946 resultados para Solar thermal Solar combisystem


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Within the frame of the project REBUS, "Competitive solar heating systems for residential buildings", which is financed by Nordic Energy Research, a new type of compact solar combisystem with high degree of prefabrication was developed. A hydraulic and control concept was designed with the goal to get highest system efficiency for use with either a condensing natural gas boiler or a pellet boiler. Especially when using the potential of high peak power of modern condensing natural gas boilers, a new operation strategy of a natural gas boiler/solar combisystem can increase the energy savings of a small solar combisystem by about 80% compared to conventional operation strategies.


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At the beginning of 2003 the four year long research project REBUS on education, research, development and demonstration of competitive solar combisystems was launched. Research groups in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Latvia are working together with partners from industry on innovative solutions for solar heating in the Nordic countries. Existing system concepts have been analyzed and based on the results new system designs have been developed. The proposed solutions have to fulfill country specific technical, sociological and cost requirements. Due to the similar demands on the systems in Denmark and Sweden it has been decided to develop a common system concept for both countries, which increases the market potential for the manufacturer. The focus of the development is on systems for the large number of rather well insulated existing single family houses. In close collaboration with the industrial partners a system concept has been developed that is characterized by its high compactness and flexibility. It allows the use of different types of boilers, heating distribution systems and a variable store and collector size. Two prototypes have been built, one for the Danish market with a gas boiler, and one for the Swedish market with a pellet boiler as auxiliary heater. After intensive testing and eventual further improvements at least two systems will be installed and monitored in demonstration houses. The systems have been modeled in TRNSYS and the simulation results will be used to further improve the system and evaluate the system performance.


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In a northern European climate a typical solar combisystem for a single family house normally saves between 10 and 30 % of the auxiliary energy needed for space heating and domestic water heating. It is considered uneconomical to dimension systems for higher energy savings. Overheating problems may also occur. One way of avoiding these problems is to use a collector that is designed so that it has a low optical efficiency in summer, when the solar elevation is high and the load is small, and a high optical efficiency in early spring and late fall when the solar elevation is low and the load is large.The study investigates the possibilities to design the system and, in particular, the collector optics, in order to match the system performance with the yearly variations of the heating load and the solar irradiation. It seems possible to design practically viable load adapted collectors, and to use them for whole roofs ( 40 m2) without causing more overheating stress on the system than with a standard 10 m2 system. The load adapted collectors collect roughly as much energy per unit area as flat plate collectors, but they may be produced at a lower cost due to lower material costs. There is an additional potential for a cost reduction since it is possible to design the load adapted collector for low stagnation temperatures making it possible to use less expensive materials. One and the same collector design is suitable for a wide range of system sizes and roof inclinations. The report contains descriptions of optimized collector designs, properties of realistic collectors, and results of calculations of system output, stagnation performance and cost performance. Appropriate computer tools for optical analysis, optimization of collectors in systems and a very fast simulation model have been developed.


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The main aim of this project is to develop an ESES lab on a full scale system. The solar combisystem used is available most of the time and is only used twice a year to carry out some technical courses. At the moment, there are no other laboratories about combisystems. The experiments were designed in a way to use the system to the most in order to help the students apply the theoretical knowledge in the solar thermal course as well as make them more familiar with solar systems components. The method adopted to reach this aim is to carry out several test sequences on the system, in order to help formulating at the end some educating experiments. A few tests were carried out at the beginning of the project just for the sake of understanding the system and figuring out if any additional measuring equipment is required. The level of these tests sequences was varying from a simple energy draw off or collector loop controller respond tests to more complicated tests, such as the use of the ‘collector’ heater to simulate the solar collector effect on the system. The tests results were compared and verified with the theoretical data wherever relevant. The results of the experiment about the use of the ‘collector’ heater instead of the collector were positively acceptable. Finally, the Lab guide was developed based on the results of these experiments and also the experience gotten while conducting them. The lab work covers the theories related to solar systems in general and combisystems in particular. 


