920 resultados para Swear words
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar as características da linguagem no Twitter, focalizando (i) seu propósito comunicativo, (ii) seus participantes discursivos e (iii) suas relações interpessoais. Por acreditar que a linguagem é um recurso sistemático e que somente através dela expressamos significados em determinados contextos, encontramos na Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (LSF) uma base teórica que se encaixa à pesquisa. Para Halliday(1994), a linguística é o estudo de como as pessoas negociam sentido através do uso da linguagem. Assim, encontramos no Twitter, um corpus diversificado que reforça ainda mais a teoria da LSF, quando afirma sermos nós, falantes da língua, os únicos responsáveis por nossas escolhas lexicais, tendo consciência de como e onde, contextualmente falando, podemos aplicar em uma atividade linguística em que estivermos engajados. O material de pesquisa foi constituído mediante a coleta inicial de 671 comentários postados no Twitter em 2010. Dados obtidos a partir da análise desta coleta confirmam o argumento de Crystal (2011), de que a expressão de opinião é o principal propósito comunicativo das mensagens postadas no microblogging. Assim, após recortes no corpus para coleta exclusivamente de opiniões, 201 tuítes resultantes de duas coletas realizadas em datas e situações diferentes foram analisados: uma, após notícia de agressão a uma professora; a segunda, momentos antes e durante a Copa Mundial de 2010. Os resultados apontam diferenças entre as amostras, principalmente em função de aspectos do contexto de situação: pois embora o tom seja de indignação nas amostras com tuítes opinativos, apenas na amostra futebol há tentativa de se orientar a ação do outro. Quanto às relações interpessoais, foram identificadas marcas de interação face a face nas duas amostras, mas apenas na amostra futebol identificou-se uso de linguagem de baixo calão. Finalmente, em relação às características gerais do Twitter, observa-se o uso de linguagem reduzida na forma de caracteres emotivos ou de abreviações, o uso de interjeições e pontos de exclamação. Observou-se ainda o uso recorrente de léxico valorativo, de ironia e de perguntas retóricas para expressão de indignação, mas estes traços parecem ser afetados por aspectos do contexto de situação, mais do que por características do Twitter
Se ha visto que el Síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette (SGT) tiene un componente lingüístico importante y que algunos autores han estudiado. El presente artículo busca encontrar la evidencia existente en esta relación. El SGT se produce por una alteración en la neurotransmisión de dopamina en los circuitos frontales y subcorticales y una de sus manifestaciones son los tics vocales simples y complejos. Como el síntoma más llamativo de la enfermedad es la coprolalia, se ha estudiado desde varios puntos de vista, encontrándose que no está presente en todos los pacientes con SGT, que no se correlaciona con la severidad de la enfermedad y que el aspecto cultural influye en la expresión de este síntoma. Se han reportado casos de coprolalia mental y coprolalia en pacientes con sordera congénita. Los tics motores complejos pueden estar asociados con ansiedad severa correlacionándose con fallas en los procesos de inhibición. Otra alteración que se ha encontrado en pacientes con SGT es la disfluencia, la cual es diferente de la tartamudez clásica. A nivel del lenguaje en el SGT se han observado una serie de conocimientos rápidos que incluyen el procesamiento cognitivo de las formas de lenguaje gobernadas por reglas.
In this paper, we tried to understand the place of taboo words and their importance in the language. We focused questions about the taboo and how words can be prohibited. We elected swear words as our object of research because these words have an important place in the lexicon of many speakers, and they are present in books and movies, as well as in the everyday speech. Therefore, we tried to show that they must be analyzed with attention and also free from prejudices. We found out that the use of bad words can be very different in the languages selected and they reflect thus the culture of the languages involved.
Mandatory numeracy tests have become commonplace in many countries, heralding a new era in school assessment. New forms of accountability and an increased emphasis on national and international standards (and benchmarks) have the potential to reshape mathematics curricula. It is noteworthy that the mathematics items used in these tests are rich in graphics. Many of the items, for example, require students to have an understanding of information graphics (e.g., maps, charts and graphs) in order to solve the tasks. This investigation classifies mathematics items in Australia’s inaugural national numeracy tests and considers the effect such standardised testing will have on practice. It is argued that the design of mathematics items are more likely to be a reliable indication of student performance if graphical, linguistic and contextual components are considered both in isolation and in integrated ways as essential elements of task design.
