100 resultados para Swaps


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Little attention has been given to the possibility that CDS transactions might be construed as insurance contracts in English law. This article challenges the widespread “Potts opinion”, which states that CDSs are not insurance, because they do not require the protection buyer to sustain a loss or to have an insurable interest in the subject matter. CDSs often do provide protection against loss that the buyer is exposed to; loss indemnity is not a necessary characterisation of an insurance contract; insurable interest does not form part of the definition of insurance, but is an additional requirement of valid insurance; and what matters is the substance not the form of the contract. The situation in the US and Australia is also briefly considered.


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Dissertação de mest., Finanças Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012


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This thesis proposes a Monte Carlo valuation method for Worst-of Auto-callable equity swaps. The valuation of this type of swap usually requires complex numerical methods which are implemented in “black-box” valuation systems. The method proposed is an alternative benchmark tool that is relatively simple to implement and customize. The performance of the method was evaluated according to the variance and bias of the output and to the accuracy when compared to a leading valuation system in the market.


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La crisis financiera hipotecaria de 2008 en la que se declaró en quiebra el banco de inversión Lehman Brothers, se desarrolló en un ambiente que contemplaba apalancamientos financieros excesivos y el uso de derivados financieros de crédito innovadores. Razón por la cual, a partir del estudio de caso de quiebra de este banco de inversión y el análisis de las causas y consecuencias del ambiente desregulatorio que surgió en Estados Unidos desde la década de los 30 hasta el 2000, se orienta la investigación a indagar sobre lo que sucede en términos regulatorios y empresariales en el mercado de valores colombiano y así lograr definir objetivos que permitan el crecimiento del mercado de derivados exóticos en Colombia bajo un marco de responsabilidad financiera y ética empresarial.


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El presente trabajo aunque de naturaleza técnica, pretende dos cosas fundamentales: familiarizar al lector con los denominados “instrumentos derivados” que tienen volúmenes gigantescos de negociación en su mercado propio (el OTC) ascendiendo “ … a finales de junio de 2009 a 605 billones de dólares (10 veces el PIB mundial)”1; y, revisar con más profundidad uno de aquellos, una innovación financiera derivada de los contratos de permuta financiera que toma el nombre de Credit Default Swaps. Esta innovación o evolución sobre los instrumentos derivados ordinarios, representa un tipo de contratos altamente estandarizados y tecnificados que fueron creados como una nueva forma de protección sobre incumplimientos de crédito viabilizando la transmisión de uno, varios o todos los riesgos asociados con la posibilidad de incumplimiento de pago de operaciones crediticias a terceros quienes los reciben en virtud de un precio. Como se verá en del transcurso del trabajo, el loable objetivo de protección para el que fueron originalmente creados, se desnaturalizó hasta convertir a estos instrumentos en independientes de las obligaciones que amparaban y permitir su acceso a especuladores financieros que amasaron grandes fortunas apostando a favor y en contra de obligaciones y fracturando, de esta manera, la transparencia que es principio fundamental de los mercados financieros. La evolución insidiosa y el descontrol de estos instrumentos, sin embargo, ha permitido su proliferación e interferencia, no solo en obligaciones particulares sino que ha contaminado los mismos mercados de deuda soberana, incluyendo la ecuatoriana como se verá en su momento y muy recientemente la denominada “crisis griega”; los especuladores han utilizado estos complejos productos para aprovecharse de los ingentes beneficios que les proporcionan en desmedro de las economías de países en dificultades multiplicando sus pérdidas y causando alarma y conmoción tanto interna como externa al punto que muy pocos días antes de la presentación de este trabajo, Francia, Alemania, Luxemburgo, la afectada Grecia y el mismísimo Presidente de la CEE, han llamado a la comunidad financiera internacional a limitar su uso.


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Efficient markets should guarantee the existence of zero spreads for total return swaps. However, real estate markets have recorded values that are significantly different from zero in both directions. Possible explanations might suggest non-rational behaviour by inexperienced market players or unusual features of the underlying asset market. We find that institutional characteristics in the underlying market lead to market inefficiencies and, hence, to the creation of a rational trading window with upper and lower bounds within which transactions do not offer arbitrage opportunities. Given the existence of this rational trading window, we also argue that the observed spreads can substantially be explained by trading imbalances due to the limited liquidity of a newly formed market and/or to the effect of market sentiment, complementing explanations based on the lag between underlying market returns and index returns.


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The development of the real estate swap market offers many opportunities for investors to adjust the exposure of their portfolios to real estate. A number of OTC transactions have been observed in markets around the world. In this paper we examine the Japanese commercial real estate market from the point of view of an investor holding a portfolio of properties seeking to reduce the portfolio exposure to the real estate market by swapping an index of real estate for LIBOR. This paper explores the practicalities of hedging portfolios comprising small numbers of individual properties against an appropriate index. We use the returns from 74 properties owned by Japanese Real Estate Investment Trusts over the period up to September 2007. The paper also discusses and applies the appropriate stochastic processes required to model real estate returns in this application and presents alternative ways of reporting hedging effectiveness. We find that the development of the derivative does provide the capacity for hedging market risk but that the effectiveness of the hedge varies considerably over time. We explore the factors that cause this variability.


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This paper compares the credit risk profile for two types of model, the Monte Carlo model used in the existing literature, and the Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (CIR) model. Each of the profiles has a concave or hump-backed shape, reflecting the amortisation and diffusion effects. However, the CIR model generates significantly different results. In addition, we consider the sensitivity of these models of credit risk to initial interest rates, volatility, maturity, kappa and delta. The results show that the sensitivities vary across the models, and we explore the meaning of that variation.


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Este trabalho propõe um modelo de forma reduzida livre de arbitragem para a extração de probabilidades de default a partir de spreads de Swaps de Crédito e aplica-o realizando uma análise da percepção de risco da dívida soberana brasileira confrontando dois momentos com contextos econômicos distintos. É utilizada uma modelagem paramétrica da estrutura temporal das probabilidades condicionais de default para a qual se testa duas formas funcionais distintas: Constante por Partes e Linear por Partes. Os resultados fornecem evidências que corroboram a aplicabilidade do modelo e indicam uma clara vantagem da modelagem Linear por Partes, por se ajustar melhor aos dados e possuir implicações convenientes na estrutura a termo das taxas de juros ajustadas ao risco de default.