39 resultados para TRAINNING
Currently, health is one of the issues of concern of society. Health can be understood as a direct link between the practice of regular exercise and quality of life. Within this course of reasoning, comes the role of physical education professional. In this perspective, we have the Personal Trainer. Personal Trainer is the professional who makes exercise prescription, individually, with improvement goals fitness and others. This professional is someone trained in Physical Education and has qualification and training for that function. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify the reasons why the practitioners of physical exercise to train under the supervision of a Personal Trainer. To achieve the above goal was accomplished, a review of major studies on the subject. Thus, this work it is a research bibliography. On the literature review it is evident the professional demand due to a cultural change and, moreover, the need for and accessibility of this professional, the Personal Trainer. In addition, the adhesion of reasons in class Personal Trainer to give the competence of the professional in achieving goals and objectives of the student, respecting the individuality and motivation of each student, reasons that may be intrinsic or extrinsic. In Motivation respect, it is clear the need for deepening of the term, to be able to adequately meet the student
PURPOSE: The main goals of the present study were: 1) to review some recommendations about how to increase lean body mass; 2) to analyse whether following scientific sources of current recommendations, visible changes can be shown or not in a participant (body composition, strength and blood analyses). METHODS: One male athlete completed 12 weeks of resistance training program and following a diet protocol. Some test were determined such as, strength 6RM, blood analyses, skindfold measurements, body perimeters and impedance test. Body composition measurements were taken 3 times during the program (before-T1, after 6 weeks of intervention period-T2 and at the end of the program-T3). On the other hand, strength tests and blood analyses were performed twice (before and after the program). RESULTS: Strength was increased in general; blood analyses showed that Creatine kinase was increased a 104% and Triglycerides level was decreased a 22.5%; in the impedance test, body mass (1.6%), lean body mass (3.5%) and Body mass index (1.7%) were increased, whereas fat mass was decreased (15.5%); relaxed and contracted biceps perimeters were also increased. CONCLUSION: A muscle hypertrophy training program mixed with an appropriate diet during 12 weeks leads to interesting adaptations related to increase in body weight, lean body mass, biceps perimeters, strength and creatine kinase levels, and a decrease in fat mass.
A afasiologia linguística, enquanto ramo da Linguística, contribui para a verificação dos pressupostos da Teoria Gerativa e para a classificação e descrição das particularidades linguísticas características dos diferentes tipos de afasias. Neste contexto, os problemas com a produção de estruturas complexas, como é o caso das interrogativas, têm sido tema de muitos estudos em diversas línguas. Entretanto, os benefícios que tais pesquisas podem oferecer no sentido de melhorar o cotidiano dos sujeitos de pesquisa raramente são abordados. Com o intuito de atuar sobre esta lacuna, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral fornecer um roteiro de pesquisa com sugestões de intervenção de base linguística no tratamento fonoaudiológico de um indivíduo afásico, proporcionando, desta forma, melhora do cotidiano do afásico em seu ambiente familiar. A hipótese que orienta este trabalho é a de que a aplicação de um roteiro de pesquisa linguística descentralizado e desverticalizado sobre o tratamento da afasia pode proporcionar melhorias no cotidiano familiar do paciente acometido pelo déficit. Para desenvolver o roteiro em questão, foram escolhidas as interrogativas-QU como tópico linguístico. O roteiro, todavia, foi desenvolvido para que qualquer outro tópico linguístico, identificado como problemático e passível de tratamento específico, seja aplicável ao esquema. Como objetivo subsidiário, pretende-se desenvolver um modelo de pesquisa que busque contribuir para a aplicação do princípio da indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. A metodologia consiste na utilização de um estudo de caso com testes avaliativos, treinamento de sentenças e entrevistas. O sujeito selecionado para o estudo é um afásico agramático. Há, ainda, a