829 resultados para Socio-anthropology of work


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En 2015, il y aurait au Québec plus de 5 000 médecins diplômés à l’étranger, dont près de 2 500 travaillent comme médecins et possiblement autant qui ont emprunté d’autres voies professionnelles, momentanément ou durablement. Les migrants très qualifiés sont réputés faire face à de multiples barrières sur le marché du travail, particulièrement ceux membres de professions réglementées. Le cas des médecins est exemplaire compte tenu de sa complexité et de la multiplicité des acteurs impliqués au cours du processus de reconnaissance professionnelle. Ayant comme principal objectif de documenter les trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle de diplômés internationaux en médecine (DIM) et leurs expériences sur le marché du travail québécois, cette thèse s’attache à comprendre ce qui pourrait distinguer les trajectoires d’intégration en emploi pour un même groupe professionnel. En observant notamment les stratégies d’intégration et les ressources mobilisées, nous cherchons à mieux saisir les parcours des DIM qui se requalifient et qui exercent au Québec et ceux qui se réorientent vers d’autres secteurs d’activités. La démarche méthodologique est qualitative (terrain 2009 à 2012), le cœur des analyses étant basé sur 31 récits de vie professionnelle de DIM ayant migré au Québec principalement dans les années 2000. Les données secondaires incluent 22 entretiens non dirigés auprès d’acteurs clés de milieux institutionnels, communautaires ou associatifs ainsi qu’auprès de DIM très récemment immigrés ou ayant le projet d’immigrer. S’y ajoute l’observation ethnographique ponctuelle, telle que des activités associatives. La forme retenue pour cette thèse en est une par articles. Le fil directeur est l’exploration de l’interface entre les politiques, les pratiques et les individus au cœur des trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle. Les trois articles (chapitres 4 à 6) visent des focales complémentaires avec le même objectif : l’exploration de la complexité des trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle et la dialectique entre les niveaux micro, méso et macrosociaux. Ces derniers renvoient respectivement à la puissance d’agir des individus et leurs contraintes d’action, les relations sociales, les institutions et les pratiques organisationnelles et plus largement les structures sociopolitiques. Les résultats de cette thèse mettent en lumière des aspects complémentaires de l’intégration professionnelle et en interaction dynamique : 1) dimension macrosociale et politique; 2) dimensions institutionnelles et relations sociales; 3) identité professionnelle. Suite à l’introduction, la problématique (chap. 1) et la méthodologie (chap.2), le chapitre 3 expose les types des trajectoires d’intégration des DIM, leur hétérogénéité, et met en relief leurs récits de vie professionnelle. Le chapitre 4 soulève le paradoxe entre les politiques d’attraction de l’immigration déployés par les gouvernements canadien et québécois et les mécanismes de régulation opérant sur le marché du travail. Le chapitre 5 explore les stratégies et ressources mobilisées par les DIM et met en lumière l’effet positif des ressources symboliques. Les ressources institutionnelles de soutien, quoique élémentaires dans le processus de reconnaissance professionnelle, ne sont subjectivement pas considérées comme un élément central. Ce sont plutôt les ressources informelles qui jouent ce rôle d’appui significatif, en particulier les pairs DIM. Le chapitre 6 adopte une perspective microsociale et explore le caractère dynamique et relationnel de l’identité professionnelle, mais surtout, la puissance des conditions d’appartenance qui obligent à une flexibilité professionnelle et parfois au retrait de la profession ou du pays. Le chapitre 7 discute au plan théorique de l’intérêt d’une combinaison d’échelles analytiques et d’une ouverture disciplinaire afin de souligner les tensions et angles morts en ce qui concerne les mobilités de professionnels de la santé et leur intégration professionnelle. Cette thèse explore l’interrelation complexe entre les ressources économiques, sociales et symboliques, dans un contexte de fragmentation des ressources institutionnelles et de corporatisme.


