984 resultados para Stress Wave Measurement


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Force measurement in hypervelocity expansion tubes is not possible using conventional techniques. The stress wave force balance technique can be applied in expansion tubes to measure forces despite the short test times involved. This paper presents a new calibration technique for multiple-component stress wave force balances where an impulse response created using a load distribution is required and no orthogonal surfaces on the model exist.. This new technique relies on the tensorial superposition of single-component impulse responses analogous to the vectorial superposition of the calibration loads. The example presented here is that of a scale model of the Mars Pathfinder, but the technique is applicable to any geometry and may be useful for cases where orthogonal loads cannot be applied.


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Piezoelectric polymers have been used to form the basis of dynamic strain gauges for the detection of stress waves. The linearity of response was tested using a split Hopkinson pressure bar arrangement. The results obtained illustrate the effectiveness of piezoelectric film strain gauges in the measurement of axial stress waves.


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As vigas estruturais de madeira são formas racionais do emprego da madeira na construção de estruturas, sendo obtidas pela associação de peças serradas e permitindo a utilização de tábuas com seções e comprimentos variados, além de combinações com madeira de qualidade diferenciada. Para atingir a resistência máxima de uma viga de madeira laminada colada, pode-se utilizar a classificação mecânica das peças por meio dinâmico. O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer correlação entre os métodos estático e dinâmico de classificação de vigas de madeira laminada. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o emprego de peças de madeira serrada de Pinus taeda e adesivo resorcina fenolformaldeído. O processo de fabricação das vigas envolveu a classificação das peças, usinagem de emendas, formação das lamelas, montagem e prensagem das vigas. Já os ensaios envolveram a determinação do módulo de elasticidade por meio do ''stress wave method'' e de uma máquina universal de ensaios. Os resultados foram analisados pela análise de regressão do estabelecimento da equação de ajuste de correlação. O sistema de classificação visual utilizado na seleção de peças foi insuficiente para se atingirem os valores máximos de módulo de elasticidade; o posicionamento correto das lamelas por meio do método dinâmico de classificação teve como consequência direta o aumento do módulo de elasticidade da viga, e houve baixa correlação entre as formas de obtenção do módulo de elasticidade das vigas, não sendo possível a elaboração de equação adequada entre os métodos testados.


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Foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas e mecânicas de compósitos LVL produzidos com a madeira de paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex. Ducke), por meio de Stress Wave Timer. Os compósitos foram confeccionados em laboratório, dos quais foram retiradas amostras, que foram inicialmente destinadas à realização dos ensaios não destrutivos. Todas as amostras, com dimensões de 2,2 × 2,2 × 40 cm, foram ensaiadas, não destrutivamente, com a propagação de ondas nos sentidos flatwise e edgewise. Em sequência, as mesmas amostras foram destinadas à confecção de subamostras, para realização dos ensaios destrutivos, físicos (absorção de água, inchamento em espessura e inchamento residual) e mecânicos (resistência e rigidez à flexão estática flatwise; resistência e rigidez à flexão estática edgewise; resistência à compressão paralela e resistência ao cisalhamento paralelo e perpendicular). A velocidade de propagação das ondas (V0) e o módulo de elasticidade dinâmico (Emd), obtidos com o auxílio do Stress Wave, foram utilizados para elaboração de modelos de predição das propriedades avaliadas. Os resultados indicaram que o Stress Wave Timer apresenta resultados satisfatórios para predição das propriedades mecânicas de compósitos LVL. Com relação às propriedades físicas, embora tenham sido verificados modelos com ajustes significativos, constatou-se limitação dessa ferramenta para predição desses parâmetros. Contudo, considerando ambas as propriedades, físicas e mecânicas, os melhores ajustes foram observados em amostras ensaiadas com a propagação de ondas no sentido edgewise e com o uso da variável independente Emd.


