1000 resultados para Stress maternel
Au cours de la grossesse et dans les premières années de vie de l’enfant, plusieurs facteurs externes, tels que le stress maternel ou le lien maternel, peuvent interférer avec son développement et avoir des conséquences à court et à long terme. Bien que le stress maternel périnatal ait souvent été étudié, plusieurs facteurs pré et postnataux potentiellement confondants (comme le stress paternel, la dépression, la prise d’antidépresseurs, etc.) n’ont pas systématiquement été pris en compte. Comparativement à l’attachement de l’enfant (à sa mère), moins de recherches se sont intéressées au lien maternel, en particulier chez des femmes ayant un diagnostic de dépression et/ou d’anxiété et exposées à des antidépresseurs. Notre thèse visait donc à étudier ces deux facteurs et leur association avec le développement du jeune enfant âgé d’un an, dans un contexte où la santé mentale maternelle (présence ou non de troubles psychologiques) et de traitements pharmacologiques associés étaient aussi considérés. Afin d’améliorer le dépistage de retards développementaux, nous avons également évalué l’administration au téléphone de deux instruments de pré-dépistage et dépistage actuellement utilisés. Notre thèse était constituée de quatre phases dont les objectifs étaient: la détermination des propriétés psychométriques de l’échelle de stress perçu de quatre items (en français et en anglais) au sein de la population de femmes enceintes (première étude); évaluer l’effet du stress maternel prénatal et parental postnatal sur le développement de l’enfant âgé d’un an (deuxième étude); estimer l’association entre le lien maternel et le développement de l’enfant âgé d’un an, en stratifiant sur la prise maternelle d’antidépresseurs (troisième étude); et évaluer l’administration au téléphone du ″Ages and Stages Questionnaire″ (ASQ, version de 12 mois) et du ″Revised Pre-screening Denver Questionnaire″(R-PDQ, version de 9-24 mois),deux questionnaires utilisés pour le pré-dépistage et le dépistage du développement infantile (quatrième étude). Ce projet faisait partie d’une plus grande étude, nommée le projet OTIS (The″Organization of Teratology Information Specialists″ Antidepressant in Pregnancy cohort study), qui visait à évaluer l’impact de l’arrêt versus la continuation de la prise d’antidépresseurs au cours de la grossesse sur les comportements maternels et sur le développement de l’enfant âgé de un à trois ans. Ainsi, entre 2006 et 2010, la cohorte prospective OTIS de femmes enceintes a été construite et suivie jusqu’à trois ans postpartum. À partir de 2008, l’évaluation du stress et du lien maternel (thématiques de ce projet de thèse) a été incorporée au projet initial. Aussi, à partir de là, toute femme nouvellement recrutée pour la cohorte OTIS pouvait faire partie des études de cette thèse. Notre population source était composée des femmes enceintes ayant eu recours à un service nord-américain d’information sur les tératogènes ou ayant été suivies à la clinique d'obstétrique et de gynécologie du CHU Ste Justine. Pour être admissibles, les femmes devaient 1) être âgées d’au moins 18 ans, 2) être enceinte d’au maximum 14 semaines (le début de la grossesse étant défini comme étant le premier jour des dernières règles); 3) être exposées à un antidépresseur depuis au moins le premier jour de grossesse (pour le groupe exposé à un antidépresseur), 4) savoir lire et comprendre l’anglais ou le français. Pour les études deux, trois et quatre, les femmes devaient habiter dans un rayon de 250 km autour de Montréal pour recevoir notre visite à domicile, nécessaire à l’évaluation psychométrique du développement infantile. Les pères des enfants ont été recrutés à deux mois postpartum pour évaluer leur stress. Les données ont été collectées par entrevue téléphonique, auto-administration de questionnaires, et évaluation psychométrique du développement infantile. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, les femmes étaient suivies depuis le premier trimestre de grossesse jusqu’à un an postpartum. Les résultats de nos travaux démontrent que le recours à l’échelle de stress perçu de quatre items est une mesure fiable et valide pour mesurer le stress au cours de la grossesse (en recherche ou en clinique). Ensuite, le stress postnatal maternel et paternel serait défavorable au développement moteur et socio-émotionnel de l’enfant d’un an, respectivement. Par contre le stress maternel prénatal favoriserait le développement moteur. Un lien maternel optimal est associé à un meilleur développement socio-émotionnel à un an chez l’enfant, en particulier pour les femmes exposées à des antidépresseurs. Enfin, l’administration au téléphone de l’ASQ et des sous-échelles de langage, de motricité fine et motricité globale du R-PDQ serait une alternative possible au mode auto-administré pour dépister et pré-dépister les retards de développement chez les enfants.