865 resultados para Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy
Solid-state NMR spectra of natural abundance 13C in reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 was measured. When the quinone acceptors were removed and continuous visible illumination of the sample was provided, exceptionally strong nuclear spin polarization was observed in NMR lines with chemical shifts resembling those of the aromatic carbons in bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin. The observation of spin polarized 15N nuclei in bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin was previously demonstrated with nonspecifically 15N-labeled reaction centers. Both the carbon and the nitrogen NMR studies indicate that the polarization is developed on species that carry unpaired electrons in the early electron transfer steps, including the bacteriochlorophyll dimer donor P860 and probably the bacteriopheophytin acceptor. I. Both enhanced-absorptive and emissive polarization were seen in the carbon spectrum; most lines were absorptive but the methine carbons of the porphyrin ring (alpha, beta, gamma, ) exhibited emissive polarization. The change in the sign of the hyperfine coupling at these sites indicates the existence of nodes in the spin density distribution on the tetrapyrrole cofactors flanking each methine carbon bridge.
Full signal intensity (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy, combining a preceding (13)C-editing block based on an inversion BISEP (B(1)-insensitive spectral editing pulse) with a spin-echo coherence-based localization, was developed and implemented at 14.1 T. (13)C editing of the proposed scheme was achieved by turning on and off the (13)C adiabatic full passage in the (13)C-editing block to prepare inverted and noninverted (13)C-coupled (1)H coherences along the longitudinal axis prior to localization. The novel (1)H-[(13)C] NMR approach was applied in vivo under infusion of the glia-specific substrate [2-(13)C] acetate. Besides a approximately 50% improvement in sensitivity, spectral dispersion was enhanced at 14.1 T, especially for J-coupled metabolites such as glutamate and glutamine. A more distinct spectral structure at 1.9-2.2 ppm(parts per million) was observed, e.g., glutamate C3 showed a doublet pattern in both simulated (1)H spectrum and in vivo (13)C-edited (1)H NMR spectra. Besides (13)C time courses of glutamate C4 and glutamine C4, the time courses of glutamate C3 and glutamine C3 obtained by (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy were reported for the first time. Such capability should greatly improve the ability to study neuron-glial metabolism using (1)H-observed (13)C-edited NMR spectroscopy.
In vivo 13C NMR spectroscopy has the unique capability to measure metabolic fluxes noninvasively in the brain. Quantitative measurements of metabolic fluxes require analysis of the 13C labeling time courses obtained experimentally with a metabolic model. The present work reviews the ingredients necessary for a dynamic metabolic modeling study, with particular emphasis on practical issues.
Despite obvious improvements in spectral resolution at high magnetic field, the detection of 13C labeling by 1H-[13C] NMR spectroscopy remains hampered by spectral overlap, such as in the spectral region of 1H resonances bound to C3 of glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln), and C6 of N-acetylaspartate (NAA). The aim of this study was to develop, implement, and apply a novel 1H-[13C] NMR spectroscopic editing scheme, dubbed "selective Resonance suppression by Adiabatic Carbon Editing and Decoupling single-voxel STimulated Echo Acquisition Mode" (RACED-STEAM). The sequence is based on the application of two asymmetric narrow-transition-band adiabatic RF inversion pulses at the resonance frequency of the 13C coupled to the protons that need to be suppressed during the mixing time (TM) period, alternating the inversion band downfield and upfield from the 13C resonance on odd and even scans, respectively, thus suppressing the detection of 1H resonances bound to 13C within the transition band of the inversion pulse. The results demonstrate the efficient suppression of 1H resonances bound to C3 of Glu and Gln, and C4 of Glu, which allows the 1H resonances bound to C6 of NAA and C4 of Gln to be revealed. The measured time course of the resolved labeling into NAA C6 with the new scheme was consistent with the slow turnover of NAA.