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Glasses of composition 40InF3-20SrF2-16BaF2-20ZnF 2-2GdF3-2NaF (mol%) have been prepared under controlled atmosphere. The time response of the stresses under the application of a constant strain was determined by microellipsometer technique, performed in ambient atmosphere at T < Tg = 294°C. The glasses show a Newtonian behavior at small stress level. During the relaxation process, very small grooves perpendicular to the applied strain appeared on the glass surface and affected its behavior after a time. The formation of these grooves is associated with the ambient atmosphere. Measurements in dry atmosphere showed that humidity was an important parameter in the relaxation process.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Remote sensing imaging systems for the measurement of oceanic sea states have recently attracted renovated attention. Imaging technology is economical, non-invasive and enables a better understanding of the space-time dynamics of ocean waves over an area rather than at selected point locations of previous monitoring methods (buoys, wave gauges, etc.). We present recent progress in space-time measurement of ocean waves using stereo vision systems on offshore platforms. Both traditional disparity-based systems and modern elevation-based ones are presented in a variational optimization framework: the main idea is to pose the stereoscopic reconstruction problem of the surface of the ocean in a variational setting and design an energy functional whose minimizer is the desired temporal sequence of wave heights. The functional combines photometric observations as well as spatial and temporal smoothness priors. Disparity methods estimate the disparity between images as an intermediate step toward retrieving the depth of the waves with respect to the cameras, whereas elevation methods estimate the ocean surface displacements directly in 3-D space. Both techniques are used to measure ocean waves from real data collected at offshore platforms in the Black Sea (Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine) and the Northern Adriatic Sea (Venice coast, Italy). Then, the statistical and spectral properties of the resulting observed waves are analyzed. We show the advantages and disadvantages of the presented stereo vision systems and discuss the improvement of their performance in critical issues such as the robustness of the camera calibration in spite of undesired variations of the camera parameters.


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The wave energy industry is entering a new phase of pre-commercial and commercial deployments of full-scale devices, so better understanding of seaway variability is critical to the successful operation of devices. The response of Wave Energy Converters to incident waves govern their operational performance and for many devices, this is highly dependent on spectral shape due to their resonant properties. Various methods of wave measurement are presented, along with analysis techniques and empirical models. Resource assessments, device performance predictions and monitoring of operational devices will often be based on summary statistics and assume a standard spectral shape such as Pierson-Moskowitz or JONSWAP. Furthermore, these are typically derived from the closest available wave data, frequently separated from the site on scales in the order of 1km. Therefore, variability of seaways from standard spectral shapes and spatial inconsistency between the measurement point and the device site will cause inaccuracies in the performance assessment. This thesis categorises time and frequency domain analysis techniques that can be used to identify changes in a sea state from record to record. Device specific issues such as dimensional scaling of sea states and power output are discussed along with potential differences that arise in estimated and actual output power of a WEC due to spectral shape variation. This is investigated using measured data from various phases of device development.


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Expansion tubes operating at total flow enthalpies of 100 MJ kg(-1) or more have characteristical test times of 30-50 mus. Under these conditions, the response time of the Pitot pressure measuring device is critical when performing flow calibration studies. The conventional technique of using a commercial pressure transducer protected by shielding has not always proven to be effective, due to the relatively large (and variable) response time caused by the shielding. A device called the stress wave bar gauge has been designed and calibrated and shown to be an effective way to measure the Pitot pressure with a response time of only 2-3 mus.


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A combination of modelling and analysis techniques was used to design a six component force balance. The balance was designed specifically for the measurement of impulsive aerodynamic forces and moments characteristic of hypervelocity shock tunnel testing using the stress wave force measurement technique. Aerodynamic modelling was used to estimate the magnitude and distribution of forces and finite element modelling to determine the mechanical response of proposed balance designs. Simulation of balance performance was based on aerodynamic loads and mechanical responses using convolution techniques. Deconvolution was then used to assess balance performance and to guide further design modifications leading to the final balance design. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The research presented in this thesis was conducted to further the development of the stress wave method of nondestructively assessing the quality of wood in standing trees. The specific objective of this research was to examine, in the field, use of two stress wave nondestructive assessment techniques. The first technique examined utilizes a laboratory-built measurement system consisting of commercially available accelerometers and a digital storage oscilloscope. The second technique uses a commercially available tool that incorporates several technologies to determine speed of stress wave propagation in standing trees. Field measurements using both techniques were conducted on sixty red pine trees in south-central Wisconsin and 115 ponderosa pine trees in western Idaho. After in-situ measurements were taken, thirty tested red pine trees were felled and a 15-foot-long butt log was obtained from each tree, while all tested ponderosa pine trees were felled and an 8 1/2 -foot-long butt log was obtained, respectively. The butt logs were sent to the USDA Forest Products Laboratory and nondestructively tested using a resonance stress wave technique. Strong correlative relationships were observed between stress wave values obtained from both field measurement techniques. Excellent relationships were also observed between standing tree and log speed-of-sound values.


