999 resultados para Sports concentration


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: It has been proposed that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) released from red blood cells (RBCs) may contribute to the tight coupling between blood flow and oxygen demand in contracting skeletal muscle. To determine whether ATP may contribute to the vasodilatory response to exercise in the forearm, we measured arterialised and venous plasma ATP concentration and venous oxygen content in 10 healthy young males at rest, and at 30 and 180 seconds during dynamic handgrip exercise at 45% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Results: Venous plasma ATP concentration was elevated above rest after 30 seconds of exercise (P < 0.05), and remained at this higher level 180 seconds into exercise (P < 0.05 versus rest). The increase in ATP was mirrored by a decrease in venous oxygen content. While there was no significant relationship between ATP concentration and venous oxygen content at 30 seconds of exercise, they were moderately and inversely correlated at 180 seconds of exercise (r = -0.651, P = 0.021). Arterial ATP concentration remained unchanged throughout exercise, resulting in an increase in the venous-arterial ATP difference. Conclusions: Collectively these results indicate that ATP in the plasma originated from the muscle microcirculation, and are consistent with the notion that deoxygenation of the blood perfusing the muscle acts as a stimulus for ATP release. That ATP concentration was elevated just 30 seconds after the onset of exercise also suggests that ATP may be a contributing factor to the blood flow response in the transition from rest to steady state exercise.


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We determined the effect of muscle glycogen concentration and postexercise nutrition on anabolic signaling and rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis after resistance exercise (REX). Sixteen young, healthy men matched for age, body mass, peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and strength (one repetition maximum; 1RM) were randomly assigned to either a nutrient or placebo group. After 48 h diet and exercise control, subjects undertook a glycogen-depletion protocol consisting of one-leg cycling to fatigue (LOW), whereas the other leg rested (NORM). The next morning following an overnight fast, a primed, constant infusion of L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine was commenced and subjects completed 8 sets of 5 unilateral leg press repetitions at 80% 1RM. Immediately after REX and 2 h later, subjects consumed a 500 ml bolus of a protein/CHO (20 g whey + 40 g maltodextrin) or placebo beverage. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis of both legs were taken at rest and 1 and 4 h after REX. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher in the NORM than LOW at all time points in both nutrient and placebo groups (P < 0.05). Postexercise Akt-p70S6K-rpS6 phosphorylation increased in both groups with no differences between legs (P < 0.05). mTORSer2448 phosphorylation in placebo increased 1 h after exercise in NORM (P < 0.05), whereas mTOR increased ?4-fold in LOW (P < 0.01) and ?11 fold in NORM with nutrient (P < 0.01; different between legs P < 0.05). Post-exercise rates of MPS were not different between NORM and LOW in nutrient (0.070 ± 0.022 vs. 0.068 ± 0.018 %/h) or placebo (0.045 ± 0.021 vs. 0.049 ± 0.017 %/h). We conclude that commencing high-intensity REX with low muscle glycogen availability does not compromise the anabolic signal and subsequent rates of MPS, at least during the early (4 h) postexercise recovery period.


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Leucine is a key amino acid for initiating translation in muscle cells, but the dose-dependent effects of leucine on intracellular signaling are poorly characterized. This study examined the effect that increasing doses of leucine would have on changes in mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)–mediated signaling, rates of protein synthesis, and cell size in C2C12 cells. We hypothesized that a leucine “threshold” exists, which represents the minimum stimulus required to initiate mTOR signaling in muscle cells. Acute exposure to 1.5, 3.2, 5.0, and 16.1 mM leucine increased phosphorylation of mTORSer2448 (~1.4-fold; P < .04), 4E-BP1 Thr37/46 (~1.9-fold; P < .001), and rpS6Ser235/6 (~2.3-fold; P < .001). However, only p70S6kThr389 exhibited a dose-dependent response to leucine with all treatments higher than control (~4-fold; P < .001) and at least 5 mM higher than the 1.5-mM concentration (1.2-fold; P < .02). Rates of protein synthesis were not altered by any treatment. Seven days of exposure to 0.5, 1.5, 5.0, and 16.5 mM leucine resulted in an increase in cell size in at least 5 mM treatments (~1.6-fold, P < .001 vs control). Our findings indicate that even at low leucine concentrations, phosphorylation of proteins regulating translation initiation signaling is enhanced. The phosphorylation of p70S6kThr389 follows a leucine dose-response relationship, although this was not reflected by the acute protein synthetic response. Nevertheless, under the conditions of the present study, it appears that leucine concentrations of at least 5 mM are necessary to enhance cell growth.


