906 resultados para Teachers. DE. Clinic of Activity. Professional gender. Instruction to double


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This research aimed to analyze the dynamics established between the activity of the teacher in Distance Education (DE) and professional gender of teaching, in terms of impact of DE in teacher s usual professional activity. Previous studies showed that one of the central discussions concerning DE refers to the role that the teacher is called to perform. The present research, based on theoretical and methodological assumptions issued from Clinic of Activity, analyzed the impact referred above. This central aim was operationally executed along three main stages: 1) survey study for description of socio-professional profile of teachers working in DE in two universities from Natal (RN-Brazil), 2) clinical analysis of professional activity of teachers working in DE, taking into account four simultaneous levels of psychological constitution and development of human activity: personal, interpersonal, transpersonal and impersonal; 3) analytical focus on transpersonal context in order to understand the influence of pedagogical practice in DE on professional gender of teaching. Documental research, audio recorded voice data and a multiple choice Likert scale questionnaire concerning socio-professional information were used as procedural tools. The qualitative-clinical procedural tool of instruction to the double , firstly proposed by Clinic of Activity research group, was used in order to obtain oral productions concerning professional activity. Data issued from stage 1 (n=70, 28 men and 41 women) was submitted to descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes. 65.7% of the sample worked in a public institution, 30% in a private institution, and 4.3% in public and private institutions. 31.4% of the sample of participants was formed by teachers having a master degree, 28.6% were doctors and 26.3% had degrees of specialists. 54.3% of participants acted as remote tutor, and 44.3% were regents teachers. After descriptive multidimensional cluster analysis, two groups emerged (remote tutors and regents teachers), the most important variables in terms of contributions to this distinction being: professional function, level of graduate formation, level of income, activities and forms of entry in DE. Clinical analysis of data produced by two participant-teachers of each group, issued from instruction to the double technique, was performed. This analysis indicated the existence of different models of distance education. A general concern referring to the need of both taking into account information technology and pedagogical attitudes was detected. On the other hand, participant-teachers considered that participation in DE activities could bring relevant contributions to general professional gender of teaching. . Finally, teachers warned against certain formats of organization of teachers professional activity, as found in the domain of DE, since these activities could promote the intensification and individualization of teachers` work activity, and even the worsening of relations, rather than exchanges and shares through collective bargaining. This process could compromise the renew of the professional gender, by losing its historical roots and diminishing activity possibilities of teachers in their labor context


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The paper reports on some of the findings of an extensive study undertaken in Victoria as part of a national Science, ICT and Mathematics Education in Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR) project. One of the significant findings of the study was the extent to which teachers in the schools where the study data were collected took responsibility for many aspects of their own professional development. This was not at the expense of, but rather was in addition to, their involvement in school- and region-based professional development activity. The study also identifies some of the challenges faced, mostly related to the location of their schools in a rural or regional setting.


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Editorial comment featured in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education February 2012.


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Purpose. The central concepts in pressure ulcer risk are exposure to external pressure caused by inactivity and tissue tolerance to pressure, a factor closely related to blood flow. Inactivity measures are effective in predicting pressure ulcer risk. The purpose of the study is to evaluate whether a physiological measure of skin blood flow improves pressure ulcer risk prediction. Skin temperature regularity and self-similarity, as proxy measures of blood flow, and not previously described, may be undefined pressure ulcer risk factors. The specific aims were to determine whether a sample of nursing facility residents at high risk of pressure ulcers classified using the Braden Scale for Pressure Sore Risk© differ from a sample of low risk residents according to (1) exposure to external pressure as measured by resident activity, (2) tissue tolerance to external pressure as measured by skin temperature, and (3) skin temperature fluctuations and recovery in response to a commonly occurring stressor, bathing and additionally whether (4) scores on the Braden Scale mobility subscale score are related to entropy and the spectral exponent. ^ Methods. A two group observational time series design was used to describe activity and skin temperature regularity and self-similarity, calculating entropy and the spectral exponent using detrended fluctuation analysis respectively. Twenty nursing facility residents wore activity and skin temperature monitors for one week. One bathing episode was observed as a commonly occurring stressor for skin temperature.^ Results. Skin temperature multiscale entropy (MSE), F(1, 17) = 5.55, p = .031, the skin temperature spectral exponent, F(1, 17) = 6.19, p = .023, and the activity mean MSE, F(1, 18) = 4.52, p = .048 differentiated the risk groups. The change in skin temperature entropy during bathing was significant, t(16) = 2.55, p = .021, (95% CI, .04-.40). Multiscale entropy for skin temperature was lowest in those who developed pressure ulcers, F(1, 18) = 35.14, p < .001.^ Conclusions. This study supports the tissue tolerance component of the Braden and Bergstrom conceptual framework and shows differences in skin temperature multiscale entropy between pressure ulcer risk categories, pressure ulcer outcome, and during a commonly occurring stressor. ^