(13)C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) combined with the administration of (13)C labeled substrates uniquely allows to measure metabolic fluxes in vivo in the brain of humans and rats. The extension to mouse models may provide exclusive prospect for the investigation of models of human diseases. In the present study, the short-echo-time (TE) full-sensitivity (1)H-[(13)C] MRS sequence combined with high magnetic field (14.1 T) and infusion of [U-(13)C6] glucose was used to enhance the experimental sensitivity in vivo in the mouse brain and the (13)C turnover curves of glutamate C4, glutamine C4, glutamate+glutamine C3, aspartate C2, lactate C3, alanine C3, γ-aminobutyric acid C2, C3 and C4 were obtained. A one-compartment model was used to fit (13)C turnover curves and resulted in values of metabolic fluxes including the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle flux VTCA (1.05 ± 0.04 μmol/g per minute), the exchange flux between 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate Vx (0.48 ± 0.02 μmol/g per minute), the glutamate-glutamine exchange rate V(gln) (0.20 ± 0.02 μmol/g per minute), the pyruvate dilution factor K(dil) (0.82 ± 0.01), and the ratio for the lactate conversion rate and the alanine conversion rate V(Lac)/V(Ala) (10 ± 2). This study opens the prospect of studying transgenic mouse models of brain pathologies.
C-13 exchange solid-state NMR methods were used to study two families of siloxane/poly-(ethylene glycol) hybrid materials: Types I and II, where the polymer chains interact with the inorganic phase through physical (hydrogen bonds or van der Waals forces) or chemical (covalent bonds) interactions, respectively. These methods were employed to analyze the effects of the interactions between the organic and inorganic phases on the polymer dynamics in the milliseconds to seconds time scale, which occurs at temperatures below the motional narrowing of the NMR line width and around the polymer glass transition. Motional heterogeneities associated with these interactions and evidence of both small and large amplitude motions were directly observed for both types of hybrids. The results revealed that the hindrance to the slow molecular motions of the polymer chains due to the siloxane structures depends on the chain length and the nature of the interaction between the organic and inorganic phases.
Grafted GMA on EPR samples were prepared in a Thermo-Haake internal mixer by free radical melt grafting reactions in the absence (conventional system; EPR-g-GMA(CONV)) and presence of the reactive comonomer divinyl benzene, DVB (EPR-g-GMA(DVB)). The GMA-homopolymer (poly-GMA), a major side reaction product in the conventional system, was almost completely absent in the DVB-containing system, the latter also resulted in a much higher level of GMA grafting. A comprehensive microstructure analysis of the formed poly-GMA was performed based on one-dimensional H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy and the complete spectral assignments were supported by two-dimensional NMR techniques based on long range two and three bond order carbon-proton couplings from HMBC (Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Coherence) and that of one bond carbon-proton couplings from HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence), as well as the use of Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer (DEPT) NMR spectroscopy. The unambiguous analysis of the stereochemical configuration of poly-GMA was further used to help understand the microstructures of the GMA-grafts obtained in the two different free radical melt grafting reactions, the conventional and comonomer-containing systems. In the grafted GMA, in the conventional system (EPR-g-GMA(CONV)), the methylene protons of the GMA were found to be sensitive to tetrad configurational sequences and the results showed that 56% of the GMA sequence in the graft is in atactic configuration and 42% is in syndiotactic configuration whereas the poly-GMA was predominantly syndiotactic. The differences in the microstructures of the graft in the conventional EPR-g-GMA(CONV) and the DVB-containing (EPR-g-GMA(DVB)) systems is also reported (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study investigated the influence of harvest residue management practices on soil organic matter (SOM) composition and quality from two second-rotation Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southwestern Australia, using solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy with cross-polarisation and magic-angle-spinning (CPMAS). Soil samples (0–5 cm) were collected every 12 months for 5 years from two sites that had contrasting soil types and fertility. Harvest residue management treatments established at both sites were (a) no harvest residues; and (b) double harvest residues. The use of 13C CPMAS and DD NMR spectroscopy enabled the successful non-destructive detection of SOM quality changes in the two E. globulus plantations. Relative intensities of 13C CPMAS NMR spectral regions were similar at both sites, and for both harvest residue treatments, indicating that SOM composition was also similar. Dipolar dephasing (DD) NMR spectra revealed resonances in SOM assigned to lignin and tannin structures, with larger resonances in the carbonyl and alkyl C regions that were indicative of cuticular material, enabling detection of changes in SOM quality. Retention of double harvest residues on the soil surface increased the soil quality compared with removal of all harvest residues at both sites as indicated by the NMR aromaticities, but this was most noticeable at Manjimup, which had greater initial soil fertility.
