980 resultados para Specific values


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Large overbank flood events play an important role in maintaining largescale ecological processes and connectivity along and across the floodplains and between the rivers and their floodplains in the southern Murray-Darling Basin. However, the regulation of rivers means that extensive overbank flooding can only occur in the rare circumstance of extreme flood events. Recent environmental water allocations have focussed on the largest floodplain blocks (‘icon’ sites) and a small set of specific values (e.g. colonial nesting waterbirds), as well as on trialling fine-scale manipulation of infrastructure (e.g. pumping) to water relatively small areas. There has been no comprehensive systematic assessment of the entire floodplain and its wider set of flood-dependent natural assets (such as ecosystems and species; herein referred to as ‘natural values’) to maximise the effectiveness of environmental water use and to catalogue values likely to be lost. This paper describes an assessment of some 220 000 ha found to support flood-dependent natural values in Victoria. We mapped the geographic distribution and estimated components of the flooding requirements (natural flooding frequency, and maximum period without flooding and minimum duration of each flooding event before significant deterioration) for each natural value. Using an example of one stretch of the River Murray, we show how the resultant spatial data can be used with floodplain inundation modelling to compare the outcomes of real or planned environmental watering events; potentially providing tools for management agencies to conserve a wider range of floodplain values than is currently the case. That is, water managers and the public can see what ecosystems and threatened species are intended to be maintained by environmental watering and what values are intended to be abandoned across the whole floodplain, rather than just seeing the small subset of values and ‘icon’ sites that are intended to be maintained. Examples are provided to illustrate how information about the location, water requirements and extent covered by potential floods for specific values can be used to build adaptive watering strategies for areas as large as the whole floodplain.


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The goal of the present study is to supplement inter-cultural comparison of values as a cultural dimension by intra-cultural comparisons, and to go beyond comparisons of single values representing cultural dimensions by studying value patterns on the individual level. Therefore, relationships among general (individualism, collectivism) and domain-specific (family- and child-related) values and the transmission of values in three generations of one family were analyzed. The sample consisted of 100 complete triads of three generations (grandmothers, mothers, and adolescents). The results showed that the individual value orientations of these three generations dif- fered in the expected direction. Individualistic values were more supported by the younger and less by the older generation. While individualism did not show significant relations to other specific values, collectivism was the most powerful dimension to predict family and child-related values. Individual- ism and collectivism clearly turned out as separate dimensions with different functions for the individual value system. The value structure of grandmoth- ers as compared to the younger generations showed more internal consistency. A relative transmission of values was obvious for the adjacent generations. The results are discussed from the perspective of cultural change and stability, and the relation among cultural dimensions and individual value orientations.


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Estimates of microbial crude protein (MCP) production by ruminants, using a method based on the excretion of purine derivatives in urine, require an estimate of the excretion of endogenous purine derivatives (PD) by the animal. Current methods allocate a single value to all cattle. An experiment was carried out to compare the endogenous PD excretion in Bos taurus and high-content B. indicus (hereafter, B. indicus) cattle. Five Holstein–Friesian (B. taurus) and 5 Brahman (> 75% B. indicus) steers (mean liveweight 326 ± 3.0 kg) were used in a fasting study. Steers were fed a low-quality buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris; 59.4 g crude protein/kg dry matter) hay at estimated maintenance requirements for 19 days, after which hay intake was incrementally reduced for 2 days and the steers were fasted for 7 days. The excretion of PD in urine was measured daily for the last 6 days of the fasting period and the mean represented the daily endogenous PD excretion. Excretion of endogenous PD in the urine of B. indicus steers was less than half that of the B. taurus steers (190 µmol/kg W0.75.day v. 414 µmol/kg W0.75.day; combined s.e. 37.2 µmol/kg W0.75.day; P < 0.001). It was concluded that the use of a single value for endogenous PD excretion is inappropriate for use in MCP estimations and that subspecies-specific values would improve precision.