colaboração de membros de sua família e da equipe de fonoaudiologia do Centro de Recuperação do Paciente Afásico (CRPA) da Universidade Veiga de Almeida (UVA). Os resultados coletados nos testes e nas entrevistas apontam para melhora no processamento linguístico de interrogativas-QU, tanto no que se refere à organização dos sintagmas nas sentenças, quanto à seleção de itens lexicais adequados (elementos-QU). Resultados também apontam para melhoras no cotidiano do afásico no que se refere à redução da ansiedade perante erros, presença de mais opções comunicativas e aumento da capacidade de comunicação independente. Através dos resultados, constata-se a viabilidade de aplicação do roteiro proposto para futura aplicação por profissionais envolvidos com o tratamento e o estudo das afasias
Se desconoce en la actualidad en Colombia la calidad de la interpretación de los gases arteriales por parte de los residentes de medicina de emergencias. Los gases arteriales es una de las ayudas diagnósticas de más rápida consecución en el servicio de urgencias y más utilizadas por ser indispensable en la valoración de patologías de alta prevalencia como son las enfermedades respiratorias y la sepsis. Su mala interpretación puede llevar a mal direccionamiento del manejo de pacientes en estado crítico por lo que es indefectible que los residentes logren un buen entrenamiento en la interpretación de los mismos. Por esta razón se realiza este estudio analítico de concordancia con recolección prospectiva, de corte transversal que busca determinar el grado de concordancia en la interpretación de gases arteriales de los residentes del programa de Medicina de Emergencias de la Universidad del Rosario y especialista en cuidado crítico, así como la interpretación entre ellos según su nivel de entrenamiento y describir cuáles son los hallazgos que encuentran en la interpretación de los mismos. Se recolectaron 60 gases arteriales realizados a paciente hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá y se halló la concordancia entre la lectura de los residentes del programa de Medicina de Emergencias y un intensivista. Encontrando una concordancia moderada (r 0.445 y 0.442, ) en las respuestas identificadas en los residentes de segundo y tercer año de residencia(p:0,000y0,01).(MESH: Blood Gas Análisis, Emergency Medical Services, Education, Medical, Graduate)
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un exhaustivo proceso investigativo a cerca de los factores de riesgo que predisponen al futbolista de alta competencia a padecer una entidad patológica severamente incapacitante como es la Pubalgia, la cual interfiere en el desempeño del mismo. Inicialmente el trabajo se centra en la revisión y comprensión de los conceptos básicos relacionados con salud, perfil del fisioterapeuta, actividad física, altas demandes cinéticas, anatomía y biomecánica normal de la Pélvis y sus alteraciones, definición de la Pubalgia, los principales factores de riesgo tanto intrínsecos como extrínsecos y el manejo médico y fisioterapéutico de esta entidad patológica.
El liderazgo ha sido definido de diferentes maneras por cientos de autores debido al contexto en el que estudian este concepto. Ninguna de estas definiciones es errónea pero algunas han tomado mayor importancia debido a los diferentes factores que enfrenta la sociedad. Desde hace unos años los países se han abierto a diferentes mercados lo cual les ha permitido eliminar las barreras políticas, económicas y culturales existentes. Esto ha llevado a que los líderes deban evaluar la nueva forma de dirigir y direccionar las organizaciones. Este es tan solo uno de los ejemplos que han llevado a modificar el concepto de liderazgo, añadiendo los nuevos retos a los que se ven enfrentados los líderes. En este trabajo de grado se estudia el que se considera uno de los mayores retos de los siglos XX y XXI: la globalización. Este fenómeno ha acercado al mundo a través del intercambio de información, de bienes, de servicios, de conocimientos y sobre todo de cultura. Esto se ha logrado a través de nuevas tecnologías, nuevos servicios de comunicación y transporte, de la ciencia y los avances de la industria. El nuevo líder debe romper la barrera nacional y abrirse a mercados extranjeros, para esto debe contar con ciertas características que le permitirán entender los diferentes mercados y a las personas que se encuentran en este. En este trabajo se identifican las que se consideran las principales características de un líder global; estas son el resultado de la investigación de diferentes autores y estudios.