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Antibodies raised in rabbits against daoxyguanylate and daoxycytidylate bind to 3H-(lambda) double stranded DNA and the binding is base specific. The concentrations of antibody populations that bind to double stranded DNA are much less than those binding to denatured DNA. Due to their low concentrations, these antibodies ware not detected in earlier studies. These antibodies are expected to be useful to probe the conformational flexibilities of double stranded DNAs.


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Antibodies raised against deoxyadenylate and deoxycytidylate were found to react with double stranded DNA as assessed by highly sensitive avidin-biotin microELISA. The binding was specific as it was completely inhibited by the homologous hapten. The antibodies did not react with tRNA and rRNA. These antibodies were also shown to react with supercoiled and relaxed forms of pBR322 DNA as demonstrated by gel retardation assay. ssDNA, single-stranded DNA; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; CT DNA, calf thymus DNA; AB microELISA, avidin-biotin microELISA; dpA, deoxyadenylate; dpC, deoxycytidylate; avidin-HRP, avidin-horseradish peroxidase


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Cross-talk between NK cells and dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the potent therapeutic response to dsRNA, but the receptors involved remained controversial. We show in this paper that two dsRNAs, polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], similarly engaged human TLR3, whereas only poly(I:C) triggered human RIG-I and MDA5. Both dsRNA enhanced NK cell activation within PBMCs but only poly(I:C) induced IFN-gamma. Although myeloid DCs (mDCs) were required for NK cell activation, induction of cytolytic potential and IFN-gamma production did not require contact with mDCs but was dependent on type I IFN and IL-12, respectively. Poly(I:C) but not polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid synergized with mDC-derived IL-12 for IFN-gamma production by acting directly on NK cells. Finally, the requirement of both TLR3 and Rig-like receptor (RLR) on mDCs and RLRs but not TLR3 on NK cells for IFN-gamma production was demonstrated using TLR3- and Cardif-deficient mice and human RIG-I-specific activator. Thus, we report the requirement of cotriggering TLR3 and RLR on mDCs and RLRs on NK cells for a pathogen product to induce potent innate cell activation.


