711 resultados para Tailing dams
En la actualidad existe un gran conocimiento en la caracterización de rellenos hidráulicos, tanto en su caracterización estática, como dinámica. Sin embargo, son escasos en la literatura estudios más generales y globales de estos materiales, muy relacionados con sus usos y principales problemáticas en obras portuarias y mineras. Los procedimientos semi‐empíricos para la evaluación del efecto silo en las celdas de cajones portuarios, así como para el potencial de licuefacción de estos suelos durantes cargas instantáneas y terremotos, se basan en estudios donde la influencia de los parámetros que los rigen no se conocen en gran medida, dando lugar a resultados con considerable dispersión. Este es el caso, por ejemplo, de los daños notificados por el grupo de investigación del Puerto de Barcelona, la rotura de los cajones portuarios en el Puerto de Barcelona en 2007. Por estos motivos y otros, se ha decidido desarrollar un análisis para la evaluación de estos problemas mediante la propuesta de una metodología teórico‐numérica y empírica. El enfoque teórico‐numérico desarrollado en el presente estudio se centra en la determinación del marco teórico y las herramientas numéricas capaces de solventar los retos que presentan estos problemas. La complejidad del problema procede de varios aspectos fundamentales: el comportamiento no lineal de los suelos poco confinados o flojos en procesos de consolidación por preso propio; su alto potencial de licuefacción; la caracterización hidromecánica de los contactos entre estructuras y suelo (camino preferencial para el flujo de agua y consolidación lateral); el punto de partida de los problemas con un estado de tensiones efectivas prácticamente nulo. En cuanto al enfoque experimental, se ha propuesto una metodología de laboratorio muy sencilla para la caracterización hidromecánica del suelo y las interfaces, sin la necesidad de usar complejos aparatos de laboratorio o procedimientos excesivamente complicados. Este trabajo incluye por tanto un breve repaso a los aspectos relacionados con la ejecución de los rellenos hidráulicos, sus usos principales y los fenómenos relacionados, con el fin de establecer un punto de partida para el presente estudio. Este repaso abarca desde la evolución de las ecuaciones de consolidación tradicionales (Terzaghi, 1943), (Gibson, English & Hussey, 1967) y las metodologías de cálculo (Townsend & McVay, 1990) (Fredlund, Donaldson and Gitirana, 2009) hasta las contribuciones en relación al efecto silo (Ranssen, 1985) (Ravenet, 1977) y sobre el fenómeno de la licuefacción (Casagrande, 1936) (Castro, 1969) (Been & Jefferies, 1985) (Pastor & Zienkiewicz, 1986). Con motivo de este estudio se ha desarrollado exclusivamente un código basado en el método de los elementos finitos (MEF) empleando el programa MATLAB. Para ello, se ha esablecido un marco teórico (Biot, 1941) (Zienkiewicz & Shiomi, 1984) (Segura & Caron, 2004) y numérico (Zienkiewicz & Taylor, 1989) (Huerta & Rodríguez, 1992) (Segura & Carol, 2008) para resolver problemas de consolidación multidimensional con condiciones de contorno friccionales, y los correspondientes modelos constitutivos (Pastor & Zienkiewicz, 1986) (Fiu & Liu, 2011). Asimismo, se ha desarrollado una metodología experimental a través de una serie de ensayos de laboratorio para la calibración de los modelos constitutivos y de la caracterización de parámetros índice y de flujo (Castro, 1969) (Bahda 1997) (Been & Jefferies, 2006). Para ello se han empleado arenas de Hostun como material (relleno hidráulico) de referencia. Como principal aportación se incluyen una serie de nuevos ensayos de corte directo para la caracterización hidromecánica de la interfaz suelo – estructura de hormigón, para diferentes tipos de encofrados y rugosidades. Finalmente, se han diseñado una serie de algoritmos específicos para la resolución del set de ecuaciones diferenciales de gobierno que definen este problema. Estos algoritmos son de gran importancia en este problema para tratar el procesamiento transitorio de la consolidación de los rellenos hidráulicos, y de otros efectos relacionados con su implementación en celdas de cajones, como el efecto silo y la licuefacciones autoinducida. Para ello, se ha establecido un modelo 2D axisimétrico, con formulación acoplada u‐p para elementos continuos y elementos interfaz (de espesor cero), que tratan de simular las condiciones de estos rellenos hidráulicos cuando se colocan en las celdas portuarias. Este caso de estudio hace referencia clara a materiales granulares en estado inicial muy suelto y con escasas tensiones efectivas, es decir, con prácticamente todas las sobrepresiones ocasionadas por el proceso de autoconsolidación (por peso propio). Por todo ello se requiere de algoritmos numéricos específicos, así como de modelos constitutivos particulares, para los elementos del continuo y para los elementos interfaz. En el caso de la simulación de diferentes procedimientos de puesta en obra de los rellenos se ha requerido la modificacion de los algoritmos empleados para poder así representar numéricamente la puesta en obra de estos materiales, además de poder realizar una comparativa de los resultados para los distintos procedimientos. La constante actualización de los parámetros del suelo, hace también de este algoritmo una potente herramienta que permite establecer un interesante juego de perfiles de variables, tales como la densidad, el índice de huecos, la fracción de sólidos, el exceso de presiones, y tensiones y deformaciones. En