38 resultados para Stoicism


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Freud's debt to stoicism has been seldom discussed. His attitude toward science had a distinct ethical slant taken from the ancient world, via Freud's humanistic education. Freud's method involved detachment but did not imply moral coldness and indifference any more than stoicism did. The stoics wanted to be therapists of the mind just as physicians cared for the body. For both Freud and the stoics, reason was in battle with the passions and required clear sight to have a chance of prevailing over them. In contrasting religious worldviews with the scientific approach, Freud failed to see his own approach as ethical. Freud made extensive forays at individual and collective levels but in the years since Freud's death, the psychoanalytic vision has narrowed. At 150 years after his birth, the authors can still admire Freud's exceptional ethical courage and recognize that if psychoanalysis is to survive, it needs to regain his cultural range and spirit of critical inquiry


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Argues for normative-therapeutic proximity between ancient psychoanalysis and Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis.


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The golden verses of the Pythagoreans, p. 163; The Hymn of Cleanthes, p. 191.


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At head of title: Ancient philosophies for modern readers.


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This thesis explores the character of Hamlet in Shakespeare's same-titled work in the light of certain aspects of stoicism and medieval Christian philosophy. Throughout the course of the play we see Hamlet struggling with his thoughts. At first he deliberates without taking action as a consequence of his reasoning, but in the later stages of the play he gives in to passion, which ultimately leads to his own demise. The thesis gives an account of certain aspects of both philosophies that are displayed in the play and shows how those ideas influence the character of Hamlet and contextualize his personal tragedy. Hamlet fails to follow the philosophies that he praises and to grow as a character by overcoming his passions over the course of the play.


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This article examines the constructs of masculinity that are predominant in contemporary Australian society and their influence upon men's perception of their health and well-being. It questions the currency of ‘male stoicism’ at a time when changed perceptions of masculinity are emerging. In particular, it considers how these constructs are evidenced in men's embracing of human mortality and their public expressions of grief. The nature of men's health promotion is discussed and a platform for promoting healthy approaches to masculinity, mortality and grief is presented.


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Resumen: En ocasión de la autobiografía de Robert Spaemann aparecida en 2012, este trabajo examina la lectura que Spaemann hace de la teleología en la doctrina de Santo Tomás de Aquino, especialmente en su obra Natürliche Ziele (2005) que prosigue la versión de 1981. En la primera parte, se estudia la historia de la teleología en el pensamiento filosófico y científico expuesta en «Fines naturales». La finalidad intrínseca en la naturaleza de los seres es conocida con profundidad creciente gracias a Platón, Aristóteles, al estoicismo y a la tradición cristiana. Estos aportes se integran en una estructura teleológica unitaria en el Aquinate. Después acontece una «inversión» de la teleología centrada en la conservación del propio ser y una consideración de los fines como algo externo a la realidad. Con la teoría evolucionista surge la teleonomía que se limita a las reglas del dinamismo, suprimiendo el fin. Con todo, los científicos no logran eliminar los términos «con el fin de» o «para» en su lenguaje. Eso permite proceder a un redescubrimiento de los fines naturales. En la segunda parte, se ve cómo Tomás de Aquino lleva el conocimiento de la finalidad más allá de Aristóteles, porque ella remite a una inteligencia creadora. La teleología implica una teología, aunque no queda del todo claro si es la teología filosófica o la cristiana. Spaemann tiene un planteo ontológico de tipo persuasivo, pero en algunos momentos siente dificultad para superar en el plano teorético a quien se limita a una teleonomía.


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Ireland has gained a reputation for peaceable acceptance of austerity following a European Union/International Monetary Fund bailout in 2010. While proponents of austerity praise Ireland’s stoicism, critics of global capitalism argue that individuals and families are paying for mistakes made by elites. However, little is known about the strategies people adopt to cope with cutbacks to welfare entitlements. Drawing on a study of solidarity between generations living in Ireland in 2011–12, this article explores the lived experience of economic crisis and austerity. One hundred interviews with people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds are analysed using constructivist grounded theory. Data show how austerity impacts differentially according to socio-economic status. While solidarity between generations leads to re-distribution of resources within families, providing some security for people with access to family resources, it reinforces inequality at societal level. We conclude that reliance on family promotes ‘coping’ rather than ‘protesting’ responses to austerity.


