998 resultados para Space platforms
One of the most important factors that affect the pointing of precision payloads and devices in space platforms is the vibration generated due to static and dynamic unbalanced forces of rotary equipments placed in the neighborhood of payload. Generally, such disturbances are of low amplitude, less than 1 kHz, and are termed as ‘micro-vibrations’. Due to low damping in the space structure, these vibrations have long decay time and they degrade the performance of payload. This paper addresses the design, modeling and analysis of a low frequency space frame platform for passive and active attenuation of micro-vibrations. This flexible platform has been designed to act as a mount for devices like reaction wheels, and consists of four folded continuous beams arranged in three dimensions. Frequency and response analysis have been carried out by varying the number of folds, and thickness of vertical beam. Results show that lower frequencies can be achieved by increasing the number of folds and by decreasing the thickness of the blade. In addition, active vibration control is studied by incorporating piezoelectric actuators and sensors in the dynamic model. It is shown using simulation that a control strategy using optimal control is effective for vibration suppression under a wide variety of loading conditions.
Virtual platforms are of paramount importance for design space exploration and their usage in early software development and verification is crucial. In particular, enabling accurate and fast simulation is specially useful, but such features are usually conflicting and tradeoffs have to be made. In this paper we describe how we integrated TLM communication mechanisms into a state-of-the-art, cycle-accurate, MPSoC simulation platform. More specifically, we show how we adapted ArchC fast functional instruction set simulators to the MPARM platform in order to achieve both fast simulation speed and accuracy. Our implementation led to a much faster hybrid platform, reaching speedups of up to 2.9 and 2.1x on average with negligible impact on power estimation accuracy (average 3.26% and 2.25% of standard deviation). © 2011 IEEE.
This dissertation deals with the development of a project concerning a demonstration in the scope of the Supply Chain 6 of the Internet of Energy (IoE) project: the Remote Monitoring Emulator, which bears my personal contribution in several sections. IoE is a project of international relevance, that means to establish an interoperability standard as regards the electric power production and utilization infrastructure, using Smart Space platforms. The future perspectives of IoE have to do with a platform for electrical power trade-of, the Smart Grid, whose energy is produced by decentralized renewable sources and whose services are exploited primarily according to the Internet of Things philosophy. The main consumers of this kind of smart technology will be Smart Houses (that is to say, buildings controlled by an autonomous system for electrical energy management that is interoperable with the Smart Grid) and Electric Mobility, that is a smart and automated management regarding movement and, overall, recharging of electrical vehicles. It is precisely in the latter case study that the project Remote Monitoring Emulator takes place. It consists in the development of a simulated platform for the management of an electrical vehicle recharging in a city. My personal contribution to this project lies in development and modeling of the simulation platform, of its counterpart in a mobile application and implementation of a city service prototype. This platform shall, ultimately, make up a demonstrator system exploiting the same device which a real user, inside his vehicle, would use. The main requirements that this platform shall satisfy will be interoperability, expandability and relevance to standards, as it needs to communicate with other development groups and to effectively respond to internal changes that can affect IoE.
Phase changing flows are being considered for thermal management in space platforms. The resulting flow patterns are very complicated and extremely sensitive to gravity action. Concerning fluid flow in ducts, the available evidence indicates that although the pressure loss does not depend too much on the fluid flow pattern,the heat transfer (and resulting phase change) does. A simple exercise to illustrate this point is presented in this paper. It deals with condensing flow in straight circular cross-sectional ducts. Two extreme configurations are considered here, one corresponds to a stratified flow and the other to an annular flow. Both types of flow patterns have been extensively considered in the past and from this point of view almost nothing is new in the paper, but past results look conflictive and this could be due to the limitations and computational intricacies of the models used. Thus the problem has been reformulated from the onset and the results are presented as the evolution of the vapor quality (vapor to total mass flow rate) along the duct, in typical cases. The results presented here indicate that within the validity of the present models and the assumed ranges of mass flow rate, duct diameter, thermal conditions and fluid characteristics,the length of the ducts required to achieve complete condensation under zero gravity are an order of magnitude larger than in horizontal tubes under normal terrestrial conditions.