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In Sweden solar irradiation and space heating loads are unevenly distributed over the year. Domestic hot water loads may be nearly constant. Test results on solar collector performance are often reported as yearly output of a certain collector at fixed temperatures, e g 25, 50 and 75 C. These data are not suitable for dimensioning of solar systems, because the actual performance of the collector depends heavily on solar fraction and load distribution over the year.At higher latitudes it is difficult to attain high solar fractions for buildings, due to overheating in summer and small marginal output for added collector area. Solar collectors with internal reflectors offer possibilities to evade overheating problems and deliver more energy at seasons when the load is higher. There are methods for estimating the yearly angular irradiation distribution, but there is a lack of methods for describing the load and the storage in such a way as to enable optical design of season and load adapted collectors.This report describes two methods for estimation of solar system performance with relevance for season and load adaption. Results regarding attainable solar fractions as a function of collector features, load profiles, load levels and storage characteristics are reported. The first method uses monthly collector output data at fixed temperatures from the simulation program MINSUN for estimating solar fractions for different load profiles and load levels. The load level is defined as estimated yearly collector output at constant collector temperature divided be yearly load. This table may examplify the results:CollectorLoadLoadSolar Improvementtypeprofile levelfractionover flat plateFlat plateDHW 75 %59 %Load adaptedDHW 75 %66 %12 %Flat plateSpace heating 50 %22 %Load adaptedSpace heating 50 %28 %29 %The second method utilises simulations with one-hour timesteps for collectors connected to a simplified storage and a variable load. Collector output, optical and thermal losses, heat overproduction, load level and storage temperature are presented as functions of solar incidence angles. These data are suitable for optical design of load adapted solar collectors. Results for a Stockholm location indicate that a solar combisystem with a solar fraction around 30 % should have collectors that reduce heat production at solar heights above 30 degrees and have optimum efficiency for solar heights between 8 and 30 degrees.


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Research on solar combisystems for the Nordic and Baltic countries have been carriedout. The aim was to develop competitive solar combisystems which are attractive tobuyers and to educate experts in the solar heating field.The participants of the projects were the universities: Technical University of Denmark,Dalarna University, University of Oslo, Riga Technical University and Lund Institute ofTechnology, as well as the companies: Metro Therm A/S (Denmark), Velux A/S(Denmark), Solentek AB (Sweden), SolarNor (Norway) and SIA Grandeg (Latvia).The project included education, research, development and demonstration. Theactivities started in 2003 and were finished by the end of 2006. A number of Ph.D.studies in Denmark, Sweden and Latvia, and a post-doc. study in Norway were carriedout. Close cooperation between the researchers and the industry partners ensured thatthe results of the projects can be utilized. The industry partners will soon be able tobring the developed systems into the market.In Denmark and Norway the research and development focused on solarheating/natural gas systems, and in Sweden and Latvia the focus was on solarheating/pellet systems. Additionally, Lund Institute of Technology and University ofOslo studied solar collectors of various types being integrated into the building.


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The present paper examines building integrated solar collectors with absorbers of polymeric materials. Efficiency measurements of façade-integrated collectors with non-selective black and spectrally selective coloured absorbers are carried out. The performance of the polymeric absorber was compared with solar glass and polycarbonate twin-wall sheets as collector cover. Simulations demonstrate a high solar fraction for a solar combisystem with façade collectors for a well-insulated house in a Nordic climate. Two examples of house concepts with façade collectors are presented which address a new type of customer than the solar enthusiasts with special interest in renewable energy


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In this study the monitoring results of prototype installation of a recently developed solar combisystem have been evaluated. The system, that uses a water jacketed pellet stove as auxiliary heater, was installed in a single family house in Borlänge/Sweden. In order to allow an evaluation under realistic conditions the system has been monitored for a time period of one year. From the measurements of the system it could be seen that it is important that the pellet stove has a sufficient buffer store volume to minimize cycling. The measurements showed also that the stove gives a lower share of the produced heat to the water loop than measured under stationary conditions. The solar system works as expected and covers the heat demand during the summer and a part of the heat demand during spring and autumn. Potential for optimization exists for the parasitic electricity demand. The system consumes 680 kWh per year for pumps, valves and controllers which is more than 4% of the total primary heating energy demand.


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A solar thermal membrane distillation pilot plant was operated for over 70 days in field conditions. The pilot plant incorporated a single spiral wound permeate gap membrane distillation style of module. All energy used to operate the unit was supplied by solar hot water collectors and photovoltaic panels. The process was able to produce a distillate stream of product water with a conductivity less than 10 µS/cm. Feed water concentration varied from 2,400 µS/cm to 106,000 µS/cm. The process is expected to find application in the production of drinking water for remote island and arid regions without the consumption of electrical energy.


