998 resultados para Sucking behavior


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In addition to providing nutrition and immunological protection, breast-feeding has positive effects on the development of the infant's oral cavity. The aim of the present study is to assess breast-feeding patterns and to analyze the influence of breast-feeding practices and maternal sociodemographic variables on the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits in a sample of Brazilian infants. This cross-sectional study was carried out in Southern Brazil. A random sample of 100 mothers of infants up to 12 months of age was interviewed during the National Vaccination Campaign Day. The prevalence and median duration of breast-feeding were assessed. Breast-feeding practice, the exposure factor, was categorized as exclusive breast-feeding, predominant breast-feeding, complementary breast-feeding, or weaning. Maternal sociodemographic variables included age, race, marital status, educational level, profession, and family income. The outcome investigated was the prevalence of sucking habits (pacifier use and thumb sucking). We used two-sample tests, the chi-square test and Fisher exact test0 for statistical analyses of the data. The study revealed that 75% of infants were being breast-fed. Pacifier use and thumb sucking were common in 55%. Bottle-feeding was prevalent in 74% of infants. Breast-feeding was negatively correlated with pacifier use and thumb sucking (OR = 0.11; 95% CI: 0.03 to 0.4). Bottle-feeding was strongly associated with weaning (p = 0.0003). Among the sociodemographic variables, only marital status showed a statistical association with sucking habits (p = 0.04). These findings suggest that breast-feeding can prevent the occurrence of sucking habits. Although we could not evaluate causality assessment, malocclusion prevention seems to be yet one more reason for promoting breast-feeding practices.


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Background: Many preterm neonates display difficulty establishing suck-feeding competence in the weeks following birth. Ineffective management of transitional feeding issues may cause patient complications, and can contribute to increased length of stay. Aims: Given that many neonatal nurseries appear to vary in their neonatal feeding management practices, the aim of this study was to investigate and document the routine level of support and intervention currently provided for preterm neonates with transitional feeding issues across the various level II (special care) nurseries (SCNs) in Queensland, Australia. Methods: A questionnaire was mailed to all Queensland SCNs in 2005 (n = 36). The questionnaire contained a series of closed-choice and short-answer questions designed to obtain information from each SCN regarding their current practices for managing transitional feeding issues in preterm neonates. Results were confirmed during a follow-up phone call. Results: Responses were obtained from 29 SCNs (80.6%). None of these nurseries reported having any formal, written policies regarding the management of transitional feeding issues in preterm neonates. Wide variations were reported in relation to the suck-feeding assessments and interventions used by staff within the various SCNs. Of the 29 nurseries, 4 (13.8%) reported using checklists or assessments to judge readiness for suck-feeds, and 5 (17.2%) reported using pulse oximetry to judge tolerance of suck-feeding attempts. Eighteen SCNs (62.1%) reported offering some form of active intervention to assist neonates with transitional feeding issues, with the most common intervention techniques reported being non-nutritive sucking during tube feeds, pre-feeding oral stimulation, and actively pacing suck-feeds. Twenty-two SCNs (75.4%) reported having access to a lactation consultant to assist mothers with breastfeeding issues. Conclusions: Differences were reported in the routine management of transitional feeding issues in preterm neonates across the various SCNs in Queensland. It is suggested that evidence based guidelines need to be developed, and that, in order to do this, further research studies are required to determine current best practice, as well as to answer remaining questions. © 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: This study aimed to document the ages at which preterm neonates commence suckle-feeds and attain exclusive suckle-feeding, as well as the time taken to transition from commencement of suckle-feeds to exclusive suckle-feeding. It was hypothesized that gestational age (GA) at birth and degree of neonatal morbidity would influence the timing of these early feeding milestones. Study Design: A chart review was conducted for all neonates born <37;0 weeks GA admitted to a tertiary level perinatal facility over a 12-month period (n=735). Complete data relating to attainment of feeding milestones were available on 472 neonates. Results: Correlation analysis indicated that both a low GA at birth and a high neonatal morbidity rating were statistically significantly correlated with an increased transition time from commencement of suckle-feeds to exclusive suckle-feeding. Cox regression indicated that both of these variables were statistically significant risk factors for a delayed GA at attainment of exclusive suckle-feeding. Conclusion: Preterm neonates who were less mature at birth and/or who displayed a greater degree of neonatal morbidity took longer to transition from starting suckle-feeds to achieving independent suckle-feeding, and were more mature at attainment of independent suckle-feeding.