definitiva, el modelo otorga un mejor entendimiento del efecto silo, término comúnmente usado para definir el fenómeno transitorio del gradiente de presiones laterales en las estructuras de contención en forma de silo. Finalmente se incluyen una serie de comparativas entre los resultados del modelo y de diferentes estudios de la literatura técnica, tanto para el fenómeno de las consolidaciones por preso propio (Fredlund, Donaldson & Gitirana, 2009) como para el estudio del efecto silo (Puertos del Estado, 2006, EuroCódigo (2006), Japan Tech, Stands. (2009), etc.). Para concluir, se propone el diseño de un prototipo de columna de decantación con paredes friccionales, como principal propuesta de futura línea de investigación. Wide research is nowadays available on the characterization of hydraulic fills in terms of either static or dynamic behavior. However, reported comprehensive analyses of these soils when meant for port or mining works are scarce. Moreover, the semi‐empirical procedures for assessing the silo effect on cells in floating caissons, and the liquefaction potential of these soils during sudden loads or earthquakes are based on studies where the underlying influence parameters are not well known, yielding results with significant scatter. This is the case, for instance, of hazards reported by the Barcelona Liquefaction working group, with the failure of harbor walls in 2007. By virtue of this, a complex approach has been undertaken to evaluate the problem by a proposal of numerical and laboratory methodology. Within a theoretical and numerical scope, the study is focused on the numerical tools capable to face the different challenges of this problem. The complexity is manifold; the highly non‐linear behavior of consolidating soft soils; their potentially liquefactable nature, the significance of the hydromechanics of the soil‐structure contact, the discontinuities as preferential paths for water flow, setting “negligible” effective stresses as initial conditions. Within an experimental scope, a straightforward laboratory methodology is introduced for the hydromechanical characterization of the soil and the interface without the need of complex laboratory devices or cumbersome procedures. Therefore, this study includes a brief overview of the hydraulic filling execution, main uses (land reclamation, filled cells, tailing dams, etc.) and the underlying phenomena (self‐weight consolidation, silo effect, liquefaction, etc.). It comprises from the evolution of the traditional consolidation equations (Terzaghi, 1943), (Gibson, English, & Hussey, 1967) and solving methodologies (Townsend & McVay, 1990) (Fredlund, Donaldson and Gitirana, 2009) to the contributions in terms of silo effect (Ranssen, 1895) (Ravenet, 1977) and liquefaction phenomena (Casagrande, 1936) (Castro, 1969) (Been & Jefferies, 1985) (Pastor & Zienkiewicz, 1986). The novelty of the study lies on the development of a Finite Element Method (FEM) code, exclusively formulated for this problem. Subsequently, a theoretical (Biot, 1941) (Zienkiewicz and Shiomi, 1984) (Segura and Carol, 2004) and numerical approach (Zienkiewicz and Taylor, 1989) (Huerta, A. & Rodriguez, A., 1992) (Segura, J.M. & Carol, I., 2008) is introduced for multidimensional consolidation problems with frictional contacts and the corresponding constitutive models (Pastor & Zienkiewicz, 1986) (Fu & Liu, 2011). An experimental methodology is presented for the laboratory test and material characterization (Castro 1969) (Bahda 1997) (Been & Jefferies 2006) using Hostun sands as reference hydraulic fill. A series of singular interaction shear tests for the interface calibration is included. Finally, a specific model algorithm for the solution of the set of differential equations governing the problem is presented. The process of consolidation and settlements involves a comprehensive simulation of the transient process of decantation and the build‐up of the silo effect in cells and certain phenomena related to self‐compaction and liquefaction. For this, an implementation of a 2D axi‐syimmetric coupled model with continuum and interface elements, aimed at simulating conditions and self‐weight consolidation of hydraulic fills once placed into floating caisson cells or close to retaining structures. This basically concerns a loose granular soil with a negligible initial effective stress level at the onset of the process. The implementation requires a specific numerical algorithm as well as specific constitutive models for both the continuum and the interface elements. The simulation of implementation procedures for the fills has required the modification of the algorithm so that a numerical representation of these procedures is carried out. A comparison of the results for the different procedures is interesting for the global analysis. Furthermore, the continuous updating of the model provides an insightful logging of variable profiles such as density, void ratio and solid fraction profiles, total and excess pore pressure, stresses and strains. This will lead to a better understanding of complex phenomena such as the transient gradient in lateral pressures due to silo effect in saturated soils. Interesting model and literature comparisons for the self‐weight consolidation (Fredlund, Donaldson, & Gitirana, 2009) and the silo effect results (Puertos del Estado (2006), EuroCode (2006), Japan Tech, Stands. (2009)). This study closes with the design of a decantation column prototype with frictional walls as the main future line of research.
