971 resultados para Subcutaneous emphysema
Introduction . Subcutaneous emphysema is usually benign and self-limited; however, it may be associated with a life-threating situation. Case Report . An elderly woman with progressive malaise with extensive subcutaneous emphysema (cervical to abdominal wall) was observed at the emergency department. Colonic perforation was diagnosed and the patient underwent surgery. Intraoperatively, necrosis and perforation of the sigmoid colon into the retroperitoneum were found and a Hartmann procedure was performed. Conclusion . Cervical and thoracic subcutaneous emphysema may be the first sign of intra-abdominal lesion.
Subcutaneous emphysema are rare complications in periodontology. In most cases, they resolve spontaneously. However, air might disperse into deeper facial spaces causing life-threatening complications such as compression of the tracheobronchial tree or the development of pneumomediastinum. Moreover, microorganisms might spread from the oral cavity into deeper spaces. Hence, rapid diagnosis of subcutaneous emphysema is important. Characteristic signs are both a shiftable swelling and a crepitation. In this case report, the case of a 69-year old man with a subcutaneous emphysema immediately after peri-implantitis therapy with the use of a glycine-based powder air-polishing device is described. Following therapy, air accumulated in the left side of the face. Seven days after non-surgical peri-implantitis therapy, the patient was asymptomatic with complete resolution of the emphysema.
We report a case of acute facial oedema in an elderly hospitalized patient which was initially misdiagnosed as angioedema secondary to antibiotics in a patient with an allergic diathesis. We describe the differential aetiologies and then the true cause of the oedema, which was an uncommon complication of a very common condition in the elderly: a pneumomediastinum with subcutaneous emphysema probably due to rupture of an emphysematous lung bulla during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation. Lastly, we focus on the therapeutic procedures instituted for the treatment of the pneumomediastinum.
We report an extremely rare example of a thoracocervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema after Heimlich maneuver case.
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum commonly occurs in healthy young men or parturient women in whom an increased intra-alveolar pressure (Valsalva maneuver, asthma, cough, emesis) leads to the rupture of the marginal pulmonary alveoli. The air ascends along the bronchi to the mediastinum and the subcutaneous space of the neck, causing cervico-fascial subcutaneous emphysema in 70-90% of cases. Ninety-five forensic cases, including five cases of hanging, were examined using postmortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to autopsy until December 2003. This paper describes the findings of pneumomediastinum and cervical emphysema in three of five cases of hanging. The mechanism of its formation is discussed based on these results and a review of the literature. In conclusion, when putrefaction gas can be excluded the findings of pneumomediastinum and cervical soft tissue emphysema serve as evidence of vitality of a hanged person. Postmortem cross-sectional imaging is considered a useful visualization tool for emphysema, with a great potential for examination and documentation.
Objectives: Severe glottic/subglottic stenosis (complex laryngotracheal stenosis) is a rare but challenging complication of endotracheal intubation. Laryngotracheal reconstruction with cartilage graft and an intralaryngeal stent is a procedure described for complex laryngotracheal stenosis management in children; however, for adults, few options remain. Our aim was to analyze the results of laryngotracheal reconstruction as a treatment for complex laryngotracheal stenosis in adults, considering postoperative and long-term outcome. Methods: Laryngotracheal reconstruction (laryngeal split with anterior and posterior interposition of a rib cartilage graft) has been used in our institution to manage glottic/subglottic stenosis restricted to the larynx; laryngotracheal reconstruction associated with cricotracheal resection has been used to treat glottic/subglottic/upper tracheal stenosis (extending beyond the second tracheal ring). A retrospective study was conducted, including all patients with complex laryngotracheal stenosis treated surgically in our institution from January of 2002 until December of 2005. Results: Twenty patients (10 male and 10 female patients; average age, 36.13 years; age range, 18-54 years) were included. There were no deaths, and the postoperative complications were as follows: dysphonia, 25%; subcutaneous emphysema, 10%; tracheocutaneous fistula, 20%; wound infection, 15%; and bleeding, 5.0%. Eighty percent of the patients were completely decannulated after a mean of 23.4 months of follow-up (range, 4 -55 months). Conclusions: Laryngeal split with anterior and posterior cartilage graft interposition as an isolated procedure or associated with a cricotracheal resection is a feasible and low-morbidity alternative for complex laryngotracheal stenosis treatment.
