985 resultados para Strategic map


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This work project takes the format of a problem-solving approach suggested by “Impulse Partners”, a French consulting firm. It recommends a way to measure the success of ten startups in the incubators “Starburst” and “Incubator Construction & Energy” and give them strategic guidance. A Balanced Scorecard is elaborated to help incubated startups building up and implementing their strategy. The Scorecard suggests possible initiatives for the startups that are ideally realized with the help of the consulting firm that is steering the incubator. Special attention is drawn to what the startups need to succeed, which typically concerns financing, networking and managing skills.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health's Office of Multicultural Health invited 21 representatives, key informants throughout the State of Iowa and five state personnel to help chart a strategic map for the OMH staff and it constituents to travel during the next 3-5 years, as the office strengthens its infrastructure and continues to meet its mission.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health's Office of Multicultural Health invited 21 representatives, key informants throughout the State of Iowa and five state personnel to help chart a strategic map for the OMH staff and it constituents to travel during the next 3-5 years, as the office strengthens its infrastructure and continues to meet its mission. This two day strategic planning session brought forth the consensus of maintaining the four major function areas held within the 2007 to 2011 strategic plan. Those four areas are: education, advocacy, data and training and development. 2


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La siguiente tesis se realizó con el fin de hacer un diagnóstico estratégico que permita la implementación de un Cuadro de Mando Integral, instrumento muy valioso para el control de gestión y la toma de decisiones en organizaciones orientadas a la estrategia. Tal diagnóstico estratégico fue realizado a una PYME del sector de plásticos en Colombia, PROINPLAST S.A., esta empresa familiar dio la oportunidad al equipo de trabajo de conocer a fondo todo lo relacionado con la empresa, interactuar con los diferentes actores del sector y tuvo la mejor disposición para la realización de este proyecto que será de gran ayuda para la perdurabilidad y competitividad de la empresa en el sector. Se utilizaron diferentes herramientas para lograr el objetivo; entre ellas se encuentran el análisis PEST, la matriz DOFA, las 5 fuerzas de Michael Porter, el Diamante de competitividad y el Balance Score Card. Al final de la tesis se puede encontrar la estrategia propuesta para la empresa y las recomendaciones que permitan un manejo exitoso y la culminación del objetivo, ser una PYME orientada a la estrategia.


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O estudo trata da utilização do Balanced Scorecard como instrumento de gestão estratégica para hospitais privados. O texto faz uma avaliação do nível de aplicação desse modelo na área hospitalar e desenvolve um estudo exploratório com executivos desse segmento. A pesquisa trata dos principais temas e objetivos estratégicos para o segmento de hospitais privados no Brasil e utiliza o modelo de mapa estratégico genérico para adaptar a ferramenta às especificidades do setor


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Este estudo teve por objetivo desenvolver um Balanced Scorecard para uma indústria de alimentos do Vale do Taquari. O Balanced Scorecard é um sistema de avaliação de desempenho através de indicadores, desenvolvido pelos autores Robert S. Kaplan e David P. Norton. Através da identificação de um quadro equilibrado de indicadores, o Balanced Scorecard apresenta um conjunto de medidas que fornece uma visão rápida e abrangente da empresa, buscando eliminar o excesso de informação e concentrando a atenção naquelas medidas que são fundamentais. Além das medidas financeiras, que informam sobre os resultados das ações já tomadas, apresenta também medidas operacionais de satisfação do cliente; dos processos internos e atividades de inovação e aperfeiçoamento da organização. A metodologia adotada foi de natureza qualitativa voltada ao estudo de caso. Foram realizadas entrevistas e visitas à empresa buscando os dados necessários para o desenvolvimento do trabalho e definição dos indicadores, suas metas e responsáveis, para cada uma das perspectivas. O resultado do trabalho é um Balanced Scorecard, que contempla as quatro perspectivas (financeira, cliente, processos internos e aprendizado), demonstrando a relação de causas e efeitos entre os indicadores destas perspectivas, apresentando um mapa estratégico que permite visualizar o desempenho da organização frente a sua estratégia e metas definidas.