Las instalaciones de residuos mineros abandonadas procedentes de la minería metálica pueden suponer un grave riesgo medioambiental y de seguridad debido a su potencial contaminante y a la posibilidad de ocasionar accidentes por su fallo estructural. Desgraciadamente, en la mayoría de los países de la Unión Europea existen un gran número de presas, balsas, pilas de lixiviación y escombreras mineras cerradas que se encuentran abandonadas y sin ningún control estructural o ambiental al haberse originado en actividades extractivas finalizadas con anterioridad a la aparición de las primeras normativas de índole ambiental aplicables. Algunas de las instalaciones de residuos mineros abandonadas pueden además contener reservas de metales apreciables al proceder sus residuos de actividades extractivas pasadas en las que se emplearon procesos metalúrgicos e hidrometalúrgicos de concentración con eficiencias de recuperación inferiores a las obtenibles con técnicas extractivas actuales. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado una metodología de análisis que puede servir de herramienta útil para la toma de decisiones en los procesos de remediación de instalaciones de residuos mineros procedentes de la minería metálica. Dicha metodología se ha construido a partir de los resultados que se puedan obtener del análisis de riesgos ambientales de las instalaciones estudiadas, estableciendo las metodologías más apropiadas para su remediación en función de los riesgos específicos que presenten. La metodología propuesta incluye además el análisis de la posibilidad de proceder al aprovechamiento de los residuos mineros presentes en las instalaciones mediante la extracción de sus metales, para lo que se han desarrollado una serie de expresiones que pueden emplearse en el análisis de la viabilidad en términos económicos, ambientales y sostenibles de dicho aprovechamiento obtenidas sobre la base de las últimas experiencias al respecto registradas bibliográficamente y del estudio de los costes de inversión y operación que pueden suponer dichas operaciones en función de las tecnologías extractivas empleadas. Para finalizar, en la última parte de la tesis se incluye un caso práctico de aplicación de la metodología desarrollada en el que se estudian las posibilidades de remediación de tres presas mineras abandonadas procedentes de la extracción de plomo y zinc y se analiza la posibilidad de proceder al aprovechamiento de sus residuos mediante la extracción de metales de sus estériles. ABSTRACT The abandoned mining waste facilities from the metallic mining may pose environmental and safety risks due to its pollution potential as well as due to the possibility of structural collapses. Unfortunately, in most countries of the European Union there are a large number of tailing dams, tailing ponds, leaching heaps and mining waste-rock dump sites that are abandoned without any structural or environmental control. That is because they were originated in extractive activities completed prior to the appearance of the first environmental applicable regulations. Some of the abandoned mining waste facilities can also contain significant reserves of metals due to the fact that their waste comes from past mining activities when metallurgical processes and hydrometallurgical concentration were used with lower efficiency than those obtainable with present recovery mining techniques. At present thesis a method of analysis that can serve as a useful tool for decision making in the process of remediation of mining waste facilities from the metal mining has been developed. This methodology has been built from the results that may be obtained from the analysis of environmental risks at studied facilities, therefore establishing the most appropriate methodologies for its remediation based on their specific risks. The proposed methodology also includes the analysis of the possibility to beneficiate the mining residues contained on the mining waste facilities by extracting their metals. For that purpose, some expressions have been developed that can be used in the analysis of the economic viability of such extraction. Expressions are obtained on the basis of recent registered bibliographically, experiences and from the study of investment and operating costs that may suppose such extractions depending on extractive technologies used. Finally, in the last part of the thesis a case of application of the methodology proposed has been developed, in which, the possibilities for remediation of three abandoned mining dams related to the extraction of lead and zinc are studied and the possibility of beneficiate their waste by extracting metals is analyzed.
