994 resultados para Steepest-descent method
Variational steepest descent approximation schemes for the modified Patlak-Keller-Segel equation with a logarithmic interaction kernel in any dimension are considered. We prove the convergence of the suitably interpolated in time implicit Euler scheme, defined in terms of the Euclidean Wasserstein distance, associated to this equation for sub-critical masses. As a consequence, we recover the recent result about the global in time existence of weak-solutions to the modified Patlak-Keller-Segel equation for the logarithmic interaction kernel in any dimension in the sub-critical case. Moreover, we show how this method performs numerically in one dimension. In this particular case, this numerical scheme corresponds to a standard implicit Euler method for the pseudo-inverse of the cumulative distribution function. We demonstrate its capabilities to reproduce easily without the need of mesh-refinement the blow-up of solutions for super-critical masses.
Scopo della tesi è la descrizione di un metodo per il calcolo di minimi di funzionali, basato sulla steepest descent. L'idea principale è quella di considerare un flusso nella direzione opposta al gradiente come soluzione di un problema di Cauchy in spazi di Banach, che sotto l'ipotesi di Palais-Smale permette di determinare minimi. Il metodo viene applicato al problema di denoising e segmentazione in elaborazione di immagini: vengono presentati metodi classici basati sull'equazione del calore, il total variation ed il Perona Malik. Nell'ultimo capitolo il grafico di un'immagine viene considerato come varietà, che induce una metrica sul suo dominio, e viene nuovamente utilizzato il metodo di steepest descent per costruire algoritmi che tengano conto delle caratteristiche geometriche dell'immagine.
A new simple method to design linear-phase finite impulse response (FIR) digital filters, based on the steepest-descent optimization method, is presented in this paper. Starting from the specifications of the desired frequency response and a maximum approximation error a nearly optimum digital filter is obtained. Tests have shown that this method is alternative to other traditional ones such as Frequency Sampling and Parks-McClellan, mainly when other than brick wall frequency response is required as a desired frequency response. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A generalized asymptotic expansion in the far field for the problem of cylindrical wave reflection at a homogeneous impedance plane is derived. The expansion is shown to be uniformly valid over all angles of incidence and values of surface impedance, including the limiting cases of zero and infinite impedance. The technique used is a rigorous application of the modified steepest descent method of Ot
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
A method for linearly constrained optimization which modifies and generalizes recent box-constraint optimization algorithms is introduced. The new algorithm is based on a relaxed form of Spectral Projected Gradient iterations. Intercalated with these projected steps, internal iterations restricted to faces of the polytope are performed, which enhance the efficiency of the algorithm. Convergence proofs are given and numerical experiments are included and commented. Software supporting this paper is available through the Tango Project web page: http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/tango/.
In a Finite Element (FE) analysis of elastic solids several items are usually considered, namely, type and shape of the elements, number of nodes per element, node positions, FE mesh, total number of degrees of freedom (dot) among others. In this paper a method to improve a given FE mesh used for a particular analysis is described. For the improvement criterion different objective functions have been chosen (Total potential energy and Average quadratic error) and the number of nodes and dof's of the new mesh remain constant and equal to the initial FE mesh. In order to find the mesh producing the minimum of the selected objective function the steepest descent gradient technique has been applied as optimization algorithm. However this efficient technique has the drawback that demands a large computation power. Extensive application of this methodology to different 2-D elasticity problems leads to the conclusion that isometric isostatic meshes (ii-meshes) produce better results than the standard reasonably initial regular meshes used in practice. This conclusion seems to be independent on the objective function used for comparison. These ii-meshes are obtained by placing FE nodes along the isostatic lines, i.e. curves tangent at each point to the principal direction lines of the elastic problem to be solved and they should be regularly spaced in order to build regular elements. That means ii-meshes are usually obtained by iteration, i.e. with the initial FE mesh the elastic analysis is carried out. By using the obtained results of this analysis the net of isostatic lines can be drawn and in a first trial an ii-mesh can be built. This first ii-mesh can be improved, if it necessary, by analyzing again the problem and generate after the FE analysis the new and improved ii-mesh. Typically, after two first tentative ii-meshes it is sufficient to produce good FE results from the elastic analysis. Several example of this procedure are presented.
