17 resultados para Stucture
A poluição atmosférica constitui actualmente um grave problema ambiental cujos efeitos se fazem sentir a diversas escalas, desde os efeitos imediatos e de longo termo na saúde humana e nos materiais, até fenómenos regionais, como a acificação, e fenómenos globais que durante este século poderão alterar as condições de vida no globo. Apesar da redução das emissões de poluentes atmosféricos, conseguida através do uso de combustíveis mais limpos e tecnologias mais eficientes, as áreas urbanas continuam a evidenciar sinais de degradação ambiental. Para ser bem sucedida a cidade deve enfrentar as três dimensões da sustentabilidade: social, económica e ambiental. O modo de utilização do solo numa zona urbana é uma característica fundamental da cidade, com influência directa no seu desempenho ambiental e na qualidade de vida que proporciona à população. O presente trabalho explora a ligação entre a estrutura urbana e a qualidade do ar, um dos muitos aspectos do desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. A perspectiva histórica sobre o desenvolvimento urbano, a poluição atmosférica e a sua interligação é abordada, bem como o trabalho de investigação que tem vindo a ser conduzido na área. A aplicação de um sistema de modelação atmosférico a um caso de estudo idealizado demonstra a importância da estrutura espacial da cidade na sustentabilidade urbana, mostrando que cidades compactas com usos do solo misturados promovem uma melhor qualidade do ar quando comparadas com cidades dispersas, com baixa densidade populacional. De modo a explorar a relação entre a estrutura urbana e a qualidade do ar numa zona urbana real, a região urbana do Porto é identificada como um caso de estudo adequado, e o processo de crescimento urbano nas últimas décadas é analisado, assim como os níveis de qualidade do ar da região. De modo a definir a configuração do sistema de modelação mais adequada para a região de estudo, são efectuados diversos testes de sensibilidade com o modelo meteorológico. Relativamente ao modelo de qualidade do ar, é descrito e implementado um conjunto de acções de modo a melhorar o desempenho do modelo para a simulação das concentrações de poluentes na atmosfera urbana, no contexto de alterações do uso do solo. Finalmente, são desenvolvidos e testados, através da aplicação do sistema de modelação, dois cenários alternativos de desenvolvimento urbano para a área de estudo. Estes cenários alternativos implicam diferentes emissões de poluentes e diferentes distribuições espaciais dessas emissões, e como consequência, diferentes níveis de qualidade do ar. O estudo permite concluir que alterações nos padrões de uso do solo em áreas urbanas conduzem a alterações na meteorologia, emissões e qualidade do ar. As áreas urbanas dispersas, quando comparadas com estruturas urbanas compactas são responsáveis por temperaturas mais elevadas, emissões de poluentes para a atmosfera mais elevadas e maiores concentrações de poluentes.
The affective communication patterns of conversations on Twitter can provide insights into the culture of online communities. In this paper we apply a combined quantitative and qualitative approach to investigate the structural make-up and emotional content of tweeting activity around the hashtag #auspol (for Australian politics) in order to highlight the polarity and conservativism that characterise this highly active community of politically engaged individuals. We document the centralised structure of this particular community, which is based around a deeply committed core of contributors. Through in-depth content analysis of the tweets of participants to the online debate we explore the communicative tone, patterns of engagement and thematic drivers that shape the affective character of the community and their effect on its cohesiveness. In this way we provide a comprehensive account of the complex techno-social, linguistic and cultural factors involved in conversations that are shaped in the Twittersphere.
A presente dissertação de mestrado objetivou discutir o espaço urbano e seus conflitos a partir da história da Vila Acaba Mundo, localizada em Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, cujos moradores têm se organizado e reivindicado os direitos à moradia e à cidade por algumas décadas, com razoável êxito. Pretendeu-se analisar a mobilização dos moradores da referida Vila, com atenção especial aos eventos ocorridos em 2008 e 2009, a fim de perquirir acerca das identidades coletivas formadas, bem como compreender e problematizar a constituição dinâmica de práticas e significados que conformam a comunidade e suas interações com outras coletividades e com a cidade em sua história. Almejou-se, em um âmbito mais geral, compreender como as práticas e os significados construídos pelos moradores da Vila Acaba Mundo, em sua história, contribuem para a localização de elementos emancipatórios no sentido da superação das condições sociais hoje existentes. Na tentativa de valorizar a dimensão da prática social, os códigos culturais produzidos e a articulação entre teoria e prática, em contraposição à valorização excessiva da institucionalidade e das dimensões discursivas da realidade, foi necessária a adoção de uma metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, bem como a combinação de diversas técnicas e ferramentas de investigação, tais como: observação participante, aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e grupo focal. Além disso, foi traçado um breve histórico da Vila Acaba Mundo, com base principalmente no relato dos moradores. Buscou-se construir um referencial teórico para a apreensão do processo de organização e mobilização da referida Vila, o que permitiu que fossem apontados caminhos para o entendimento de sua história e para a compreensão do espaço urbano, em sua dimensão social.
