996 resultados para Stop Pathologizing Campaign


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Apesar das mudanças políticas e sociais em relação às transexualidades e travestilidades, elas ainda são consideradas pela Associação de Psiquiatria Norte-Americana (APA) e pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) como transtornos mentais. Essas entidades divulgarão em 2013 as novas versões do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM - APA) e do Código Internacional de Doença (CID - OMS), o que tem mobilizado ativistas trans que reivindicam a retirada da transexualidade do rol das doenças identificáveis como transtornos mentais. A campanha Stop Trans Pathologization (Pare a Patologização!) se internacionalizou e envolvia, até o início de 2012, mais de 29 países. Neste artigo, discutiremos algumas iniciativas dessa campanha, analisaremos a ideologia de gênero presente no DSM e no CID, que incorporam o gênero como uma categoria diagnóstica, e, por fim, apresentaremos argumentos pelo fim do diagnóstico de gênero.


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Background: It has been argued that the alcohol industry uses corporate social responsibility activities to influence policy and undermine public health, and that every opportunity should be taken to scrutinise such activities. This study analyses a controversial Diageo-funded ‘responsible drinking’ campaign (“Stop out of Control Drinking”, or SOOCD) in Ireland. The study aims to identify how the campaign and its advisory board members frame and define (i) alcohol-related harms, and their causes, and (ii) possible solutions. Methods: Documentary analysis of SOOCD campaign material. This includes newspaper articles (n = 9), media interviews (n = 11), Facebook posts (n = 92), and Tweets (n = 340) produced by the campaign and by board members. All material was coded inductively, and a thematic analysis undertaken, with codes aggregated into sub-themes. Results: The SOOCD campaign utilises vague or self-defined concepts of ‘out of control’ and ‘moderate’ drinking, tending to present alcohol problems as behavioural rather than health issues. These are also unquantified with respect to actual drinking levels. It emphasises alcohol-related antisocial behaviour among young people, particularly young women. In discussing solutions to alcohol-related problems, it focuses on public opinion rather than on scientific evidence, and on educational approaches and information provision, misrepresenting these as effective. “Moderate drinking” is presented as a behavioural issue (“negative drinking behaviours”), rather than as a health issue. Conclusions: The ‘Stop Out of Control Drinking’ campaign frames alcohol problems and solutions in ways unfavourable to public health, and closely reflects other Diageo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity, as well as alcohol and tobacco industry strategies more generally. This framing, and in particular the framing of alcohol harms as a behavioural issue, with the implication that consumption should be guided only by self-defined limits, may not have been recognised by all board members. It suggests a need for awareness-raising efforts among the public, third sector and policymakers about alcohol industry strategies


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Summary: This paper examines the adult learning dimensions of protestors as they participate in a campaign to stop coal seam gas exploration in Gippsland in Central Victoria, Australia. On a global level, the imposition of coal seam gas exploration by governments and mining companies has been the trigger for movements of resistance from environmental groups. They are concerned about the impact of mining on their land, food and water supplies. In central Gippsland a group of ‘circumstantial activists’ comprised of farmers, tree changers and other local residents are campaigning against coal seam gas exploration. This unlikely coalition of environmental action groups has made effective use of a variety of community education strategies. This paper commences by outlining some of the key literature on learning and activism drawing on the education tradition of adult learning. We then draw on key concepts from Bourdieu’s writing on ‘habitus’ and ‘field’ to analyse the data from this research. We outline some of the learning practices of activists; through their involvement in this campaign, and the knowledge and skills they gain as they develop a feel for the game of protest. We argue circumstantial activists learn both formally and informally in the social environment of campaigning. Of particular interest is the role of more experienced activists from Friends of the Earth (FOE), a non-government organisation (NGO), as they pass on knowledge, experience, tactics and strategies to the novice and less experienced activists in this community campaign. We explore some of the contradictions of the protestors’ identification as activists using Bourdieu’s concepts of ‘doxa’ and ‘Ilusio’. The paper concludes by arguing learning in activism is a rich tradition of adult education and practice. However, Bourdieu’s writing on field and habitus makes an added contribution to interpreting the learning that occurs in the social space of a campaign or social movement.