Maternal high-fat diet (HFD) impairs hippocampal development of offspring promoting decreased proliferation of neural progenitors, in neuronal differentiation, in dendritic spine density and synaptic plasticity reducing neurogenic capacity. Notch signaling pathway participates in molecular mechanisms of the neurogenesis. The activation of Notch signaling leads to the upregulation of Hes5, which inhibits the proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitors. This study aimed to investigate the Notch/Hes pathway activation in the hippocampus of the offspring of dams fed an HFD. Female Swiss mice were fed a control diet (CD) and an HFD from pre-mating until suckling. The bodyweight and mass of adipose tissue in the mothers and pups were also measured. The mRNA and protein expression of Notch1, Hes5, Mash1, and Delta1 in the hippocampus was assessed by RT-PCR and western blotting, respectively. Dams fed the HFD and their pups had an increased bodyweight and amount of adipose tissue. Furthermore, the offspring of mothers fed the HFD exhibited an increased Hes5 expression in the hippocampus compared with CD offspring. In addition, HFD offspring also expressed increased amounts of Notch1 and Hes5 mRNA, whereas Mash1 expression was decreased. However, the expression of Delta1 did not change significantly. We propose that the overexpression of Hes5, a Notch effector, downregulates the expression of the proneural gene Mash1 in the offspring of obese mothers, delaying cellular differentiation. These results provide further evidence that an offspring's hippocampus is molecularly susceptible to maternal HFD and suggest that Notch1 signaling in this brain region is important for neuronal differentiation.
In recent years, the design flows of many dams were re-evaluated, often resulting in discharges larger than the original design. In many cases, the occurrence of the revised flows could result in dam overtopping because of insufficient storage and spillway capacity. An experimental study was conducted herein to gain a better understanding of the flow properties in stepped chutes with slopes typical of embankment dams. The work was based upon a Froude similitude in large-size experimental facilities. A total of 10 configurations were tested including smooth steps, steps equipped with devices to enhance energy dissipation and rough steps. The present results yield a new design procedure. The design method includes some key issues not foreseen in prior studies : e.g., gradually varied flow, type of flow regime, flow resistance. It is believed that the outcomes are valid for a wide range of chute geometry and flow conditions typical of embankment chutes.
Several lines of evidence suggest that angiotensin II (A-II) participates in the postnatal development of the kidney in rats. Many effects of A-II are mediated by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. This study investigated the influence that treatment with losartan during lactation has on MAPKs and on A-II receptor types 1 (AT(1)) and 2 (AT(2)) expression in the renal cortices of the offspring of dams exposed to losartan during lactation. In addition, we evaluated the relationship between such expression and changes in renal function and structure. Rat pups from dams receiving 2% sucrose or losartan diluted in 2% sucrose (40 mg/dl) during lactation were killed 30 days after birth, and the kidneys were removed for histological, immunohistochemical, and Western blot analysis. AT(1) and AT(2) receptors and p-p38, c-Jun N-terminal kinases (p-JNK) and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (p-ERK) expression were evaluated using Western blot analysis. The study-group rats presented an increase in AT(2) receptor and MAPK expression. In addition, these rats also presented lower glomerular filtration rate (GFR), greater albuminuria, and changes in renal structure. In conclusion, newborn rats from dams exposed to losartan during lactation presented changes in renal structure and function, which were associated with AT(2) receptor and MAPK expression in the kidneys.
