770 resultados para Sustainable Logistics


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A growing awareness of the modern society about the direct relationship between a growing global community with increasing total industrial activities on one hand and various environmental problems and a natural limitation of natural resources on the other hand set the base for sustainable or “green” approaches within the supply chain. This paper therefore will look at the issue of “Green Logistics” which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of logistics activities by taking into account functions such as recycling, waste and carbon emission reduction and the use of alternative sources of energy. In order to analyze how these approaches and ideas are being perceived by the system as a whole two models from the area of prospective and scenario planning are being used and described to identify the main drivers and tendencies within the system in order to create feasible hypothesis. Using the URCA/CHIVAS model allows us to identify the driver variables out of a high number of variables that best describe the system “Green Logistics”. Followed by the analysis of the actor’s strategies in the system with the Mactor model it is possible to reduce the complexity of a completely holistic system to a few key drivers that can be analyzed further on. Here the implications of URCA/CHIVAS and Mactor are being used to formulate hypotheses about the perception of Green Logistics and its successful implementation among logistics decision makers by an online survey. This research seeks to demonstrate the usefulness of scenario planning to a highly complex system observing it from all angles and extracting information about the relevant factors of it. The results of this demonstration indicate that there are drivers much beyond the factory walls that need to be considered when implementing successfully a system such as Green Logistics.


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Part 21: Mobility and Logistics


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin shows why urban logistics is a relevant topic in the discussion of urbanization and provides arguments why the last-mile should be included in policies on sustainable mobility in the region. It also delivers insights and arguments how a modern perception of the cargo bike and its inclusion in sustainable logistics policy can deliver towards more sustainable urban logistics development.


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Mai világunkban egyre több olyan erőforrást élünk fel, amelyek hatását az otthonunknak számító Föld egyszerűen már nem képes helyreállítani. Ebben számos jelenség mellett a gazdaság globalizációja, az élesedő versenyhelyzet, a fogyasztói társadalom további térnyerése, ebből adódóan pedig a logisztikai folyamatok intenzitásának növekedése kulcsszerepet játszik. A logisztikát érő kritikáknak ösztönözniük kell a vállalatok szakembereit arra, hogy változtassanak ezen. Ehhez elengedhetetlen a jelenlegi működés szénlábnyomának mérése. Csak a jelenállapot felmérése szolgálhat alapjául a fejlesztéseknek. A szerzők tanulmányának célja a szénlábnyomszámítás egy gyakorlati alkalmazásának ismertetése. Esettanulmány jelleggel bemutatják egy nagy nemzetközi vállalat hazai leányvállalatának a szénlábnyom-számítása során alkalmazott módszertanát. A számítások során a vállalat disztribúciós logisztikai folyamataira fókuszálnak, kiemelten vizsgálták a közúti szállítás és a raktározás széndioxid-kibocsátását. Számításaikban igyekeztek pontosak lenni, a hazai energiamixre számolt legfrissebb konverziós faktorokkal számoltak. Meggyőződésük, hogy az ilyen esettanulmányok hasznosak, hiszen a bemutatott módszertan mintául, útmutatásul szolgálhat további vállalatok számára. Reményeik szerint ezzel segíthetik, hogy minél több hazai vállalat kezdje el széndioxid-kibocsátásának szisztematikus és tudományos alapokon nyugvó mérését. ____ Due to globalization, intense competition and the consumer society logistics processes have been intensified during the last decades. This led to increased environmental strain generating intense criticism towards logistics profession. In order to decrease the environmental burden of logistics several professionals and companies have tried to make progress in this field and introduced techniques that are capable to measure the Carbon Footprint of logistics. Still public case studies are very limited. The paper presents the case of the Hungarian subsidiary of a big multinational FMCG firm. Calculations are built on the actual conversion factor developed for the Hungarian energy mix. A complex set of key performance indi actors usable to capture key characteristics of the present situation is presented. Not only the constructs of these KPIs are described in the paper but a detailed description of methodology used to calculate them is also given. The authors hope such detailed case study description will help other companies as well to initiate sustainable logistics programs.


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This chapter establishes a framework for the governance of intermodal terminals throughout their life cycle, based on the product life cycle. The framework covers the initial planning by the public sector, the public/private split in funding and ownership, the selection of an operator, ensuring fair access to all users, and finally reconcessioning the terminal to a new operator, managing the handover and maintaining the terminal throughout its life cycle. This last point is especially important as industry conditions change and the terminal's role in the transport network comes under threat, either by a lack of demand or by increased demand requiring expansion, redesign and reinvestment. Each stage of the life cycle framework is operationalised based on empirical examples drawn from research by the authors on intermodal terminal planning and funding, the tender process and concession and operation contracts. In future the framework can be applied in additional international contexts to form a basis for transport cost analysis, logistics planning and government policy.


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La Misión empresarial a México 2015, tiene como propósito brindar a los estudiantes espacios para el crecimiento profesional, mediante la aplicación de los conceptos y los modelos estudiados en las diferentes visitas empresariales que se realizaron. Se pretende conocer cuáles son las nuevas tendencias en el manejo y administración de la cadena de abastecimiento de las empresas, de manera que estos conceptos puedan ser aplicados en diferentes tipos de empresas. Se realizó una investigación de cada una de las empresas que fueron visitadas realizando un análisis de un punto clave en cada una, por ejemplo, se describe la política “Think Blue” empleada por el grupo Volkswagen para el éxito y reconocimiento empresarial en la logística verde, y se analizan los principales procesos de producción de la planta productora del grupo Modelo, entre otras. Por otra parte, se analiza el modelo de gestión logística para pequeñas y medianas empresas, desarrollado en la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, el cual puede ser usado como base para el progreso y fortalecimiento de las pymes en nuestro país.