O ensino dos Princípios de Física nas escolas de Ensino de Primeiro Grau oficial tem se mostrado ineficaz no que diz respeito ao preparo do aluno para compreender a Física do 2º grau, dificultando a integração do indivíduo na sociedade tecnológica contemporânea, quer no acesso a um mercado de trabalho de mão-de-obra especializada, como técnico, quer como candidato ao ensino de 3º grau. Os princípios da Ciência Contemporânea podem e devem ser mobilizados para a solução de problemas. A compreensão da Física contemporânea no nível de abstração em que se encontra, requer do indivíduo um pensamento favorito por estruturas que possibilitem operações abstratas. A Epistemologia Genética de Jean Piaget mostra que a explicação do mundo físico pelo indivíduo data dos primeiros contatos com a realidade. A estratutação dessa realidade vai-se tornando cada vez mais complexa de acordo com as possibilidades de raciocínio que o indivíduo possua para interpretá-la. O raciocínio é o resultado das operações realizadas pelo indivíduo, possibilitadas por estraturas mentais subjacentes. Essas estruturas se desenvolvem à medida que o indivíduo interage com o meio, permitindo de início uma interação sensório-motora, que, aos poucos, vai se operacionalizando até dominar o pensamento concreto, podendo então passar a realizar operações sobre operações que são chamadas de operações formais ou abstratas. Estas acontecem a partir da adolescência. Os princípios da Física lecionados nas escolas de Ensino de Primeiro Grau requerem para a sua compreensão, além do domínio do pensamento concreto, o pensamento formal. Realizou-se uma pesquisa com alunos de 7ª e 8ª séries do Ensino de Primeiro Grau e alunos da 2ª série do curso de formação de professores; verificou-se que esses sujeitos não haviam dominado as operações concretas nem tinham ainda atingido o início do pensamento formal. Consequentemente, a aprendizagem dos principios de Física que lhes são ministrados acha-se seriamente comprometido, fazendo-se necessária uma mudança de atitude do professor frente aos alunos, a fim de desenvolver o seu raciocfnio propiciando uma aprendizagem efetiva.
Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar os efeitos positivos e negativos percebidos pelos gerentes de projetos, membros dos escritórios de gerenciamento de projetos e patrocinadores após implantação do EGP na Polícia Federal do Brasil. Argumenta que a implantação de EGP tem se evidenciado como um fator crítico para o sucesso para as organizações públicas, pois os projetos são mudanças estruturantes que visam inovações organizacionais. Metodologicamente, trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa onde foram aplicadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os membros dos EGP’s, gerentes de projetos e patrocinadores dos EGP´s do Órgão central da Polícia Federal e das Superintendências da Polícia Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Minas Gerais, totalizando quatros estudos de caso. Os resultados indicam o tipo de influência que o EGP exerce na organização. As descobertas apontam os impactos positivos, negativos, dificuldades e desafios dos EGP´s, além dos serviços básicos e tradicionais executados pelos EGP´s como desenvolvimento de metodologias, capacitação e treinamento e distribuição de relatórios para alta administração.
