996 resultados para Stabilization techniques
A ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das principais doenças ortopédicas que afetam os cães. Muitas técnicas cirúrgicas foram descritas no intuito de aliviar a dor, restaurar a estabilidade biomecânica do joelho e prevenir a progressão da osteoartrite. Fáscia lata, fio de poliéster trançado e fio de poliamida foram empregados na estabilização do joelho após excisão do ligamento cruzado cranial em cães, os quais foram submetidos à avaliação radiográfica e macroscópica da articulação. Neste estudo, foram utilizados 18 cães com massa corporal superior a 15Kg (peso médio - 19,67kg), separados em 3 grupos eqüitativos correspondentes a cada técnica, avaliados durante 30 e 60 dias. Ao exame radiográfico, independentemente de grupo, os cães apresentaram evidência de efusão articular moderada a severa, distensão da cápsula articular e, na maioria dos casos, ausência de sinais de doença articular degenerativa. Ao exame macroscópico da articulação do joelho observou-se espessamento da cápsula articular e tecidos moles periarticulares, erosão da cartilagem articular dos côndilos femorais em todos os grupos e afrouxamento dos fios nos cães submetidos às técnicas de estabilização extra-articular com fio de poliéster trançado e fio de poliamida.
We report investigations on running holograms recorded in an azopolymer film made of a poly(methyl methacrylate) matrix doped with Disperse Red 1. Two-wave mixing experiments were carried out in the symmetrical transmission geometry. A stabilization technique was employed for active control of the phase shift between the real-time hologram and the interference pattern. Depending on the imposed phase shift, a running hologram propagates in the material in the form of an isomerization wave created by a continuous erasing-rewriting process. Diffraction efficiencies and the hologram velocities were measured as functions of the holographic phase shift at the wavelengths 515 and 488 nm. The experimental results were compared to theoretical curves obtained from a simplified model of the isomerization kinetics. The selective contributions of the phase and the amplitude gratings to the whole hologram were also determined. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The atlantoaxial subluxation or luxation is an instability of this articulation that produces excessive flexion of this joint causing the cranial aspect of the axis to rotate dorsally into the vertebral channel with subsequent spinal cord compression. This disorder is most commonly found in young small breed dogs. The diagnosis of this disease is done by survey radiographs, where there is a larger distance between the atlas dorsal arch and the axis spinal process characterize the atlantoaxial subluxation. Surgical stabilization is the treatment of choice and multiple implants show the best results to stabilize the atlantoaxial joint. The main complications are sudden death or implant failure. The sudden death happens because of cardiorespiratory arrest and it is most likely caused by brainstem iatrogenic trauma. However, a larger study comparing different surgical stabilization techniques should be performed to evaluate relative success rates in dogs that have the same initial neurologic status
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
La rottura del Legamento Crociato Craniale (LCCr) rappresenta una delle patologie ortopediche di maggiore riscontro clinico nella specie canina. In seguito a rottura del LCCr si presenta un continuo slittamento craniale della tibia il quale esita in un processo osteoartrosico. La risoluzione chirurgica rappresenta la migliore soluzione terapeutica. Le tecniche chirurgiche extra-articolari con sfruttamento dei punti isometrici del ginocchio si presentano come delle procedure molto diffuse e utilizzate. Questa tesi propone di validare l’uso di un nuovo sistema di navigazione computerizzato-assistito per la valutazione cinematica durante la ricostruzione del LCCr nel cane, ma soprattutto di studiare e confrontare il comportamento e l’efficacia dopo ricostruzione TightRope (TR) in due diverse coppie di punti isometrici. Abbiamo effettuato due analisi in parallelo. La prima eseguendo interventi chirurgici con tecnica TR su 18 casi clinici e sfruttando il punto isometrico del femore (F2) e due diversi punti isometrici della tibia (T2 o T3). L’analisi prevedeva dei controlli postoperatori a 1, 3 e 6 mesi. Ad ogni controllo veniva effettuata una visita ortopedica, esami radiografici, un questionario di valutazione clinico e di soddisfazione del proprietario. Mentre nella ricerca Ex-Vivo abbiamo eseguito dei test su 14 preparati anatomici con l’utilizzo di un sistema di navigazione computerizzato per la rilevazione dei dati. L’analisi prevedeva la valutazione dell’articolazione in diversi stadi: LCCr intatto; LCCr rotto; dopo ricostruzione con TR in F2-T2 e tensionato a 22N, 44N e 99N; dopo ricostruzione con TR in F2-T3 e tensionato a 22N, 44N e 99N. Ad ogni stadio si eseguivano cinque test di valutazione, tra cui: Test del Cassetto, Test di compressione tibiale (TCT), Rotazione Interna/Esterna, Flesso/Estensione e Varo/Valgo. Lo scopo di tale studio è quello di confrontare tra loro i punti isometrici del ginocchio e di analizzare l’efficacia della tecnica TR nelle due differenti condizioni di isometria (F2-T2 e F2-T3).