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin summarizes the main outcomes of a regional workshop held in Costa Rica in November 2012 that brought together ministers and high-level authorities from the member countries of the Mesoamerica Project.


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This FAL Bulletin summarizes the main findings and proposals contained in the document “Políticas de logística y movilidad para el desarrollo sostenible y la integración regional”, recently published by the Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division (NRID), ECLAC. It contains a proposal for a paradigm shift in the formulation of national logistics and mobility policies, with common guidelines for Latin American and Caribbean countries.


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Despite the fact that Germany has a well- expanded traffic infrastructure, the country con-fronts a strong growth in freight volumes and it is very likely that in the forthcoming yearsit will not be able to reasonably cope with the increasing demand. Against this back-ground, the aim of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the transport sector in North Germany in an effort to identify, if any, the possibilities of collapse as a result of the continuous increase in the demand of freight traffic. The research based on the DelphiTechnique, collects, analyses and summarizes the opinions of a group of experts in theaforementioned issues. Results indicate that railways could represent the solution to theforecasted growing freight volumes in the next years, not only in Germany, but also in thewhole European transport sector. In spite of continuous efforts undertaken by the politicsand the economy, the existing logistics and freight traffic concepts are not sufficient. Fi-nancing is too scarce; traffic concepts take issues like sustainability, environment protec-tion and working conditions into little consideration.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan strategian määrittämistä. Tutkimus keskittyy logistiikkapalvelualan yrityksen strategian uudistamiseen ja strategiatyön kehittämiseen. Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään miten yritys pystyy parhaiten saavuttamaan strategiset tavoitteensa. Lisäksi pyritään selvittämään miten yritys pystyy luomaan ja ylläpitämään kilpailuetua. Tutkimus toteutetaan tutkimalla ensin strategiaa, strategiaprosessia ja logistiikkapalvelualan liiketoimintaa kirjallisuudessa. Empiirinen osuus toteutetaan pääosin yrityksen johtoryhmän jäsenten kanssa strategiatyöpajoissa. Yrityksen hallitus asettaa strategiset tavoitteet ja myös hyväksyy projektin eri vaiheiden tulokset. Strategisissa analyyseissä otetaan huomioon sekä ulkoinen että sisäinen näkökulma, jotta saadaan kattava kuva yrityksen liiketoimintaympäristöstä sekä yrityksen vahvuuksista ja heikkouksista. Analyysejä hyödynnetään strategisten vaihtoehtojen muodostamisessa sekä yritys- että liiketoimintatasolla. Strategiset valinnat tehdään sen perustella, miten eri strategiset vaihtoehdot tukevat asetettuja strategisia tavoitteita. Tutkimuksen tuloksena määritellään yrityksen strategia, joka myös dokumentoidaan. Lisäksi luodaan strategisen suunnittelun ja johtamisen prosessi, joka mahdollistaa reagoinnin liiketoimintaympäristössä tapahtuviin nopeisiin muutoksiin.


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Electricity load shifting is becoming a big topic in the world of ‘green’ retail. Marks & Spencer (M&S) aim to become the world’s most sustainable retailer (1) and part of that commitment means contributing to the future electricity network. While intelligent operation of fridges and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are a wide area of research, standby generators should be considered too, as they are the most widely adopted form of distributed generation. In this paper, the experience of using standby generators in Northern Ireland to support the grid is shared and the logistics of future projects are discussed. Interactions with maintenance schedules, electricity costs, grid code, staffing and store opening times are discussed as well as the financial implications associated with running generators for grid support.


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Having the objective of minimizing costs and improving their image in the consumer and export market, car battery industries began to seek environmental alternatives geared towards sustainable development. Reverse logistics flow represents an unprecedented tool for the economic and operational development of company activities, as well as a differential in the search for competitive advantages through environmentally correct practices. The aim of this paper is to describe the reverse logistics chain adopted by automotive battery industries in the midwest of the state of São Paulo, proposing a reverse logistics framework for small manufacturers that creates actions aimed at not harming the environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines the economic, institutional, social and environmental aspects of logistics platforms, which help to support competitive economies in a sustainable and egalitarian environment.


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Strategic Knowledge: While entrepreneurship may occur as a natural result of personal drive, it occurs most often, most robustly and is most sustainable in an environment designed to encourage it. Potential entrepreneurs become active entrepreneurs when the conditions are most supportive of their commercial opportunities and their business thus helping channel the two key qualities they exhibit as individuals obsessed maniacs and clairvoyant oracles (Carayannis, GWU Lectures, 2000-2005) and (Carayannis et at, 2003a) towards the generation of sustainable wealth. So far, entrepreneurial scholars who turn into intellectual venture capitalists by founding knowledge-driven companies remain one of the least explored specie in the territory of entrepreneurship. GloCal: The increasing engagement of firms within global knowledge and production networks and their ability to source knowledge globally as well as locally (GloCally), for the development of innovation capacities will shape the future of UK's knowledge resources and its role in the global economy. Practices such as off-shoring R&D activities are widely adopted, creating challenging, and not very well understood, issues related to cross-country and inter-firm knowledge and technology flows. We seek to address the internationalisation and networking of research and innovation activities, including the roles and strategies of enterprises, universities, research centres, governments in a cross-country and inter-sectoral way, to assess the impact and the implications for sustaining and enhancing the competitiveness of UK firms and other British knowledge producers and users.