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We study the dynamics of a one-dimensional lattice model of hard core bosons which is initially in a superfluid phase with a current being induced by applying a twist at the boundary. Subsequently, the twist is removed, and the system is subjected to periodic delta-function kicks in the staggered on-site potential. We present analytical expressions for the current and work done in the limit of an infinite number of kicks. Using these, we show that the current (work done) exhibits a number of dips (peaks) as a function of the driving frequency and eventually saturates to zero (a finite value) in the limit of large frequency. The vanishing of the current (and the saturation of the work done) can be attributed to a dynamic localization of the hard core bosons occurring as a consequence of the periodic driving. Remarkably, we show that for some specific values of the driving amplitude, the localization occurs for any value of the driving frequency. Moreover, starting from a half-filled lattice of hard core bosons with the particles localized in the central region, we show that the spreading of the particles occurs in a light-cone-like region with a group velocity that vanishes when the system is dynamically localized.


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We address the problem of reconstructing a sparse signal from its DFT magnitude. We refer to this problem as the sparse phase retrieval (SPR) problem, which finds applications in tomography, digital holography, electron microscopy, etc. We develop a Fienup-type iterative algorithm, referred to as the Max-K algorithm, to enforce sparsity and successively refine the estimate of phase. We show that the Max-K algorithm possesses Cauchy convergence properties under certain conditions, that is, the MSE of reconstruction does not increase with iterations. We also formulate the problem of SPR as a feasibility problem, where the goal is to find a signal that is sparse in a known basis and whose Fourier transform magnitude is consistent with the measurement. Subsequently, we interpret the Max-K algorithm as alternating projections onto the object-domain and measurement-domain constraint sets and generalize it to a parameterized relaxation, known as the relaxed averaged alternating reflections (RAAR) algorithm. On the application front, we work with measurements acquired using a frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) experimental setup. Experimental results on measured data show that the proposed algorithms exhibit good reconstruction performance compared with the direct inversion technique, homomorphic technique, and the classical Fienup algorithm without sparsity constraint; specifically, the autocorrelation artifacts and background noise are suppressed to a significant extent. We also demonstrate that the RAAR algorithm offers a broader framework for FDOCT reconstruction, of which the direct inversion technique and the proposed Max-K algorithm become special instances corresponding to specific values of the relaxation parameter.


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We have found that the optical power of a laser diode (LD) does not change with the injected light intensity that is modulated when its injection current is at some specific values. The amplitude of optical power change of the LD varies periodically with the increase of the injection current. It is made clear through theoretical analysis that these phenomena are caused by gain compression and interband carrier absorption of the LD that depend on longitudinal mode competition, bandgap-shrinkage effects, thermal conduction, and so on. Our experimental results make it easy to eliminate optical power change of LDs. We only need to choose a proper value of the injection current. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Understanding the nature of the workloads and system demands created by users of the World Wide Web is crucial to properly designing and provisioning Web services. Previous measurements of Web client workloads have been shown to exhibit a number of characteristic features; however, it is not clear how those features may be changing with time. In this study we compare two measurements of Web client workloads separated in time by three years, both captured from the same computing facility at Boston University. The older dataset, obtained in 1995, is well-known in the research literature and has been the basis for a wide variety of studies. The newer dataset was captured in 1998 and is comparable in size to the older dataset. The new dataset has the drawback that the collection of users measured may no longer be representative of general Web users; however using it has the advantage that many comparisons can be drawn more clearly than would be possible using a new, different source of measurement. Our results fall into two categories. First we compare the statistical and distributional properties of Web requests across the two datasets. This serves to reinforce and deepen our understanding of the characteristic statistical properties of Web client requests. We find that the kinds of distributions that best describe document sizes have not changed between 1995 and 1998, although specific values of the distributional parameters are different. Second, we explore the question of how the observed differences in the properties of Web client requests, particularly the popularity and temporal locality properties, affect the potential for Web file caching in the network. We find that for the computing facility represented by our traces between 1995 and 1998, (1) the benefits of using size-based caching policies have diminished; and (2) the potential for caching requested files in the network has declined.


