28 resultados para Tankers.
The purpose of this article is to present a quantitative analysis of the human failure contribution in the collision and/or grounding of oil tankers, considering the recommendation of the ""Guidelines for Formal Safety Assessment"" of the International Maritime Organization. Initially, the employed methodology is presented, emphasizing the use of the technique for human error prediction to reach the desired objective. Later, this methodology is applied to a ship operating on the Brazilian coast and, thereafter, the procedure to isolate the human actions with the greatest potential to reduce the risk of an accident is described. Finally, the management and organizational factors presented in the ""International Safety Management Code"" are associated with these selected actions. Therefore, an operator will be able to decide where to work in order to obtain an effective reduction in the probability of accidents. Even though this study does not present a new methodology, it can be considered as a reference in the human reliability analysis for the maritime industry, which, in spite of having some guides for risk analysis, has few studies related to human reliability effectively applied to the sector.
Im Mai 2015 hat sich der EuGH in der Rs. C-536/13 (Gazprom OAO) erneut zur vieldiskutierten Frage geäussert, wie Gerichtsstandsverordnung Brüssel I (inzwischen revidierte EG-Verordnung Nr. 44/2001, EuGVVO; Parallelverordnung zum geltenden Lugano-Übereinkommen 2007, LugÜ) und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit voneinander abzugrenzen sind. Ein schwedischer Schiedsentscheid hatte den Kläger eines Litauer Gerichtsverfahrens dazu verurteilt, seine Klage zu beschränken. Nach EuGH ist dies kein Verstoss gegen das Brüsseler Gerichtsstandssystem und beeinträchtigt dessen praktische Wirksamkeit nicht. Das EuGH-Urteil West Tankers aus dem Jahr 2009 hatte die Abgrenzung zwischen EuGVVO und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit problematisch verwischt. Der vorliegende EuGH-Entscheid präzisiert und korrigiert. Er zieht die Grenzen des Anwendungsbereichs der EuGVVO resp. des LugÜ scharf. Die Prüfung, ob eine gültige Schiedsvereinbarung dem staatlichen Gerichtsverfahren entgegensteht, steht deutlich ausserhalb deren Anwendungsbereich. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt der EuGH klar, dass die EuGVVO Anerkennung und Vollstreckung eines Schiedsspruchs in einem EU-Mitgliedstaat, der in einem anderen EU-Mitgliedstaat erlassen worden ist, nicht berührt, sondern alleine dem New Yorker Schiedsübereinkommen von 1958 unterfällt. Diese Präzisierung kommt auch dem internationalen Schiedsplatz Schweiz zugut, der damit keine negativen Interferenzen aus dem Lugano-Bereich mehr zu befürchten hat.
Bibliography: p. 85-88.
The cost of a new ship design heavily depends on the principal dimensions of the ship; however, dimensions minimization often conflicts with the minimum oil outflow (in the event of an accidental spill). This study demonstrates one rational methodology for selecting the optimal dimensions and coefficients of form of tankers via the use of a genetic algorithm. Therein, a multi-objective optimization problem was formulated by using two objective attributes in the evaluation of each design, specifically, total cost and mean oil outflow. In addition, a procedure that can be used to balance the designs in terms of weight and useful space is proposed. A genetic algorithm was implemented to search for optimal design parameters and to identify the nondominated Pareto frontier. At the end of this study, three real ships are used as case studies. [DOI:10.1115/1.4002740]
En aquest projecte s’ha analitzat la viabilitat de l’autosuficiència de la Pleta, l’oficina tècnica del Parc del Garraf, a partir de diferents recursos renovables. S’ha realitzat un estudi del consum hídric i energètic i de la generació de residus per tal d’avaluar les deficiències de cada sistema, per poder-hi aplicar les mesures pertinents. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que un 40% de l’aigua que es consumeix a l’edifici prové dels camions cisterna que la subministren. Per tant, la principal proposta de millora va encaminada a reduir aquest volum d’aigua i per aconseguir-ho, es proposa augmentar la superfície de recollida d’aigua de pluja aprofitant la zona pavimentada del pati de magatzems. Les altres propostes intentaran reduir el volum total d’aigua consumida, com per exemple canviar el filtre actual de les aixetes per airejadors que permeten estalviar fins a un 50% d’aigua, instal·lar cisternes de volum inferior o posar en funcionament el reg per degoteig instal·lat actualment a la Pleta però que no es troba en funcionament. Pel que fa a l’energia hi ha dues fonts, el gasoil i les plaques FV. En quant al gasoil cal diferenciar entre el consum del generador per produir electricitat i el consum de la caldera per la calefacció. Un cop estudiat el sistema s’ha obtingut que les plaques solars FV aconsegueixen produir el 73% de l’electricitat demandada a la Pleta, la resta de l’electricitat la proporciona el generador. El principal problema, però és el gran consum de gasoil per la calefacció. Les millores proposades per a solucionar aquesta problemàtica pretenen millorar l’eficiència de la instal·lació de plaques solars FV col·locant més panells solars i disminuir el consum de gasoil per part de la calefacció, ja sigui millorant l’eficiència energètica i/o canviant la font d’energia per biomassa. En el cas de residus s’ha observat que es produeixen 3.283 kg/any, sent el rebuig la fracció més important. Per tal de reduir el volum de residus generats, es pretén fomentar la utilització d’estris reutlilitzables i el correcte reciclatge, substituint les papereres actuals dels despatxos per les de paper i posant cartells informatius o indicatiu en els llocs adients.