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1. Environmental stress can influence species traits and performance considerably. Using a seaweed-snail system from NW (Nova Scotia) and NE (Helgoland) Atlantic rocky shores, we examined how physical stress (wave exposure) modulates traits in the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus and indirectly in its main consumer, the periwinkle Littorina obtusata. 2. In both regions, algal tissue toughness increased with wave exposure. Reciprocal-transplant experiments showed that tissue toughness adjusts plastically to the prevailing level of wave exposure. 3. Choice experiments tested the feeding preference of snails from sheltered, exposed, and very exposed habitats for algae from such wave exposures. Snails from exposed and very exposed habitats consumed algal tissues at similar rates irrespective of the exposure of origin of the algae. However, snails from sheltered habitats consumed less algal tissues from very exposed habitats than tissues from sheltered and exposed habitats. Choice assays using reconstituted algal food (triturated during preparation) identified high thallus toughness as the explanation for the low preference of snails from sheltered habitats for algae from very exposed habitats. 4. Ultrastructural analyses of radulae indicated that rachidian teeth were longest and the number of cusps in lateral teeth (grazing-relevant traits) was highest in snails from very exposed habitats, suggesting that radulae are best suited to rupture tough algal tissues in such snails. 5. No-choice feeding experiments revealed that these radular traits are also phenotypically plastic, as they adjust to the toughness of the algal food. 6. Synthesis. This study indicates that the observed plasticity in the feeding ability of snails is mediated by wave exposure through phenotypic plasticity in the tissue toughness of algae. Thus, plasticity in consumers and their resource species may reduce the potential effects of physical stress on their interaction.