El objeto de esta Tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de una metodologia para la deteccion automatica de anomalias a partir de datos hiperespectrales o espectrometria de imagen, y su cartografiado bajo diferentes condiciones tipologicas de superficie y terreno. La tecnologia hiperespectral o espectrometria de imagen ofrece la posibilidad potencial de caracterizar con precision el estado de los materiales que conforman las diversas superficies en base a su respuesta espectral. Este estado suele ser variable, mientras que las observaciones se producen en un numero limitado y para determinadas condiciones de iluminacion. Al aumentar el numero de bandas espectrales aumenta tambien el numero de muestras necesarias para definir espectralmente las clases en lo que se conoce como Maldicion de la Dimensionalidad o Efecto Hughes (Bellman, 1957), muestras habitualmente no disponibles y costosas de obtener, no hay mas que pensar en lo que ello implica en la Exploracion Planetaria. Bajo la definicion de anomalia en su sentido espectral como la respuesta significativamente diferente de un pixel de imagen respecto de su entorno, el objeto central abordado en la Tesis estriba primero en como reducir la dimensionalidad de la informacion en los datos hiperespectrales, discriminando la mas significativa para la deteccion de respuestas anomalas, y segundo, en establecer la relacion entre anomalias espectrales detectadas y lo que hemos denominado anomalias informacionales, es decir, anomalias que aportan algun tipo de informacion real de las superficies o materiales que las producen. En la deteccion de respuestas anomalas se asume un no conocimiento previo de los objetivos, de tal manera que los pixeles se separan automaticamente en funcion de su informacion espectral significativamente diferenciada respecto de un fondo que se estima, bien de manera global para toda la escena, bien localmente por segmentacion de la imagen. La metodologia desarrollada se ha centrado en la implicacion de la definicion estadistica del fondo espectral, proponiendo un nuevo enfoque que permite discriminar anomalias respecto fondos segmentados en diferentes grupos de longitudes de onda del espectro, explotando la potencialidad de separacion entre el espectro electromagnetico reflectivo y emisivo. Se ha estudiado la eficiencia de los principales algoritmos de deteccion de anomalias, contrastando los resultados del algoritmo RX (Reed and Xiaoli, 1990) adoptado como estandar por la comunidad cientifica, con el metodo UTD (Uniform Targets Detector), su variante RXD-UTD, metodos basados en subespacios SSRX (Subspace RX) y metodo basados en proyecciones de subespacios de imagen, como OSPRX (Orthogonal Subspace Projection RX) y PP (Projection Pursuit). Se ha desarrollado un nuevo metodo, evaluado y contrastado por los anteriores, que supone una variacion de PP y describe el fondo espectral mediante el analisis discriminante de bandas del espectro electromagnetico, separando las anomalias con el algortimo denominado Detector de Anomalias de Fondo Termico o DAFT aplicable a sensores que registran datos en el espectro emisivo. Se han evaluado los diferentes metodos de deteccion de anomalias en rangos del espectro electromagnetico del visible e infrarrojo cercano (Visible and Near Infrared-VNIR), infrarrojo de onda corta (Short Wavelenght Infrared-SWIR), infrarrojo medio (Meadle Infrared-MIR) e infrarrojo termico (Thermal Infrared-TIR). La respuesta de las superficies en las distintas longitudes de onda del espectro electromagnetico junto con su entorno, influyen en el tipo y frecuencia de las anomalias espectrales que puedan provocar. Es por ello que se han utilizado en la investigacion cubos de datos hiperepectrales procedentes de los sensores aeroportados cuya estrategia y diseno en la construccion espectrometrica de la imagen difiere. Se han evaluado conjuntos de datos de test de los sensores AHS (Airborne Hyperspectral System), HyMAP Imaging Spectrometer, CASI (Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager), AVIRIS (Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer), HYDICE (Hyperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment) y MASTER (MODIS/ASTER Simulator). Se han disenado experimentos sobre ambitos naturales, urbanos y semiurbanos de diferente complejidad. Se ha evaluado el comportamiento de los diferentes detectores de anomalias a traves de 23 tests correspondientes a 15 areas de estudio agrupados en 6 espacios o escenarios: Urbano - E1, Semiurbano/Industrial/Periferia Urbana - E2, Forestal - E3, Agricola - E4, Geologico/Volcanico - E5 y Otros Espacios Agua, Nubes y Sombras - E6. El tipo de sensores evaluados se caracteriza por registrar imagenes en un amplio rango de bandas, estrechas y contiguas, del espectro electromagnetico. La Tesis se ha centrado en el desarrollo de tecnicas que permiten separar y extraer automaticamente pixeles o grupos de pixeles cuya firma espectral difiere de manera discriminante de las que tiene alrededor, adoptando para ello como espacio muestral parte o el conjunto de las bandas espectrales en las que ha registrado radiancia el sensor hiperespectral. Un factor a tener en cuenta en la investigacion ha sido el propio instrumento de medida, es decir, la caracterizacion de los distintos subsistemas, sensores imagen y