Within the past 15 years, significant advances in the imaging of multiorgan and complex trauma primarily due to the improvement of cross-sectional imaging have resulted in the optimization of the expedient diagnosis and management of the polytrauma patient. At the forefront, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has become the cornerstone of modern emergency departments and trauma centers. In many institutions, MDCT is the de facto diagnostic tool upon trauma activation. In the setting of pelvic imaging, MDCT (with its high spatial resolution and sensitivity as well as short acquisition times) allows for rapid identification and assessment of pelvic hemorrhage leading to faster triage and definitive management. In trauma centers throughout the world, angiography and minimally invasive catheter-based embolization techniques performed by interventional radiologists have become the standard of care for patients with acute pelvic trauma and related multiorgan hemorrhage. In an interdisciplinary setting, embolization may be performed either alone or as an adjunct procedure with open or closed reduction and stabilization techniques. A team-based approach involving multiple disciplines (e.g., radiology, traumatology, orthopedic surgery, intensive care medicine) is crucial to monitor and treat the actively bleeding patient appropriately.
In this dissertation a new numerical method for solving Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems in a Lagrangian framework is developed, where solids of different constitutive laws can suffer very large deformations and fluids are considered to be newtonian and incompressible. For that, we first introduce a meshless discretization based on local maximum-entropy interpolants. This allows to discretize a spatial domain with no need of tessellation, avoiding the mesh limitations. Later, the Stokes flow problem is studied. The Galerkin meshless method based on a max-ent scheme for this problem suffers from instabilities, and therefore stabilization techniques are discussed and analyzed. An unconditionally stable method is finally formulated based on a Douglas-Wang stabilization. Then, a Langrangian expression for fluid mechanics is derived. This allows us to establish a common framework for fluid and solid domains, such that interaction can be naturally accounted. The resulting equations are also in the need of stabilization, what is corrected with an analogous technique as for the Stokes problem. The fully Lagrangian framework for fluid/solid interaction is completed with simple point-to-point and point-to-surface contact algorithms. The method is finally validated, and some numerical examples show the potential scope of applications.
Nesta dissertação, um tipo diferente de pêndulo invertido controlado por rodas de reação é apresentado. Sua principal diferença está em seu ponto de articulação, que é constituído por uma junta esférica que permite com que o pêndulo gire em torno de seus três eixos. Além disso, três rodas de reação são utilizadas para seu controle e estabilização. Primeiramente, um modelo do sistema é obtido a partir das equação de Euler-Lagrange, das leis de Newton e das leis de Kirchhoff. Em seguida, uma lei de controle que assegura a estabilização assintótica do sistema em um grande domínio é proposta. Por fim, simulações são realizadas para validar o controlador projetado. Esse sistema possui diversas características interessantes, tanto do ponto de vista teórico como do ponto de vista de pesquisa. Do ponto de vista teórico, o sistema é nãolinear e suas entradas são fortemente acopladas, o que torna particularmente adequado para o processo de projeto e implementação de diversas técnicas de estabilização. Do ponto de vista de pesquisa, são consideradas duas técnicas de controle não linear: linearização padrão e linearização exata. Para que o sistema seja robusto e não desperdice energia, essas duas leis de controle diferentes são comutadas para a obtencão de um número suficiente de domínio de estabilidade.
We describe the technique allowing for generation of low-noise wider frequency combs and pulses of shorter duration in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers. We compare experimentally noise stabilization techniques in semiconductor modelocked lasers. We discuss the benefits of electrical modulation of the laser absorber voltage (hybrid mode-locking), combination of hybrid mode-locking with optical injection seeding from the narrow linewidth continues wave master source and optical injection seeding of two coherent sidebands separated by the laser repetition rate. © 2014 SPIE.