The forming mechanism of the three - dimensional structures of proteins,i.e.the mechanism of protein folding,is a basic problem in molecular biology which is still unsolved unitl now. In which a core problem is whether there is the three – dimensional genetic information that decide the three - dimensional structures of proteins. However, the research on this field has mot yet been reported. Recently,we made a comparative study on the folded structures of more than 70 mature messeneger RNAs (mRNAs) and the three - dimensional structures of the proteins encoded by them,it has been found that there exist marked correspondences between their featured structures in the following aspects: 1.The number of the structural units. An RNA molecule can form a secondary structure(stem and loop structure) by the folding and the base pairing of itself. The elementary structural unit of an RNA secondary structure is hairpin(or compound hair pin).The regular structural unit in the secondary structure of a protein is # alpha # - helix or #beta# - sheet . We have found that the hairpin number in the secondary structure of each mature mRNA is equal or approximately equal to the number of the regular secondary structural unis of the encoded protein. 2 .Turning region. Turn is a main structrual element in the secondary structure of a protein, which decides the backbone orientation of a protein molecule to some extent .Our analysis shows that the nucleotide sequence segments in an mRNA which encode the turns of the corresponding protein are overall situated in the turning regions of the mRNA secondary structure such as haipin,bulge loop or multibaranch loops. 3 .The arrangement of structural elements in space. In order to understand the backbone orientation of an RNA molecule and the arangement of its structural elements in space,we have modeled the three一dimensional structure of the mRNA molecule on SGI workstation based on its secondary structure.The result shows that the spatial arrangement of most of the nucleotide sequence segments encoding the structural elements of a protein is consistent with that of these stretural exements in the protein. For instance,the nucleotide sequences corresponding to each pleated sheet of a # beta # - sheet structure are close to each other in the mRNA secondary stucture and in the three - dimensional structure,although some of the nucleotide segments are far apart from each other in the one - dimensional sequence. For another instance,the two triplet codons of cysteines which form a disulphide bridge geneal1y are very close to each other in the mRNA folded structure. In addition,we also analyzed the locations of the codons proline - coding and the distrbution of the nucleotide sequences #alpha# - helix - coding in the folded structures of mRNAs . Some distribution laws have been found. All of these results suggest that the transfer of the genetic information from mRNA to protein not only is one – dimensional but also is three - dime ns ional. That is,there exists the genetic information that decide the three - dimensional structures of proteins. To a certain extent,we could say that the mRNA folding detemines the protein folding. Based on these results,it would be possible to predict the three - dimensional structures of proteins from the primary,secondary and tertiary structures of the m RNAs at a higher accuracy.And more important is that a new clue has been provided to uncover the“spatial coding" of the genetic information.
Sectional velocity distribution of the East China Sea Kuroshio is one of the basic points in the study of the Kuroshio. Hydrographic temperature and salinity data at G-PN section in the East China Sea from June 1955 to November 2001 are collected and properly processed to calculate the geostrophic current using dynamic height method at the transect of the Kuroshio. After analysis of calculation results, the basic current structure of the Kuroshio in its main part is examined together with scalar estimate and characters of multi- core structure, and spacial-temporal variations of current cores' position. Main result shows that (1) single-core structure, double-core structure and multi-core structure are basic forms in axial part of the Kuroshio; (2) abvious temporal variations exist in current structure of the Kuroshio; (3) the current of structure of the Kuroshio has distinctly seasonal association. The number of current cores is on the high side of core numbers in average and multi-core stucture appears in fall mostly.
The issues surrounding collision of projectiles with structures has gained a high profile since the events of 11th September 2001. In such collision problems, the projectile penetrates the stucture so that tracking the interface between one material and another becomes very complex, especially if the projectile is essentially a vessel containing a fluid, e.g. fuel load. The subsequent combustion, heat transfer and melting and re-solidification process in the structure render this a very challenging computational modelling problem. The conventional approaches to the analysis of collision processes involves a Lagrangian-Lagrangian contact driven methodology. This approach suffers from a number of disadvantages in its implementation, most of which are associated with the challenges of the contact analysis component of the calculations. This paper describes a 'two fluid' approach to high speed impact between solid structures, where the objective is to overcome the problems of penetration and re-meshing. The work has been carried out using the finite volume, unstructured mesh multi-physics code PHYSICA+, where the three dimensional fluid flow, free surface, heat transfer, combustion, melting and re-solidification algorithms are approximated using cell-centred finite volume, unstructured mesh techniques on a collocated mesh. The basic procedure is illustrated for two cases of Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow to test various of its component capabilities in the analysis of problems of industrial interest.
