millorar el seu nivell en aquesta llengua. La nostra proposta presenta seqüències didàctiques d’activitats on es desenvolupen tant les habilitats productives com receptives a traves del treball de textos literaris com l’endevinalla, les nadaletes, els textos narratius amb imatge (curt, fotonovel·la, còmic), el rap, els contes, la poesia...


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Over the past 30 years, Art Education in interface with disabilities has been a subject of increasing interest in research in academia, especially with regard to Special Education, but still has some shortages in terms of socialization studies to discuss this type of teaching from the perspective of inclusive education. In this scenario, this paper presents an analysis from the field of teaching Visual Arts in the context of school inclusion, with emphasis on teaching drawing to the visually impaired. The conducted literature indicates a number of authors who discuss teaching drawing to people with visual disabilities, who are dedicated primarily to the Special Education context. In this sense, the shortage of research that discuss this teaching from the perspective of inclusive education, this research aimed at the inclusive approach to teaching drawing in the school context. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a proposal for a pedagogical intervention in Visual Arts, with reference to drawing and its construction process, with the participation of seeing and unseeing students. Therefore, the methodological approach, which was qualitative, was the intervention research, in the light of the Bakhtinian principles of dialogism and otherness, with exploratory study characteristics. The locus of the research was the State School Admiral Newton Braga Faria, which is located in Alecrim, on the East Zone of Natal / RN and is near the Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind - IERC / RN. The class chosen for intervention was the 7th grade “C” afternoon shift, which had children aged 12 to 16, with 27 students enrolled, three students with disabilities: 02 blind girls and 01 deafblind boy with light hearing and visual loss. As interlocutors of the research, we could also count on the Art teacher who served as a collaborator, as well as teacher in the school’s Multifunction Resource Room. The instruments and research procedures were observation, semi-structured interview, field diary and the photo / video recording. In the development of research, we conducted 10 workshops with multisensory teaching sequences, articulating the physical, tactile and graphical expressions as intrinsic to the reading and production of drawing for both seeing and unseeing students. The process and data built on research allowed for a reflection on cultural experiences with drawing in the school context and on the interactions between seeing and unseeing students in the production and analysis of tactile-visual drawings. They also point out the construction of a teaching approach to drawing, in the context of the common class, from educational workshops that enable artistic and aesthetic interactions from the perspective of school inclusiveness. Thus, we argued that the mobilization of the tactile, physical and graphical expressions can be adopted in a multisensory approach that enables a pedagogical focus that involves all students and is not restricted to the presence of students with visual impairment.


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The little interest in reading and the large presence of deviations in writing observed in the texts of students of the 5th grade of a public school in RN, led us to question the motives of this problem. Thus, the idea to organize and develop teaching sequences with a variety of possibilities of reading and production through the text genres. The practice with the textual genres in elementary school extends the use of reading and writing and improves the quality of learning. In this way, the school, as one of the most active spheres in social practices of the language, we justify this work with the use of text genres as facilitators for teaching and learning the mother tongue. For this purpose, we draw as the main objective to talk about the work with textual genres from the development of didactic sequences, as well as encourage students to take a more reflexive attitude toward language and its uses, as discursive social practices. The development of the study with the text genres was made through the application of didactic sequences in the school context of elementary school classes, from 5th grade. Specifically were chosen, the letter, note, music, poetry, fable and the tale. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: Bakhtin (2011), Miller (1994), Marcuschi (2008) and Bronckart (1999) on the text genres; Marcuschi (2005) and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) that approve a teaching-learning proposal focused on textual genres, giving a meaning to language in the construction of the knowledge and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) regarding the didactic sequence; other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), Lerner (2005), among others. The methodology followed the action research guidelines, in a qualitative approach perspective. The instruments of research included questionnaire, observations, readings and productions. The results pointed the students' interest in relation to the activities developed in the didactic sequences and consequently improvement in the students‘ own writings. In this sense, we reiterate the need to contamplate in the teaching activities the diversity of texts and genres and, not only due to its social relevance, therefore the student should be able to use the language in various way and adapt their texts to situations of oral and written interlocution.


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This study aims to propose two didactic sequences on the rap songs to the process of formation of critical reflective reader, in the elementary school – in 6th and 9th grade classes. The theoretical foundations that have supported the work are related to the Bakhtin Circle propositions, especially the notions of language as a social ideological discourse; responsive reading; discursive genre and social voices. As for the methodological guidance, it is characterized by adopting the interpretativist paradigm of socio-historical base, in addition to positioning in the large field of Applied Linguistics, whose primary focus is specifically located language. In the selected enunciations to corpus – some Rap songs of protesting – it was analyzed the students’ reflective critical reading in the workshops of Rap-song reading, applied in modules of our teaching sequences. Through the carried out analysis, it was noted that the subjects surveyed have come from an educational culture towards the fulfillment of a conteudista proposed curriculum, so that in this scenario we do not see, through reading, training of the individual citizen, able to through his readings, understanding the socio-ideological structure that surrounds them; and so, escaping of understandings the world, based only on common sense. We conclude also that our teaching proposal represented a novelty for students. Initially, some of them did not see this work as reading, however, the majority was heavily involved in the process; so that, in their comments, we realize voices of a critical and reflective look of which comprise environments, and social situation to which they belong.


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This study aims to propose two didactic sequences on the rap songs to the process of formation of critical reflective reader, in the elementary school – in 6th and 9th grade classes. The theoretical foundations that have supported the work are related to the Bakhtin Circle propositions, especially the notions of language as a social ideological discourse; responsive reading; discursive genre and social voices. As for the methodological guidance, it is characterized by adopting the interpretativist paradigm of socio-historical base, in addition to positioning in the large field of Applied Linguistics, whose primary focus is specifically located language. In the selected enunciations to corpus – some Rap songs of protesting – it was analyzed the students’ reflective critical reading in the workshops of Rap-song reading, applied in modules of our teaching sequences. Through the carried out analysis, it was noted that the subjects surveyed have come from an educational culture towards the fulfillment of a conteudista proposed curriculum, so that in this scenario we do not see, through reading, training of the individual citizen, able to through his readings, understanding the socio-ideological structure that surrounds them; and so, escaping of understandings the world, based only on common sense. We conclude also that our teaching proposal represented a novelty for students. Initially, some of them did not see this work as reading, however, the majority was heavily involved in the process; so that, in their comments, we realize voices of a critical and reflective look of which comprise environments, and social situation to which they belong.