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The Feeding Experiments End-user Database (FEED) is a research tool developed by the Mammalian Feeding Working Group at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center that permits synthetic, evolutionary analyses of the physiology of mammalian feeding. The tasks of the Working Group are to compile physiologic data sets into a uniform digital format stored at a central source, develop a standardized terminology for describing and organizing the data, and carry out a set of novel analyses using FEED. FEED contains raw physiologic data linked to extensive metadata. It serves as an archive for a large number of existing data sets and a repository for future data sets. The metadata are stored as text and images that describe experimental protocols, research subjects, and anatomical information. The metadata incorporate controlled vocabularies to allow consistent use of the terms used to describe and organize the physiologic data. The planned analyses address long-standing questions concerning the phylogenetic distribution of phenotypes involving muscle anatomy and feeding physiology among mammals, the presence and nature of motor pattern conservation in the mammalian feeding muscles, and the extent to which suckling constrains the evolution of feeding behavior in adult mammals. We expect FEED to be a growing digital archive that will facilitate new research into understanding the evolution of feeding anatomy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To measure and compare the activity of the masseter, temporalis and buccinator muscles in different infant feeding methods. Method: Cross-sectional study of 60 full-term infants with no intercurrent diseases, aged between two and three months, classified into the following groups: 1) exclusive breastfeeding; 2) breastfeeding plus bottle-feeding; and 3) exclusive breastfeeding plus cup feeding. Surface electromyography was performed during infant feeding. The Krushal-Wallis test was used, complemented by multiple paired comparisons of the groups. A 5% significance level was chosen for the tests. Results: Statistically higher results were verified in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, both in the range of movement and the mean contraction of the masseter. With regard to the temporalis muscle, statistically higher results were found in the breastfeeding group comparatively to the bottle-feeding one. As to the buccinator muscle, statistically higher results were observed in the breastfeeding group in relation to the bottle-feeding one, although in this case, the difference concerned only the range of contraction. Conclusion: The similarities between the muscle activity in the breastfeeding and in the cup-feeding groups suggests that cup-feeding can be used as an alternative infant feeding method, being better than bottle-feeding, due to the hyperactivity of the buccinator muscle, which could result in changes to the structural growth and development of the stomatognathic system functions. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Este estudo transversal e descritivo objetivou verificar a prevalência de hábitos de sucção em pré-escolares e a percepção dos pais sobre a relação com a ocorrência de maloclusões. A população do estudo constituiu-se por uma amostra representativa de pais de pré-escolares de 4 meses a 6 anos de idade. Utilizou-se um questionário semiestruturado, composto por questões abertas e fechadas, referentes à frequência e conhecimentos dos pais frente aos hábitos de sucção não nutritivos. Dos 356 participantes da pesquisa, 70,8% afirmaram que as crianças apresentavam algum hábito bucal, sendo a sucção de chupeta o mais frequente (45,6%). Apesar da grande maioria dos pesquisados (97,1%) relatarem saber que os hábitos podiam causar prejuízo aos dentes, 70,2% deles já haviam oferecido chupeta à criança, na maioria das vezes para acalmá-la (61,8%). Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a oferta da chupeta à criança e o conhecimento sobre a relação da presença de hábitos não nutritivos e a ocorrência de maloclusão (p < 0,0001 e Qui-quadrado = 60,123). A prevalência de hábitos bucais na população estudada é alta e, apesar da maioria dos pais saberem que o hábito de sucção de chupeta pode causar danos à saúde bucal, ofertavam a chupeta a fim de acalmar a criança.


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Objective: To assess the attitudes and knowledge about hepatitis by scholars and dental practitioners from Recife and its metropolitan region. Method: The research protocol was submitted and approved by the Ethics and Human Research Committee of the Federal University of Pernambuco. There were included 230 undergraduate students in dentistry and 104 dentists who exercise their professional activity in Recife and its Metropolitan Region. They signed a consent form and answered a questionnaire, the evaluative instrument, with objective questions about biosafety, transmission of hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases. Results: About the types of hepatitis 133 (57.8%) students and 61 (58.7%) professionals claimed to know the types A, B and C. Concerning transmission 31 (13.5%) students and 25 (24.0%) professionals said that the main route of transmission were sexual and bloodstream respectively. Relating to imunization 221 (96.1%) students and 99 (95.2%) professionals reported that have been vaccinated against hepatitis B, however, only 126 (54.8%) students and 55 (52.9%) professionals have followed the immunization’s schema. Regarding the cleaning of the office equipment, 18.7% of the students replied that they do not know who does it. 56.7% of professionals said that it was performed with alcohol 70 ° GL.Conclusions: The findings indicate that there is a concern for biosafety but the knowledge about the forms of hepatitis transmission and biosecurity measures need to be better settled.