auxiliares, que intervienen en el proceso. Para poder emplear cuantitativamente los datos medidos ha sido necesario definir las relaciones espaciales y espectrales del sensor con la superficie observada y las potenciales anomalias y patrones objetivos de deteccion. Se ha analizado la repercusion que en la deteccion de anomalias tiene el tipo de sensor, tanto en su configuracion espectral como en las estrategias de diseno a la hora de registrar la radiacion prodecente de las superficies, siendo los dos tipos principales de sensores estudiados los barredores o escaneres de espejo giratorio (whiskbroom) y los barredores o escaneres de empuje (pushbroom). Se han definido distintos escenarios en la investigacion, lo que ha permitido abarcar una amplia variabilidad de entornos geomorfologicos y de tipos de coberturas, en ambientes mediterraneos, de latitudes medias y tropicales. En resumen, esta Tesis presenta una tecnica de deteccion de anomalias para datos hiperespectrales denominada DAFT en su variante de PP, basada en una reduccion de la dimensionalidad proyectando el fondo en un rango de longitudes de onda del espectro termico distinto de la proyeccion de las anomalias u objetivos sin firma espectral conocida. La metodologia propuesta ha sido probada con imagenes hiperespectrales reales de diferentes sensores y en diferentes escenarios o espacios, por lo tanto de diferente fondo espectral tambien, donde los resultados muestran los beneficios de la aproximacion en la deteccion de una gran variedad de objetos cuyas firmas espectrales tienen suficiente desviacion respecto del fondo. La tecnica resulta ser automatica en el sentido de que no hay necesidad de ajuste de parametros, dando resultados significativos en todos los casos. Incluso los objetos de tamano subpixel, que no pueden distinguirse a simple vista por el ojo humano en la imagen original, pueden ser detectados como anomalias. Ademas, se realiza una comparacion entre el enfoque propuesto, la popular tecnica RX y otros detectores tanto en su modalidad global como local. El metodo propuesto supera a los demas en determinados escenarios, demostrando su capacidad para reducir la proporcion de falsas alarmas. Los resultados del algoritmo automatico DAFT desarrollado, han demostrado la mejora en la definicion cualitativa de las anomalias espectrales que identifican a entidades diferentes en o bajo superficie, reemplazando para ello el modelo clasico de distribucion normal con un metodo robusto que contempla distintas alternativas desde el momento mismo de la adquisicion del dato hiperespectral. Para su consecucion ha sido necesario analizar la relacion entre parametros biofisicos, como la reflectancia y la emisividad de los materiales, y la distribucion espacial de entidades detectadas respecto de su entorno. Por ultimo, el algoritmo DAFT ha sido elegido como el mas adecuado para sensores que adquieren datos en el TIR, ya que presenta el mejor acuerdo con los datos de referencia, demostrando una gran eficacia computacional que facilita su implementacion en un sistema de cartografia que proyecte de forma automatica en un marco geografico de referencia las anomalias detectadas, lo que confirma un significativo avance hacia un sistema en lo que se denomina cartografia en tiempo real. The aim of this Thesis is to develop a specific methodology in order to be applied in automatic detection anomalies processes using hyperspectral data also called hyperspectral scenes, and to improve the classification processes. Several scenarios, areas and their relationship with surfaces and objects have been tested. The spectral characteristics of reflectance parameter and emissivity in the pattern recognition of urban materials in several hyperspectral scenes have also been tested. Spectral ranges of the visible-near infrared (VNIR), shortwave infrared (SWIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) from hyperspectral data cubes of AHS (Airborne Hyperspectral System), HyMAP Imaging Spectrometer, CASI (Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager), AVIRIS (Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer), HYDICE (Hyperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment) and MASTER (MODIS/ASTER Simulator) have been used in this research. It is assumed that there is not prior knowledge of the targets in anomaly detection. Thus, the pixels are automatically separated according to their spectral information, significantly differentiated with respect to a background, either globally for the full scene, or locally by the image segmentation. Several experiments on different scenarios have been designed, analyzing the behavior of the standard RX anomaly detector and different methods based on subspace, image projection and segmentation-based anomaly detection methods. Results and their consequences in unsupervised classification processes are discussed. Detection of spectral anomalies aims at extracting automatically pixels that show significant responses in relation of their surroundings. This Thesis deals with the unsupervised technique of target detection, also called anomaly detection. Since this technique assumes no prior knowledge about the target or the statistical characteristics of the data, the only available option is to look for objects that are differentiated from the