Adult rats submitted to perinatal salt overload presented renin-angiotensin system (RAS) functional disturbances. The RAS contributes to the renal development and renal damage in a 5/6 nephrectomy model. The aim of the present study was to analyze the renal structure and function of offspring from dams that received a high-salt intake during pregnancy and lactation. We also evaluated the influence of the prenatal high-salt intake on the evolution of 5/6 nephrectomy in adult rats. A total of 111 sixty-day-old rat pups from dams that received saline or water during pregnancy and lactation were submitted to 5/6 nephrectomy (nephrectomized) or to a sham operation (sham). The animals were killed 120 days after surgery, and the kidneys were removed for immunohistochemical and histological analysis. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), albuminuria, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were evaluated. Increased SBP, albuminuria, and decreased GFR were observed in the rats from dams submitted to high-sodium intake before surgery. However, there was no difference in these parameters between the groups after the 5/6 nephrectomy. The scores for tubulointerstitial lesions and glomerulosclerosis were higher in the rats from the sham saline group compared to the same age control rats, but there was no difference in the histological findings between the groups of nephrectomized rats. In conclusion, our data showed that the high-salt intake during pregnancy and lactation in rats leads to structural changes in the kidney of adult offspring. However, the progression of the renal lesions after 5/6 nephrectomy was similar in both groups.
The grazing trial at Kidston Gold Mine, North Queensland, was aimed specifically to assess the uptake of metals from the tailing and the potential for unacceptable contamination of saleable meat. Further aims included estimating metal dose rates and identifying potential exposure pathways including plant uptake of heavy metals, mine tailings adhered to plants and direct ingestion of mine tailing. It was found that of the 11 metals analysed (As, Zn, Co, Cd, Cr, Sn, Pb, Sb, Hg, Se and Ni) in the animal's liver, muscle and blood during the 8-month trial period, only accumulation of arsenic and zinc occurred. A risk assessment including these two metals was conducted to determine the potential for chronic metal toxicity and long-term contamination, using the estimates of metal dose rate. It was concluded that no toxicity or long-term contamination in cattle was likely at this site. Management procedures were therefore not required at this site; however, the results highlight percent ground cover and standing dry matter (DM) as important factors in decreasing metal exposure from direct ingestion of tailings and dust adhered to plants. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Irrigation schemes and dams have posed a great concern on public health systems of several countries, mainly in the tropics. The focus of the present review is to elucidate the different ways how these human interventions may have an effect on population dynamics of anopheline mosquitoes and hence, how local malaria transmission patterns may be changed. We discuss different studies within the three main tropical and sub-tropical regions (namely Africa, Asia and the Pacific and the Americas). Factors such as pre-human impact malaria epidemiological patterns, control measures, demographic movements, human behaviour and local Anopheles bionomics would determine if the implementation of an irrigation scheme or a dam will have negative effects on human health. Some examples of successful implementation of control measures in such settings are presented. The use of Geographic Information System as a powerful tool to assist on the study and control of malaria in these scenarios is also highlighted.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Civil Engineering
This study was designed to evaluate the thyroid and pituitary hormone levels in post-weaning rats whose dams were fed a low-protein diet during suckling (21 days). The dams and pups were divided into 2 groups: a control group fed a diet containing 22% protein that supplies the necessary amount of protein for the rat and is the usual content of protein in most commercial rat chow, and a diet group fed a low-protein (8%) diet in which the protein was substituted by an isocaloric amount of starch. After weaning all dams and pups received the 22% protein diet. Two hours before sacrifice of pups aged 21, 30 and 60 days, a tracer dose (0.6 µCi) of 125I was injected (ip) into each animal. Blood and thyroid glands of pups were collected for the determination of serum T4, T3 and TSH and radioiodine uptake. Low protein diet caused a slight decrease in radioiodine uptake at 21 days, and a significant decrease in T3 levels (128 ± 14 vs 74 ± 9 ng/dl, P<0.05), while T4 levels did not change and TSH was increased slightly. At 30 days, T3 and TSH did not change while there was a significant increase in both T4 levels (4.8 ± 0.3 vs 6.1 ± 0.2 µg/dl, P<0.05) and in radioiodine uptake levels (0.34 ± 0.02 vs 0.50 ± 0.03%/mg thyroid, P<0.05). At 60 days serum T3, T4 and TSH levels were normal, but radioiodine uptake was still significantly increased (0.33 ± 0.02 vs 0.41 ± 0.03%/mg thyroid, P<0.05). Thus, it seems that protein malnutrition of the dams during suckling causes hypothyroidism in the pups at 21 days that has a compensatory mechanism increasing thyroid function after refeeding with a 22% protein diet. The radioiodine uptake still remained altered at 60 days, when all the hormonal serum levels returned to the normal values, suggesting a permanent change in the thyroid function