1000 resultados para Special furniture manufacture
A 41-year-old woman who worked in a furniture plant was admitted to hospital for acute dyspnea that had developed a few hours she marked pieces of "Alcantara" material with a heated metallic blade. The chest x-ray showed a restrictive syndrome. The lymphocyte count was high in the bronchioalveolar lavage fluid with a CD4/CD8 ratio of 0.11, leading to the diagnosis of alveolitis. Investigations at the work place allowed identification and evaluation of the causal agent. Alcantara is a synthetic fabric composed of 70% polyurethane fibers, which when burned produces isocyanate monomers. After eliminating exposure and institution of corticosteroid therapy, the outcome was good with complete recovery. The risk was eliminated by changing the work procedure. This risk has not been reported earlier for furniture manufacture.
Tutkimuksessa on selvitetty erikoiskalustevalmistuksen projektinhallinnan suunnittelun toteutusta, tukiprosesseja sekä projektien seurantaa. Tutkimuksessa verrataan teoreettista projektinhallintaa ja käytännön toteutusta erikoiskalusteita valmistavassa yrityksessä. Osa-alueina ovat projektisuunnitelma, suunnitelman seuranta, asiakastyytyväisyys ja laatu sekä työprosessin vaihtelut ja riskit. Tutkimusaineisto on koottu kyselyin, seurannalla ja haastatteluin kohdeyrityksessä. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty tilastollisia ja analyyttisen hierarkian (AHP) sekä monitavoiteoptimoinnin menetelmiä. Tuloksissa esitetään työprojektin hallinnan eri osa-alueet mukaan lukien projektin laatu sekä työprosessin vaihtelun ja riskien kannattavat hallintamahdollisuudet. Suosituksena kalustevalmistuksen työprojektien kehittämiseksi tutkimuksessa esitetään toimintaperiaatteet projektinhallintaohjelmistojen käyttöönotolle.
This research describes the application of a scientific and technological model of Ergonomics in the design of pre-school furniture. The constant presence of the desk in early education and its influence in the relationship between the user and his educational environment determined the necessity of this project. The pre-school desk was considered as a work station, where the joint aspects of education and child anthropometry substantiate the problem. The review of the Historical application of Ergonomics in the Design of children's products consolidated the importance of this report. The development of ergonomic research, characterised by investigations of the Brazilian child's Anthropometry Data and Biomechanical Features, resulted in dimensional parameters of the user and physical characteristics of the present furniture. These elements, together with a comprehension of activities and needs in the pre-school, were connected with aspects of bibliographical revision to result in a series of recomendations for design. Through the methods of Ergonomic Design, a new proposal for the pre-school desk was developed, denominated Mobipresc 3.6.
The compaction rate, the relation between the density of the wood panel and the density of the wood used for producing the particles, is an indicator of the product's densification. Among the various types of wood panels, particleboards are widely employed in the lumber industry, mainly for the furniture production. This paper presents a study of the relation between the compaction rate and the properties of tensile strength perpendicular to surface, Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) obtained from a static bending test, thickness swelling and water absorption (2 and 24 hours). These properties were calculated according to the Brazilian ABNT, NBR 14810 standard. Particleboards were produced using the species Pinus elliotti and adhesive ureaformaldehyde. The relation was established by a multiple linear regression, and the most appropriate statistical models were determined. The estimated models indicate statistically significant effects of water absorption in 2 hours and MOR in the particleboards' compaction rate.
Este trabalho tem como finalidade a elaboração de um projeto na área ambiental denominado Manual de Boas Práticas Ambientais para a Indústria do Mobiliário de Madeira. Para conseguir atingir o objetivo proposto, inicialmente foi efetuado um breve enquadramento ao subsetor do mobiliário de madeira a nível nacional, recorrendo à bibliografia disponível apoiada em dados estatísticos de suporte. Foram caracterizados os dois concelhos alvo de estudo, Paços de Ferreira e Paredes por apresentarem a maior concentração industrial no subsetor a nível nacional. Procedeu-se à descrição do processo produtivo da indústria do mobiliário de madeira com a identificação dos seus principais aspetos ambientais. Posteriormente foi aplicado um questionário para verificar como as empresas do subsetor nos concelhos alvo de estudo tratam as questões ambientais da sua atividade industrial. De forma complementar, realizou-se um caso de estudo na empresa IKEA Industry Portugal, Lda, onde foi elaborado um diagnóstico ambiental detalhado com incidência nas boas práticas ambientais. Finalmente foi elaborado o Manual de Boas Práticas Ambientais para a Indústria do Mobiliário de Madeira.
"United Nations publications sales number: 1953.II.H4"--T.p. verso.
p. 113, advertising matter.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli tehdä hankinnan kokonaiskustannusmalli tietylle case-yrityksen tuotteelle. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mikä on hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten merkitys strategisen kustannusten hallinnan osana ja mitä mahdollisia työkaluja voidaan käyttää hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten mittaamiseen. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuinka hankinnan kokonaiskustannuspäätökset voivat auttaa hankintapäätösten teossa. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen ja muodostuu teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä osasta.Teoriaosa on luonteeltaan käsiteanalyyttinen ja empiriaosa vertaileva case-tutkimus. Teoreettisessa osassa selvitetään hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten teoriaa ja empiriaosassa tutkimus kohdennetaan case-yrityksen Forsby-jalkaan. Tutkimuksentuloksena syntyi case-yritykselle hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten malli, jota yritys käyttää ensisijaisesti toimittajien arviointiin. Hankinnan kokonaiskustannukset osoittautuivat tärkeäksi osaksi yrityksen strategista kustannusten hallintaa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että kohdeyrityksen erityispiirteiden ja käytössä olevien resurssien huomioiminen on erittäin merkittävä asia hankinnan kokonaiskustannusmallia muodostettaessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen teon aikana nousi esiin useita asioita, joita case-yrityksen on jatkossa kehitettävä.