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Objectifs Évaluer et comparer la présence de symptômes de stress post-traumatique, en fonction de la gravité de la prématurité, chez les mères et chez les pères de bébés nés prématurément. Méthode En fonction du score de risque périnatal (PERI) du bébé, les parents des prématurés (âge gestationnel moins de 34 semaines) ont été divisés en deux groupes : les parents de prématurés à faible risque (n = 16) et à haut risque (n = 26). Les symptômes d'intrusion et d'évitement, de l'état de stress post-traumatique, ont été évalués chez les parents à l'aide d'un questionnaire, l'Impact of Event Scale (IES). Leurs réponses ont été comparées à un groupe témoin de parents de nouveau-nés à terme (n = 24). Les différences entre les réponses des mères et des pères, ont été analysées. Résultats Les parents de bébés prématurés sont plus à risque que les parents de nouveau-nés à terme de présenter des symptômes de stress post-traumatique. Les mères en lien avec le fait même de la prématurité du bébé, les pères en lien avec la gravité de la prématurité. Les mères et les pères des prématurés des deux groupes (prématurés à faible risque, prématurés à haut risque) décrivent des symptômes d'intrusion, alors que les symptômes d'évitement sont décrits par toutes les mères, mais seulement par les pères de prématurés à haut risque périnatal. Conclusion La naissance prématurée est susceptible d'entraîner l'apparition de symptômes de stress post-traumatique chez les parents. Les mères et les pères réagissent différemment. Objectives Evaluation of the symptoms of parental post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to the severity of the prematurity, in mothers and fathers of premature babies. Materials and methods According to the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI), the parents of premature infants (gestational age less than 34 weeks) were divided into two groups, parents of a low-risk premature infants (n = 16) and of high-risk premature infants (n = 26). The symptoms of intrusion and avoidance, as a part of the post-traumatic stress disorder, were evaluated by an autoadministrated questionnaire, the Impact of Event Scale (IES). Their responses were compared with a control group of parents of full-term infants (n = 24). The differences in the answers of mothers and fathers were analysed. Results The occurrence of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder is increased in parents of preterm infants compared with the control group. Whereas mothers of premature infants are at risk of presenting symptoms of PTSD, linked to the prematurity, with fathers the infant perinatal risk factors play a greater role. The symptoms of intrusion are present in mothers and fathers of preterm infants of both groups. Mothers of both groups present avoidance symptoms, although only fathers of high-risk preterm infants present them. Conclusions Premature birth has an impact on both parents in terms of post-traumatic stress reactions. However, mothers and fathers react in different ways according to the severity of the prematurity.
Although various abutment connections and materials have recently been introduced, insufficient data exist regarding the effect of stress distribution on their mechanical performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different abutment materials and platform connections on stress distribution in single anterior implant-supported restorations with the finite element method. Nine experimental groups were modeled from the combination of 3 platform connections (external hexagon, internal hexagon, and Morse tapered) and 3 abutment materials (titanium, zirconia, and hybrid) as follows: external hexagon-titanium, external hexagon-zirconia, external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, internal hexagon-zirconia, internal hexagon-hybrid, Morse tapered-titanium, Morse tapered-zirconia, and Morse tapered-hybrid. Finite element models consisted of a 4×13-mm implant, anatomic abutment, and lithium disilicate central incisor crown cemented over the abutment. The 49 N occlusal loading was applied in 6 steps to simulate the incisal guidance. Equivalent von Mises stress (σvM) was used for both the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the implant and abutment in all the groups and the maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses for the numerical comparison of the zirconia parts. The highest abutment σvM occurred in the Morse-tapered groups and the lowest in the external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, and internal hexagon-hybrid groups. The σmax and σmin values were lower in the hybrid groups than in the zirconia groups. The stress distribution concentrated in the abutment-implant interface in all the groups, regardless of the platform connection or abutment material. The platform connection influenced the stress on abutments more than the abutment material. The stress values for implants were similar among different platform connections, but greater stress concentrations were observed in internal connections.
Lutein (LT) is a carotenoid obtained by diet and despite its antioxidant activity had been biochemically reported, few studies are available concerning its influence on the expression of antioxidant genes. The expression of 84 genes implicated in antioxidant defense was quantified using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction array. DNA damage was measured by comet assay and glutathione (GSH) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were quantified as biochemical parameters of oxidative stress in mouse kidney and liver. cDDP treatment reduced concentration of GSH and increased TBARS, parameters that were ameliorated in treatment associated with LT. cDDP altered the expression of 32 genes, increasing the expression of GPx2, APC, Nqo1 and CCs. LT changed the expression of 37 genes with an induction of 13 mainly oxygen transporters. In treatments associating cDDP and LT, 30 genes had their expression changed with a increase of the same genes of the cDDP treatment alone. These results suggest that LT might act scavenging reactive species and also inducing the expression of genes related to a better antioxidant response, highlighting the improvement of oxygen transport. This improved redox state of the cell through LT treatment could be related to the antigenotoxic and antioxidant effects observed.