The creation of thermostable enzymes has wide-ranging applications in industrial, scientific, and pharmaceutical settings. As various stabilization techniques exist, it is often unclear how to best proceed. To this end, we have redesigned Cel5A (HjCel5A) from Hypocrea jecorina (anamorph Trichoderma reesei) to comparatively evaluate several significantly divergent stabilization methods: 1) consensus design, 2) core repacking, 3) helix dipole stabilization, 4) FoldX ΔΔG approximations, 5) Triad ΔΔG approximations, and 6) entropy reduction through backbone stabilization. As several of these techniques require structural data, we initially solved the first crystal structure of HjCel5A to 2.05 Å. Results from the stabilization experiments demonstrate that consensus design works best at accurately predicting highly stabilizing and active mutations. FoldX and helix dipole stabilization, however, also performed well. Both methods rely on structural data and can reveal non-conserved, structure-dependent mutations with high fidelity. HjCel5A is a prime target for stabilization. Capable of cleaving cellulose strands from agricultural waste into fermentable sugars, this protein functions as the primary endoglucanase in an organism commonly used in the sustainable biofuels industry. Creating a long-lived, highly active thermostable HjCel5A would allow cellulose hydrolysis to proceed more efficiently, lowering production expenses. We employed information gleaned during the survey of stabilization techniques to generate HjCel5A variants demonstrating a 12-15 °C increase in the temperature at which 50% of the total activity persists, an 11-14 °C increase in optimal operating temperature, and a 60% increase over the maximal amount of hydrolysis achievable using the wild type enzyme. We anticipate that our comparative analysis of stabilization methods will prove useful in future thermostabilization experiments.
In this paper we study two problems in feedback stabilization. The first is the simultaneous stabilization problem, which can be stated as follows. Given plantsG_{0}, G_{1},..., G_{l}, does there exist a single compensatorCthat stabilizes all of them? The second is that of stabilization by a stable compensator, or more generally, a "least unstable" compensator. Given a plantG, we would like to know whether or not there exists a stable compensatorCthat stabilizesG; if not, what is the smallest number of right half-place poles (counted according to their McMillan degree) that any stabilizing compensator must have? We show that the two problems are equivalent in the following sense. The problem of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants can be reduced to the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator, which in turn can be stated as the following purely algebraic problem. Given2lmatricesA_{1}, ..., A_{l}, B_{1}, ..., B_{l}, whereA_{i}, B_{i}are right-coprime for alli, does there exist a matrixMsuch thatA_{i} + MB_{i}, is unimodular for alli?Conversely, the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator can be formulated as one of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants. The problem of determining whether or not there exists anMsuch thatA + BMis unimodular, given a right-coprime pair (A, B), turns out to be a special case of a question concerning a matrix division algorithm in a proper Euclidean domain. We give an answer to this question, and we believe this result might be of some independent interest. We show that, given twon times mplantsG_{0} and G_{1}we can generically stabilize them simultaneously provided eithernormis greater than one. In contrast, simultaneous stabilizability, of two single-input-single-output plants, g0and g1, is not generic.
Proximal humerus fractures (pHF) are common. In this retrospective study intra-operative and postoperative data and complications of patients stabilized with conventional semirigid techniques (pins, n=30; helix wire, n=19) or a novel semirigid technique, the intramedullary claw (IMC, n=82) were compared. The type and frequency of postoperative complications differed between the groups (p<0.001). The IMC is a novel semirigid technique to stabilize pHF and seems to result in fewer complications than pins or helix wire. The frequency and relevance of a loss of repositioning in patients after IMC implantation need to be elucidated in long-term studies.
Background: Emergency devices for pelvic ring stabilization include circumferential sheets, pelvic binders, and c-clamps. Our knowledge of the outcome of these techniques is currently based on limited information. Methods: Using the dataset of the German Pelvic Trauma Registry, demographic and injury-associated characteristics as well as the outcome of pelvic fracture patients after sheet, binder, and c-clamp treatment was compared. Outcome parameters included transfusion requirement of packed red blood cells, length of hospital stay, mortality, and incidence of lethal pelvic bleeding. Results: Two hundred seven of 6137 (3.4%) patients documented in the German Pelvic Trauma Registry between April 30th 2004 and January 19th 2012 were treated by sheets, binders, or c-clamps. In most cases, c-clamps (69%) were used, followed by sheets (16%), and binders (15%). The median age was significantly lower in patients treated with binders than in patients treated with sheets or c-clamps (26 vs. 47 vs. 42 years, p = 0.01). Sheet wrapping was associated with a significantly higher incidence of lethal pelvic bleeding compared to binder or c-clamp stabilization (23% vs. 4% vs. 8%). No significant differences between the study groups were found in sex, fracture type, blood haemoglobin concentration, arterial blood pressure, Injury Severity Score, the incidence of additional pelvic packing and arterial embolization, need of red blood cell transfusion, length of hospitalisation, and mortality. Conclusions: The data suggest that emergency stabilization of the pelvic ring by binders and c-clamps is associated with a lower incidence of lethal pelvic bleeding compared to sheet wrapping.