971 resultados para Soft systems
Two lectures that introduce the idea of modelling in the large, and contrasts hard system and soft system modelling. The second lecture goes into detail on a number of specific methods for analysing a system (CATWOE and CSH) and on modelling a system (Systems Diagrams and Personas).
This paper makes a theoretical case for using these two systems approaches together. The theoretical and methodological assumptions of system dynamics (SD) and soft system methodology (SSM) are briefly described and a partial critique is presented. SSM generates and represents diverse perspectives on a problem situation and addresses the socio-political elements of an intervention. However, it is weak in ensuring `dynamic coherence'. consistency between the intuitive behaviour resulting from proposed changes and behaviour deduced from ideas on causal structure. Conversely, SD examines causal structures and dynamic behaviours. However, whilst emphasising the need for a clear issue focus, it has little theory for generating and representing diverse issues. Also, there is no theory for facilitating sensitivity to socio-political elements. A synthesis of the two called ‘Holon Dynamics' is proposed. After an SSM intervention, a second stage continues the socio-political analysis and also operates within a new perspective which values dynamic coherence of the mental construct - the holon - which is capable of expressing the proposed changes. A model of this holon is constructed using SD and the changes are thus rendered `systemically desirable' in the additional sense that dynamic consistency has been confirmed. The paper closes with reflections on the proposal and the need for theoretical consistency when mixing tools is emphasised.
As empresas e instituições estão num ambiente que oferece oportunidades e ameaças, o que exige um conjunto de informações voltado tanto a processos e decisões táticas, operacionais e estratégicos. No entanto, conseguir informações com rapidez e qualidade não se trata apenas de adquirir pacotes de sistemas de informações ou mesmo desenvolvê-los nas organizações. Infelizmente, isto é o que mais tem ocorrido. Desta forma, a fim de ultrapassar esse amadorismo, faz-se necessário um diagnóstico sistêmico da organização, com objetivo de identificar os requisitos informacionais necessários à construção de um sistema de apoio às decisões. Destarte, este estudo realiza um diagnóstico sistêmico numa farmácia com a utilização da “Soft Systems Methodology”, a qual a partir de ampla interação entre pesquisador e as pessoas envolvidas , identifica e estrutura a situação problemática de forma encadeada, analisando-a sob duas preocupações: uma relacionada ao mundo real e outra ao pensamento sistêmico. Com este processo, desenvolve uma aprendizagem que permite não só a identificação dos requisitos informacionais necessários à construção de um sistema de informações como também reunir e organizar visões muitas vezes divergentes a respeito de uma realidade complexa, a fim de propor um rol de atividades e ações que possam contribuir para o processo de melhoria da situação problemática.
O objetivo neste estudo foi propor um programa de mudança na relação empresa-fornecedores num momento em que técnicas sobre o tema são discutidas na vivência de um relacionamento ainda nada colaborativo. Para tanto se utilizou a metodologia do tipo Soft Systems adequada à natureza social do objeto de estudo: as relações entre empresa varejista e seus fornecedores. Esta metodologia permite o levantamento de dados em campo, a caracterização do modelo de relacionamento vigente na empresa, a comparação deste modelo com o modelo idealizado e a elaboração de um programa de intervenção para readequação do modelo vigente.