Analyzes the factors that unleash violence by banalization of the problems and health questions of workers in a federal public institution, in Natal/RN. It analyzes transformations in the world of the work, with its politic, social and economic determinatives and its relation to the worker health. Boarding the violence in the work enviroment and its implications to the worker health, focusing on the banalization of problems faced by the workers as a kind of violence in and with the work. It was chosen an analitic methodology with qualitative approach, through the collection tecnic and information analyzes according to the thematic oral history, with recorders of authorized personal narratives, through individual interview with a semi-structured guide. In the analyzis of results it were made empiric cathegories: the daily work enviroment and its influence to the worker profession and life; the violence presents in the work enviroment and its consequences to the worker life and health; the banalization of the social injustice, due to violence against the worker that broked their dreams concerned to the nursing contribution. The results revealed the ordinary work of these workers showing enviromental and organizational unhealthy conditions, caracterized by physical and tecnical insecurity; absence and disqualification of instrumental and human supplies; overload and complexity service; bad distribution of the duties and pressure to the deadline and productivity, producing tension, conflict and anxiety related to the users, colleagues, superiors and to the duties. In the work enviroment, it were identified a external violence, caracterized by physical and verbal aggresion, psychic suffering, worker depreciation; and internal, caracterized by: moral and psychological molestations and accupational structural violence. These kinds of violence bring consequences to the life, that is, professional, economic and moral order of factors and to the health by biological, mental and emocional factors. The banalization of social injustice during the daily work was discussed in the aspects of banalization of problems and work conditions, the health, qualification banalizations and professional valorization. The workers expectatives pointed out to the necessity of: secure conditions of work; trainning and tecnical assistance; politics of attention to the physical, mental and social health to the workers and their family. We conclude the enviromental and organizational conditions of the workers interviewed do not offer physical and tecnical security that they need to the execution of their activities, neither offer comfort or physical and psychological satisfactions. The politic the instituition has used points out to the depreciation and inhumanization of them producing feelings as unsatisfaction, frustation and indignation related to the institution and the work, bringing suffering and physical and mental sicking. We noticed the most terrible violence found in the work enviroment is the banalization of social injustice related do the problems and health of these workers, producing a slowly debility and simbolic death of their lifes. Therefore, it is necessary the implementation of a politic that promotes assurance, health and integral education, valorization and humanization of these workers
The area of the hospital automation has been the subject a lot of research, addressing relevant issues which can be automated, such as: management and control (electronic medical records, scheduling appointments, hospitalization, among others); communication (tracking patients, staff and materials), development of medical, hospital and laboratory equipment; monitoring (patients, staff and materials); and aid to medical diagnosis (according to each speciality). This thesis presents an architecture for a patient monitoring and alert systems. This architecture is based on intelligent systems techniques and is applied in hospital automation, specifically in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for the patient monitoring in hospital environment. The main goal of this architecture is to transform the multiparameter monitor data into useful information, through the knowledge of specialists and normal parameters of vital signs based on fuzzy logic that allows to extract information about the clinical condition of ICU patients and give a pre-diagnosis. Finally, alerts are dispatched to medical professionals in case any abnormality is found during monitoring. After the validation of the architecture, the fuzzy logic inferences were applied to the trainning and validation of an Artificial Neural Network for classification of the cases that were validated a priori with the fuzzy system