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Organismal metabolic rates influence many ecological processes, and the mass-specific metabolic rate of organisms decreases with increasing body mass according to a power law. The exponent in this equation is commonly thought to be the three-quarter-power of body mass, determined by fundamental physical laws that extend across taxa. However, recent work has cast doubt as to the universality of this relationship, the value of 0.75 being an interspecies 'average' of scaling exponents that vary naturally between certain boundaries. There is growing evidence that metabolic scaling varies significantly between even closely related species, and that different values can be associated with lifestyle, activity and metabolic rates. Here we show that the value of the metabolic scaling exponent varies within a group of marine ectotherms, chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Mopaliidae), and that differences in the scaling relationship may be linked to species-specific adaptations to different but overlapping microhabitats. Oxygen consumption rates of six closely related, co-occurring chiton species from the eastern Pacific (Vancouver Island, British Columbia) were examined under controlled experimental conditions. Results show that the scaling exponent varies between species (between 0.64 and 0.91). Different activity levels, metabolic rates and lifestyle may explain this variation. The interspecific scaling exponent in these data is not significantly different from the archetypal 0.75 value, even though five out of six species-specific values are significantly different from that value. Our data suggest that studies using commonly accepted values such as 0.75 derived from theoretical models to extrapolate metabolic data of species to population or community levels should consider the likely variation in exponents that exists in the real world, or seek to encompass such error in their models. This study, as in numerous previous ones, demonstrates that scaling exponents show large, naturally occurring variation, and provides more evidence against the existence of a universal scaling law. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Civis), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014


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Alors que la critique soutient souvent que le didactisme dans la littérature québécoise pour la jeunesse est chose du passé, l’analyse sociocritique, dans le présent mémoire, de plusieurs romans pour adolescents publiés après 1980 montre plutôt qu’il y subsiste et que les thèmes (conflits entre parents et adolescents, famille, sexualité) et les formes (narration ou focalisation à partir du point de vue de personnages adolescents) souvent invoqués par la critique pour prouver sa disparition constituent précisément les dimensions d’un didactisme d’un nouveau genre. Les personnages adolescents des romans analysés proposent des portraits de parents, des jugements sur des modèles familiaux et des citations de conseils sur la sexualité qui peuvent tous être considérés comme des stratégies didactiques. En plus de mettre de l’avant certaines valeurs, ces discours tenus par les adolescents constituent un métadidactisme qui réinscrit dans les œuvres elles-mêmes la relation, qui est au cœur même de la définition de la littérature jeunesse, entre un adulte détenteur de savoir et un jeune considéré comme un être en formation.


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Entendemos que desde el área de Educación Artística podemos trabajar el arte de cientos de culturas y en cualquier momento de la historia, un aspecto que nos permite sensibilizar al alumnado hacia la comprensión de las distintas manifestaciones que adquiere un mismo aspecto cultural, el arte, como fenómeno universal. Hemos centrado el objetivo principal de nuestra investigación en la exploración de los caminos y las posibilidades que nos ofrece la educación artística en relación a la diversidad (cultural, de clase, minusvalía, de edad, raza, de género, etc.). Partíamos de la percepción que, en el ámbito de la educación artística y de la cultura en general, existe una tendencia que describe los hechos artísticos y las prácticas estéticas a partir de unas categorías únicas y universalmente válidas. Estas provocan a menudo el olvido de algunos valores específicos y sobre todo la falta de reconocimiento de otras propuestas artísticas igual de interesantes (oficios artísticos, arte de las/os niñas/os, arte popular, artesanias, etc. Hemos buscado caminos que nos conduzcan a asumir una visión contemporánea del hecho artístico y una concepción incluyente del arte (diseño, indumentaria, decoración, artes funcionales, arte popular, arte de las mujeres, net art, gastronomia, etc.). Entendemos que la educación es el lugar desde donde avanzar hacia otra forma de mirar y comprender el mundo. Una visión que, desde el arte, facilite elementos para el encuentro y las relaciones sociales, donde la propia diferencia y la conservación "crítica" de las propias identidades culturales sean celebradas desde la convicción del verdadero enriquecimiento cultural. Estas consideraciones y la ausencia de un marco teórico previo que nos permitiera analizar, desarrollar y evaluar la perspectiva multicultural en la educación artística fueron la causa y la coyuntura para dirigir este trabajo hacia lo que podríamos llamar "educador artístico culturalmente competente" (Andrus, 2001). En esa perspectiva de comptencia es donde hemos ubicado nuestro trabajo, así como en las necesidades de formación de las maestras y los maestros, con la convicción de que cualquier mejora en la etapa educativa donde estos actúan, redundará en todo el proceso educativo.


