870 resultados para Social world
Dotar as pessoas com deficiência mental com competências para se autodeterminarem e terem a oportunidade de concretizar a sua plena inclusão social, é um desafio colocado à sociedade actual. Torna-se importante colocar em prática o que diferentes autores e organizações como a American Association of Mental Retardation defendem, criando condições para que os profissionais, famílias e comunidade possam ser os facilitadores deste processo. Neste sentido foi implementado no Centro de Reabilitação de Ponte de Lima um modelo de intervenção específico baseado na promoção e desenvolvimento da autonomia pessoal, social e de realização da pessoa com deficiência mental e criado um instrumento de observação e registo que reflecte essa forma de intervenção designado por Protocolo de Registo e Avaliação de Competências - PRAC. Neste estudo realizou-se uma análise ao instrumento em causa, pretendendo dar um contributo para a sua posterior validação. Nesse sentido, utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa e quantitativa para analisar se o instrumento pode ou não ser considerado representativo da capacidade de autodeterminação; se é estável quando utilizado por mais que um utilizador; se descrimina os indivíduos com maior ou menor autonomia e se os itens quando sujeitos à análise factorial, evidenciam os constructos teóricos previamente traçados. Muito embora o PRAC tenha sido pensado e estruturado para pessoas com deficiência mental, neste estudo foi utilizado por um grupo diversificado de profissionais oriundos de áreas distintas o que veio comprovar que o instrumento pode ser utilizado em diferentes contextos e com público-alvo mais alargado. Os resultados evidenciados são consistentes, permitindo respostas positivas às questões elaboradas, é de referir contudo que necessitam de um maior aprofundamento de forma a estabelecer outro tipo de generalizações.
Personagem-filtro, intérprete, mas também interventor, prescrevendo, legitimando e ordenando o universo tipográfico, o editor surge como figura múltipla e socialmente investida de atributos e práticas mediadoras na sua relação com o dado textual. Produtor de valor e materialidade, o editor inscreve o projecto do livro num espaço social colaborativo de trabalho, o campo da edição. Este artigo procura sistematizar teoricamente alguns tópicos relativos à articulação do editor com a construção social do campo editorial e a edificação da cultura impressa. Empreender semelhante exploração é abdicar forçosamente de uma visão linear, unidimensional e historicamente asséptica do mundo social e cultural do livro, cuja morfologia e suportes conhecem crescentemente os desafios da desmaterialização.
Simple Heuristics in a Social World invites readers to discover the simple heuristics that people use to navigate the complexities and surprises of environments populated with others. The social world is a terrain where humans and other animals compete with conspecifics for myriad resources, including food, mates, and status, and where rivals grant the decision maker little time for deep thought, protracted information search, or complex calculations. Yet, the social world also encompasses domains where social animals such as humans can learn from one another and can forge alliances with one another to boost their chances of success. According to the book's thesis, the undeniable complexity of the social world does not dictate cognitive complexity as many scholars of rationality argue. Rather, it entails circumstances that render optimization impossible or computationally arduous: intractability, the existence of incommensurable considerations, and competing goals. With optimization beyond reach, less can be more. That is, heuristics--simple strategies for making decisions when time is pressing and careful deliberation an unaffordable luxury--become indispensible mental tools. As accurate as or even more accurate than complex methods when used in the appropriate social environments, these heuristics are good descriptive models of how people make many decisions and inferences, but their impressive performance also poses a normative challenge for optimization models. In short, the Homo socialis may prove to be a Homo heuristicus whose intelligence reflects ecological rather than logical rationality.
This research has verified by which way the representations of the social world can influence choices, referring to political systems models, specially on the power division and organization among central and undernational governments. We studied the history of these choices during the period between 1822-1889, when the question of federalism was closely articulated with problem solutions that were decisive to the construction of the Brazilian State and Nation. Theoretical reference was the approach of social relations developed by French sociologists, historians and psychologists which privilege the articulation between the agents and the social structures. The study has allowed the conclusion that the practices of federalism, during the analyzed period just make sense if they are examined from a network of representations shared by the politic leading circles in reference to de State, the Society and the relations that must exist between them.