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En 2015, il y aurait au Québec plus de 5 000 médecins diplômés à l’étranger, dont près de 2 500 travaillent comme médecins et possiblement autant qui ont emprunté d’autres voies professionnelles, momentanément ou durablement. Les migrants très qualifiés sont réputés faire face à de multiples barrières sur le marché du travail, particulièrement ceux membres de professions réglementées. Le cas des médecins est exemplaire compte tenu de sa complexité et de la multiplicité des acteurs impliqués au cours du processus de reconnaissance professionnelle. Ayant comme principal objectif de documenter les trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle de diplômés internationaux en médecine (DIM) et leurs expériences sur le marché du travail québécois, cette thèse s’attache à comprendre ce qui pourrait distinguer les trajectoires d’intégration en emploi pour un même groupe professionnel. En observant notamment les stratégies d’intégration et les ressources mobilisées, nous cherchons à mieux saisir les parcours des DIM qui se requalifient et qui exercent au Québec et ceux qui se réorientent vers d’autres secteurs d’activités. La démarche méthodologique est qualitative (terrain 2009 à 2012), le cœur des analyses étant basé sur 31 récits de vie professionnelle de DIM ayant migré au Québec principalement dans les années 2000. Les données secondaires incluent 22 entretiens non dirigés auprès d’acteurs clés de milieux institutionnels, communautaires ou associatifs ainsi qu’auprès de DIM très récemment immigrés ou ayant le projet d’immigrer. S’y ajoute l’observation ethnographique ponctuelle, telle que des activités associatives. La forme retenue pour cette thèse en est une par articles. Le fil directeur est l’exploration de l’interface entre les politiques, les pratiques et les individus au cœur des trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle. Les trois articles (chapitres 4 à 6) visent des focales complémentaires avec le même objectif : l’exploration de la complexité des trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle et la dialectique entre les niveaux micro, méso et macrosociaux. Ces derniers renvoient respectivement à la puissance d’agir des individus et leurs contraintes d’action, les relations sociales, les institutions et les pratiques organisationnelles et plus largement les structures sociopolitiques. Les résultats de cette thèse mettent en lumière des aspects complémentaires de l’intégration professionnelle et en interaction dynamique : 1) dimension macrosociale et politique; 2) dimensions institutionnelles et relations sociales; 3) identité professionnelle. Suite à l’introduction, la problématique (chap. 1) et la méthodologie (chap.2), le chapitre 3 expose les types des trajectoires d’intégration des DIM, leur hétérogénéité, et met en relief leurs récits de vie professionnelle. Le chapitre 4 soulève le paradoxe entre les politiques d’attraction de l’immigration déployés par les gouvernements canadien et québécois et les mécanismes de régulation opérant sur le marché du travail. Le chapitre 5 explore les stratégies et ressources mobilisées par les DIM et met en lumière l’effet positif des ressources symboliques. Les ressources institutionnelles de soutien, quoique élémentaires dans le processus de reconnaissance professionnelle, ne sont subjectivement pas considérées comme un élément central. Ce sont plutôt les ressources informelles qui jouent ce rôle d’appui significatif, en particulier les pairs DIM. Le chapitre 6 adopte une perspective microsociale et explore le caractère dynamique et relationnel de l’identité professionnelle, mais surtout, la puissance des conditions d’appartenance qui obligent à une flexibilité professionnelle et parfois au retrait de la profession ou du pays. Le chapitre 7 discute au plan théorique de l’intérêt d’une combinaison d’échelles analytiques et d’une ouverture disciplinaire afin de souligner les tensions et angles morts en ce qui concerne les mobilités de professionnels de la santé et leur intégration professionnelle. Cette thèse explore l’interrelation complexe entre les ressources économiques, sociales et symboliques, dans un contexte de fragmentation des ressources institutionnelles et de corporatisme.