Introdução: O pneumomediastino espontâneo (PE) define-se pela presença de ar livre no mediastino, sem causa traumática. É raro em idade pediátrica e exige elevada suspeição diagnóstica. Caso Clínico: Adolescente de 17 anos, longilíneo, fumador ocasional, sem história traumática nem patologia pulmonar, observado na Urgência por dor retrosternal intensa acompanhada por dispneia ligeira. Referência a acessos de tosse seca violenta horas antes. O diagnóstico de PE suspeitou-se pela palpação de enfisema subcutâneo supraclavicular e confirmou-se por telerradiografia do tórax mostrando ar livre mediastínico. A investigação revelou infeção por Mycoplasma pneumoniae pelo que foi medicado com macrólido para além do repouso e analgesia propostos para o PE, evoluindo favoravelmente. Discussão/Conclusôes: O PE é um diagnóstico a não esquecer perante dor torácica aguda no adolescente. A presença de sintomas, por vezes, frustres e a evolução habitualmente benigna contribuem para um provável subdiagnóstico. O tabagismo é um fator predisponente. A associação a infeção por Mycoplasma pneumoniae só raramente foi descrita.
Cocaine use, often not recognized, is a frequent cause of consultation in the emergency room or by primary care physicians. The use of cocaine causes numerous cardiovascular and pulmonary side effects. In this context, the occurrence of a pneumothorax represents a specific complication, often misunderstood by primary care physicians. We describe here three cases of patients who suffered from subcutaneous emphysema and pneumothorax after taking cocaine and emphasize the importance of always keeping in mind the possibility of illicit substance use in such cases, especially among young and healthy patients.
Introduction: Boerhaave syndrome (BS) is a spontaneous esophageal perforation, described in aged, alcoholic males, secondary to forceful vomiting. BS has rarely been described in children. Case presentation: The patient is a 7-year-old Nigerian girl. She has a past history of clinical gastro-esophageal reflux (treated conservatively with prokinetics and good evolution), malaria at the age of 3 months and an episode of acute pancreatitis at 5 years. One week prior admission, she had stopped atovaquone-proguanil (AP) prophylaxis after a trip in an endemic area. Two days prior admission, she presented several bouts of isolated acute vomiting, without fever or diarrhea. On admission, she complained of chest pain. Cardiac auscultation revealed crepitus. No subcutaneous emphysema nor respiratory distress was present. Chest radiography and CT-scan confirmed a pneumomediastinum extending to the neck. Esophageal perforation was suspected. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed and showed a small esophageal tear, grade II-III esophagitis and a single gastric ulcer without any sign of H. Pylori infection. Enteral feeds were stopped and a nasogastric sucking tube inserted. The patient made a full recovery on intravenous antibiotics and conservative treatment. Of note a second episode of subclinical acute pancreatitis, treated conservatively, probably drug-induced. Discussion: BS is a complete rupture of all layers of the esophagus, secondary to an increased intra-abdominal pressure due to incomplete opening of the cricophayngeal sphincter occurring during vomiting or cough. Rarer causes include eosinophilic or Barrett's esophagitis, HIV and caustic ingestion. Esophageal perforation in children is rare, most of time secondary to necrotizing esophagitis in the newborn, medical intervention (endoscopy, sucking, or intubation) or trauma in the older child. Our patient had none of those risk factors and it is still unclear what predisposed her to this complication. However, we believe that preceding forceful vomiting with increased abdominal pressure acting on a weakened oesophagus due to esophagitis might be responsible. We could not find any association in the literature between AP and BS nor between BS and acute pancreatitis. The origin of her recurrent pancreatitis remains unclear, reason for which genetic testing for mutations in the trypsinogen, trypsin inhibitor and CFTR genes will be performed in case of a third episode.
Transtracheal puncture has long been known as a safe, low-cost procedure. However, with the advent of bronchoscopy, it has largely been forgotten. Two researchers have suggested the use of α-amylase activity to diagnose salivary aspiration, but the normal values of this enzyme in tracheobronchial secretions are unknown. We aimed to define the normal values of α-amylase activity in tracheobronchial secretions and verify the rate of major complications of transtracheal puncture. From October 2009 to June 2011, we prospectively evaluated 118 patients without clinical or radiological signs of salivary aspiration who underwent transtracheal puncture before bronchoscopy. The patients were sedated with a solution of lidocaine and diazepam until they reached a Ramsay sedation score of 2 or 3. We then cleaned the cervical region and anesthetized the superficial planes with lidocaine. Next, we injected 10 mL of 2% lidocaine into the tracheobronchial tree. Finally, we injected 10 mL of normal saline into the tracheobronchial tree and immediately aspirated the saline with maximum vacuum pressure to collect samples for measurement of the α-amylase level. The α-amylase level mean ± SE, median, and range were 1914 ± 240, 1056, and 24-10,000 IU/L, respectively. No major complications (peripheral desaturation, subcutaneous emphysema, cardiac arrhythmia, or hemoptysis) occurred among 118 patients who underwent this procedure. Transtracheal aspiration is a safe, low-cost procedure. We herein define for the first time the normal α-amylase levels in the tracheobronchial secretions of humans.