Traditionally simulators have been used extensively in robotics to develop robotic systems without the need to build expensive hardware. However, simulators can be also be used as a “memory”for a robot. This allows the robot to try out actions in simulation before executing them for real. The key obstacle to this approach is an uncertainty of knowledge about the environment. The goal of the Master’s Thesis work was to develop a method, which allows updating the simulation model based on actual measurements to achieve a success of the planned task. OpenRAVE was chosen as an experimental simulation environment on planning,trial and update stages. Steepest Descent algorithm in conjunction with Golden Section search procedure form the principle part of optimization process. During experiments, the properties of the proposed method, such as sensitivity to different parameters, including gradient and error function, were examined. The limitations of the approach were established, based on analyzing the regions of convergence.
A program is provided to determine structural parameters of atoms in or adsorbed on surfaces by refinement of atomistic models towards experimentally determined data generated by the normal incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) technique. The method employs a combination of Differential Evolution Genetic Algorithms and Steepest Descent Line Minimisations to provide a fast, reliable and user friendly tool for experimentalists to interpret complex multidimensional NIXSW data sets.
This paper presents a performance analysis of a baseband multiple-input single-output ultra-wideband system over scenarios CM1 and CM3 of the IEEE 802.15.3a channel model, incorporating four different schemes of pre-distortion: time reversal, zero-forcing pre-equaliser, constrained least squares pre-equaliser, and minimum mean square error pre-equaliser. For the third case, a simple solution based on the steepest-descent (gradient) algorithm is adopted and compared with theoretical results. The channel estimations at the transmitter are assumed to be truncated and noisy. Results show that the constrained least squares algorithm has a good trade-off between intersymbol interference reduction and signal-to-noise ratio preservation, providing a performance comparable to the minimum mean square error method but with lower computational complexity. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The method of steepest descent is used to study the integral kernel of a family of normal random matrix ensembles with eigenvalue distribution P-N (z(1), ... , z(N)) = Z(N)(-1)e(-N)Sigma(N)(i=1) V-alpha(z(i)) Pi(1 <= i<j <= N) vertical bar z(i) - z(j)vertical bar(2), where V-alpha(z) = vertical bar z vertical bar(alpha), z epsilon C and alpha epsilon inverted left perpendicular0, infinity inverted right perpendicular. Asymptotic formulas with error estimate on sectors are obtained. A corollary of these expansions is a scaling limit for the n-point function in terms of the integral kernel for the classical Segal-Bargmann space. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3688293]
Background: The progression of diabetes and the challenge of daily tasks may result in changes in biomechanical strategies. Descending stairs is a common task that patients have to deal with, however it still has not been properly studied in this population. Objectives: We describe and compare the net joint moments and kinematics of the lower limbs in diabetic individuals with and without peripheral neuropathy and healthy controls during stair descent. Method: Forty-two adults were assessed: control group (13), diabetic group (14), and neuropathic diabetic group (15). The flexor and extensor net moment peaks and joint angles of the hip, knee, and ankle were described and compared in terms of effect size and ANOVAs (p<0.05). Results: Both diabetic groups presented greater dorsiflexion [large effect size] and a smaller hip extensor moment [large effect size] in the weight acceptance phase. In the propulsion phase, diabetics with and without neuropathy showed a greater hip flexor moment [large effect size] and smaller ankle extension [large effect size]. Conclusion: Diabetic patients, even without neuropathy, revealed poor eccentric control in the weight acceptance phase, and in the propulsion phase, they showed a different hip strategy, where they chose to take the leg off the ground using more flexion torque at the hip instead of using a proper ankle extension function.
In this paper a method for automatic design of the prestress in continuous bridge decks is presented. In a first step of the procedure the optimal prestressed force for a completely geometrically defined and feasible prestress layout is obtained by means of linear programming techniques. Further on, in a second step the prestress geometry and minimum force are automatically found by steepest descent optimization techniques. Finally this methodology is applied to two-span continuous bridge decks and from the obtained results some preliminary design rules can be drawn.
Combinatorial chemistry has become an invaluable tool in medicinal chemistry for the identification of new drug leads. For example, libraries of predetermined sequences and head-to-tail cyclized peptides are routinely synthesized in our laboratory using the IRORI approach. Such libraries are used as molecular toolkits that enable the development of pharmacophores that define activity and specificity at receptor targets. These libraries can be quite large and difficult to handle, due to physical and chemical constraints imposed by their size. Therefore, smaller sub-libraries are often targeted for synthesis. The number of coupling reactions required can be greatly reduced if the peptides having common amino acids are grouped into the same sub-library (batching). This paper describes a schedule optimizer to minimize the number of coupling reactions by rotating and aligning sequences while simultaneously batching. The gradient descent method thereby reduces the number of coupling reactions required for synthesizing cyclic peptide libraries. We show that the algorithm results in a 75% reduction in the number of coupling reactions for a typical cyclic peptide library.