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Inferences consistent with “recognition-based” decision-making may be drawn for various reasons other than recognition alone. We demonstrate that, for 2-alternative forced-choice decision tasks, less-is-more effects (reduced performance with additional learning) are not restricted to recognition-based inference but can also be seen in circumstances where inference is knowledge-based but item knowledge is limited. One reason why such effects may not be observed more widely is the dependence of the effect on specific values for the validity of recognition and knowledge cues. We show that both recognition and knowledge validity may vary as a function of the number of items recognized. The implications of these findings for the special nature of recognition information, and for the investigation of recognition-based inference, are discussed


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Assessing the ways in which rural agrarian areas provide Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) is proving difficult to achieve. This research has developed an innovative methodological approach named as Multi Scale Indicator Framework (MSIF) for capturing the CES embedded into the rural agrarian areas. This framework reconciles a literature review with a trans-disciplinary participatory workshop. Both of these sources reveal that societal preferences diverge upon judgemental criteria which in turn relate to different visual concepts that can be drawn from analysing attributes, elements, features and characteristics of rural areas. We contend that it is now possible to list a group of possible multi scale indicators for stewardship, diversity and aesthetics. These results might also be of use for improving any existing European indicators frameworks by also including CES. This research carries major implications for policy at different levels of governance, as it makes possible to target and monitor policy instruments to the physical rural settings so that cultural dimensions are adequately considered. There is still work to be developed on regional specific values and thresholds for each criteria and its indicator set. In practical terms, by developing the conceptual design within a common framework as described in this paper, a considerable step forward towards the inclusion of the cultural dimension in European wide assessments can be made.


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Carbon has been described as a ‘surreal commodity’. Whilst carbon trading, storage, sequestration and emissions have become a part of the contemporary climate lexicon, how carbon is understood, valued and interpreted by actors responsible for implementing carbon sequestration projects is still unclear. In this review paper, we are concerned with how carbon has come to take on a range of meanings, and in particular, we appraise what is known about the situated meanings that people involved in delivering, and participating in, carbon sequestration projects in the global South assign to this complex element. Whilst there has been some reflection on the new meanings conferred on carbon via the neoliberal processes of marketisation, and how these processes interact with historical and contemporary narratives of environmental change, less is known about how these meanings are (re)produced and (re)interpreted locally. We review how carbon has been defined both as a chemical element and as a tradable, marketable commodity, and discuss the implications these global meanings might have for situated understandings, particularly linked to climate change narratives, amongst communities in the global South. We consider how the concept of carbon capabilities, alongside theoretical notions of networks, assemblages and local knowledges of the environment and nature, might be useful in beginning to understand how communities engage with abstract notions of carbon. We discuss the implications of specific values attributed to carbon, and therefore to different ecologies, for wider conceptualisations of how nature is valued, and climate is understood, and particularly how this may impact on community interactions with carbon sequestration projects. Knowing more about how people understand, value and know carbon allows policies to be better informed and practices more effectively targeted at engaging local populations meaningfully in carbon-related projects.