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Desde 2013, a Prefeitura do Município de Osasco iniciou a implantação de um modelo de gestão por resultados, com a utilização da metodologia do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) e a celebração de Acordos de Resultados entre o prefeito e respectivos secretários. A dissertação objetivou, inicialmente, responder à demanda da Secretaria de Planejamento e Gestão (Seplag), de realizar diagnóstico e propor soluções de incentivos prioritariamente não financeiros para estimular os funcionários a perseguirem o cumprimento dos objetivos e metas contidos no planejamento estratégico da prefeitura. Neste sentido, buscou-se estabelecer um modelo conceitual para embasar a adoção de políticas de reconhecimento no trabalho, especialmente no âmbito da gestão pública. Adicionalmente, verificou-se a necessidade de agregar dois novos objetivos àquele proposto de início: (1) avaliar o nível de disseminação e desdobramento até as equipes de ponta das metas estratégicas pactuadas nos Acordos de Resultados, utilizando-se como referência a metodologia do BSC; (2) verificar o nível de aderência do modelo de gestão atualmente praticado pela prefeitura de Osasco aos preceitos da chamada Nova Gestão Pública (NGP). Ao final, são propostas ações para o aperfeiçoamento e continuidade do modelo de gestão adotado.


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The strategy has an important role in organizations by identifying factors that need to be emphasized to organizational success and strategic map currently contemplates as a preview of organizational strategy, prepared from your planning. Third sector organizations need to take a competitive posture, establishing a sustainable position and maximizing the use of resources towards their social or humanitarian goals. This research aims to investigate the process of building strategic maps of two non-profit organizations by identifying and characterizing the steps common to these organizations. The research is characterized as qualitative descriptive and applied knowledge. Developed from bibliographical reviews and participant observation gathered in a case study, the data was collected in two third sector organizations and the results show that how to conduct the process may influence directly on your result lists. Among the steps identified, emphasis can be given to the formation of a team, the definition of strategy, the definition of strategic objectives, the gathering of those goals into perspective and the identification of the cause-effect relationship that relate. Marked as optional, but effective, conducting an event outside the premises of the company to complete the process, or any portion thereof. However, stands out as essential the active participation of senior management in the process, as a way to give credit to the initiative. These steps, its characteristics and its factors are described from comparisons between the processes adopted by the organizations surveyed


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In this study the objective is to implant Balanced Scorecard administration for the development of a Strategic Map, for the support of the electric outlet of decisions in the administration of operations of an unit of attendance doctor-hospitalar. The present work presents a case study developed at a private hospital in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of data was developed after the analysis of the revision of the literature, and he/she had as critical judgement of evaluation used by the following Unit. The work is concluded in the proposition of a strategic map that elevates the return on investment (financial perspective), in the item profitability and growth. In the search of the customer's satisfaction (customer's perspective), that is nothing else than it already exists inside of the Unit in study, just needing to be organized and aligned with the executive picture and the other collaborators. The requirements competitiveness, information, innovation and technology (perspective of the internal processes), they were indispensable to eliminate the re-work, waste and to improve the automation. It is finally, the investment and development of innovation mechanisms, they enlarge important competitive advantage in the processes for creation of value, through the ability, attitude and knowledge (perspective of the learning and growth). As one of the results of this study a strategic map was developed, looked for in Balanced Scorecard, for support in the electric outlet of decisions of the administration of operations of an Unit Doctor- Healthcare


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This dissertation deals with the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in the Military Police of Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN), an organization of service delivery in the area of public safety. For this purpose we sought refuge in the company's own documents, which presented the mission, vision and strategic objectives, which are items essential to the development of the instrument and its prospects. With the general objective of developing the BSC to PMRN, fitting into the methodology in a single case study, that from the desk study and according to their development, we established the classification of goals to the generic models and the BSC then adjusted according to public understanding of the corporation presented by professionals in the process of collection and in-depth interviews. Thus emerged the strategy map PMRN, based on the presentation of the causes and effects between the strategic objectives of each perspective, the value proposition to customers, internal processes needed to meet this value proposition and intangible assets, which are the basis to execute these processes


