997 resultados para Spanish firms


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The objective of this paper is to analyse the effects of international R&D cooperation on firms’ economic performance. Our approach, based on a complete data set with information about Spanish participants in research joint ventures supported by the EU Framework Programme during the period 1995-2005, establishes a recursive model structure to capture the relationship between R&D cooperation, knowledge generation and economic results, which are measured by labour productivity. In the analysis we take into account that the participation in this specific type of cooperative projects implies a selection process that includes both the self-selection by participants to join the consortia and the selection of projects by the European Commission to award the public aid. Empirical analysis has confirmed that: (1) R&D co-operation has a positive impact on the technological capacity of firms, captured through intan-gible fixed assets and (2) the technological capacity of firms is positively related to their productivity.


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This paper analyzes the determinants of R&D offshoring of Spanish firms using information from the Panel of Technological Innovation. We find that being an exporter, international technological cooperation, continuous R&D engagement, applying for patents, being a for-eign subsidiary, and firm size are factors that positively affect the decision to offshore R&D. In addition, we find that a lack of financing is an obstacle relatively more important for inde-pendent firms than for firms that belong to business groups. For these latter, we also obtain that the factors that influence the decision to offshore R&D differ depending on whether the firm purchases the R&D services within the group or through the market: a higher degree of importance assigned to internal sources of information for innovation as compared to mar-ket sources increases (decreases) the probability of R&D offshoring only through the group (market).


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This study examines the relationship between executive directors’ remuneration and the financial performance and corporate governance arrangements of the UK and Spanish listed firms. These countries’ corporate governance framework has been shaped by differences in legal origin, culture and backgrounds. For example, the UK legal arrangements can be defined as to be constituted in common-law, whereas for Spanish firms, the legal arrangement is based on civil law. We estimate both static and dynamic regression models to test our hypotheses and we estimate our regression using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM). Estimated results for both countries show that directors’ remuneration levels are positively related with measures of firm value and financial performance. This means that remuneration levels do not lead to a point whereby firm value is reduced due to excessive remuneration. These results hold for our long-run estimates. That is, estimates based on panel cointegration and panel error correction. Measures of corporate governance also impacts on the level of executive pay. Our results have important implications for existing corporate governance arrangements and how the interests of stakeholders are protected. For example, long-run results suggest that directors’ remuneration adjusts in a way to capture variation in financial performance


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Innovation is a process that faces several market failure situations. For this reason and for being considered one of the main drivers of economic growth, a large number of governmental and supranational policies are designed to foster technological progress. Along with these policies, there is an increasing concern with their continuous evaluation aiming at providing valuable feedback for these program?s adaptation and adequacy to the firm?s needs. The paper develops an evaluation of the influence of innovation-focused programs in firm¿s innovation and economic performance by means of a comparative analysis of the results obtained by Spanish firms that have participated in R&D national programmes and those achieved by Spanish firms participating in EUREKA international program. Findings show that the programmes were effective in achieving their objective of promoting technological innovation but, as regards the economic effects, the results were less conclusive since some differences were observed depending on the programme. The EUREKA companies displayed better behaviour, with positive differences in their returns on assets and labour productivity. The results also confirm the importance of designing more detailed and rigorous evaluation processes, taking into account the risk variable, in order to draw a more realistic picture of the impact of national and international programmes.


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Despite the proliferation of academic research on information systems outsourcing, not many studies analyze the characteristics of outsourcing contracts. This research aims to provide an in-depth description of information systems outsourcing. An additional objective is to examine how these characteristics evolve over time. Finally, this study reports on the usefulness of measuring such characteristics over time to assess the maturity level of the information systems outsourcing. This study gathers the data from the responses of the information systems managers of the largest Spanish firms to a questionnaire. This longitudinal study covers 12 years of research and compares authors' previous research results with the results of this study.


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Multinational enterprises (MNEs) from Spain made large foreign direct investments (FDIs) in Latin America between 1990 and 2002, making Spain the second largest direct investor in this region since 1998, behind the United States. This dissertation explains the reasons that led Spanish firms to make these FDIs, as well as their operations in Latin America. Seven Spanish MNEs were included in this study, BBVA and SCH (banking), Telefónica (telecommunications), Endesa, Iberdrola and Unión Fenosa (public utilities), and Repsol-YPF (oil and natural gas). Quantitative and qualitative data were used. Data were collected from the firms' annual reports, from their archives and from personal interviews with senior executives, as well as from academic and specialized publications. ^ Results indicate that the large Spanish FDIs in Latin America were highly concentrated in a few firms from five sectors. The FDIs of these firms alone accounted for 70 percent of total Spanish FDI in Latin America in this period. The reasons for these investments were firm-specific and sector specific. A series of institutional conditions existed in Spain between the 1970s and the 1990s that allowed the employees of the firms to develop the knowledge and devise strategies to adjust to that set of conditions. First, the policies of the Spanish state favored the creation of large firms in these sectors, operating under conditions of monopoly sometimes. Secondly, the consumers put pressure on the firms to provide better and cheaper products as the Spanish economy grew and modernized. Thirdly, the employees of the firms had to adjust their services and products to the demands of the consumers and to the constraints of the state and the market. They adjusted the internal organization of the firm to be able to produce the goods and services that the market demanded. Externally, they also adopted patterns of interaction with outside agents and institutions. This patterned behavior was the “corporate culture” of each firm and the “normative framework” in which their employees operated. When the managers of the firms perceived that there were similar conditions in Latin America, they decided to operate there as well by making FDIs. ^


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[ES] En este trabajo se analiza la relación entre la integración interfuncional y el rendimiento de los nuevos productos en una muestra de empresas innovadoras españolas. Las percepciones de los directivos de I+D, marketing, producción y otras áreas permiten comprobar que la falta de apoyo de la alta dirección y la distancia física entre áreas son dos barreras significativas a la integración interfuncional. Además, los directivos perciben que la integración interfuncional está relacionada con el rendimiento del programa de desarrollo de nuevos productos. Los resultados apoyan la mayoría de las hipótesis planteadas y son coherentes con las investigaciones previas sobre el tema. También se plantean las implicaciones que para la dirección tienen estos resultados y algunas líneas de investigación futuras.