Modelling how a word is activated in human memory is an important requirement for determining the probability of recall of a word in an extra-list cueing experiment. The spreading activation, spooky-action-at-a-distance and entanglement models have all been used to model the activation of a word. Recently a hypothesis was put forward that the mean activation levels of the respective models are as follows: Spreading � Entanglment � Spooking-action-at-a-distance This article investigates this hypothesis by means of a substantial empirical analysis of each model using the University of South Florida word association, rhyme and word norms.
We explored common reasons for non-use of the rapidly growing popularity of social networking sites among a sample of Australian adolescents (N = 69). Transcripts were coded by grouping responses along similar themes for non-use that had been commonly stated by participants. The primary reasons offered by adolescents were: lack of motivation, poor use of time, preference for other forms of communication, preference for engaging in other activities, cybersafety concerns, and a dislike of self-presentation online. The identification of these themes allows for a greater understanding of teenagers' decisions not to engage in the popular medium of communication and points to possible strategies that could be utilised by Web site developers in efforts to appeal to a wider teenage audience.
DRAMA often develops around the idea of a return: a return to events of the past, memories of the past, or people from the past...
This collaborative work of fictocriticism was published in the 2011 edition of REX journal.
Students in the middle years encounter an increasing range of unfamiliar visuals. Visual literacy, the ability to encode and decode visuals and to think visually, is an expectation of all middle years curriculum areas and an expectation of NAPLAN literacy and numeracy tests. This article presents a multidisciplinary approach to teaching visual literacy that links the content of all learning areas and encourages students to transfer skills from familiar to unfamiliar contexts. It proposes a classification of visuals in six parts: one-dimensional; two-dimensional; map; shape; connection; and picture, based on the properties, rather than the purpose, of the visual. By placing a visual in one of these six categories, students learn to transfer the skills used to decode familiar visuals to unfamiliar cases in the same category. The article also discusses a range of other teaching strategies that can be used to complement this multi-disciplinary approach.
This paper examines a case of academic plagiarism and the subsequent treatment of the issues across several academic institutions. It calls for academic leaders in universities to act on what constitutes a serious breach of standards, engendered in part by broader institutional norms and values promoting the need for publications in a ‘publish or perish’ environment. While universities often promote high-sounding ideals and would generally wish to be seen to uphold high academic standards, it is argued that silence and complicity surround the way in which instances of plagiarism in academic publications are often dealt with. Actions (and inaction) by academic leaders in universities in dealing with cases of academic plagiarism speak volumes in terms of the values academic institutions profess, and those they actually uphold. The paper prompts readers to consider the need for a more consistent and proactive stance on the part of their own institutions to exercise ethical leadership in identifying and addressing academic plagiarism when it occurs.
Words and Silences is the official on-line journal of the International Oral History Association. It is an internationally peer reviewed, high quality forum for oral historians from a wide range of disciplines and a means for the professional community to share projects and current trends of oral history from around the world. We are extremely pleased to release the first online issue of Word &Silences. This e-journal is the result of long standing discussion and debate about the best way to publish a quality bilingual oral history journal (including a blind peer reviewed section) as a viable solution to mounting difficulties associated with publishing in print. We have discovered that an online version is also not without its challenges and requires tremendous labor intensive dedication. We strongly encourage members to assist us with small review process tasks in the future, so that we can ensure the sustainability of an annual W&S publication for our members and beyond.
Australian Aboriginal Words in English records the Aboriginal contribution to Australian English and provides a fascinating insight into the contact between the first Australians and European settlers. The words are grouped according to subject, and for each one there is information on the Aboriginal language from which it derives, the date of its first written use in English, and its present meaning and pronunciation. This book brings them together and provides the fullest available information about their Aboriginal background and their Australian English History.
This extensive reference provides authoritative information about the history of over 400 words from Aboriginal languages, offering the fullest available information about their Aboriginal background and Australian English history. The book begins with a general history of the 250 Australian aboriginal languages, including profiles of the languages that have been most significant as sources for borrowing. The words are then grouped according to subject: birds, fish, edible flora, dwellings, etc., with each work listed in a dictionary-style entry. The book concludes by addressing how words changed in English, and discusses English words that have since been adopted into Aboriginal languages.