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Work integration social enterprises (WISE) seek to create employment and pathways to employment for those highly disadvantaged in the labour market. This chapter examines the effects of WISE on the wellbeing of immigrants and refugees experiencing multiple barriers to economic and social participation. Drawing on an evaluation of a programme that supports seven such enterprises in the Australian state of Victoria, the effects of involvement for individual participants and their communities are examined. The study finds that this social enterprise model affords unique local opportunities for economic and social participation for groups experiencing significant barriers to meaningful employment. These opportunities have a positive impact on individual and community-level wellbeing. However, the financial costs of the model are high relative to other employment programmes, which is consistent with international findings on intermediate labour market programmes. The productivity costs of WISE are also disproportionately high compared to private sector competitors in some industries. This raises considerable dilemmas for social enterprise operators seeking to produce social value and achieve business sustainability while bearing high productivity costs to fulfil their mission. Further, the evaluation illuminates an ongoing need to address the systemic and structural drivers of health and labour market inequalities that characterize socio-economic participation for immigrants and refugees.


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Jackson (2005) developed a hybrid model of personality and learning, known as the learning styles profiler (LSP) which was designed to span biological, socio-cognitive, and experiential research foci of personality and learning research. The hybrid model argues that functional and dysfunctional learning outcomes can be best understood in terms of how cognitions and experiences control, discipline, and re-express the biologically based scale of sensation-seeking. In two studies with part-time workers undertaking tertiary education (N equals 137 and 58), established models of approach and avoidance from each of the three different research foci were compared with Jackson's hybrid model in their predictiveness of leadership, work, and university outcomes using self-report and supervisor ratings. Results showed that the hybrid model was generally optimal and, as hypothesized, that goal orientation was a mediator of sensation-seeking on outcomes (work performance, university performance, leader behaviours, and counterproductive work behaviour). Our studies suggest that the hybrid model has considerable promise as a predictor of work and educational outcomes as well as dysfunctional outcomes.


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Background: Organizational features can affect how staff view their quality of work life. Determining staff perceptions about quality of work life is an important consideration for employers interested in improving employee job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to identify organization specific predictors of job satisfaction within a health care system that consisted of six independent health care organizations.

Methods: 5,486 full, part and causal time (non-physician) staff on active payroll within six organizations (2 community hospitals, 1 community hospital/long-term care facility, 1 long-term care facility, 1 tertiary care/community health centre, and 1 visiting nursing agency) located in five communities in Central West Ontario, Canada were asked to complete a 65-item quality of work life survey. The self-administered questionnaires collected staff perceptions of: co-worker and supervisor support; teamwork and communication; job demands and decision authority; organization characteristics; patient/resident care; compensation and benefits; staff training and development; and impressions of the organization. Socio-demographic data were also collected.

Results: Depending on the organization, between 15 and 30 (of the 40 potential predictor) variables were found to be statistically associated with job satisfaction (univariate analyses). Logistic regression analyses identified the best predictors of job satisfaction and these are presented for each of the six organizations and for all organizations combined.

Conclusions: The findings indicate that job satisfaction is a multidimensional construct and although there appear to be some commonalities across organizations, some predictors of job satisfaction appear to be organization and context specific.


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Motivation is a core concept to understand work related outcomes and vocational pursuits. However, existing research mostly focused on specific aspects of motivation, such as goals or self-efficacy beliefs, while falling short of adequately addressing more complex and integrative notions of motivation. Advancing the current state of research, we draw from Motivational Systems Theory and a model of proactive motivation to propose a comprehensive model of work-related motivation. Specifically, we define motivation as a system of mutually related factors consisting of goals, emotions, and personal agency beliefs, comprised by capability beliefs and context evaluations. Adapting this model of motivation to the school-to-work transition, we postulate that this motivational system is affected by different social, personal, and environmental variables, for example social support, the presence of role-models, personality traits, and scholastic achievement. We further expect that students with more autonomous work-related goals, expectations of more positive emotional experiences in their future working life, fewer perceived barriers to their career development, and higher work-related self-efficacy beliefs would be more successful in their transition from school to work. We also propose that goal-directed engagement acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between motivation and a successful transition. Finally, we hypothesize that work-related motivation while in school will have meaningful effects on positive outcomes while in vocational training, as represented by more work engagement, higher career commitment, job satisfaction, and lower intentions to quit training. In sum, we advance the point that the adaptation of a broader concept of work-related motivation in the school-to-work transition would result in more powerful predictions of success in this transition and would enhance scientific research and interventions in career development and counselling practice.