A multidisciplinaridade da tomada de decisão sofre com as peculiaridades de qualquer campo multidisciplinar. A falta de comunicação, muitas vezes, gera problemas e as respostas que podem ser encontradas dentro de outras áreas. Os Métodos de Estruturação de Problemas são respostas para os questionamentos atuais nas escolas de administração e negócios, principalmente o uso multimetodológico destes com outros métodos. Tendo o Soft Systems Metholodogy – SSM – como base, e a incorporação do Strategic Options Development and Analysis – SODA – ao processo do SSM, Georgiou (2012) apresenta o Planejamento Sistêmico em sua configuração mais recente. Visando buscar uma ferramenta computacional que atenda os pressupostos do SSM, e que incorpore as especificações da configuração do Planejamento Sistêmico, definem-se uma notação para o método e uma formalização das para as comunicações existentes entre os elementos, subsistemas, sistema e ambiente e, com isso, torna-se possível controlar o uso do método de forma iterativa. Para demonstrar tal uso, apresenta-se uma análise de um caso real e demonstra as dificuldades encontradas na utilização da Notação e Comunicação definida. Posteriormente, apresenta-se um desenho técnico de uma ferramenta computacional modular e que pode ser usada de forma integrada com outras ferramentas de outros métodos. Como resultado, têm-se o avanço na definição de padrões no uso das ferramentas do SSM, na apresentação dos aspectos sistêmicos do Planejamento Sistêmico, na apresentação de um uso iterativo do método e na apresentação de um desenho técnico para uma ferramenta computacional.
This paper reports the results of a survey intended to discover the manner in which Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is understood and used in Brazil. The focus is upon SSM papers published in national and international journals, and conferences, incorporating a refereeing procedure. To be included in the survey, publications had to meet at least one of the following criteria: (a) authorship is clearly of Brazilian nationality; or, (b) authorship is affiliated to a Brazilian institution; or (c) application is set in Brazil. Similar surveys reporting on the United Kingdom, Australia and, to a lesser extent, Spain have been published previously in the literature. This paper, therefore, contributes to the growing international understanding and usage of SSM. Ultimately the paper serves as an initial map of the developing context in Brazilian SSM theory and practice.
This research aims to examine the effectiveness of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to enable systemic change within local goverment and local NHS environments and to examine the role of the facilitator within this process. Checkland's Mode 2 variant of Soft Systems Methodology was applied on an experimental basis in two environments, Herefordshire Health Authority and Sand well Health Authority. The Herefordshire application used SSM in the design of an Integrated Care Pathway for stroke patients. In Sandwell, SSM was deployed to assist in the design of an Infonnation Management and Technology (IM&T) Strategy for the boundary-spanning Sandwell Partnership. Both of these environments were experiencing significant organisational change as the experiments unfurled. The explicit objectives of the research were: To examine the evolution and development of SSM and to contribute to its further development. To apply the Soft Systems Methodology to change processes within the NHS. To evaluate the potential role of SSM in this wider process of change. To assess the role of the researcher as a facilitator within this process. To develop a critical framework through which the impact of SSM on change might be understood and assessed. In developing these objectives, it became apparent that there was a gap in knowledge relating to SSM. This gap concerns the evaluation of the role of the approach in the change process. The case studies highlighted issues in stakeholder selection and management; the communicative assumptions in SSM; the ambiguous role of the facilitator; and the impact of highly politicised problem environments on the effectiveness of the methodology in the process of change. An augmented variant on SSM that integrates an appropriate (social constructivist) evaluation method is outlined, together with a series of hypotheses about the operationalisation of this proposed method.
This presentation introduces Soft Systems Modelling as a technique to support investigating the behaviour of dynamic systems in the real world. It combines techniques from General Systems Theory, Soft Systems Methodolgy and Critical Systems Heuristics. Personas and Scenarios are used as a technique for exploring the motivations of stakeholders in the systems.
