What will the Apple iPad deliver for newspapers?

Autoria(s): Flew, Terry



The launch of the Apple iPad in January 2010 was one of the most anticipated and publicised launched of a new technological device in recent history. Positioning itself as between a smart phone and a PC, but with the attributes of both, Apple have sought to develop a new market niche with the iPad for tablet PC devices, and early signs are that market expectations are being met.. The iPad’s launch was potentially fortuitous for the newspaper industry worldwide, as it offered the potential to address its two recurring problems: the slow but inexorable decline of print media circulation, and the inability to satisfactorily monetise online readerships. As a result, the Apple iPad has benefited from an enormous amount of free publicity in newspapers, as they develop their own applications (apps) for the device. This paper reports on findings from work undertaken through Smart Services CRC into potential take-up and likely uses of the iPad, and their implications for the news media industry. It reports on focus group analysis undertaken in the mid-2010 using “customer job mapping” methodologies, that draw attention to current gaps in user behaviour in terms of available devices, in order to anticipate possibilities beyond the current “three screens” of PC, mobile phone and television.








Flew, Terry (2010) What will the Apple iPad deliver for newspapers? In Communications Policy and Research Forum 2010, 15-16 November 2010, Sydney.


Copyright 2010 please consult the authors


ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation; Creative Industries Faculty; Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation; Journalism, Media & Communication

Palavras-Chave #200104 Media Studies #computers #newspapers #media #Internet #online #Apple iPad #journalism

Conference Paper