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Scholarly interest in callings is growing, but our understanding of how and when callings relate to career outcomes is incomplete. The present study investigated the possibility that the relationship of calling to work engagement is mediated by work meaningfulness, occupational identity, and occupational self-efficacy – and that this mediation depends on the degree of perceived person-job fit. I examined a highly educated sample of German employees (N=529) in diverse occupations and found support for two of the three hypothesized mediators – work meaningfulness and occupational identity – after controlling for the relation of core self-evaluations to work engagement. Contrary to expectations, the mediated relations of callings to work engagement were not conditional upon the degree of person-job fit. The findings are considered in terms of the pathways through which callings may relate to work engagement and other career development outcomes.


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Being hopeful is critical for individuals who are engaged in vocational pursuits. However, the empirical research examining how and why hope is related to work and career outcomes remains sparse. We evaluate a model that proposes that dispositional hope affects job performance and turnover intentions through increased work motivation in terms of autonomous goals (reason to motivation), positive affective experience at work (energized to motivation), and occupational self-efficacy beliefs (can do motivation). The hypotheses were tested among 590 Swiss adolescents in vocational education and training using path analysis and multiple mediation analyses. The results revealed that hope was positively related to all three motivational states and supervisor-rated job performance and negatively related to turnover intentions. Positive affect mediated the effects of hope on turnover intentions and performance. Autonomous goals mediated the effects of hope on turnover intentions. These results support the importance of hope to employee well-being and organizational outcomes.


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Motivation plays a key role in successful entry into working life. Based on a cross-sectional and a one-year longitudinal study, we used a person-centered approach to explore work-related motivation (i.e., autonomous goals, positive affect, and occupational self-efficacy) among 577 students in 8th grade (Study 1) and 949 adolescents in vocational training (Study 2). Based on latent profile analysis, in both studies we identified four groups that were characterized by different levels of overall motivation and one group characterized by low positive affect and mean levels in autonomous goals and self-efficacy. Profiles characterized by high levels of motivation showed the highest levels of positive work expectations and goal engagement and the lowest levels of negative work expectations in Study 1 and the highest levels of person-job fit, work engagement, and job satisfaction in Study 2. Moreover, latent difference score analysis showed that motivational profiles predicted changes in person-job fit and work engagement across one year but not in job satisfaction. The results imply that career counselors should be aware of characteristic motivational patterns of clients that may require specific counseling approaches.


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Jackson (2005) developed a hybrid model of personality and learning, known as the learning styles profiler (LSP) which was designed to span biological, socio-cognitive, and experiential research foci of personality and learning research. The hybrid model argues that functional and dysfunctional learning outcomes can be best understood in terms of how cognitions and experiences control, discipline, and re-express the biologically based scale of sensation-seeking. In two studies with part-time workers undertaking tertiary education (N=137 and 58), established models of approach and avoidance from each of the three different research foci were compared with Jackson's hybrid model in their predictiveness of leadership, work, and university outcomes using self-report and supervisor ratings. Results showed that the hybrid model was generally optimal and, as hypothesized, that goal orientation was a mediator of sensation-seeking on outcomes (work performance, university performance, leader behaviours, and counterproductive work behaviour). Our studies suggest that the hybrid model has considerable promise as a predictor of work and educational outcomes as well as dysfunctional outcomes.


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Research on women’s employment has proliferated over recent decades, often under a perspective that conceptualizes female labour market activity as independent of male presences and absences in the productive and reproductive spheres. In the face of these approaches, the article argues the need to focus on the couple as the unit of analysis of work-life articulation. After referring to the main theoretical arguments that, from a gender perspective within labour studies, have pointed out the relevance of placing the household as the central space for the analysis of the sexual division of labour, the article reviews different empirical contributions that have incorporated such perspective in the international literature. Next, the state of the art in the Spanish literature is presented, before arguing the desirability of applying such framework of analysis to the study of employment and care work in Spanish households, which are at present undergoing major transformations.