994 resultados para Tariff Item


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Dentro de la economía Colombiana, la agricultura es considerada uno de los sectores económicos más sólidos y rentables; y se encuentra en este la oportunidad de desarrollar nuevos cam pos de explotación. La práctica de la helicicultura se desarrolla bajo este sector económico, actividad que se define como la cría de caracoles con fines productivos. El constante crecimiento de la demanda por parte de países europeos es uno de los motivos por los cuales se encuentra atractivo desarrollar esta actividad en Colombia, sumado a esto las ventajas competitivas del país dadas por su posición geográfica y clima. A partir de la Ley 1011 de 2006, el gobierno colombiano decide apoyar la explotación de esta actividad, por medio de la cual se autoriza y reglamenta, generando así la oportunidad de formalizar el sector e incentivar a los productores a realizar inversiones en productos no tradicionales. Actualmente la producción se encuentra en niveles bajos debido a los inconvenientes presentados durante la aprobación del decreto que autoriza la exportación. En este proceso juegan un papel fundamental el Ministerio de Agricultura, el Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo social y el Ministerio de Protección Social, quienes deben trabajar con base en sus políticas y objetivos y son los encargados de autorizar la aprobación del respectivo decreto. Como consecuencia a esta situación, en el país no existen registros de exportaciones, ni experiencias comerciales de la práctica de la helicicultura con el mercado europeo por parte de los productores. Sin embargo, la experiencia en América Latina principalmente en Argentina y Chile muestra los sobresalientes resultados de las exportacion es de caracoles con destino a Europa, generando grandes expectativas para los productores Colombianos. Dentro de la Unión Europea, España ha tenido un crecimiento importante en sus importaciones del caracol y sus derivados en los últimos años, razón por la cual se ha decidido enfocar esta investigación a este país. Colombia cuenta con acuerdos comerciales con la comunidad Europea que le permiten mayor facilidad en el acceso de mercancías y preferencias arancelarias. Con relación a la partida arancelaria que hace referencia al caracol vivo, Colombia cuenta con la ventaja de ingresar al mercado Español con 0% de arancel, lo cual es un incentivo más para llevar a cabo planes exportadores.


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La empresa Cajas y Cartones, ubicada en Barranquilla, Atlántico. Es una empresa productora y comercializadora de productos hechos a partir de papel y cartón. En el presente año se encuentra creando un plan de expansión basándose en la mejora de sus procesos. Uno de los puntos claves de mejora es la diversificación de proveedores; no solo contar con proveedores nacionales sino incluir también proveedores internacionales. Esto conlleva a la empresa a una búsqueda de proveedores de materia prima en el exterior, evaluando variables como la competencia, la disponibilidad de material y los altos precios en el mercado nacional de papel y cartón con el objetivo de disminuir sus costos y ampliar sus posibilidades de cobertura de mercado. Es por esta razón que surge el proyecto de investigación aplicada (Proyecto de aplicación práctica-PAP), el cual se basa en el análisis estructural de la compañía, el estudio e investigación internacional de proveedores de papel y cartón, la consecución de posibles proveedores y analizando los costos tanto logísticos como financieros de mover mercancía desde otras partes del mundo hacia Colombia. Finalmente se estudia la implementación y adecuación de un departamento de comercio exterior dentro de la compañía, con el objetivo que la empresa esté preparada para futuras importaciones con respecto al conocimiento del mercado internacional, trámites, normas y requisitos extranjeros y nacionales, transporte y movimiento de mercancía en ámbitos internacionales y agenciamiento aduanero.

Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the common organization of the market in wine; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down special provisions relating to quality wines produced in specified regions; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for fixing the reference price and levying the countervailing charge for wine; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) defining certain products falling within headings Nos 20.07, 22.04 and 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in non-member countries; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on general rules for the classification of vine varieties; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the addition of alcohol to products in the wine sector; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for the description and presentation of wines and grape musts; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on sparkling wines produced in the Community and defined in item 13 of Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No --- ; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on measures designed to adjust wine-growing potential to market requirements; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the granting of a conversion premium in the wine sector; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for the import of wines, grape juice and grape must; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules governing the distillation of wines provided for in Articles 11,12, 39 and 40 of Regulation (EEC) (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (78) 387 final, 2 October 1979


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Item 231-B-1.