Freshwater wetland soils of the Everglades were studied in order to assess present environmental conditions and paleo-environmental changes using organic geochemistry techniques. Organic matter in dominant vegetation, peat and marl soils was characterized by geochemical means. Samples were selected along nutrient and hydrology gradients with the objective to determine the historical sources of organic matter as well as the extent of its preservation. Effective molecular proxies were developed to differentiate the relative input of organic matter from different biological sources to wetland soils. Thus historical vegetation shifts and hydroperiods were reconstructed using those proxies. The data show good correlations with historical water management practices starting at the turn of the century and during the mid 1900's. Overall, significant shortening of hydroperiods during this period was observed. The soil organic matter (SOM) preservation was assessed through elemental analysis and molecular characterizations of bulk 13C stable isotopes, solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis-GC/MS. The relationship of the environmental conditions and degradation status of the soil organic matter (SOM) among the sites suggested that both high nutrient levels and long hydroperiod favor organic matter degradation in the soils. This is probably the result of an increase in the microbial activity in the soils which have higher nutrient levels, while longer hydroperiods may enhance physical/chemical degradation processes. The most significant transformations of biomass litter in this environment are controlled by very early physical/chemical processes and once the OM is incorporated into surface soils, the diagenetic change, even over extended periods of time is comparatively minimal, and SOM is relatively well preserved regardless of hydroperiod or nutrient levels. SOM accumulated in peat soils is more prone to continued degradation than the SOM in the marl soils. The latter is presumably stabilized early on through direct air exposure (oxidation) and thus, it is more refractory to further diagenetic transformations such as humification and aromatization reactions.
Quantitative branch determination in polyolefins by solid- and melt-state 13C NMR has been investigated. Both methods were optimised toward sensitivity per unit time. While solid-state NMR was shown to give quick albeit only qualitative results, melt-state NMR allowed highly time efficient accurate branch quantification. Comparison of spectra obtained using spectrometers operating at 300, 500 and 700 MHz 1H Larmor frequency, with 4 and 7~mm MAS probeheads, showed that the best sensitivity was achieved at 500 MHz using a 7 mm 13C-1H optimised high temperature probehead. For materials available in large quantities, static melt-state NMR, using large diameter detection coils and high coil filling at 300 MHz, was shown to produce comparable results to melt-state MAS measurements in less time. While the use of J-coupling mediated polarisation transfer techniques was shown to be possible, direct polarisation via single-pulse excitation proved to be more suitable for branch quantification in the melt-state. Artificial line broadening, introduced by FID truncation, was able to be reduced by the use of π pulse-train heteronuclear dipolar decoupling. This decoupling method, when combined with an extended duty-cycle, allowed for significant improvement in resolution. Standard setup, processing and analysis techniques were developed to minimise systematic errors contributing to the measured branch contents. The final optimised melt-state MAS NMR method was shown to allow time efficient quantification of comonomer content and distribution in both polyethylene- and polypropylene-co-α-olefins. The sensitivity of the technique was demonstrated by quantifying branch concentrations of 8 branches per 100,000 CH2 for an industrial ‘linear’ polyethylene in only 13 hours. Even lower degrees of 3–8 long-chain branches per 100,000 carbons were able to be estimated in just 24 hours for a series of γ-irradiated polypropylene homopolymers.