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BACKGROUND: There is a continuous debate regarding the best bottle nipple to be used to enhance the bottle-feeding performance of a preterm infant. Aim: To verify that feeding performance can be improved by using the bottle nipple with the physical characteristics that enhance infants' sucking skills. METHODS: Ten "healthy" VLBW infants (941+/-273 g) were recruited. Feeding performance was monitored at two time periods, when taking 1-2 and 6-8 oral feedings/d. At each time and within 24 h, performance was monitored using three different bottle nipples offered in a randomized order. Rate of milk transfer (ml/min) was the primary outcome measure. The sucking skills monitored comprised stage of sucking, suction amplitude, and duration of the generated negative intraoral suction pressure. RESULTS: At both times, infants demonstrated a similar rate of milk transfer among all three nipples. However, the stage of sucking, suction amplitude, and duration of the generated suction were significantly different between nipples at 1-2, but not 6-8 oral feedings/d.CONCLUSION: We did not identify a particular bottle nipple that enhanced bottle feeding in healthy VLBW infants. Based on the notion that afferent sensory feedback may allow infants to adapt to changing conditions, we speculate that infants can modify their sucking skills in order to maintain a rate of milk transfer that is appropriate with the level of suck-swallow-breathe coordination achieved at a particular time. Therefore, it is proposed that caretakers should be more concerned over monitoring the coordination of suck-swallow-breathe than over the selection of bottle nipples.


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AIM: Safe and successful oral feeding requires proper maturation of sucking, swallowing and respiration. We hypothesized that oral feeding difficulties result from different temporal development of the musculatures implicated in these functions. METHODS: Sixteen medically stable preterm infants (26 to 29 weeks gestation, GA) were recruited. Specific feeding skills were monitored as indirect markers for the maturational process of oral feeding musculatures: rate of milk intake (mL/min); percent milk leakage (lip seal); sucking stage, rate (#/s) and suction/expression ratio; suction amplitude (mmHg), rate and slope (mmHg/s); sucking/swallowing ratio; percent occurrence of swallows at specific phases of respiration. Coefficients of variation (COV) were used as indices of functional stability. Infants, born at 26/27- and 28/29-week GA, were at similar postmenstrual ages (PMA) when taking 1-2 and 6-8 oral feedings per day. RESULTS: Over time, feeding efficiency and several skills improved, some decreased and others remained unchanged. Differences in COVs between the two GA groups demonstrated that, despite similar oral feeding outcomes, maturation levels of certain skills differed. CONCLUSIONS: Components of sucking, swallowing, respiration and their coordinated activity matured at different times and rates. Differences in functional stability of particular outcomes confirm that maturation levels depend on infants' gestational rather than PMA.


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A eficiência da amamentação exige uma complexa coordenação entre sucção, deglutição e respiração, sendo que a tecnologia tem possibilitado importantes avanços na compreensão desse processo. Porém, não foram encontrados vídeos disponíveis na internet que demonstrassem a anatomia e fisiologia da amamentação, de modo didático e fidedigno à ciência atual. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever o desenvolvimento de uma sequência em computação gráfica sobre a sucção e a deglutição, resultante da produção digital do Bebê Virtual, bem como validar tal produção quanto ao conteúdo e prover adequações necessárias ao material educacional. Para a produção das iconografias em 3D da sucção e deglutição no Bebê Virtual, inicialmente foi elaborado um mapa conceitual e uma matriz de conteúdos, objetivos e competências voltadas ao material educacional. Posteriormente foi elaborado um roteiro científico que abordou a anatomia do crânio, face, cavidade oral, faringe, laringe e esôfago do recém-nascido, bem como, a descrição dos mecanismos fisiológicos relacionados à sucção e às fases oral e faríngea da deglutição no bebê. Para isso foram utilizadas 14 publicações do período de 1998 a 2008, que continham informações relevantes para demonstrar a amamentação. Os conteúdos teóricos foram organizados em cenas principais, possibilitando a criação de previews das sequências dinâmicas, as quais foram avaliadas por profissionais de anatomia, fonoaudiologia e medicina, possibilitando os ajustes necessários e a construção das imagens em computação gráfica 3D. Para análise da validade de conteúdo dessas imagens foi verificada a representatividade dos itens que o compõe, por meio de consulta à literatura. Foram incluídos estudos que utilizaram auxílio tecnológico e abordaram o tema proposto em bebês a termo e saudáveis, sem alterações neurológicas ou anomalias craniofaciais. Foram excluídas as publicações realizadas com bebês pré-termo, sindrômicos, com anomalias, doenças neurológicas ou qualquer alteração que pudesse interferir na amamentação, revisões de literatura e relatos de caso. Os artigos selecionados foram analisados e classificados quanto ao nível de evidência científica, predominando o nível três de evidência. A análise de conteúdo demonstrou a necessidade de adequações nas iconografias 3D, para que o processo de sucção e deglutição demonstrado no bebê virtual pudesse corresponder ao conhecimento científico atual. Tais adequações foram propostas a partir dos achados de 9 estudos, publicados entre 2008 e 2014, que utilizaram ultrassonografia para demonstrar como ocorre o processo de amamentação. Desta forma, foram modificados os aspectos da pega, da movimentação de língua, mandíbula, palato mole e laringe, além da sincronização da sucção/deglutição/respiração e deslocamento do mamilo, num processo desenvolvido em cinco etapas. Assim, o presente estudo descreveu o processo de desenvolvimento das iconografias em 3D sobre a anatomia e fisiologia da sucção e deglutição no recém-nascido a termo, sendo que a validade de conteúdo permitiu atualizar vários aspectos da amamentação do Bebê Virtual, quebrando velhos paradigmas e possibilitando ilustrar didaticamente as evidências científicas relacionadas.