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In this paper we discuss our current efforts to develop and implement an exploratory, discovery mode assessment item into the total learning and assessment profile for a target group of about 100 second level engineering mathematics students. The assessment item under development is composed of 2 parts, namely, a set of "pre-lab" homework problems (which focus on relevant prior mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills), and complementary computing laboratory exercises which are undertaken within a fixed (1 hour) time frame. In particular, the computing exercises exploit the algebraic manipulation and visualisation capabilities of the symbolic algebra package MAPLE, with the aim of promoting understanding of certain mathematical concepts and skills via visual and intuitive reasoning, rather than a formal or rigorous approach. The assessment task we are developing is aimed at providing students with a significant learning experience, in addition to providing feedback on their individual knowledge and skills. To this end, a noteworthy feature of the scheme is that marks awarded for the laboratory work are primarily based on the extent to which reflective, critical thinking is demonstrated, rather than the amount of CBE-style tasks completed by the student within the allowed time. With regard to student learning outcomes, a novel and potentially critical feature of our scheme is that the assessment task is designed to be intimately linked to the overall course content, in that it aims to introduce important concepts and skills (via individual student exploration) which will be revisited somewhat later in the pedagogically more restrictive formal lecture component of the course (typically a large group plenary format). Furthermore, the time delay involved, or "incubation period", is also a deliberate design feature: it is intended to allow students the opportunity to undergo potentially important internal re-adjustments in their understanding, before being exposed to lectures on related course content which are invariably delivered in a more condensed, formal and mathematically rigorous manner. In our presentation, we will discuss in more detail our motivation and rationale for trailing such a scheme for the targeted student group. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of our approach (as we perceived them at the initial stages) will also be enumerated. In a companion paper, the theoretical framework for our approach will be more fully elaborated, and measures of student learning outcomes (as obtained from eg. student provided feedback) will be discussed.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the pedagogical knowledge relevant to the successful completion of a pie chart item. This purpose was achieved through the identification of the essential fluencies that 12–13-year-olds required for the successful solution of a pie chart item. Fluency relates to ease of solution and is particularly important in mathematics because it impacts on performance. Although the majority of students were successful on this multiple choice item, there was considerable divergence in the strategies they employed. Approximately two-thirds of the students employed efficient multiplicative strategies, which recognised and capitalised on the pie chart as a proportional representation. In contrast, the remaining one-third of students used a less efficient additive strategy that failed to capitalise on the representation of the pie chart. The results of our investigation of students’ performance on the pie chart item during individual interviews revealed that five distinct fluencies were involved in the solution process: conceptual (understanding the question), linguistic (keywords), retrieval (strategy selection), perceptual (orientation of a segment of the pie chart) and graphical (recognising the pie chart as a proportional representation). In addition, some students exhibited mild disfluencies corresponding to the five fluencies identified above. Three major outcomes emerged from the study. First, a model of knowledge of content and students for pie charts was developed. This model can be used to inform instruction about the pie chart and guide strategic support for students. Second, perceptual and graphical fluency were identified as two aspects of the curriculum, which should receive a greater emphasis in the primary years, due to their importance in interpreting pie charts. Finally, a working definition of fluency in mathematics was derived from students’ responses to the pie chart item.


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BACKGROUND: The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) has been validated and used extensively in screening for depression in new mothers, both in English speaking and non-English speaking communities. While some studies have reported the use of the EPDS with fathers, none have validated it for this group, and thus the appropriate cut-off score for screening for depression or anxiety caseness for this population is not known. METHODS: Couples were recruited antenatally and interviewed at six weeks postpartum. EPDS scores and distress caseness (depression or anxiety disorders) for 208 fathers and 230 mothers were determined using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. RESULTS: Analyses of the EPDS for fathers using distress caseness (depression or anxiety disorders) as the criterion shows that a cut-off of 5/6 has optimum receiver operating characteristics. Furthermore acceptable reliability (split-half and internal consistency) and validity (concurrent) coefficients were obtained. For mothers the optimum cut-off screening value to detect distress caseness was 7/8. Item analysis revealed that fathers endorsed seven of the ten items at lower rates to mothers, with the most significant being that referring to crying. CONCLUSIONS: The EPDS is a reliable and valid measure of mood in fathers. Screening for depression or anxiety disorders in fathers requires a two point lower cut-off than screening for depression or anxiety in mothers, and we recommend this cut-off to be 5/6