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The aim of this paper is to provide a Bayesian formulation of the so-called magnitude-based inference approach to quantifying and interpreting effects, and in a case study example provide accurate probabilistic statements that correspond to the intended magnitude-based inferences. The model is described in the context of a published small-scale athlete study which employed a magnitude-based inference approach to compare the effect of two altitude training regimens (live high-train low (LHTL), and intermittent hypoxic exposure (IHE)) on running performance and blood measurements of elite triathletes. The posterior distributions, and corresponding point and interval estimates, for the parameters and associated effects and comparisons of interest, were estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. The Bayesian analysis was shown to provide more direct probabilistic comparisons of treatments and able to identify small effects of interest. The approach avoided asymptotic assumptions and overcame issues such as multiple testing. Bayesian analysis of unscaled effects showed a probability of 0.96 that LHTL yields a substantially greater increase in hemoglobin mass than IHE, a 0.93 probability of a substantially greater improvement in running economy and a greater than 0.96 probability that both IHE and LHTL yield a substantially greater improvement in maximum blood lactate concentration compared to a Placebo. The conclusions are consistent with those obtained using a ‘magnitude-based inference’ approach that has been promoted in the field. The paper demonstrates that a fully Bayesian analysis is a simple and effective way of analysing small effects, providing a rich set of results that are straightforward to interpret in terms of probabilistic statements.


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This paper describes two complementary bioanalytical experiments for analyzing the concentration of glucose in sports drinks. The first experiment is a spectrophotometric enzyme assay employing the enzymes glucose oxidase (GOx) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The glucose is oxidized by the GOx, producing hydrogen peroxide, which is the substrate for HRP. In the reduction of the H2O2 a chromogen is oxidized, causing a color change. In the partner experiment, the GOx is immobilized on a platinum electrode using a dialysis membrane. The hydrogen peroxide produced in the enzyme reaction is monitored amperometrically by oxidizing the hydrogen peroxide produced. The simple method of preparing the enzyme electrode is useful in demonstrating the important parameters in defining the response of enzyme electrodes. The same sports drinks are analyzed in both experiments. The two experiments together illustrate the advantage of bioanalysis in analyzing complex samples with minimal sample preparation.


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A questão do Equilíbrio Competitivo é um tema importante da economia dos esportes profissionais nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. Muitas pesquisas foram feitas para estabelecer os critérios mais relevantes para avaliar a competitividade das ligas profissionais de futebol. Esta pesquisa analisou a relevância do Equilíbrio Competitivo como determinante da competitividade comparando o Brasileirão Série A com as nove principais ligas na Europa (Bélgica, Inglaterra, Alemanha, Holanda, França, Itália, Portugal, Escócia e Espanha). A competitividade é a capacidade de uma empresa (um clube) ou de uma indústria de enfrentar a concorrência efetiva ou potencial. A medida da competitividade deve levar em consideração uma série de fatores importantes como a qualidade e a relação qualidade/preço, a gestão de recursos humanos e a organização empresarial. Esse trabalho visa demonstrar que, apesar da incerteza do resultado ter sido considerado por muito tempo como um fator positivo de atratividade/interesse dos fãs nos esportes, um campeonato equilibrado poderia ter um efeito insignificante, para não dizer desprezível sobre a competitividade das ligas de futebol a longo prazo. Os resultados mostraram que o aumento do Equilíbrio Competitivo pode ser relevante para os campeonatos mais fracos (Bélgica, Holanda, Portugal, Escócia), mas nao dos cincos melhores (Alemanha, Espanha, França, Inglaterra, Itália). Consequentemente, o Equilíbrio Competitivo deve ser contemplado como uma variável desprezível quanto à competitividade das ligas de futebol, apesar do interesse crescente pelo conceito na literatura. Baseado principalmente em pesquisas de Dell'Osso e Symanski (1991) e de Oughton e Michie (2004), o índice HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman) tem sido utilizado para determinar o nível de concentração de 11 ligas de futebol estudadas. Uma revisão da literatura sobre administração de futebol e esportes foi realizada.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of exercise mode on the validity of onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA-3.5-mM fixed blood lactate concentration) to predict the work-rate at maximal lactate steady state (MLSSwork-rate). Eleven recreationally active mates (21.3 +/- 2.9 years, 72.8 +/- 6.7 kg, 1.78 +/- 0.1 m) performed randomly incremental tests to determine OBLA (stage duration of 3 min), and 2 to 4 constants work-rate exercise tests to directly determine maximal lactate steady state parameters on a cycle-ergometer and treadmill. For both exercise modes, the OBLA was significantly correlated to MLSSwork-rate, (cycling: r = 0.81 p = 0.002; running: r = 0.94, p < 0.001). OBLA (156.2 +/- 41.3 W) was lower than MLSSwork-rate (179.6 +/- 26.4 W) during cycling exercise (p = 0.007). However, for running exercise, there was no difference between OBLA (3.2 +/- 0.6 m s(-1)) and MLSSwork-rate (3.1 +/- 0.4 m s(-1)). The difference between OBLA and MLSSworkrate on the cycle-ergometer (r = 0.86; p < 0.001) and treadmill (r = 0.64; p = 0.048) was significantly related to the specific MLSS. We can conclude that the validity of OBLA on predicting MLSSwork-rate is dependent on exercise mode and that its disagreement is related to individual variations in MLSS. (C) 2007 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Little is known about the influence of different stressors on fine motor skills, the concentration of testosterone (T), and their interaction in adolescents. Therefore, 62 high school students aged 14–15 years were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (exercise, psychosocial stress) and a control group. Exercise stress was induced at 65–75% of the maximum heart rate by running for 15 minutes (n = 24). Psychosocial stress was generated by an intelligence test (HAWIK- IV), which was uncontrollable and characterized by social-evaluative-threat to the students (n=21). The control group followed was part of a regular school lesson with the same duration (n = 28). Saliva was collected after a normal school lesson (pre-test) as well as after the intervention/control period (post-test) and was analyzed for testosterone. Fine motor skills were assessed pre- and post-intervention using a manual dexterity test (Flower Trail) from the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2. A repeated measure ANCOVA including gender as a covariate revealed a significant group by test interaction, indicating an increase in manual dexterity only for the psychosocial stress group. Correlation analysis of all students shows that the change of testosterone from pre- to post-test was directly linked (r = 2.31, p = .01) to the changes in manual dexterity performance. Participants showing high increases in testosterone from pre- to post-test made fewer mistakes in the fine motor skills task. Findings suggest that manual dexterity increases when psychosocial stress is induced and that improvement of manual dexterity performance corresponds with the increase of testosterone.