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El estudio de materiales, especialmente biológicos, por medios no destructivos está adquiriendo una importancia creciente tanto en las aplicaciones científicas como industriales. Las ventajas económicas de los métodos no destructivos son múltiples. Existen numerosos procedimientos físicos capaces de extraer información detallada de las superficie de la madera con escaso o nulo tratamiento previo y mínima intrusión en el material. Entre los diversos métodos destacan las técnicas ópticas y las acústicas por su gran versatilidad, relativa sencillez y bajo coste. Esta tesis pretende establecer desde la aplicación de principios simples de física, de medición directa y superficial, a través del desarrollo de los algoritmos de decisión mas adecuados basados en la estadística, unas soluciones tecnológicas simples y en esencia, de coste mínimo, para su posible aplicación en la determinación de la especie y los defectos superficiales de la madera de cada muestra tratando, en la medida de lo posible, no alterar su geometría de trabajo. Los análisis desarrollados han sido los tres siguientes: El primer método óptico utiliza las propiedades de la luz dispersada por la superficie de la madera cuando es iluminada por un laser difuso. Esta dispersión produce un moteado luminoso (speckle) cuyas propiedades estadísticas permiten extraer propiedades muy precisas de la estructura tanto microscópica como macroscópica de la madera. El análisis de las propiedades espectrales de la luz laser dispersada genera ciertos patrones mas o menos regulares relacionados con la estructura anatómica, composición, procesado y textura superficial de la madera bajo estudio que ponen de manifiesto características del material o de la calidad de los procesos a los que ha sido sometido. El uso de este tipo de láseres implica también la posibilidad de realizar monitorizaciones de procesos industriales en tiempo real y a distancia sin interferir con otros sensores. La segunda técnica óptica que emplearemos hace uso del estudio estadístico y matemático de las propiedades de las imágenes digitales obtenidas de la superficie de la madera a través de un sistema de scanner de alta resolución. Después de aislar los detalles mas relevantes de las imágenes, diversos algoritmos de clasificacion automatica se encargan de generar bases de datos con las diversas especies de maderas a las que pertenecían las imágenes, junto con los márgenes de error de tales clasificaciones. Una parte fundamental de las herramientas de clasificacion se basa en el estudio preciso de las bandas de color de las diversas maderas. Finalmente, numerosas técnicas acústicas, tales como el análisis de pulsos por impacto acústico, permiten complementar y afinar los resultados obtenidos con los métodos ópticos descritos, identificando estructuras superficiales y profundas en la madera así como patologías o deformaciones, aspectos de especial utilidad en usos de la madera en estructuras. La utilidad de estas técnicas esta mas que demostrada en el campo industrial aun cuando su aplicación carece de la suficiente expansión debido a sus altos costes y falta de normalización de los procesos, lo cual hace que cada análisis no sea comparable con su teórico equivalente de mercado. En la actualidad gran parte de los esfuerzos de investigación tienden a dar por supuesto que la diferenciación entre especies es un mecanismo de reconocimiento propio del ser humano y concentran las tecnologías en la definición de parámetros físicos (módulos de elasticidad, conductividad eléctrica o acústica, etc.), utilizando aparatos muy costosos y en muchos casos complejos en su aplicación de campo. Abstract The study of materials, especially the biological ones, by non-destructive techniques is becoming increasingly important in both scientific and industrial applications. The economic advantages of non-destructive methods are multiple and clear due to the related costs and resources necessaries. There are many physical processes capable of extracting detailed information on the wood surface with little or no previous treatment and minimal intrusion into the material. Among the various methods stand out acoustic and optical techniques for their great versatility, relative simplicity and low cost. This thesis aims to establish from the application of simple principles of physics, surface direct measurement and through the development of the more appropriate decision algorithms based on statistics, a simple technological solutions with the minimum cost for possible application in determining the species and the wood surface defects of each sample. Looking for a reasonable accuracy without altering their work-location or properties is the main objetive. There are three different work lines: Empirical characterization of wood surfaces by means of iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns: A simple and inexpensive method for the qualitative characterization of wood surfaces is presented. it is based on the iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns produced by diffuse laser illumination of the wood surfaces. The method exploits the high spatial frequency content of speckle images. A similar approach with raw conventional photographs taken with ordinary light would be very difficult. A few iterations of the algorithm are necessary, typically three or four, in order to visualize the most important periodic features of the surface. The processed patterns help in the study of surface parameters, to design new scattering models and to classify the wood species. Fractal-based image enhancement techniques inspired by differential interference contrast microscopy: Differential interference contrast microscopy is a very powerful optical technique for microscopic imaging. Inspired by the physics of this type of microscope, we have developed a series of image processing algorithms aimed at the magnification, noise reduction, contrast enhancement and tissue analysis of biological samples. These algorithms use fractal convolution schemes which provide fast and accurate results with a performance comparable to the best present image enhancement algorithms. These techniques can be used as post processing tools for advanced microscopy or as a means to improve the performance of less expensive visualization instruments. Several examples of the use of these algorithms to visualize microscopic images of raw pine wood samples with a simple desktop scanner are provided. Wood species identification using stress-wave analysis in the audible range: Stress-wave analysis is a powerful and flexible technique to study mechanical properties of many materials. We present a simple technique to obtain information about the species of wood samples using stress-wave sounds in the audible range generated by collision with a small pendulum. Stress-wave analysis has been used for flaw detection and quality control for decades, but its use for material identification and classification is less cited in the literature. Accurate wood species identification is a time consuming task for highly trained human experts. For this reason, the development of cost effective techniques for automatic wood classification is a desirable goal. Our proposed approach is fully non-invasive and non-destructive, reducing significantly the cost and complexity of the identification and classification process.