51 resultados para Subtitling


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This essay aims to confront the literary text Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë with five of its screen adaptations and Portuguese subtitles. Owing to the scope of the study, it will necessarily afford merely a bird‘s eye view of the issues and serve as a starting point for further research. Accordingly, the following questions are used as guidelines: What transformations occur in the process of adapting the original text to the screen? Do subtitles update the film dialogues to the target audience‘s cultural and linguistic context? Are subtitles influenced more by oral speech than by written literary discourse? Shouldn‘t subtitles in fact reflect the poetic function prevalent in screen adaptations of literary texts? Rather than attempt to answer these questions, we focus on the objects as phenomena. Our interdisciplinary undertaking clearly involves a semio-pragmatic stance, at this stage trying to avoid theoretical backdrops that may affect our apprehension of the objects as to their qualities, singularities, and conventional traits, based on Lucia Santaella‘s interpretation of Charles S. Peirce‘s phaneroscopy. From an empirical standpoint, we gather features and describe peculiarities, under the presumption that there are substrata in subtitling that point or should point to the literary source text, albeit through the mediation of a film script and a particular cinematic style. Therefore, we consider how the subtitling process may be influenced by the literary intertext, the idiosyncrasies of a particular film adaptation, as well as the socio-cultural context of the subtitler and target audience. First, we isolate one of the novel‘s most poignant scenes – ‗I am Heathcliff‘ – taking into account its symbolic play and significance in relation to character and plot construction. Secondly, we study American, English, French, and Mexican adaptations of the excerpt into film in terms of intersemiotic transformations. Then we analyze differences between the film dialogues and their Portuguese subtitles.


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We study the influence of television translation techniques on the quality of the English spoken across the EU and OCDE. We identify a large positive effect for subtitled original version as opposed to dubbed television, which loosely corresponds to between four and twenty years of compulsory English education at school. We also show that the importance of subtitled television is robust to a wide array of specifications.We then find that subtitling and better English skills have an influence on high-tech exports, international student mobility, and other economic and social outcomes.


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This study was designed to present and discuss some results produced by a research involving the use of English subtitles of some news videos from the webiste Reuters.com (http://www.reuters.com) with pedagogical reasons in a Brazilian context (Academic English for Journalism). We have developed the research during two semesters at UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho). The professor in charge of the study has chosen the students of Journalism as the audience to whom the videos were presented. The assumptions of many theorists and experts in Audiovisual Translation were adopted as our Theoretical Sources. The first step of the study was the assessment of the syllabus of each course. This was very helpful as a guidance in order to choose the most relevant and interesting videos for students. After the evaluation of academic and professional interests, we chose some videos to insert appropriate subtitles, according to some strategies suggested by Panayota Georgakopoulou and Henrik Gottlieb. Finally we presented the videos during the English classes. At the first time, they were presented without subtitles just to notice the comprehension level of the students. After that, the videos were presented with English subtitles. As we first assumed, the students haven’t had the whole comprehension of specific details during the first presentation, they have just used their previous knowledge and the visual aids to help them in a superficial understanding of the news. As the subtitles appear, the process of communication was finally accomplished.


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This project assesses translating and subtitling humor in Italian and Spanish language films subtitled into English. Humor in film is problematic to translate when subtitling: visual humor may need no assistance to be delivered to a target audience, but verbal humor requires thorough analysis to be constructed effectively in the target language. To keep humor alive in target language translations, translators must understand the structure and function of humor. This project researches humor theory, translation and subtitling. It analyzes humor function through humor theory and applies this knowledge to translating audiovisual mediums. An understanding of joke structure and humor function can serve as a guide for translators to recognize, devise and evaluate equivalent translations of humor in film.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è mettere a confronto due tecniche di sottotitolaggio presenti sul mercato, sottotitolando uno spezzone del film “This is England”. Il primo approccio è il sottotitolaggio tradizionale, ovvero la creazione di sottotitoli in una data lingua a partire dall’audio e dallo script nella lingua dei dialoghi originali. Il secondo metodo è il pivot subtitling, che consiste nella creazione di sottotitoli in una determinata lingua a partire da sottotitoli esistenti in una lingua diversa da quella dei dialoghi originali. Questa tesi nasce dalla curiosità di sperimentare personalmente le due tecniche e formare una mia opinione critica al riguardo. Così è seguita la scelta di un film. Il film “This is England”, di difficile comprensione a causa di accenti particolarmente marcati di alcuni protagonisti, della densità di alcuni dialoghi e dei riferimenti culturali alla sottocultura inglese skinhead nata a fine anni ‘60. La parte principale del lavoro è stata la creazione dei sottotitoli. Nel primo capitolo introdurrò il film, spiegherò la prima fase del lavoro, ovvero come ho svolto il processo del sottotitolaggio tradizionale, successivamente seguiranno nozioni sui pivot subtitles e il secondo processo di creazione di quelli italiani. Il secondo capitolo spiegherà il concetto di qualità dei sottotitoli. Successivamente seguiranno i commenti ai sottotitoli: si tratterà di mettere a confronto i sottotitoli ottenuti con le due diverse tecniche per la medesima battuta o scena. Per finire analizzerò le differenze che emergono dalle due tecniche, l’impatto sul pubblico, i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di ognuna e i motivi per cui una viene utilizzata più dell’altra. Queste considerazioni serviranno per dare una risposta alla questione della tesi: in cosa consiste la differenza fra le due tecniche? Sono accettabili entrambi i risultati seppur diversi?