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If heat generated through activity can substitute for heat required for thermoregulation, then activity in cold environments may be energetically free for endotherms. Although the possibility of activity-thermoregulatory heat substitution has been long recognized, its empirical generality and ecological implications remain unclear. We combine a review of the literature and a model of heat exchange to explore the generality of activity-thermoregulatory heat substitution, to assess the extent to which substitution is likely to vary with body size and ambient temperature, and to examine some potential macroecological implications. A majority of the 51 studies we located showed evidence of activity-thermoregulatory heat substitution (35 of 51 studies), with 28 of 32 species examined characterized by substitution in one or more study. Among studies that did detect substitution, the average magnitude of substitution was 57%, but its occurrence and extent varied taxonomically, allometrically, and with ambient temperature. Modeling of heat production and dissipation suggests that large birds and mammals, engaged in intense activity and exposed to relatively warm conditions, have more scope for substitution than do smaller endotherms engaged in less intense activity and experiencing cooler conditions. However, ambient temperature has to be less than the lower critical temperature (the lower bound of the thermal neutral zone) for activity-thermoregulatory heat substitution to occur and this threshold is lower in large endotherms than in small endotherms. Thus, in nature, substitution is most likely to be observed in intermediate-sized birds and mammals experiencing intermediate ambient temperatures. Activity-thermoregulatory heat substitution may be an important determinant of the activity patterns and metabolic ecology of endotherms. For example, a pattern of widely varying field metabolic rates (FMR) at low latitudes that converges to higher and less variable FMR at high latitudes has been interpreted as suggesting that warm environments at low latitudes allow a greater variety of feasible metabolic niches than do cool, high-latitude environments. However, activity-thermoregulatory heat substitution will generate this pattern of latitudinal FMR variation even if endotherms from cold and warm climates are metabolically and behaviorally identical, because the metabolic rates of resting and active animals are more similar in cold than in warm environments. Activity-thermoregulatory heat substitution is an understudied aspect of endotherm thermal biology that is apt to be a major influence on the physiological, behavioral and ecological responses of free-ranging endotherms to variation in temperature.


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Objective: This study sought to investigate teachers&rsquo; perceptions of a physical activity-related professional development intervention.
Design: Interview-based qualitative approach founded on the interpretive paradigm.
Setting: Purposive selection of one high-rated independent, and one low-rated public primary school from Auckland, New Zealand.
Method: A qualitative approach was used, incorporating a questionnaire used for purposive sampling and a total of eighteen semi-structured interviews with six teachers from two primary schools.
Results: Participants highly valued the inclusion of all teachers in onsite professional development and felt supported by a strong, positive organizational culture.
Conclusion: Participant teachers believed physical activity played an important role within the school setting, and recognized their role in the provision of opportunities for their students. However, they did not necessarily feel confident and competent to facilitate opportunities. A specific professional development intervention was introduced as one form of support to address this need. Teachers valued first-hand experience of professional development and reported particular enjoyment if they participated alongside their colleagues.


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This qualitative inquiry used case study methodology to explore the change processes of 3 primary-grade teachers throughout their participation in 7 -month professional learning initiative focused on reading assessment and instruction. Participants took part in semimonthly inquiry-based professional learning community sessions, as well as concurrent individualized classroom-based literacy coaching. Each participant's experiences were first analyzed as a single case study, followed by cross-case analyses. While their patterns of professional growth differed, findings documented how all participants altered their understandings of the roles and relevancy of individual components of reading instruction (e.g., comprehension, decoding) and instructional approaches to scaffold students' growth (e.g., levelled text, strategy instruction), and experienced some form of conceptual change. Factors identified as affecting their change processes included; motivation, professional knowledge, professional beliefs (self-efficacy and theoretical orientation), resources (e.g., time, support), differentiated professional learning with associated goal-setting, and uncontrollable influences, with the affect of each factor compounded by interaction with the others. Comparison of participants' experiences to the Cognitive-Affective Model of Conceptual Change (CAMCC) and the Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth (IMTPG) demonstrated the applicability of using both conceptual models, with the IMTPG providing macrolevel insights over time and the CAMCC microlevel insights at each change intervaL Recommendations include the provision of differentiated teacher professional learning opportunities, as well as research documenting the effects of teacher mentorship programs and the professional growth of teacher educators. ii


