982 resultados para Spanish newspapers


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Antecedentes: la obesidad es un problema de salud pública en España. Los medios de comunicación son una herramienta útil para la salud pública. Objetivo: explorar el tratamiento periodístico de la obesidad en la prensa escrita española durante 2000-2005, frecuencia de aparición, fuentes de información y enfoques, en relación con el contexto social. Materiales y métodos: análisis de contenido cuantitativo de 690 noticias publicadas en El País, El Mundo y ABC. Cálculo de frecuencias y odds ratio (OR) con intervalos de confianza (IC) del 95% y significación estadística. Resultados: incrementaron las noticias de 2000 (n=25) a 2005 (n=185). Se centraron en denuncias (36,4%) y magnitud del problema (15,7%), en detrimento de aquellas sobre iniciativas-estrategias políticas (3,8%). Destacan los hombres como fuentes informativas principales (75,5%) y las mujeres como primeras firmantes de las noticias (56,1%). Los hombres del ámbito médico-sanitario (OR=1,98;IC95%,1,11-3,57) y las mujeres del ámbito político (OR=2,54;IC95%1,46-4,42) tienen mayor probabilidad de ser la fuente informativa principal. Conclusiones: la cobertura periodística de la obesidad durante 2000-2005 aumentó, coincidiendo con el desarrollo de respuestas políticas en torno al tema. Principalmente, se denuncia el problema. Destaca la escasa cobertura periodística de iniciativas-estrategias políticas, sugiriendo incipiente interacción entre la agenda política y mediática.


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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal estudiar la representación de las mujeres inmigrantes en una muestra de la prensa española. Para ello, se recopiló un corpus de noticias sobre mujeres inmigrantes desde febrero de 2012 hasta julio de 2014, lo que suma un total de dos años y medio, de los tres principales periódicos españoles: El País, El Mundo y ABC. El número total de noticias recopiladas es de 56. En este estudio se analizarán los principales temas que se tratan en las noticias seleccionadas y las principales características lingüísticas y visuales empleadas para hablar sobre las mujeres inmigrantes. El análisis crítico del discurso (ACD) se empleará en este trabajo por su interés en la dimensión social del discurso al estudiar la lengua unida a temas sociales y por permitir profundizar en la ideología. En este sentido, el ACD puede ayudar a desentrañar problemas relacionados con las desigualdades de género al observar el modo en que las mujeres inmigrantes aparecen representadas en los textos objeto de estudio. Además, se empleará el modelo de gramática visual propuesto por Kress y van Leeuwen (2006) con el fin de analizar las principales características de las fotografías. Los principales resultados obtenidos del estudio señalan que la representación de las mujeres inmigrantes en la prensa española es escasa y que cuando éstas aparecen como protagonistas de noticias suelen representarse como víctima y se las relaciona fundamentalmente con la prostitución.


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"Carta-prólogo" signed: Luis Montoto y Rautenstrauch.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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El presente artículo analiza el discurso que los principales diarios españoles dieron al referéndum por la independencia de Escocia, celebrado el 18 de septiembre de 2014, a través del humor gráfico. Mediante el Análisis Textual, el objetivo primordial de este estudio es examinar el tratamiento informativo que realizaron El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Razón, La Vanguardia y El Periódico por medio de sus viñetas de opinión. Esta investigación presenta un campo novedoso de análisis tanto en el tema, abriendo nuevas áreas de trabajo sobre el nacionalismo y el papel de los medios, como en la metodología, pues el examen del humor gráfico continúa siendo una asignatura pendiente en los estudios de comunicación.


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In this paper, 36 English and 38 Spanish news articles were selected from English and Spanish newspapers and magazines published in the U.S.A. from August 2014 to November 2014. All articles discuss the death of Michael Brown, the ensuing protests and police investigations. A discourse analysis shows that there are few differences between reporting by the mainstream and the Hispanic media. Like the mainstream media, the Hispanic media adopts a neutral point of view with regard to the African-American minority. However, it presents a negative opinion with regard to the police. It appears that the Hispanic media does not explicitly side with the African-American community, but rather agrees more with the mainstream media’s opinion and is substantially influenced by it.