Uncoupling protein one (UCP1) is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein capable of uncoupling the electrochemical gradient from adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, dissipating energy as heat. UCP1 plays a central role in nonshivering thermogenesis in the brown adipose tissue (BAT) of hibernating animals and small rodents. A UCP1 ortholog also occurs in plants, and aside from its role in uncoupling respiration from ATP synthesis, thereby wasting energy, it plays a beneficial role in the plant response to several abiotic stresses, possibly by decreasing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and regulating cellular redox homeostasis. However, the molecular mechanisms by which UCP1 is associated with stress tolerance remain unknown. Here, we report that the overexpression of UCP1 increases mitochondrial biogenesis, increases the uncoupled respiration of isolated mitochondria, and decreases cellular ATP concentration. We observed that the overexpression of UCP1 alters mitochondrial bioenergetics and modulates mitochondrial-nuclear communication, inducing the upregulation of hundreds of nuclear- and mitochondrial-encoded mitochondrial proteins. Electron microscopy analysis showed that these metabolic changes were associated with alterations in mitochondrial number, area and morphology. Surprisingly, UCP1 overexpression also induces the upregulation of hundreds of stress-responsive genes, including some involved in the antioxidant defense system, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST). As a consequence of the increased UCP1 activity and increased expression of oxidative stress-responsive genes, the UCP1-overexpressing plants showed reduced ROS accumulation. These beneficial metabolic effects may be responsible for the better performance of UCP1-overexpressing lines in low pH, high salt, high osmolarity, low temperature, and oxidative stress conditions. Overexpression of UCP1 in the mitochondrial inner membrane induced increased uncoupling respiration, decreased ROS accumulation under abiotic stresses, and diminished cellular ATP content. These events may have triggered the expression of mitochondrial and stress-responsive genes in a coordinated manner. Because these metabolic alterations did not impair plant growth and development, UCP1 overexpression can potentially be used to create crops better adapted to abiotic stress conditions.
Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that exerts protective effects on vascular function and structure in several models of cardiovascular diseases through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Early protein malnutrition reprograms the cardiovascular system and is linked to hypertension in adulthood. This study assessed the effects of taurine supplementation in vascular alterations induced by protein restriction in post-weaning rats. Weaned male Wistar rats were fed normal- (12%, NP) or low-protein (6%, LP) diets for 90 days. Half of the NP and LP rats concomitantly received 2.5% taurine supplementation in the drinking water (NPT and LPT, respectively). LP rats showed elevated systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure versus NP rats; taurine supplementation partially prevented this increase. There was a reduced relaxation response to acetylcholine in isolated thoracic aortic rings from the LP group that was reversed by superoxide dismutase (SOD) or apocynin incubation. Protein expression of p47phox NADPH oxidase subunit was enhanced, whereas extracellular (EC)-SOD and endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation at Ser 1177 (p-eNOS) were reduced in aortas from LP rats. Furthermore, ROS production was enhanced while acetylcholine-induced NO release was reduced in aortas from the LP group. Taurine supplementation improved the relaxation response to acetylcholine and eNOS-derived NO production, increased EC-SOD and p-eNOS protein expression, as well as reduced ROS generation and p47phox expression in the aortas from LPT rats. LP rats showed an increased aortic wall/lumen ratio and taurine prevented this remodeling through a reduction in wall media thickness. Our data indicate a protective role of taurine supplementation on the high blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling induced by post-weaning protein restriction. The beneficial vascular effect of taurine was associated with restoration of vascular redox homeostasis and improvement of NO bioavailability.