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Although sucking activity has been considered an essential behavior of early childhood to satisfy nutritive and non-nutritive needs, digit and pacifier sucking are deleterious oral habits that may interfere with child development. Furthermore, this clinical picture may be compounded by other concerning habits, such as self-mutilating behavior. This article reports 4-year follow-up of a child in whom non-nutritive sucking was associated with an unusual self-mutilating behavior; namely, the child would pull out her own hair after wrapping it around her finger every time she sucked on the pacifier. This occurred specially at bedtime, while she was watching TV, or when she was somewhat anxious, and remitted and recurred throughout the follow-up period. In an attempt to address this behavior, pacifier use was discontinued and the child’s head was shaved. Ultimately, the case was only solved through combined efforts involving the child, her family, and health professionals. Based on the parents’ reports and clinical examination and follow-up findings, we emphasize the importance of investigating the origin of the problem and considering emotional aspects and its association with other habits in such cases.


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Human newborns appear to regulate sucking pressure when bottle feeding by employing, with similar precision, the same principle of control evidenced by adults in skilled behavior, such as reaching (Lee et al., 1998a). In particular, the present study of 12 full-term newborn infants indicated that the intraoral sucking pressures followed an internal dynamic prototype - an intrinsic tau-guide. The intrinsic tau-guide, a recent hypothesis of general tau theory is a time-varying quantity, tau(g), assumed to be generated within the nervous system. It corresponds to some quantity (e.g., electrical charge), chang ing with a constant second-order temporal derivative from a rest level to a goal level, in the sense that tau(g) equals tau of the gap between the quantity and its goal level at each time t. (tau of a gap is the rime-to-closure of the gap at the current closure-rate.) According to the hypoth esis, the infant senses tau(p), the tau of the gap between the current intraoral pressure and its goal level, and regulates intraoral pressure so that tau(p) and tau(g) remain coupled in a constant ratio, k; i.e., tau(p) = k tau(g). With k in the range 0-1, the tau-coupling would result in a bell-shaped rate of change pressure profile, as was, in fact, found. More specifically, the high mean r(2) values obtained when regressing tau(p) on tau(g), for both the increasing and decreasing suction periods of the infants' suck, supported a strong tau-coupling between tau(p) and tau(g). The mean k values were significantly higher In the Increasing suction period, indicating that the ending of the movement was more forceful, a finding which makes sense given the different functions of the two periods of the suck.


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Early experiences are of potential importance in shaping long-term behavior. This study examined the relative influence of prenatal and/or early postnatal experience of chemosensory stimuli on subsequent olfactory and dietary preferences of cats as newborns, at 9-10 weeks, and at 6 months. Cats were exposed to vanillin or 4-ethylguaiacol via their mother's diet either prenatally, postnatally, perinatally (prenatal and postnatal), or experienced no exposure to the stimuli (control). Newborns were given a two-choice olfactory test between the familiar "odor" and no odor; 9-10 week olds were tested for their preference between two food treats, one flavored with the familiar stimulus and the other unflavored; at 6 months, cats were given a choice of two bowls of food, one flavored with the familiar stimulus and the other unflavored. At all ages, cats preferred the familiar, and avoided the unfamiliar, stimulus. Perinatal exposure exerted the strongest influence on preference. Prenatal exposure influenced preference at all ages and postnatal exposure exerted a stronger effect as the cat aged. We conclude that long-term chemosensory and dietary preferences of cats are influenced by prenatal and early (nursing) postnatal experience, supporting a natural and biologically relevant mechanism for the safe transmission of diet from mother to young. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.