background. Several methods have been developed in the last decades, allowing a better understanding of the relationships between the image dimensionality and the optimization of search procedures as well as the subpixel differentiation of the spectral mixture and its implications in anomalous responses. In other sense, image spectrometry has proven to be efficient in the characterization of materials, based on statistical methods using a specific reflection and absorption bands. Spectral configurations in the VNIR, SWIR and TIR have been successfully used for mapping materials in different urban scenarios. There has been an increasing interest in the use of high resolution data (both spatial and spectral) to detect small objects and to discriminate surfaces in areas with urban complexity. This has come to be known as target detection which can be either supervised or unsupervised. In supervised target detection, algorithms lean on prior knowledge, such as the spectral signature. The detection process for matching signatures is not straightforward due to the complications of converting data airborne sensor with material spectra in the ground. This could be further complicated by the large number of possible objects of interest, as well as uncertainty as to the reflectance or emissivity of these objects and surfaces. An important objective in this research is to establish relationships that allow linking spectral anomalies with what can be called informational anomalies and, therefore, identify information related to anomalous responses in some places rather than simply spotting differences from the background. The development in recent years of new hyperspectral sensors and techniques, widen the possibilities for applications in remote sensing of the Earth. Remote sensing systems measure and record electromagnetic disturbances that the surveyed objects induce in their surroundings, by means of different sensors mounted on airborne or space platforms. Map updating is important for management and decisions making people, because of the fast changes that usually happen in natural, urban and semi urban areas. It is necessary to optimize the methodology for obtaining the best from remote sensing techniques from hyperspectral data. The first problem with hyperspectral data is to reduce the dimensionality, keeping the maximum amount of information. Hyperspectral sensors augment considerably the amount of information, this allows us to obtain a better precision on the separation of material but at the same time it is necessary to calculate a bigger number of parameters, and the precision lowers with the increase in the number of bands. This is known as the Hughes effects (Bellman, 1957) . Hyperspectral imagery allows us to discriminate between a huge number of different materials however some land and urban covers are made up with similar material and respond similarly which produces confusion in the classification. The training and the algorithm used for mapping are also important for the final result and some properties of thermal spectrum for detecting land cover will be studied. In summary, this Thesis presents a new technique for anomaly detection in hyperspectral data called DAFT, as a PP's variant, based on dimensionality reduction by projecting anomalies or targets with unknown spectral signature to the background, in a range thermal spectrum wavelengths. The proposed methodology has been tested with hyperspectral images from different imaging spectrometers corresponding to several places or scenarios, therefore with different spectral background. The results show the benefits of the approach to the detection of a variety of targets whose spectral signatures have sufficient deviation in relation to the background. DAFT is an automated technique in the sense that there is not necessary to adjust parameters, providing significant results in all cases. Subpixel anomalies which cannot be distinguished by the human eye, on the original image, however can be detected as outliers due to the projection of the VNIR end members with a very strong thermal contrast. Furthermore, a comparison between the proposed approach and the well-known RX detector is performed at both modes, global and local. The proposed method outperforms the existents in particular scenarios, demonstrating its performance to reduce the probability of false alarms. The results of the automatic algorithm DAFT have demonstrated improvement in the qualitative definition of the spectral anomalies by replacing the classical model by the normal distribution with a robust method. For their achievement has been necessary to analyze the relationship between biophysical parameters such as reflectance and emissivity, and the spatial distribution of detected entities with respect to their environment, as for example some buried or semi-buried materials, or building covers of asbestos, cellular polycarbonate-PVC or metal composites. Finally, the DAFT method has been chosen as the most suitable for anomaly detection using imaging spectrometers that acquire them in the thermal infrared spectrum, since it presents the best results in comparison with the reference data, demonstrating great computational efficiency that facilitates its implementation in a mapping system towards, what is called, Real-Time Mapping.