Organizational intelligence can be seen as a function of the viable structure of an organization. With the integration of the Viable System Model and Soft Systems Methodology (systemic approaches of organizational management) focused on the role of the intelligence function, it is possible to elaborate a model of action with a structured methodology to prospect, select, treat and distribute information to the entire organization that improves the efficacy and efficiency of all processes. This combination of methodologies is called Intelligence Systems Methodology (ISM) whose assumptions and dynamics are delimited in this paper. The ISM is composed of two simultaneous activities: the Active Environmental Mapping and the Stimulated Action Cycle. The elaboration of the formal ISM description opens opportunities for applications of the methodology on real situations, offering a new path for this specific issue of systems thinking: the intelligence systems. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2012) 10, 141-152. doi:10.1057/kmrp.2011.44
The Systems Engineering Group (SEG) at De Montfort University are developing the Boardman Soft Systems Methodology (BSSM) which allows complex human systems to be modelled, this work builds upon Checkland's Soft Systems Methodology (1981). The BSSM has been applied to the modelling of the systems engineering process as used in design and manufacturing companies. The BSSM is used to solicit information from a company and this data is then transformed into systemic diagrams (systemigrams). These systemigrams are posited to be accurate and concise representations of the system which has been modelled. This paper describes the collaboration between SEG and a manufacturing company (MC) in Leicester, England. The purpose of this collaboration was twofold. First, it was to create an objective view of the MC's processes, in the form of systemigrams. It was important to get this modelled by a source outside of the company, as it is difficult for people within a system being modelled to be unbiased. Secondly, it allowed a series of systemigrams to be produced which can then be subjected to simulation, for the purpose of aiding risk management decisions and to reduce the project cycle time
Information systems are corporate resources, therefore information systems development must be aligned with corporate strategy. This thesis proposes that effective strategic alignment of information systems requires information systems development, information systems planning and strategic management to be united. Literature in these areas is examined, breaching the academic boundaries which separate these areas, to contribute a synthesised approach to the strategic alignment of information systems development. Previous work in information systems planning has extended information systems development techniques, such as data modelling, into strategic planning activities, neglecting techniques of strategic management. Examination of strategic management in this thesis, identifies parallel trends in strategic management and information systems development; the premises of the learning school of strategic management are similar to those of soft systems approaches to information systems development. It is therefore proposed that strategic management can be supported by a soft systems approach. Strategic management tools and techniques frame individual views of a strategic situation; soft systems approaches can integrate these diverse views to explore the internal and external environments of an organisation. The information derived from strategic analysis justifies the need for an information system and provides a starting point for information systems development. This is demonstrated by a composite framework which enables each information system to be justified according to its direct contribution to corporate strategy. The proposed framework was developed through action research conducted in a number of organisations of varying types. This suggests that the framework can be widely used to support the strategic alignment of information systems development, thereby contributing to organisational success.
Com a globalização verificaram-se profundas mudanças ao nível político, social, económico, tecnológico, entre outras, originando uma evolução extraordinária da procura do sector dos transportes, com especial destaque para as mercadorias. O sector rodoviário tem sido o que mais tem crescido e consequentemente maiores problemas tem causado, nomeadamente o congestionamento, a sinistralidade, entre outros, com implicações económicas, sociais e ambientais. Uma das soluções passa por equilibrar o transporte de mercadorias entre os modos de transporte, com especial destaque para o crescimento do sector ferroviário, sendo que para tal é necessário investir em infra-estruturas de transporte e em nodos modais eficazes e eficientes, para promover a intermodalidade. A localização dos nodos modais é vital para o sucesso das operações logísticas, onde a economia do tempo e do custo de transporte são determinantes, assim como o enquadramento destas infra-estruturas no âmbito das políticas de ordenamento do território e de transportes e o respectivo impacte nos diversos domínios, a nível local e regional. A localização de centros de tratamento de mercadorias (CTM) é um exemplo de decisão de carácter estratégico, a concretizar num ambiente de crescente complexidade, onde se pretende estabelecer um equilíbrio entre múltiplos aspectos de avaliação. A complexidade inerente a este tipo de decisões advém das constantes evoluções das tecnologias, da estrutura dos mercados, das necessidades sociais e dos enquadramentos regulamentares, assim como da heterogeneidade de critérios de avaliação das acções potenciais que tem associados problemas de conflitualidade, de incomensurabilidade e de incerteza. Este é o retrato do caso de estudo, ao qual aplicamos uma metodologia sistémica de estruturação de situações problemáticas, denominada soft systems methodology, a partir da qual construímos um modelo multicritério de apoio ao planeamento da localização de CTMs. O modelo contempla a aplicação de uma metodologia de apoio multicritério à decisão, o ELECTRE TRI, numa problemática de afectação ordinal de potenciais alternativas de localização a categorias pré-definidas.