Background: Rumenostomy may be performed for therapeutic and digestibility research purposes in bovines, small ruminants and camelids. Several studies requires romenostomy in buffaloes in order to sample ruminal content for laboratorial assays. However, complications and outcome of rumenostomy was poorly studied in buffaloes. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to describe a two-stage rumenostomy technique in buffaloes, focused on intra and post-operative period.Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Murrah buffaloes were submitted to a 36-h and 12-h of food and water fastening. The animals were given acepromazine and maintained in standing position. Flank local anesthesia was carried out. A circular skin incision was carried out in the center of the left flank, followed by divulsion of the external and internal obliques and transversus abdominus muscles, and incision of the peritoneum. Subsequently, a segment of the dorsal aspect of the rumen was grasped and pulled through the flank incision. The rumen was attached to the peritoneum and skin incision margins in four points (dorsal, ventral, cranial and caudal). Additional simple interrupted sutures attaching the rumen serosa to the skin were applied subsequently. Four additional interrupted horizontal mattress sutures were applied equidistantly, taking bites only in the skin and rumen serosa. Following 12 h, the second stage was carried out. The buffaloes were prepared and restrained as performed for the first stage. A circular flap was excised from the exteriorized rumen and the silicone romenostomy cannula was placed. Clinical parameters, postoperative recovery, weight and behavioral pain scale were assessed. Positioning and anesthesia regimen were adequate for the achievement of the procedure. However, two animals fell in the restraint chute during the first surgical stage. Mild ischemia of the exteriorized rumen segment was observed on the second surgical stage, which resulted in less hemorrhage and enhanced cannula positioning. Complete cicatrization and permanent adhesion of the rumen to the skin were achieved. No ruminal leakage to the abdominal cavity occurred. No signs of pain were reported. There were few cases of laxity of the romenostomy opening leading to drop of cannula, myiasis on the margin of the stoma site and few cases of mild ruminal content leakage on the long-term assessment.Discussion: Restraint in standing position was considered adequate, although lateral recumbence constitutes another option. However, higher risk of contamination and technical difficulties in placing the cannulas are expected if lateral recumbence is considered. In other trials using acepromazine, no accidental recumbence occurred. Xylazine was also indicated for chemical restraint of buffaloes. It is known that flexible cannulas provide better anatomic adjustment and adaptation as well as being effective for sampling ruminal content, as seen in the current study. Ruminal leakage is one of the most frequent complications of romenostomy, which may affect animal's welfare. The animals in the current study presented no variations on the body score, even though on those presenting cannula loosening or ruminal content leakage. Moreover, no significant changes of the ruminal content parameters were noticed. Myiasis was also reported following ruminal surgical interventions, which were mainly attributed to extensive breeding. Loss of the cannula, subcutaneous emphysema and suture dehiscence are common complications of romenostomy. Nonetheless, none of those complications were found on the current study. Thus, romenostomy was feasible and efficient for sampling and performing assays of the ruminal content in buffaloes.
Invasive "body-opening" autopsy represents the traditional means of postmortem investigation in humans. However, modern cross-sectional imaging techniques can supplement and may even partially replace traditional autopsy. Computed tomography (CT) is the imaging modality of choice for two- and three-dimensional documentation and analysis of autopsy findings including fracture systems, pathologic gas collections (eg, air embolism, subcutaneous emphysema after trauma, hyperbaric trauma, decomposition effects), and gross tissue injury. Various postprocessing techniques can provide strong forensic evidence for use in legal proceedings. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has had a greater impact in demonstrating soft-tissue injury, organ trauma, and nontraumatic conditions. However, the differences in morphologic features and signal intensity characteristics seen at antemortem versus postmortem MR imaging have not yet been studied systematically. The documentation and analysis of postmortem findings with CT and MR imaging and postprocessing techniques ("virtopsy") is investigator independent, objective, and noninvasive and will lead to qualitative improvements in forensic pathologic investigation. Future applications of this approach include the assessment of morbidity and mortality in the general population and, perhaps, routine screening of bodies prior to burial.
This study evaluated the response of the subcutaneous connective tissue of BALB/c mice to root filling materials indicated for primary teeth: zinc oxide/eugenol cement (ZOE), Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide (Calen/ZO) and Sealapex sealer. The mice (n=102) received polyethylene tube implants with the materials, thereby forming 11 groups, as follows: I, II, III: Calen/ZO for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; IV, V, VI: Sealapex for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; VII, VIII, IX: ZOE for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; X and XI: empty tube for 7 and 21 days, respectively. The biopsied tissues were submitted to histological analysis (descriptive analysis and semi-quantitative analysis using a scoring system for collagen fiber formation, tissue thickness and inflammatory infiltrate). A quantitative analysis was performed by measuring the area and thickness of the granulomatous reactionary tissue (GRT). Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (?=0.05). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) among the materials with respect to collagen fiber formation or GRT thickness. However, Calen/ZO produced the least severe inflammatory infiltrate (p<0.05). The area of the GRT was significantly smaller (p<0.05) for Calen/ZO and Sealapex. In conclusion, Calen/ZO presented the best tissue reaction, followed by Sealapex and ZOE.