Ki-1/57 (HABP4) and CGI-55 (SERBP1) are regulatory proteins and paralogs with 40.7% amino acid sequence identity and 67.4% similarity. Functionally, they have been implicated in the regulation of gene expression on both the transcriptional and mRNA metabolism levels. A link with tumorigenesis is suggested, since both paralogs show altered expression levels in tumor cells and the Ki-1/57 gene is found in a region of chromosome 9q that represents a haplotype for familiar colon cancer. However, the target genes regulated by Ki-1/57 and CGI-55 are unknown. Here, we analyzed the alterations of the global transcriptome profile after Ki-1/57 or CGI-55 overexpression in HEK293T cells by DNA microchip technology. We were able to identify 363 or 190 down-regulated and 50 or 27 up-regulated genes for Ki-1/57 and CGI-55, respectively, of which 20 were shared between both proteins. Expression levels of selected genes were confirmed by qRT-PCR both after protein overexpression and siRNA knockdown. The majority of the genes with altered expression were associated to proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle control processes, prompting us to further explore these contexts experimentally. We observed that overexpression of Ki-1/57 or CGI-55 results in reduced cell proliferation, mainly due to a G1 phase arrest, whereas siRNA knockdown of CGI-55 caused an increase in proliferation. In the case of Ki-1/57 overexpression, we found protection from apoptosis after treatment with the ER-stress inducer thapsigargin. Together, our data give important new insights that may help to explain these proteins putative involvement in tumorigenic events.
Beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes (TID) is associated with cellular oxidative stress and mitochondrial pathway of cell death. The aim of this study was to determine whether oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are present in T1D model (non-obese diabetic mouse, NOD) and if they are related to the stages of disease development. NOD mice were studied at three stages: non-diabetic, pre-diabetic, and diabetic and compared with age-matched Balb/c mice. Mitochondria respiration rates measured at phosphorylating and resting states in liver and soleus biopsies and in isolated liver mitochondria were similar in NOD and Balb/c mice at the three disease stages. However, NOD liver mitochondria were more susceptible to calcium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition as determined by cyclosporine-A-sensitive swelling and by decreased calcium retention capacity in all three stages of diabetes development. Mitochondria H2O2 production rate was higher in non-diabetic, but unaltered in pre-diabetic and diabetic NOD mice. The global cell reactive oxygen species (ROS), but not specific mitochondria ROS production, was significantly increased in NOD lymphomononuclear and stem cells in all disease stages. In addition, marked elevated rates of 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (H2DCF) oxidation were observed in pancreatic islets from non-diabetic NOD mice. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS) and lipidomic approach, we identified oxidized lipid markers in NOD liver mitochondria for each disease stage, most of them being derivatives of diacylglycerols and phospholipids. These results suggest that the cellular oxidative stress precedes the establishment of diabetes and may be the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction that is involved in beta cell death.
Hevea brasiliensis is a native species of the Amazon Basin of South America and the primary source of natural rubber worldwide. Due to the occurrence of South American Leaf Blight disease in this area, rubber plantations have been extended to suboptimal regions. Rubber tree breeding is time-consuming and expensive, but molecular markers can serve as a tool for early evaluation, thus reducing time and costs. In this work, we constructed six different cDNA libraries with the aim of developing gene-targeted molecular markers for the rubber tree. A total of 8,263 reads were assembled, generating 5,025 unigenes that were analyzed; 912 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) represented new transcripts, and two sequences were highly up-regulated by cold stress. These unigenes were scanned for microsatellite (SSR) regions and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In total, 169 novel EST-SSR markers were developed; 138 loci were polymorphic in the rubber tree, and 98 % presented transferability to six other Hevea species. Locus duplication was observed in H. brasiliensis and other species. Additionally, 43 SNP markers in 13 sequences that showed similarity to proteins involved in stress response, latex biosynthesis and developmental processes were characterized. cDNA libraries are a rich source of SSR and SNP markers and enable the identification of new transcripts. The new markers developed here will be a valuable resource for linkage mapping, QTL identification and other studies in the rubber tree and can also be used to evaluate the genetic variability of other Hevea species, which are valuable assets in rubber tree breeding.
The aim of this study was to evaluate by photoelastic analysis stress distribution on short and long implants of two dental implant systems with 2-unit implant-supported fixed partial prostheses of 8 mm and 13 mm heights. Sixteen photoelastic models were divided into 4 groups: I: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Neodent), II: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Bicon), III: short implant (5 × 6 mm) (Neodent), and IV: short implants (5 × 6 mm) (Bicon). The models were positioned in a circular polariscope associated with a cell load and static axial (0.5 Kgf) and nonaxial load (15°, 0.5 Kgf) were applied to each group for both prosthetic crown heights. Three-way ANOVA was used to compare the factors implant length, crown height, and implant system (α = 0.05). The results showed that implant length was a statistically significant factor for both axial and nonaxial loading. The 13 mm prosthetic crown did not result in statistically significant differences in stress distribution between the implant systems and implant lengths studied, regardless of load type (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that short implants showed higher stress levels than long implants. Implant system and length was not relevant factors when prosthetic crown height were increased.