Introduction: The ability to walk is impaired in obese by anthropometric factors (BMI and height), musculoskeletal pain and level of inactivity. Little is known about the influence of body adiposity and the acute response of the cardiovascular system during whole the 6-minute walk test (6mWT). Objective: To evaluate the effect of anthropometric measures (BMI and WHR waist-to-hip ratio), the effort heart and inactivity in ability to walk the morbidly obese. Materials and Methods: a total 36 morbidly obese (36.23 + 11.82 years old, BMI 49.16 kg/m2) were recruited from outpatient department of treatment of obesity and bariatric surgery in University Hospital Onofre Lopes and anthropometric measurements of obesity (BMI and WHR), pulmonary function, pattern habitual physical activity (Baecke Questionnaire) and walking capacity (6mWT). The patient was checking to measure: heart rate (HR), breathing frequency (BF), peripheral oxygen saturation, level of perceived exertion, systemic arterial pressure and duplo-produto (DP), moreover the average speed development and total distance walking. The data were analysed between gender and pattern of body adiposity, measuring the behavior minute by minute of walking. The Pearson and Spearmam correlation coefficients were calculated, and stepwise multiple Regression examined the predictors of walking capacity. All analyses were performed en software Statistic 6.0. Results: 20 obese patients had abdominal adiposity (WHR = 1.01), waist circumference was 135.8 cm in women (25) and 139.8 cm in men (10). Walked to the end of 6mWT 412.43 m, with no differences between gender and adiposity. The total distance walked by obesity alone was explained by BMI (45%), HR in the sixth minute (43%), the Baecke (24%) and fatigue (-23%). 88.6% of obese (31) performed the test above 60% of maximal HR, while the peak HR achieved at 5-minute of 6mWT. Systemic arterial pressure and DP rised after walking, but with no differences between gender and adiposity. Conclusion: The walk of obese didn´t suffers influence of gender or the pattern of body adiposity. The final distance walked is attributed to excess body weight, stress heart, the feeling of effort required by physical activity and level of sedentary to obese. With a minute of walking, the obeses achieved a range of intensity cardiovascular trainning
Anxiety is an emotional phenomenon, and normally it is interpreted as an adaptative behavior front to adversities. In its pathological form, anxiety can severely affect aspects related to the personal and professional life. Studies have shown a close relationship between anxiety disorders and aversive memory processing. Considering that the pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders is still limited, innovative anxiolytic agents are needed. In this regard, neuropeptides systems are interesting therapeutic targets to the treatment of psychopathologies. Neuropeptide S (NPS), a 20-aminoacid peptide, is the endogenous ligand of a G-protein coupled receptor (NPSR), which has been reported to evoke hyperlocomotion, awakefull states, besides anxiolysis and memory improvements in rodents. This study aimed to investigate the effects of biperiden (BPR; an amnesic drug), diazepam (DZP; an anxiolytic drug) and NPS at three distinct times: pre-training, post-training, and pre-test, in order to assess anxiety and memory process in the same animal model. The elevated Tmaze (ETM) is an apparatus derived from the elevated plus-maze test, which consists of one enclosed and two open arms. The procedure is based on the avoidance of open spaces learned during training session, in which mice were exposed to the enclosed arm as many times as needed to stay 300 s. In the test session, memory is assessed by re-exposing the mouse to the enclosed arm and the latency to enter an open arm was recorded. When injected pre-training, BPR (1 mg/kg) impaired learning and memory processing; DZP (1 and 2 mg/kg) evoked anxiolysis, but only at the dose of 2 mg/kg impaired memory; and NPS 0.1 nmol induced anxiolysis without affecting memory. Post-training injection of DZP (2 mg/kg) or BPR (1 and 3 mg/kg) did not affect memory consolidation, while the post-trainning administration of NPS 1 nmol, but not 0.1 nmol, improved memory in mice. Indeed, pre-trainning administration of NPS 1 nmol did not prevent memory impairment elicited by BPR (2 mg/kg, injected before training). In the open field test, BPR 1 mg/kg and NPS 1 nmol induced hyperlocomotion in mice. In conclusion, the proposed ETM task is practical for the detection of the anxiolytic and amnesic effects of drugs. The anxiolytic and memory enhancement effects of NPS were detected in the ETM task, and reinforce the role of NPS system as an interesting therapeutic target to the treatment of anxiety disorders
Objectives. To search intermittent and continous trainning (IT and CT, respectively) effects through deep water running for the control and prevention of excessive body fat accumulation and improvement of quality of life. Methods. Experimental study composed by 30 women, aged between 34 to 58 years old, during 12 weeks, three sessions per week, 47 minutes each. Body composition, cardiorespiratory condition and Quality of Life by WHOQOL-Brief were considered. Student's and Wilcoxon's non parametric tests were applied at 5% significance level. Results. With the only exception for social domain of quality of life, all investigated variables revealed improvement in both groups for IT in comparison to CT. Conclusion. Deep water running contributes to body fat reduction, physical fitness evolution and improvement of WHOQOL-Brief domains, regardless of the trainning type conducted. © 2012 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)