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In recent years, more and more Chinese films have been exported abroad. This thesis intends to explore the subtitling of Chinese cinema into English, with Zhang Yimou’s films as a case study. Zhang Yimou is arguably the most critically and internationally acclaimed Chinese filmmaker, who has experimented with a variety of genres of films. I argue that in the subtitling of his films, there is an obvious adoption of the domestication translation strategy that reduces or even omits Chinese cultural references. I try to discover what cultural categories or perspectives of China are prone to the domestication of translation and have formulated five categories: humour, politeness, dialect, history and songs and the Peking Opera. My methodology is that I compare the source Chinese dialogue lines with the existing English subtitles by providing literal translations of the source lines, and I will also give my alternative translations that tend to retain the source cultural references better. I also speculate that the domestication strategy is frequently employed by subtitlers possibly because the subtitlers assume the source cultural references are difficult for target language subtitle readers to comprehend, even if they are translated into a target language. However, subtitle readers are very likely to understand more than what the dialogue lines and the target language subtitles express, because films are multimodal entities and verbal information is not the only source of information for subtitle readers. The image and the sound are also significant sources of information for subtitle readers who are constantly involved in a dynamic film-watching experience. They are also expected to grasp visual and acoustic information. The complete omission or domestication of source cultural references might also affect their interpretation of the non-verbal cues. I also contemplate that the translation, which frequently domesticates the source culture carried out by a translator who is also a native speaker of the source language, is ‘submissive translation’.


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The purpose of this study is to explore how the potential cues of spoken sarcasm and irony are transferred into written Finnish subtitles in the American television series Gilmore Girls. The aim is to discover how the use of cuing differs between the English source text and the Finnish target text. The research is conducted through qualitative and quantitative analysis and comparison between the two languages. Three (3) episodes from Gilmore Girls are analysed using the Finnish DVD subtitles and the episodes’ English unofficial transcripts. The sarco-ironic remarks and their translations are identified, and their individual sarco-ironic cues are categorised. The number of cues, the number of cues in each category and the number of cue shifts are compared quantitatively in order to find whether the translator uses less or different cues than the writer of the original source text. The qualitative analysis focuses on the cue types used in both texts. The results confirmed the hypothesis of sarcasm and irony being relatively straightforward linguistic phenomena to translate, and the hypothesis of the category of words of reinforcement/trivialising being the most used in conveying sarcasm and irony. However, the study also showed that even though some cues were cut in the translation process, the sarco-ironic meaning was rarely omitted entirely from the translation. The findings also showed that the number of cue shifts was surprisingly low. From these results we can deduce that at least in the context of DVD subtitles, sarcasm and irony can be conveyed also in writing, and even though some cues were omitted or shifted, sarcasm and irony were still detectable in the Finnish subtitles. The language used in DVD translations uses less cues of sarcasm and irony and it could thus be considered less versatile than the original source language.


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This thesis examines the state of audiovisual translation (AVT) in the aftermath of the COVID-19 emergency, highlighting new trends with regards to the implementation of AI technologies as well as their strengths, constraints, and ethical implications. It starts with an overview of the current AVT landscape, focusing on future projections about its evolution and its critical aspects such as the worsening working conditions lamented by AVT professionals – especially freelancers – in recent years and how they might be affected by the advent of AI technologies in the industry. The second chapter delves into the history and development of three AI technologies which are used in combination with neural machine translation in automatic AVT tools: automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis and deepfakes (voice cloning and visual deepfakes for lip syncing), including real examples of start-up companies that utilize them – or are planning to do so – to localize audiovisual content automatically or semi-automatically. The third chapter explores the many ethical concerns around these innovative technologies, which extend far beyond the field of translation; at the same time, it attempts to revindicate their potential to bring about immense progress in terms of accessibility and international cooperation, provided that their use is properly regulated. Lastly, the fourth chapter describes two experiments, testing the efficacy of the currently available tools for automatic subtitling and automatic dubbing respectively, in order to take a closer look at their perks and limitations compared to more traditional approaches. This analysis aims to help discerning legitimate concerns from unfounded speculations with regards to the AI technologies which are entering the field of AVT; the intention behind it is to humbly suggest a constructive and optimistic view of the technological transformations that appear to be underway, whilst also acknowledging their potential risks.


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Como projeto final do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas foi proposta a legendagem de um excerto de uma apresentação oral, em ambiente de debate, de um discurso do ator Stephen Fry. Inseriu-se o trabalho no âmbito do mestrado e no seguimento da licenciatura na mesma área, possibilitando o exercício de três das principais áreas do curso: transcrição, tradução e legendagem, por esta ordem. Procurou-se inovar no sentido de aproximar a transcrição à legendagem, com a menor supressão possível de texto e consequentemente da mensagem, enquanto se cumpriram na íntegra as normas e sugestões dos autores-chave da área. Como elementos técnicos do trabalho estão inseridos no corpo do texto a transcrição, a tradução e a legendagem, pois estes são os objetos práticos do trabalho e o grande desafio proposto foi o seguinte: manter a fidelidade entre estes três modos de transferência – obedecer a todo o procedimento distinto a que estes modos obrigam, mas mantendo entre eles uma similaridade que os torne praticamente iguais, no sentido de transmissão da mensagem. Apresentaram-se também uma breve história da tradução audiovisual, os diferentes tipos da mesma, uma abordagem à realidade da área em Portugal, uma contextualização do excerto e do seu conteúdo e a vertente técnica na sua globalidade.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação do Dr. Manuel Fernando Moreira da Silva


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da Mestre Graça Chorão


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Trabalho de Projeto Apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da Mestre Graça Chorão e coorientação da Mestre Paula Almeida