La doctrina de la Proliferación teórica de Paul Karl Feyerabend ha sido interpretada por sus especialistas como un intento de salvaguardar el ideal del progreso científico. Aunque tales estudios hacen justicia, en parte, a la intencionalidad de nuestro filósofo no explicitan la crítica fundamental que implica para Feyerabend el pluralismo teórico. La proliferación teórica constituye en sí misma una reductio ad absurdum de los distintos intentos del positivismo lógico y del racionalismo crítico por definir la ciencia a expensas de lo metafísico. Este artículo presenta la proliferación teórica como una reivindicación del papel positivo que ocupa la metafísica en el quehacer científico. Se consigna la defensa que hace Feyerabend de la metafísica en cuanto que ésta constituye la posibilidad de superar el conservadurismo conceptual, aumentar de contenido empírico de la ciencia y recuperar el valor descriptivo de las teorías científicas.
The mammalian midbrain dopaminergic systems arising in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) are critical for coping behaviours and are implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders where early life challenges comprise significant risk factors. Here, we aimed to advance our hypothesis that glucocorticoids (GCs), recognised key players in neurobiological programming, target development within these systems, with a novel focus on the astrocytic population. Mice received antenatal GC treatment (AGT) by including the synthetic GC, dexamethasone, in the mothers' drinking water on gestational days 16-19; controls received normal drinking water. Analyses of regional shapes and volumes of the adult SNc and VTA demonstrated that AGT induced long-term, dose-dependent, structural changes that were accompanied by profound effects on astrocytes (doubling/tripling of numbers and/or density). Additionally, AGT induced long-term changes in the population size and distribution of SNc/VTA dopaminergic neurons, confirming and extending our previous observations made in rats. Furthermore, glial/neuronal structural remodelling was sexually dimorphic and depended on the AGT dose and sub-region of the SNc/VTA. Investigations within the neonatal brain revealed that these long-term organisational effects of AGT depend, at least in part, on targeting perinatal processes that determine astrocyte density and programmed cell death in dopaminergic neurons. Collectively, our characterisation of enduring, AGT-induced, sex-specific cytoarchitectural disturbances suggests novel mechanistic links for the strong association between early environmental challenge (inappropriate exposure to excess GCs) and vulnerability to developing aberrant behaviours in later life, with translational implications for dopamine-associated disorders (such as schizophrenia, ADHD, autism, depression), which typically show a sex bias
Dans ce mémoire, les contes de trois conteurs contemporains du Québec – Jos Gallant d’André Lemelin, Ti Pinge de Joujou Turenne et L’entrain à vapeur, de Fred Pellerin – font avant tout l’objet d’une lecture pragmatique afin de mieux comprendre comment le conteur, qui emploie le canevas en spectacle, transmet une fiction à un auditoire ou à un lectorat. L’étude présente d’abord une analyse comparative de chacune des prestations avec la version publiée d’un même récit et met ainsi en relief leurs points de convergence et de divergence. Selon l’hypothèse avancée, l’analyse de la prestation des conteurs qui suivent un canevas révèlerait comment s’y manifestent les dimensions performatives et les articulations du discours fictionnel. Corrélativement, l’examen des rapports entre le conteur et son public permet ensuite de s’interroger sur le statut du narrateur et de voir en quoi et comment, durant la performance, la fiction est partagée avec l’auditoire. L’analyse des énoncés performatifs, inspirés des travaux de Kerbrat-Orechionni et la dynamique de vectorisation proposée par Pavis pour l’étude de la gestuelle, des mimiques et de la voix, sont mises à contribution et visent également à dégager les outils pouvant servir à l’analyse des spectacles de contes. Au terme de cette recherche, l’auteure démontre les avantages liés au canevas, notamment en ce qui concerne les interactions qu’il favorise avec le public et dans la liberté qu’il procure, en permettant de modifier ou d’adapter le discours et les ressources expressives du conteur à chacune de ses représentations.
As emphasis towards sustainable and Renewable energy resources grows world-wide,interest in the capture and use of solar energy is increasing dramatically.Solar cells have been known and used for many years,but depletion of conventional energy resources resulted in the intensification of research on solar cells leading to new design and technique of fabrication.The current emphasis is directed towards high effiency inexpensive solar cells.This thesis includes deposition and characterization of CuInS2 and In2S3 thin films using chemical Spray Pyrolysis(CSP) technique.The optimum condition for these films to be used as absorber and buffer layer respectively in solar cells were thus found out.Solar cell with the stucture,ITO/CuInS2/In2S3/metal electrode was fabricated using these well-characterized films,which yielded an efficiency of 9.5%.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
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