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There is growing evidence that physical education has not only positive effects on the physical health of children and adolescents, but also contributes positively to personality development and to performance in cognitive tasks. Existing studies indicate chronic as well as acute effects of physical education on cognitive performance. However, underlying mechanisms, required content of the physical intervention and duration of the effects are still unclear. In order to shed light on some of these open questions, the present study investigated the acute effects of a special form of physical education, integrating cardiac-stimulating tasks with executive demands, on the concentration of 11-year olds. Concentration was assessed three times using the d2-R Test. Intervention (n=38) and control group (n=35) did not differ in their d2-R performance in pre- nor in post-test, which took place after either a physical intervention or a normal core subject lesson respectively. In the follow-up test however, which was completed after two more core subject lessons for both groups, the intervention group improved more in their d2-R performance than the control group F(1, 71)=4.95, p=.03, indicating that physical education can positively influence children’s concentration, not immediately after the activity, but later on during the following school lessons.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Elevated expression of tumour necrosis factora (TNF-a) is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. This study has examined the expression of TNF-a and its receptors (TNF-Rs) by mouse blastocysts and blastocyst outgrowths from day 4 to 9.5 of pregnancy and investigated the effects of elevated TNF-a on the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophoblast cells of blastocyst outgrowths. RTPCR demonstrated TNF-a mRNA expression from day 7.5 to 9.5, TNF-R1 from day 6.5 to 9.5 and TNF-R2 from day 5.5 to 7.5 of pregnancy, and in situ hybridisation revealed the trophoblast giant cells (TGCs) of the early placenta as the site of TNF-a expression. Day 4 blastocysts were cultured in a physiologically high concentration of TNF-a (100 ng/ml) for 72 h to the outgrowth stage and then compared to blastocysts cultured in media alone. TNF-a-treated blastocyst outgrowths exhibited a significant reduction in ICM cells (mean € SD 23.90€10.42 vs 9.37€7.45, t-test, P<0.0001) with no significant change in the numbers of trophoblast cells (19.97€8.14 vs 21.73€7.79, t-test, P=0.39). Within the trophoblast cell population, the TNF-a-treated outgrowths exhibited a significant increase in multinucleated cells (14.10€5.53 vs 6.37€5.80, t-test, P<0.0001) and a corresponding significant decrease in mononucleated cells (5.87€3.60 vs 15.37€5.87, t-test, P<0.0001). In summary, this study describes the expression of TNF-a and its receptors during the peri-implantation period in the mouse. It also reports that elevated TNF-a restricts ICM proliferation in the blastocyst and changes the ratio of mononucleated to multinucleated trophoblast cells. These findings suggest a mechanism by which increased