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The social tags in web 2.0 are becoming another important information source to profile users' interests and preferences to make personalized recommendations. To solve the problem of low information sharing caused by the free-style vocabulary of tags and the long tails of the distribution of tags and items, this paper proposes an approach to integrate the social tags given by users and the item taxonomy with standard vocabulary and hierarchical structure provided by experts to make personalized recommendations. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can effectively improve the information sharing and recommendation accuracy.


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Since the 1970s the internationalisation process of firms has attracted wide research interest. One of the dominant explanations of firm internationalisation resulting from this research activity is the Uppsala stages model. In this paper, a pre-internationalisation phase is incorporated into the traditional Uppsala model to address the question: What are the antecedents of this model? Four concepts are proposed as the key components that define the experiential learning process underlying a firm’s pre-export phase: export stimuli, attitudinal/psychological commitment, resources and lateral rigidity. Through a survey of 290 Australian exporting and non-exporting small-medium sized firms, data relating to the four pre-internationalisation concepts is collected and an Export Readiness Index (ERI) is constructed through factor analysis. Using logistic regression, the ERI is tested as a tool for analysing export readiness among Australian SMEs.


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The 27-item Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS) has become one of the most frequently used measure of Intolerance of Uncertainty. More recently, an abridged, 12-item version of the IUS has been developed. The current research used clinical (n = 50) and non-clinical (n = 56) samples to examine and compare the psychometric properties of both versions of the IUS. The two scales showed good internal consistency at both the total and subscale level and had satisfactory test-retest reliability. Both versions were correlated with worry and trait anxiety and had satisfactory concurrent validity. Significant differences between the scores of the clinical and non-clinical sample supported discriminant validity. Predictive validity was also supported for the two scales. Total scores, in the case of the clinical sample, and a subscale, in the case of the non-clinical sample, significantly predicted pathological worry and trait anxiety. Overall, the clinicians and researchers can use either version of the IUS with confidence, due to their sound psychometric properties.


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Item folksonomy or tag information is popularly available on the web now. However, since tags are arbitrary words given by users, they contain a lot of noise such as tag synonyms, semantic ambiguities and personal tags. Such noise brings difficulties to improve the accuracy of item recommendations. In this paper, we propose to combine item taxonomy and folksonomy to reduce the noise of tags and make personalized item recommendations. The experiments conducted on the dataset collected from Amazon.com demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The results suggested that the recommendation accuracy can be further improved if we consider the viewpoints and the vocabularies of both experts and users.


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Social tags are an important information source in Web 2.0. They can be used to describe users’ topic preferences as well as the content of items to make personalized recommendations. However, since tags are arbitrary words given by users, they contain a lot of noise such as tag synonyms, semantic ambiguities and personal tags. Such noise brings difficulties to improve the accuracy of item recommendations. To eliminate the noise of tags, in this paper we propose to use the multiple relationships among users, items and tags to find the semantic meaning of each tag for each user individually. With the proposed approach, the relevant tags of each item and the tag preferences of each user are determined. In addition, the user and item-based collaborative filtering combined with the content filtering approach are explored. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is demonstrated in the experiments conducted on real world datasets collected from Amazon.com and citeULike website.


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Item folksonomy or tag information is a kind of typical and prevalent web 2.0 information. Item folksonmy contains rich opinion information of users on item classifications and descriptions. It can be used as another important information source to conduct opinion mining. On the other hand, each item is associated with taxonomy information that reflects the viewpoints of experts. In this paper, we propose to mine for users’ opinions on items based on item taxonomy developed by experts and folksonomy contributed by users. In addition, we explore how to make personalized item recommendations based on users’ opinions. The experiments conducted on real word datasets collected from Amazon.com and CiteULike demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.