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According to some embodiments, the present invention provides a novel photovoltaic solar cell system from photovoltaic modules that are vertically arrayed in a stack format using thin film semiconductors selected from among org. and inorg. thin film semiconductors. The stack cells may be cells that are produced in a planar manner, then vertically oriented in an angular form, also termed herein tilted, to maximize the light capturing aspects. The use of a stack configuration system as described herein allows for the use of a variety of electrode materials, such as transparent materials or semitransparent metals. Light concn. can be achieved by using fresnel lens, parabolic mirrors or derivs. of such structures. The light capturing can be controlled by being reflected back and forth in the photovoltaic system until significant quantities of the resonant light is absorbed. Light that passes to the end and can be reflected back through the device by beveling or capping the end of the device with a different refractive index material, or alternatively using a reflective surface. The contacting between stacked cells can be done in series or parallel. According to some embodiments, the present invention uses a concentrator architecture where the light is channeled into the cells that contain thermal fluid channels (using a transparent fluid such as water) to absorb and hence reduce the thermal energy generation.


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A microcontroller based, thermal energy meter cum controller (TEMC) suitable for solar thermal systems has been developed. It monitors solar radiation, ambient temperature, fluid flow rate, and temperature of fluid at various locations of the system and computes the energy transfer rate. It also controls the operation of the fluid-circulating pump depending on the temperature difference across the solar collector field. The accuracy of energy measurement is +/-1.5%. The instrument has been tested in a solar water heating system. Its operation became automatic with savings in electrical energy consumption of pump by 30% on cloudy days.


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Considered to be the next generation of heat transfer fluids, nanofluids have been receiving a growing amount of attention in the past decade despite the controversy and inconsistencies that have been reported. Nanofluids have great potential in a wide range of fields, particularly for solar thermal applications. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the literature on the enhancements in thermophysical and rheological properties resulting from experimental works conducted on molten salt nanofluids that are used in solar thermal energy systems. It was found that an increase in specific heat of 10–30% was achieved for most nanofluids and appeared independent of particle size and to an extent mass concentration. The specific heat increase was attributed to the formation of nanostructures at the solid–liquid interface and it was also noted that the aggregation of nanoparticles has detrimental effects on the specific heat increase. Thermal conductivity was also found to increase, though less consistently, ranging from 3% to 35%. Viscosity was seen to increase with the addition of nanoparticles and is dependent on the amount of aggregation of the particles. An in-depth micro level analysis of the mechanisms behind the thermophysical property changes is presented in this paper. In addition, possible trends are discussed relating to current theorised mechanisms in an attempt to explain the behaviour of molten salt nanofluids.


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An important application of solar thermal storage is for power generation or process heating. Low-temperature thermal storage in a packed rock bed is considered the best option for thermal storage for solar drying applications. In this chapter, mathematical formulations for conical have been developed. The model equations are solved numerically for charging/discharging cycles utilizing MATLAB. Results were compared with rock-bed storage with standard straight tank. From the simulated results, the temperature distribution was found to be more uniform in the truncated conical rock-bed storage. Also, the pressure drop over a long period of time in the conical thermal storage was as low as 25 Pa. Hence, the amount of power required from a centrifugal fan would be significantly lower. The flow of air inside the tank is simulated in SolidWorks software. From flow simulation, 3D modelling of flow is obtained to capture the actual scenario inside the tank.


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An important application of thermal storage is solar energy for power generation or process heating. Low temperature thermal storage in a packed rock bed is considered best option for thermal storage for solar drying applications. In this paper, mathematical formulations for conical and cylindrical rock bed storage tanks have been developed. The model equations are solved numerically for charging/discharging cycles. From the simulated results, it was observed that for the same aspect ratio between the diameter and the length of the thermal storages, the conical thermal storage had better performance. The temperature distribution was found to be more uniform in the truncated conical shape rock bed storage. Also, the pressure drop over long period of time in the conical thermal storage was lower than that of the cylindrical thermal storage. Hence, the amount of power required from a centrifugal fan was lower.


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This paper proposes a hybrid solar cooking system where the solar energy is brought to the kitchen. The energy source is a combination of the solar thermal energy and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is in common use in kitchens. The solar thermal energy is transferred to the kitchen by means of a circulating fluid. The transfer of solar heat is a twofold process wherein the energy from the collector is transferred first to an intermediate energy storage buffer and the energy is subsequently transferred from the buffer to the cooking load. There are three parameters that are controlled in order to maximize the energy transfer from the collector to the load viz, the fluid flow rate from collector to buffer, fluid flow rate from buffer to load and the diameter of the pipes. This is a complex multi energy domain system comprising energy flow across several domains such as thermal, electrical and hydraulic. The entire system is modeled using the bond graph approach with seamless integration of the power flow in these domains. A method to estimate different parameters of the practical cooking system is also explained. Design and life cycle costing of the system is also discussed. The modeled system is simulated and the results are validated experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.