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Tissue damage may result in pain, inducing protective behaviour such as lameness. Because we cannot directly measure an animal's subjective experience, pain research and veterinary assessment rely on these behavioural indicators when quantifying pain. This assumes that pain expression is proportional to damage but this has not been tested in animals and ignores the possible effects of personality and coping style. First, we assessed whether lameness accurately predicted the severity of tissue damage, or whether there is variance in how "stoical" individuals are. An experienced equine veterinarian scored horses for lameness and then the severity of tissue damage using either x-ray or ultrasound during the course of normal diagnostics in a clinical setting. Contrary to assumptions, we found no relation between scores for lameness and severity. Consequently, "stoicism" was calculated as severity score minus lameness score. We tested hypotheses founded on previous work concerning how personality would be expected to link with stoicism and pain behaviour. Personality was quantified using a validated questionnaire, completed by owners. Owners also gave their subjective opinion on how tolerant the horse was to pain using a 1-5 likert scale. This is the first paper to assess the relationships between pain behaviour and personality in animals. We found that neuroticism is negatively related to "stoicism" whereas extroversion was positively related to levels of lameness, which may mean that pain in more easily identified in highly extrovert individuals. Future work to clarify these findings and their major implications for accurate assessment of damage and pain in animals are discussed. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Background: Men continue to smoke in greater numbers than women; however, few interventions have been developed and tested to support men’s cessation. Men also tend to rely on quitting strategies associated with stereotypical manliness, such as willpower, stoicism and independence, but may lack the self‐efficacy skills required to sustain a quit. In this article we describe the development of and reception to an interactive video drama (IVD) series, composed of 7 brief scenarios, to support and strengthen men’s smoking cessation efforts. The value of IVD in health promotion is predicated on the evidence that viewers engage with the material when they are presented characters with whom they can personally identify. The video dramatizes the challenges unfolding in the life of the main character, Nick, on the first day of his quit and models the skills necessary to embark upon a sustainable quit. 
Objective: The objective was to describe men’s responses to the If I were Nick IVD series as part of a pilot study of QuitNow MenTM, an innovative smoking cessation website designed for men. Specific objectives were to explore the resonance of the main character of the IVD series with end‐users, and men’s perceptions of the effectiveness of the IVD series for supporting their quit self‐management. 
Methods: Seven brief IVD scenarios were developed, filmed with a professional actor and uploaded to a new online smoking cessation website, QuitNow MenTM.  A sample of 117 men who smoked were recruited into the study and provided baseline data prior to access to the QuitNow MenTM website for a 6 month period. During this time, 47 men chose to view the IVDs. Their responses to questions about the IVDs were collected in 3‐month and 6‐month online follow‐up surveys and analyzed using descriptive statistics. 
Findings: The majority of participants indicated they related to the main character, Nick. Participants who “strongly agreed” they could relate to Nick perceived significantly higher levels of support from the IVDs than the “neutral” and “disagree” groups (P <.001, d =2.0, P <.001 d =3.1). The “agree” and “neutral” groups were significantly higher on rated support from the videos than the “disagree” (P <.001 d =2.2, P =.01 d = 1.5). Participants’ perception of the main character was independent of participant age, education attainment or previous quit attempts. 
Conclusions: The findings suggest that IVD interventions may be an important addition to men’s smoking cessation programs. Given that the use of IVD scenarios in health promotion is in its infancy, the positive outcomes from this pilot study signal the potential for IVD and warrant ongoing evaluation in smoking cessation and, more generally, men’s health promotion.  


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Teoria da Literatura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Dans le présent mémoire, je revisite l’oeuvre de Foucault à la lumière des analyses qu’il offre entre 1981 et 1984 dans ses derniers cours au Collège de France. À l’encontre de l’avis qui voit une rupture dans la pensée foucaldienne – opinion justifiée par la transition radicale qu’opère Foucault depuis l’étude de la relation entre pouvoir et savoir à l’analyse des techniques de subjectivation dans l’Antiquité – j’illustre qu’il y a continuité et complémentarité entre ses analyses des années 1970 et ses démonstrations des années 1980. Foucault trouve, au fondement de la pratique politique gréco-romaine, une éthique définie comme travail de soi sur soi. Aussi tente-t il, au travers de ses dernières analyses, de réactualiser l’askêsis comme fondement oublié de l’éthique, et l’êthos comme condition d’efficacité de la politique. Si, jusqu’en 1980, Foucault s’intéresse aux mécanismes et aux dispositifs permettant le gouvernement de la population, à partir de 1980, c’est la question du gouvernement de soi comme condition nécessaire du gouvernement des autres qui investit ses analyses. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’illustrer, à partir de la redéfinition foucaldienne de l’éthique, la présence d’une nouvelle théorie de la résistance dans ses derniers cours au Collège de France. Par voie de conséquence, je propose implicitement des éclaircissements sur la fonction qu’occupent L’Usage des plaisirs et le Souci de soi, ultimes publications de l’auteur, au sein de son oeuvre.


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Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle au Département de philosophie Faculté des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal et au département de philosophie école doctorale V de l’Université de la Sorbonne – Paris IV. Soutenue à Paris le 8 avril 2010.