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The methodology Balanced Scorecard (BSC) focuses on the major critical issues of modern organizations, whether with or without profit. The measurement of the effective performance of the latter is by evaluating the successful implementation of organizational strategy. The aim of this paper is to present the development of a system of performance measurement strategy for a nonprofit organization, whose object of study is the Associação de Apoio as Comunidades do Campo - AACC, in the context of the BSC methodology of Kaplan and Norton. The methodology of this case study is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative, and diagnose the coherence of the Strategy Map in an organization, based strategic planning from 2010 to 2012. Initially conducted a literature review covering the main aspects of strategy maps and performance evaluation involving the translation of the BSC and strategy evaluation. The main results of the proposed approach refers to evaluation of overall scores for each dimension of the BSC methodology, financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth. These results are able to help the organization evaluate and revise their strategy and, in general, to adopt management methods more accurately. Data collection is centered on interviews with semi-structured questionnaire. The findings highlight on balancing and alignment of strategic objectives, low causality map, strategic communication insufficient and fragmented. For interviewees organizational culture is the biggest impediment to structuring a management model based on indicators and strategic process should be initiated by non-financial indicators gradually. The performance indicators of the AACC/RN portray more meritocracy operational procedures of social projects in the context of the Strategic Map determined in a shortterm over the long term. However, there is evidence of improved performance management and strategic taken as a basis of planning as both the strategic map structured. Therefore, the nonprofits need to adopt a form of management that enables planning, setting objectives and targets that provide the continuity of its activities, and generating instruments that can measure the financial performance and non-financial, in order to develop strategic actions for growth and sustainability


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En cumplimiento de la Directiva 2002/49/CE en lo referente a carreteras, se han llevado a cabo en España, en el año 2007, los mapas estratégicos de ruido (MER) de los grandes ejes viarios de más de 6 millones de vehículos / año (datos 2006). En esta categoría se encuentra la carretera A-3 a su paso por el Campus Sur de la U.P.M. De acuerdo con el pliego de prescripciones técnicas, estos MER se dividen en fase A o de estudio básico y fase B o de estudio de detalle. En el proyecto denominado “Realización de Mapa Estratégico de Ruido de las carreteras de la Red del Estado (A-3 - Zona Campus sur de la U.P.M.)” se muestran los resultados de información pública de fase A del Mapa Estratégico de Ruido (MER) para la carretera A-3 en la Comunidad de Madrid. Teniendo en cuenta dichos resultados y la no elección del Campus Sur en la fase B (detalle) de dicho MER; en el presente proyecto se realiza el Mapa Estratégico de fase B del Campus Sur de la U.P.M. para el gran ejes viarios (A-3), de cumplimiento de la Directiva 2002/49/CE y siguiendo las indicaciones del pliego de prescripciones técnicas para esta primera fase de entregas de 2007 y utilizando para ello Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Se justifica, según los resultados obtenidos, si hubiera sido necesaria su inclusión en esta fase de estudio. Una vez establecidas las diferencias entre Mapa Estratégico de Ruido (MER) y Mapa de Ruido (MR), se analizan los diversos criterios técnicos que debe tomar un consultor acústico durante la realización de un MER y cómo estos pueden afectar al resultado final siendo todos ellos válidos pero creando una falta de homogeneidad entre los diferentes MER según el autor del estudio. Se describen las diferentes acciones que se están tomando tras la entrega de 2007 para intentar solucionar este problema de cara a las nuevas entregas. ABSTRACT: The environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC has clear requirements to Member States in terms of Strategic Noise Maps according to roads. So, have been carried out in Spain, in 2007, Strategic Noise Maps of the major roads which have more than six million vehicle passages a year (2006 data) where the A-3 road near “Campus Sur U.P.M.” is included. In accord with the statement of technical requirements, these Strategic Noise Maps are divided into A phase (Basic study) and B phase (detailed study). The present project by the name of "Implementation of Strategic Noise Map of Spanish Roads (A-3 – Campus Sur U.P.M. area)" shows the results of Strategic Noise Map for the A-3 in the Community of Madrid (A phase, public information – EGRA project Spanish Ministry of Transport). According to de study results and the not election of “Campus Sur” to B phase (detail), in this project has been made the B phase of Strategic Map in compliance with Directive 2002/49/EC, following the technical requirements specifications for the first phase of deliveries (2007) and using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to carry on them. Is justified, in accordance with the results, if it was necessary to include “Campus Sur” in this B phase of study. Once established the differences between Strategic Noise Map and Noise Map, the present project examines the technical criteria that must take an acoustic consultant for the realization of a Strategic Map and how these criteria could affect the quality of the final results being all of them valid but it generate a lack of homogeneity between the different Strategic Noise Map by the author of the study. There wasn’t so much experience in Spain in the methodology proposed by the European Noise Directive. The actions that are being taken after delivery of 2007 to try to solve this problem and get harmonized the results among the whole network for the new deliveries each five years are shown at the present project.