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Les courriels Spams (courriels indésirables ou pourriels) imposent des coûts annuels extrêmement lourds en termes de temps, d’espace de stockage et d’argent aux utilisateurs privés et aux entreprises. Afin de lutter efficacement contre le problème des spams, il ne suffit pas d’arrêter les messages de spam qui sont livrés à la boîte de réception de l’utilisateur. Il est obligatoire, soit d’essayer de trouver et de persécuter les spammeurs qui, généralement, se cachent derrière des réseaux complexes de dispositifs infectés, ou d’analyser le comportement des spammeurs afin de trouver des stratégies de défense appropriées. Cependant, une telle tâche est difficile en raison des techniques de camouflage, ce qui nécessite une analyse manuelle des spams corrélés pour trouver les spammeurs. Pour faciliter une telle analyse, qui doit être effectuée sur de grandes quantités des courriels non classés, nous proposons une méthodologie de regroupement catégorique, nommé CCTree, permettant de diviser un grand volume de spams en des campagnes, et ce, en se basant sur leur similarité structurale. Nous montrons l’efficacité et l’efficience de notre algorithme de clustering proposé par plusieurs expériences. Ensuite, une approche d’auto-apprentissage est proposée pour étiqueter les campagnes de spam en se basant sur le but des spammeur, par exemple, phishing. Les campagnes de spam marquées sont utilisées afin de former un classificateur, qui peut être appliqué dans la classification des nouveaux courriels de spam. En outre, les campagnes marquées, avec un ensemble de quatre autres critères de classement, sont ordonnées selon les priorités des enquêteurs. Finalement, une structure basée sur le semiring est proposée pour la représentation abstraite de CCTree. Le schéma abstrait de CCTree, nommé CCTree terme, est appliqué pour formaliser la parallélisation du CCTree. Grâce à un certain nombre d’analyses mathématiques et de résultats expérimentaux, nous montrons l’efficience et l’efficacité du cadre proposé.


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This paper presents a model to estimate travel time using cumulative plots. Three different cases considered are i) case-Det, for only detector data; ii) case-DetSig, for detector data and signal controller data and iii) case-DetSigSFR: for detector data, signal controller data and saturation flow rate. The performance of the model for different detection intervals is evaluated. It is observed that detection interval is not critical if signal timings are available. Comparable accuracy can be obtained from larger detection interval with signal timings or from shorter detection interval without signal timings. The performance for case-DetSig and for case-DetSigSFR is consistent with accuracy generally more than 95% whereas, case-Det is highly sensitive to the signal phases in the detection interval and its performance is uncertain if detection interval is integral multiple of signal cycles.


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Despite the high co-occurrence of psychosis and substance abuse, there is very little research on the development of effective treatments for this problem. This paper describes a new intervention that facilitates reaching functional goals through collaboration between therapists, participants and families. Substance Treatment Options in Psychosis (STOP) integrates pharmacological and psycho-logical treatments for psychotic symptoms, with cognitive-behavioural approaches to substance abuse. STOP is tailored to participants' problems and abilities, and recognises that control of consumption and even engagement may take several attempts. Training in relevant skills is augmented by bibliotherapy, social support and environmental change. A case description illustrates the issues and challenges in implementation.


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Controlling free-ranging livestock requires low-stress cues to alter animal behaviour. Recently modulated sound and electric shock were demonstrated to be effective in controlling free-ranging cattle. In this study the behaviour of 60, 300 kg Belmont Red heifers were observed for behavioural changes when presented cues designed to impede their movement through an alley. The heifers were given an overnight drylot shrink off feed but not drinking water prior to being tested. Individual cattle were allowed to move down a 6.5 m wide alley towards a pen of peers and feed located 71 m from their point of release. Each animal was allowed to move through the alley unimpeded five times to establish a basal behavioural pattern. Animals were then randomly assigned to treatments consisting of sound plus shock, vibration plus shock, a visual cue plus shock, shock by itself and a control. The time each animal required to reach the pen of peers and feed was recorded. If the animal was prevented from reaching the pen of peers and feed by not penetrating through the cue barrier at set points along the alley for at least 60 sec the test was stopped and the animal was returned to peers located behind the release pen. Cues and shock were manually applied from a laptop while animals were observed from a 3.5 m tower located outside the alley. Electric shock, sound, vibration and Global Position System (GPS) hardware were housed in a neck collar. Results and implications will be discussed.


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This paper addresses how social media was used to leverage votes in new media environments. Barack Obama’s social media campaign is analysed and illustrates how the Obama brand benefited from integrating social media into the campaign. Voting behaviour has changed; politicians are continually seeking new ways to communicate with their constituents. Voting on political ‘brands’ is based on an identity or image, rather than central issues. While political parties rely upon an integrated marketing communication (IMC) approach, with a focus on building the (political) brand of the party and brand relationships, communication is no longer fully controlled by the marketers.