Quantum sensors based on coherent matter-waves are precise measurement devices whose ultimate accuracy is achieved with Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in extended free fall. This is ideally realized in microgravity environments such as drop towers, ballistic rockets and space platforms. However, the transition from lab-based BEC machines to robust and mobile sources with comparable performance is a challenging endeavor. Here we report on the realization of a miniaturized setup, generating a flux of 4x10(5) quantum degenerate Rb-87 atoms every 1.6 s. Ensembles of 1 x 10(5) atoms can be produced at a 1 Hz rate. This is achieved by loading a cold atomic beam directly into a multi-layer atom chip that is designed for efficient transfer from laser-cooled to magnetically trapped clouds. The attained flux of degenerate atoms is on par with current lab-based BEC experiments while offering significantly higher repetition rates. Additionally, the flux is approaching those of current interferometers employing Raman-type velocity selection of laser-cooled atoms. The compact and robust design allows for mobile operation in a variety of demanding environments and paves the way for transportable high-precision quantum sensors.
Smart antenna receiver and transmitter systems consist of multi-port arrays with an individual receiver channel (including ADC) and an individual transmitter channel (including DAC)at every of the M antenna ports, respectively. By means of digital beamforming, an unlimited number of simultaneous complex-valued vector radiation patterns with M-1 degrees of freedom can be formed. Applications of smart antennas in communication systems include space-division multiple access. If both stations of a communication link are equipped with smart antennas (multiple-input-multiple-output, MIMO). multiple independent channels can be formed in a "multi-path-rich" environment. In this article, it will be shown that under certain circumstances, the correlation between signals from adjacent ports of a dense array (M + ΔM elements) can be kept as low as the correlation between signals from adjacent ports of a conventional array (M elements and half-wavelength pacing). This attractive feature is attained by means of a novel approach which employs a RF decoupling network at the array ports in order to form new ports which are decoupled and associated with mutually orthogonal (de-correlated) radiation patterns.
Practitioners from both the upstream oil and gas industry and the space and satellite sector have repeatedly noted several striking similarities between the two industries over the years, which have in turn resulted in many direct comparisons in the media and industry press. The two sectors have previously worked together and shared ideas in ways that have yielded some important breakthroughs, but relatively little sharing or cross-pollination has occurred in the area of asset maintenance. This is somewhat surprising in light of the fact that here, too, the sectors have much in common. This paper accordingly puts forward the viewpoint that the upstream oil and gas industry could potentially make significant improvements in asset maintenance—specifically, with regard to offshore platforms and remote pipelines—by selectively applying some aspects of the maintenance strategies and philosophies that have been learned in the space and satellite sector. The paper then offers a research agenda toward accelerating the rate of learning and sharing between the two industries in this domain, and concludes with policy recommendations that could facilitate this kind of cross-industry learning.