The primary objective of this work is to develop an efficient accelerator system for low temperature vulcanization of rubbers. Although xanthates are known to act as accelerators for low temperature vulcanization, a systematic study on the mechanism of vulcanization, the mechanical properties of the vulcanizates at varying temperatures of vulcanization, cure characteristics etc are not reported. Further. xanthate based curing systems are not commonly used because of their chance for premature vulcanization during processing. The proposed study is to develop a novel accelerator system for the low temperature vulcanization of rubbers having enough processing safely. lt is also proposed to develop a method for the prevulcanisation of natural rubber latex at room temperature. As already mentioned the manufacture of rubber products at low temperature will improve its quality and appearance. Also, energy consumption can be reduced by low temperature vulcanization. in addition, low temperature vulcanization will be extremely useful in the area of repair of defective products, since subjecting finished products to high temperatures during the process of repair will adversely affect the quality of the product. Further. room temperature curing accelerator systems will find extensive applications in surface coating industries.
In the present work, studies on vulcanization, rheology and reinforcement of natural rubber latex with special reference to accelerator combinations, surface active agents and gamma irradiation have been undertaken. In vulcanization, the choice of vulcanization system, the extent and mc-zie of vulcanization and network structure of the vulcanizate are important factors contributing to the overall quality of the product. The vulcanization system may be conventional type using elemental sulfur or a system involving sulfur donors. The latter type is used mainly in the manufacture of heat resistant products. For improving the technical properties of the products such as modulus and tensile strength, different accelerator combinations are used. It is known that accelerators have a strong effect on the physical properties of rubber vulcanizates. A perusal of the literature indicates that fundamental studies on the above aspects of latex technology are very limited. Thereforea systematic study on vulcanization, rheology and reinforcement of natural rubber latex with reference to the effect of accelerator combinations, surface active agents and gamma irradiation has been undertaken. The preparation and evaluation of some products like latex thread was also undertaken as a part of the study. The thesis consists of six chapter
one of the key sectors, identified by the Department of Industries Government of Kerala, for the cluster development initiative is Handloom, which gives employment to over over 50,000 people directly. Despite its age old tradition and fame, the performance of the sector vis-à-vis power looms is not very rosy owing to (i) competition from cheap power loom cloth from other states (ii) scarcity of quality yarn (iii) price escalation of yarn, dyes, chemicals and other raw materials (iv) the shrinking market for handlooms in Kerala (v) non-demand based production and inadequacy of new designs and (vi) inefficiencies in the system, particularly in the co-operative sector. Cluster based approach is adopted in the handloom sector with the objective of providing necessary support mechanism to come out of the crisis that the sector faces now. While four cluster schemes are being implemented in Kerala, it is under IHDS-CDP that the State got a sizeable number of clusters benefiting a large number of societies and weavers- 24 handloom clusters, bringing 152 handloom co-operative societies and over 19,800 handloom workers under the Programme. This research attempts to revisit the underlying rationale and context of the new direction and would attempt to broadly analyze the growth trends under the influence of cluster model adopted by the State IHDS-CDP for the revival of handloom sector through a detailed study of the handloom co-operative societies in Kerala. If handloom sector in Kerala can be revived using cluster based approach, it can be easily concluded that cluster is capable of taking the MSME in Kerala to a ‘high growth path.’ The study is aimed at understanding how best clusters emerge as appropriate industrial organization suitable for the current global structure of manufacture
This work studies the integrated lot sizing and cutting stock problem, where the goal is to capture the dependency that exists between two important decisions in the production process, in order to economize raw materials and also reduce production and inventory costs. The integrated lot sizing and cutting stock problem is studied in a small furniture factory that produces wardrobes, dressing tables and cupboards and the lot sizing and cutting stock decisions are taken by the production manager. A column-generation technique is used to solve a linear relaxation of the proposed model. The computational results, using real data from the factory, show that it is possible to reduce total inventory and raw material costs when integrated planning is used. © 2013 IFAC.
A large percentage of the industrial SMEs has an organizational structure for product development too far from the adequate practices and models, elaborated by renowned authors with expertise in the theme of product development. On the other hand, the authors state that SMEs obtain considerable advantages by adopting a model of product development process (PDP) management. Healt is one of the most innovative sectors in the world, and countries like Brazil and Colombia are transitioning from a system that cares for contagious infecttions diseases where the drug product is the main form of treatment - to a system that cares for chronic degenerative conditions - where the equipment, including hospital furniture, has more relevance to the treatment. This change is offering better opportunities of specialized markets to hospital furniture SMEs that adopt an adquate PDF model. The present study proposes a first outline of a model of PDP management for industrial metal-mechanical SMEs that develop and manufacture hospital furniture, from a review of models proposed for great mechanical area.
pt. 1. Food and kindred products; tobacco manufactures.--pt. 2. Textile mill products; apparel and related products; leather and leather goods.--pt. 3. Lumber and wood products; furniture and fixtures.--pt. 4. Pulp, paper, and products; printing and publishing.--pt. 5. Chemical and products: petroleum and coal products; rubber products.--pt. 6. Stone, clay, and glass products; miscellaneous manufactures.--pt. 7. Primary metal industries; fabricated metal products.--pt. 8. Machinery, except electrical; electrical machinery.--pt. 9. Transportation equipment; instruments and related products.
Includes index.