In waterlogged environments of the upper Amazon basin, organic matter is a major driver in the podzolisation of clay-depleted laterites, especially through its ability to weather clay minerals and chelate metals. Its structure in eight organic-rich samples collected at the margin and in the centre of the podzolic area of a soil sequence was investigated. The samples illustrate the main steps in the development of waterlogged podzols and belong either to eluviated topsoil A horizons or to illuviated subsoil Bhs, Bh and 2BCs horizons. Organic matter micromorphology was described, and the overall molecular structure of their clay size fractions was assessed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Organic features of the horizons strongly vary both vertically and laterally in the sequence. Topsoil A horizons are dominated by organic residues juxtaposed to clean sands with a major aliphatic contribution. In the subsoil, numerous coatings, characteristic of illuviation processes, are observed in the following horizons: (i) At the margin and bottom parts of the podzolic area, dark brown organic compounds of low aromacity with abundant oxygen-containing groups accumulate in Bhs and 2BCs horizons. Their spectroscopic features agree with the observation of cracked coatings in 2BCs and the presence of organometallic complexes, whose abundance decreases towards low lying positions. (ii) By contrast, black organic compounds of high aromacity with few chelating functions accumulate as coatings and infills in the overlying sandy Bh horizon of well-expressed waterlogged podzols. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with cross-polarisation (CP) and magic-angle-spinning (MAS) was used to: (a) examine the changes in carbon (C) composition of windrowed harvest residues during the first 3 years of hoop pine plantations in subtropical Australia; (b) assess the impacts of windrowed harvest residues on soil organic matter (SOM) composition and quality in the 0-10 cm soil layer. Harvest residues were collected from 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-year-old windrows of ca. 2.5 m width (15 m apart for 0-, 1- and 2-year-old sites and 10 m apart for 3-year-old site). Soils from the 0 to 10 cm soil layer were collected from the 1-, 2- and 3-year-old sites. The 13C NMR spectra of the harvest residues indicated the presence of lignin in the hoop pine wood, foliage and newly incorporated organic matter (NIOM). Condensed tannin structures were found in the decay-resistant bark, small wood and foliage, but were absent in other residue components and SOM. The NMR spectra of small wood samples contained condensed tannin structures because the outer layer of bark was not removed. NIOM showed a shift from foliage-like structures (celluloses) to lignin-type structures, indicating an incorporation of woody residues from the decomposing harvest residues. Suberins were also present in the small wood, foliage and bark. The 13C CP NMR spectra of SOM indicated that in areas where windrows were present, SOM did not show compositional changes. However, an increase in SOM quality under the windrows in the second year after their formation as characterised by the alkyl C/O-alkyl C (A/O-A) ratio was mainly due to inputs from the decomposition of the labile, readily available components of the windrowed harvest residues. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Structure and dynamics of supramolecular assemblies studied by advanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Aufklärung von Struktur und Dynamik komplexer supramolekularer Systeme mittels Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie. Die Untersuchung von pi-pi Wechselwirkungen, welche einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supra- molekularer Systeme haben, hilft dabei, die Selbst- organisationsprozesse dieser komplexen Materialien besser zu verstehen. Mit dipolaren 1H-1H and 1H-13C Wiedereinkopplungs NMR Methoden unter schnellem MAS können sowohl 1H chemische Verschiebungen als auch dipolare 1H-1H und 1H-13C Kopplungen untersucht werden, ohne dass eine Isotopenmarkierung erforderlich ist. So erhält man detaillierte Informationen über die Struktur und die Beweglichkeit einzelner Molekül- segmente. In Verbindung mit sogenannten nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) maps (berechnet mit ab-initio Methoden) lassen sich Abstände von Protonen relativ zu pi-Elektronensystemen bestimmen und so Strukturvorschläge ableiten. Mit Hilfe von homo- und heteronuklearen dipolaren Rotationsseitenbandenmustern könnenaußerdem Ordnungs- parameter für verschiedene Molekülsegmente bestimmt werden. Die auf diese Weise gewonnenen Informationen über die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supramolekularer Systeme tragen dazu bei, strukturbestimmende Molekül- einheiten und Hauptordnungsphänomene zu identifizieren sowie lokale Wechselwirkungen zu quantifizieren, um so den Vorgang der Selbstorganisation besser zu verstehen.