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There exists a general consensus in the science education literature around the goal of enhancing students. and teachers. views of nature of science (NOS). An emerging area of research in science education explores NOS and argumentation, and the aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a science content course incorporating explicit NOS and argumentation instruction on preservice primary teachers. views of NOS. A constructivist perspective guided the study, and the research strategy employed was case study research. Five preservice primary teachers were selected for intensive investigation in the study, which incorporated explicit NOS and argumentation instruction, and utilised scientific and socioscientific contexts for argumentation to provide opportunities for participants to apply their NOS understandings to their arguments. Four primary sources of data were used to provide evidence for the interpretations, recommendations, and implications that emerged from the study. These data sources included questionnaires and surveys, interviews, audio- and video-taped class sessions, and written artefacts. Data analysis involved the formation of various assertions that informed the major findings of the study, and a variety of validity and ethical protocols were considered during the analysis to ensure the findings and interpretations emerging from the data were valid. Results indicated that the science content course was effective in enabling four of the five participants. views of NOS to be changed. All of the participants expressed predominantly limited views of the majority of the examined NOS aspects at the commencement of the study. Many positive changes were evident at the end of the study with four of the five participants expressing partially informed and/or informed views of the majority of the examined NOS aspects. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the various course components designed to facilitate the development of participants‟ views of NOS in the study, led to the identification of three factors that mediated the development of participants‟ NOS views: (a) contextual factors (including context of argumentation, and mode of argumentation), (b) task-specific factors (including argumentation scaffolds, epistemological probes, and consideration of alternative data and explanations), and (c) personal factors (including perceived previous knowledge about NOS, appreciation of the importance and utility value of NOS, and durability and persistence of pre-existing beliefs). A consideration of the above factors informs recommendations for future studies that seek to incorporate explicit NOS and argumentation instruction as a context for learning about NOS.


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Over the last two decades, the notion of teacher leadership has emerged as a key concept in both the teaching and leadership literature. While researchers have not reached consensus regarding a definition, there has been some agreement that teacher leadership can operate at both a formal and informal level in schools and that it includes leadership of an instructional, organisational and professional development nature (York-Barr & Duke, 2004). Teacher leadership is a construct that tends not to be applied to pre-service teachers as interns, but is more often connected with the professional role of mentors who collaborate with them as they make the transition to being a beginning teacher. We argue that teacher leadership should be recognised as a professional and career goal during this formative learning phase and that interns should be expected to overtly demonstrate signs, albeit early ones, of leadership in instruction and other professional areas of development. The aim of this paper is to explore the extent to which teacher education interns at one university in Queensland reported on activities that may be deemed to be ‘teacher leadership.’ The research approach used in this study was an examination of 145 reflective reports written in 2008 by final Bachelor of Education (primary) pre-service teachers. These reports recorded the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their professional learning with a school-based mentor in response to four outcomes of internship that were scaffolded by their mentor or initiated by them. These outcomes formed the bases of our research questions into the professional learning of the interns and included, ‘increased knowledge and capacity to teach within the total world of work as a teacher;’ ‘to work autonomously and interdependently’; to make ‘growth in critical reflectivity’, and the ‘ability to initiate professional development with the mentoring process’. Using the approaches of the constant comparative method of Strauss and Corbin (1998) key categories of experiences emerged. These categories were then identified as belonging to main meta-category labelled as ‘teacher leadership.’ Our research findings revealed that five dimensions of teacher leadership – effective practice in schools; school curriculum work; professional development of colleagues; parent and community involvement; and contributions to the profession – were evident in the written reports by interns. Not surprisingly, the mentor/intern relationship was the main vehicle for enabling the intern to learn about teaching and leadership. The paper concludes with some key implications for developers of preservice education programmes regarding the need for teacher leadership to be part of the discourse of these programmes.


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Child abuse and neglect is prevalent and entails significant costs to children, families and society. Teachers are responsible for significant proportions of official notifications to statutory child protection agencies. Hence, their accurate and appropriate reporting is crucial for well-functioning child protection systems. Approximately one-quarter of Australian teachers indicate never detecting a case of child maltreatment across their careers, while a further 13-15% admit to not reporting suspected cases in some circumstances. The detection and reporting of child abuse and neglect are complex decision-making behaviors, influenced by: the nature of the maltreatment itself; the characteristics of the teacher; the school environment; and the broader legislative and policy environment. In this chapter, the authors provide a background to teachers’ involvement in detecting and reporting child abuse and neglect, and an overview of the role of teachers is provided. Results are presented from three Australian studies that examine the unique contributions of: case; teacher; and contextual characteristics to detection and reporting behaviors. The authors conclude by highlighting the key implications for enhancing teacher training in child abuse and neglect, and outline future research directions.