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[ES] El presente estudio analiza empíricamente de qué forma la composición de capital humano de los equipos directivos favorece el desarrollo de una de las fases más relevantes en la formulación de la estrategia de recursos humanos: la identificación de los empleados clave. Basándonos en las recientes llamadas de atención en la literatura en dirección de recursos humanos, este estudio parte de una perspectiva de "proceso" frente al clásico análisis de "contenido", con el fin de ir un paso más allá en la dinámica interna de estos procesos estratégicos. La aplicación del análisis de ecuaciones estructurales a través del procedimiento Partial Least Squares (PLS) sobre una muestra de 120 empresas españolas, reveló que la identificación de recursos humanos críticos requiere de habilidades cognitivas mixtas, tanto racionales como creativas, para completar eficientemente cada una de las etapas del proceso. Consecuentemente, la combinación de estas competencias se alcanzará en entornos de trabajo de carácter colectivista, favoreciendo la toma de decisiones cooperativa y colaborativa. En este contexto, el responsable de recursos humanos participará enriqueciendo con su poder experto las actividades más técnicas del proceso, para posteriormente integrar la información de recursos humanos en el proceso de deliberación estratégica con el resto de miembros del equipo. Asimismo, estos resultados ponen de manifiesto interesantes implicaciones profesionales relacionadas con la presencia de diversidad cognitiva de los equipos de alta dirección.


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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This study analyzes the effect of organizational characteristics on the innovation project performance. This research applies fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to a large sample of Spanish firms appearing in the Community Innovation survey (CIS). The results show that the combination of organizational innovation, firm size and cooperationwith national and, especially, international firms is a sufficient condition for the success of innovation projects within the organization. Evidence also suggests that variables such as the investment on R&D peremployee or the seniority of the company do not affect the success of innovation projects. These findings help complement some results in previous studies on innovation projects performance.


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Una de las cuestiones que más interés despierta entre los investigadores del campo de la internacionalización empresarial es la selección de la estrategia de entrada en un país extranjero. Actualmente, China es uno de los destinos que está cobrando una mayor relevancia en la expansión internacional de muchas empresas. En ese contexto, este trabajo examina la influencia de diversos factores empresariales sobre el nivel de compromiso asumido por las compañías españolas que han entrado en China a través de inversiones directas.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar los resultados empresariales derivados de las acciones de patrocinio y mecenazgo, así como sus factores determinantes. La metodología aplicada utiliza el event study para estimar los excesos de rentabilidad de las acciones generadas en Bolsa por una muestra de 21 noticias de patrocinio y 37 noticias de mecenazgo, correspondientes a 26 empresas españolas. Adicionalmente se realiza un análisis de regresión para determinar la influencia de ciertas dimensiones (el origen del evento, así como el vínculo entre el evento y la actividad de la empresa) sobre dichas rentabilidades anormales. La aplicación empírica efectuada ha permitido detectar que sólo las acciones de patrocinio generan rentabilidad, siendo sus principales determinantes el tamaño y el vínculo entre el evento financiado y la actividad de la empresa.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es describir detalladamente cómo es el outsourcing de sistemas de información a través de los resultados de una encuesta realizada a las mayores empresas españolas. Se trata de un estudio longitudinal que aborda 12 años, ya que se contrastan los resultados actuales con los de 2 encuestas realizadas anteriormente en el mismo ámbito y por los mismos autores. Las conclusiones apuntan a un continuismo en la configuración del outsourcing y a un mayor grado de madurez en las características de los contratos.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse Information Systems outsourcing success, measuring the latter according to the satisfaction level achieved by users and taking into account three success factors: the role played by the client firm’s top management; the relationships between client and provider; and the degree of outsourcing. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was carried out by means of a questionnaire answered by 398 large Spanish firms. Its results were examined using the partial least squares software and through the proposal of a structural equation model. Findings – The conclusions reveal that the perceived benefits play a mediating role in outsourcing satisfaction and also that these benefits can be grouped together into three categories: strategic; economic; and technological ones. Originality/value – The study identifies how some success factors will be more influent than others depending which type of benefits are ultimately sought with outsourcing.


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El outsourcing de sistemas de información es una práctica habitual en las empresas en imparable crecimiento. Por ello resulta imprescindible conocer en profundidad cuáles son las razones que llevan a las empresas a externalizar y cuáles son los principales riesgos inherentes a esta práctica. El presente trabajo hace una propuesta de estas razones y riesgos y las valora en el caso de las mayores empresas españolas a través de una encuesta que se ha replicado por segunda vez. El análisis longitudinal permite trazar tendencias y evaluar la continuidad y el cambio en las razones y riesgos del outsourcing. Aunque las razones siguen una tendencia bastante estable, en los últimos años los riesgos se han modificado en cuanto a su valoración. En cualquier caso, la propuesta de razones y riesgos debería ser tenida en cuenta por los directivos, previa a cualquier decisión de outsourcing.