The European Union has set out an ambitious 20% target for renewable energy use by 2020. It is expected that this will be met mainly by wind energy. Looking towards 2050, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 80-95% are to be sought. Given the issues securing this target in the transport and agriculture sectors, it may only be possible to achieve this target if the power sector is carbon neutral well in advance of 2050. This has permitted the vast expansion of offshore renewables, wind, wave and tidal energy. Offshore wind has undergone rapid development in recent years however faces significant challenges up to 2020 to ensure commercial viability without the need for government subsidies. Wave energy is still in the very early stages of development so as yet there has been no commercial roll out. As both of these technologies are to face similar challenges in ensuring they are a viable alternative power generation method to fossil fuels, capitalising on the synergies is potentially a significant cost saving initiative. The advent of hybrid solutions in a variety of configurations is the subject of this thesis. A singular wind-wave energy platform embodies all the attributes of a hybrid system, including sharing space, transmission infrastructure, O&M activities and a platform/foundation. This configuration is the subject of this thesis, and it is found that an OWC Array platform with multi-MegaWatt wind turbines is a technically feasible, and potentially an economically feasible solution in the long term. Methods of design and analysis adopted in this thesis include numerical and physical modelling of power performance, structural analysis, fabrication cost modelling, simplified project economic modelling and time domain reliability modelling of a 210MW hybrid farm. The application of these design and analysis methods has resulted in a hybrid solution capable of producing energy at a cost between €0.22/kWh and €0.31/kWh depending on the source of funding for the project. Further optimisation through detailed design is expected to lower this further. This thesis develops new and existing methods of design and analysis of wind and wave energy devices. This streamlines the process of early stage development, while adhering to the widely adopted Concept Development Protocol, to develop a technically and economically feasible, combined wind-wave energy hybrid solution.
The design cycle for complex special-purpose computing systems is extremely costly and time-consuming. It involves a multiparametric design space exploration for optimization, followed by design verification. Designers of special purpose VLSI implementations often need to explore parameters, such as optimal bitwidth and data representation, through time-consuming Monte Carlo simulations. A prominent example of this simulation-based exploration process is the design of decoders for error correcting systems, such as the Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes adopted by modern communication standards, which involves thousands of Monte Carlo runs for each design point. Currently, high-performance computing offers a wide set of acceleration options that range from multicore CPUs to Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The exploitation of diverse target architectures is typically associated with developing multiple code versions, often using distinct programming paradigms. In this context, we evaluate the concept of retargeting a single OpenCL program to multiple platforms, thereby significantly reducing design time. A single OpenCL-based parallel kernel is used without modifications or code tuning on multicore CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. We use SOpenCL (Silicon to OpenCL), a tool that automatically converts OpenCL kernels to RTL in order to introduce FPGAs as a potential platform to efficiently execute simulations coded in OpenCL. We use LDPC decoding simulations as a case study. Experimental results were obtained by testing a variety of regular and irregular LDPC codes that range from short/medium (e.g., 8,000 bit) to long length (e.g., 64,800 bit) DVB-S2 codes. We observe that, depending on the design parameters to be simulated, on the dimension and phase of the design, the GPU or FPGA may suit different purposes more conveniently, thus providing different acceleration factors over conventional multicore CPUs.
Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
This paper proposes a Dual-Magnet Magnetic Compliance Unit (DMCU) for use in medium sized space rover platforms to enhance terrain handling capabilities and speed of traversal. An explanation of magnetic compliance and how it can be applied to space robotics is shown, along with an initial mathematical model for this system. A design for the DMCU is proposed along with a 4-wheeled DMCU Testing Rig.
The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is operating the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System that currently amounts to a user community of around 100 organizations and more than 700 data collection platforms installed in Brazil. This system uses the SCD-1, SCD-2, and CBERS-2 low Earth orbit satellites to accomplish the data collection services. The main system applications are hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, water quality, and others. One of the functionalities offered by this system is the geographic localization of the data collection platforms by using Doppler shifts and a batch estimator based on least-squares technique. There is a growing demand to improve the quality of the geographical location of data collection platforms for animal tracking. This work presents an evaluation of the ionospheric and tropospheric effects on the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System transmitter geographic location. Some models of the ionosphere and troposphere are presented to simulate their impacts and to evaluate performance of the platform location algorithm. The results of the Doppler shift measurements, using the SCD-2 satellite and the data collection platform (DCP) located in Cuiabá town, are presented and discussed.
We analyze the market for online and offline media in a model of two-dimensional spatial competition where media outlets sell content and advertising space. Consumer preferences are distributed along the style and type of news coverage where the distance costs may vary across dimensions. For integrated provision of online and offline platforms we show that entering the online market reduces average profits and may even constitute a prisoner's dilemma. Specialized provision may yield polarization in the style and type dimensions. This is in contrast to the maximum–minimum differentiation result previously established in the literature on multidimensional horizontal competition. We show that maximal differentiation in both dimensions occurs due to the discrete nature of the type dimension and asymmetric advertising markets.