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With the re-emergence of insurgency tied to terrorism, governments need to strategically manage their communications. This paper analyzes the effect of the Spanish government’s messaging in the face of the Madrid bombing of March 11, 2004: unlike what happened with the 9/11 bombings in the USA and the 7/07 London attacks, the Spanish media did not support the government’s framing of the events. Taking framing as a strategic action in a discursive form (Pan & Kosicki, 2003), and in the context of the attribution theory of responsibilities, this research uses the “cascading activation” model (Entman, 2003, 2004) to explore how a framing contest was generated in the press. Analysis of the coverage shows that the intended government frame triggered a battle among the different major newspapers, leading editorials to shift their frame over the four days prior to the national elections. This research analyzes strategic contests in framing processes and contributes insight into the interactions among the different sides (government, parties, media, and citizens) to help bring about an understanding of the rebuttal effect of the government’s intended frame. It also helps to develop an understanding of the role of the media and the influence of citizens’ frames on media content.


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In this paper the characteristics of the cyclical political polarization of the Spanish media system are defined. From this study, a prospective analysis raises doubts about this scenario remains unchanged because of the political and economic crisis. It seeks to define the role played by political and media actors in polarization focusing on the two legislatures where the tension reached higher levels (1993-1996 and 2004-2008) and compares it with the developments faced by them in the current economical and political context of crisis. To achieve these aims, it has been performed an analysis of media content (since 1993) and looked through primary sociological sources and the scientific literature about polarization. This is an exploratory, critical and descriptive case analysis.


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The launch of the Apple iPad in January 2010 was one of the most anticipated and publicised launched of a new technological device in recent history. Positioning itself as between a smart phone and a PC, but with the attributes of both, Apple have sought to develop a new market niche with the iPad for tablet PC devices, and early signs are that market expectations are being met.. The iPad’s launch was potentially fortuitous for the newspaper industry worldwide, as it offered the potential to address its two recurring problems: the slow but inexorable decline of print media circulation, and the inability to satisfactorily monetise online readerships. As a result, the Apple iPad has benefited from an enormous amount of free publicity in newspapers, as they develop their own applications (apps) for the device. This paper reports on findings from work undertaken through Smart Services CRC into potential take-up and likely uses of the iPad, and their implications for the news media industry. It reports on focus group analysis undertaken in the mid-2010 using “customer job mapping” methodologies, that draw attention to current gaps in user behaviour in terms of available devices, in order to anticipate possibilities beyond the current “three screens” of PC, mobile phone and television.


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The launch of the Apple iPad in January 2010 was one of the most anticipated and publicised launched of a new technological device in recent history. Positioning itself as between a smart phone and a PC, but with the attributes of both, Apple have sought to develop a new market niche with the iPad for tablet PC devices, and early signs are that market expectations are being met.. The iPad’s launch was potentially fortuitous for the newspaper industry worldwide, as it offered the potential to address its two recurring problems: the slow but inexorable decline of print media circulation, and the inability to satisfactorily monetise online readerships. As a result, the Apple iPad has benefited from an enormous amount of free publicity in newspapers, as they develop their own applications (apps) for the device. This paper reports on findings from work undertaken through Smart Services CRC into potential take-up and likely uses of the iPad, and their implications for the news media industry. It reports on focus group analysis undertaken in the mid-2010 using “customer job mapping” methodologies, that draw attention to current gaps in user behaviour in terms of available devices, in order to anticipate possibilities beyond the current “three screens” of PC, mobile phone and television.


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Purpose: Clinical studies suggest that foot pain may be problematic in one-third of patients in early disease. The Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ) was developed and validated to evaluate the effectiveness of conservative (orthoses, taping, stretching) and surgery interventions. Despite this fact, there are few validated instruments that measure foot health status in Spanish. Thus, the primary aim of the current study was to translate and evaluate psychometrically a Spanish version of FHSQ. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed in a university community-based podiatric clinic located in south of Spain. All participants (n = 107) recruited consecutively completed a Spanish version of FHSQ and EuroQoL Health Questionnaire 5 dimensions, and 29 participants repeated these same measures 48 h later. Data analysis included test–retest reliability, construct and criterion-related validity and factor analyses. Results: Construct validity was appropriate with moderate-to-high corrected item–subscale correlations (α = ≥0.739) for all subscales. Test–retest reliability was satisfactory (ICC > 0.932). Factor analysis revealed four dimensions with 86.6 % of the common variance explained. The confirmatory factor analysis findings demonstrated that the proposed structure was well supported (comparative fit index = 0.92, standardized root mean square = 0.09). The Spanish EuroQoL 5D score negatively correlated with the FHSQ pain (r = −0.445) and positively with general foot health and function (r = 0.261 − 0.579), confirming criterion-related validity. Conclusion: The clinimetric properties of the Spanish version of FHSQ were satisfactory.


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"One of the more spirited discussions of the first week of this federal election campaign has concerned whether News Corp Australia, as our largest print media company, has a vested interest in the election outcome..."--publisher website