Cabo Verde é hoje um país cada vez mais inserido no mundo globalizado, tendo desenvolvido ao longo dos anos importantes reformas sócio - económicas, as quais se traduziram, no campo energético, em aumentos significativos nas importações de combustíveis fósseis. Hoje, a importação de produtos petrolíferos atinge cerca de 280 mil toneladas ao ano, dos quais cerca de 40 por cento são reexportados através da “ bunker” internacional e da aviação civil. Embora os valores sejam expressivos para um pequeno país insular como Cabo Verde, no contexto mundial o volume de importação é de facto irrisório, o que não permite qualquer margem negocial junto dos fornecedores. Desde sempre os produtos petrolíferos como o Gasóleo e Fuelóleo (doravante Fuel) foram recebidos em São Vicente, o JetA1 e a Gasolina no Sal e o gás Butano na ilha de Santiago. A redistribuição entre as ilhas é efectuada com recurso a pequenos tankers, processo que contribui para o aumento dos custos e consequente repercussão nos preços de venda ao consumidor final. Com o desenvolvimento exponencial da Ilha de Santiago aumentou igualmente o consumo de combustíveis, com especial destaque na produção de energia eléctrica. Actualmente a Ilha consome internamente cerca de 50 % dos produtos petrolíferos importados, processo altamente dificultado pela inexistência de condições portuárias que permitam a recepção directa dos produtos petrolíferos. Assim torna-se imprescindível a racionalização deste sector de forma a minimizar os custos para o consumidor final, com a criação de condições de descarga no principal centro consumidor do país e a constituição de uma empresa de logística comum, que envolva as empresas privadas que trabalham neste ramo, a Enacol e a Vivo Energy. A segurança energética será reforçada com a constituição das reservas estratégicas de combustíveis. Para alcançar os objectivos preconizados neste trabalho, fiz pesquisas e estudos aprofundados com base na bibliografia citada, bem como nos relatórios, Leis, Decretos-Leis e trabalhos especializados. De igual modo realizei entrevistas a pessoas com competência nesta área, com a finalidade de compreender melhor o sector e dar meu contributo para o fortalecimento da sua eficiência, dado o impacto que tem na economia Cabo-verdiana.
En este artículo analizamos el poder disuasorio de los sistemas de inspección y vigilancia puestos en funcionamiento en los Estados Unidos y en la Unión Europea con el objetivo de asegurar que los buques que transportan hidrocarburos cumplan con los requisitos de navegabilidad y mantenimiento exigibles bajo la legislación correspondiente. En particular analizamos las características disuasorias de la legislación norteamericana e internacional a la luz de las enseñanzas de la teoría económica; discutimos las características de los sistemas de inspección y vigilancia implantados tanto en los Estados Unidos como en la Unión Europea; y concluimos recomendando medidas que incrementarían la efectividad de estas prácticas.
Maritime transport moves around 6 billion tonnes of freight every year. The freight consists of liquid bulks (45%), dry bulks (23%) and general cargo (32%). Freight traffic and transports chains vary according to region, commodity and the origin and the destination of freight. In the European Union the ports sector handles over 90% of the trade with third countries. The share of intra-EU trade is approximately 30% of the total transportation and the number of passengers is over 200 million every year. The Baltic Sea has more than 50,000 vessels a year pass the Skaw at the northernmost tip of Denmark on their way into or out of the Baltic. Roughly 60% to 70% of these vessels are cargo vessels and 17% to 25% tankers. Ports and maritime transport play a crucial role in global commerce today. Today’s business environment is changing rapidly, and the constant changes create challenges for the transport industry and maritime traffic. Ports have to adapt to continuous changes in economic structures, logistics demands, and people’s travel and leisure patterns. In order to ensure the competitiveness of sea connections, the ports need to fully enhance multilateral cross-border understanding and cooperation. In this report the focus is on liner traffic between five ports in the Central Baltic Region: Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki Turku and Naantali. The report defines the drivers of the demand for cargo and passenger traffic and highlights the most important factors. The economic situation and foreign trade of each county are elaborated on with detailed information about the flows of traffic between the five ports. Based on expert interviews, the main characteristics of each port, including strengths and weaknesses, are presented. The report is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was received through interviews and mail surveys. Secondary data was attained through a literature research, statistics, data given by the PENTA ports and webpages. The report is divided into two main parts: the drivers creating the demand for transport and the results of current cargo and passenger flows between PENTA ports.