The article presents preliminary data of a survey that aimed to investigate the beliefs of children and adolescents about not learning. A total of 80 students, aged 6 to 16 years participated of the study. Among the participants, 20 are 6 years old, 20 are 9, 20 are 12 and 20 are 16 years old. As methodological tool, it was asked the participants to draw a person that learns and another one that doesn’t learn. Data was analyzed according to the Piagetian perspective for the construction of social knowledge. The main results indicate that a significant part of the participants tend to blame the students for the result of no learning. This indicates that students are able to consider the amplitude of different dimensions of social phenomena only partially. When considering the level of understanding of social reality, it was observed that, even at older ages, participants have a very basic notion of the social world.
What is the most mysterious feelings in mankind? What is the most general way by which every mankind is subject to change. Well monotonous, and steady life where someone does the same kind of work at same pace in same time, without any change of events, creates the burdensome feeling in a person. Yet people are unaware of it. We don't know where are we going, yet we go at the same pace, since in practical sense we are getting some credit for something. But the thing how much do we keep up, and maintain the balance in nature, so that we can really feel the value and the quality of life, and know the exact happiness of fulfilling the work. But if its totally becomes materialistic, and emotional aspect goes away from human beings, where social talking never goes away from your duties. Then!!!! ... I mean there is no need of human beings. If we are so developed, right from past few centuries and our domination, had created a modern social world, then we can create all kinds of devices and software which can handle all the works for which the people don't have to stay overtime just to finish that. I mean in that way human life will move through some progress, and will have some development. But the environment where we are living nothing new or development is taking place as the work becomes a duty for human being but not to machine which should be given some task to be completed.So all those devices are not in the society, since human being is already taking charge if it.
As contentions continue to engulf the evidence-based practice (EBP) debate within social care, consensus seems to be gravitating towards the softer term of ‘evidence-aware’ practice, although there is as yet no definitive concept on the horizon. Set against a back-drop of competing ideologies, heavily influenced by the natural sciences, what is at stake is the essence of social work: there is a real danger that social work practice be reduced to mere base elements, which seek to eliminate all notions of uncertainly, so essential and endemic to our social world
This paper presents an explanatory typology of social relations which moves forward from those habitual and known by social disciplines, and labels the three types: actions - strategies - institutions . We set out to research characteristics, specificities, relevance of and differences between each type, as well as their interactions and interweaving, which make up the complexity of social relations. Moreover, mutual interdependence between the said social categories is established, which corresponds to a new conceptualization of power . This avoids traditional reductionism and rescues rarely taken-into-account capacities and determinations. The pair "social relations and power" makes up a necessary and indispensable framework to tackle the various problems of the social world.
La política social y el mercado de trabajo son dimensiones del sistema social mutuamente implicadas en las sociedades industriales capitalistas. Sin embargo, una interpretación apresurada sobre el mundo social podría opacar los procesos que hacen que en un grupo de la población se yuxtapongan: una inserción laboral precaria dentro del mercado de trabajo informal junto con la (re) construcción de ese grupo como sujeto-objeto de políticas sociales. El artículo tiene por propósito problematizar las representaciones dominantes sobre el trabajo y su relación con las prácticas de organización de los hogares, considerando que en su interior la dimensión laboral se articula con otros recursos (provenientes de las políticas sociales). De modo más específico, el objetivo se orienta a la descripción y análisis de prácticas y representaciones sobre la situaci162n ocupacional de jefas/es y cónyuges que realizan actividades laborales en la informalidad de subsistencia. Se plantea como hipótesis exploratoria que en el período actual las condiciones de trabajo y representaciones de los trabajadores ocupados en ese tipo de actividades expresarían la existencia de un tipo de informalidad fuertemente segregada respecto de las actividades productivas, un en un contexto de crecimiento del empleo. También se sostiene que las formas bajo las cuales estas inserciones laborales se articulan con los planes sociales (como un nivel específico de política social) evidenciarían el carácter de la contribución estatal a la reproducción de las condiciones de vida de los trabajadores insertos en este tipo de informalidad. Los hallazgos presentados constituyen un avance de investigación sobre la reproducción de la marginalidad urbana en el Conurbano Bonaerense. Parte del trabajo de campo se realizó durante el año 2008, en un barrio del Partido de Almirante Brown. Se organizaron dos grupos de discusión: uno con mujeres perceptoras de planes y otro con hombres que realizaban changas como actividad principal. Con el objeto de aportar datos acerca de las condiciones materiales de los hogares, se aplicó un cuestionario a los participantes. Junto con esta información, se analizaron registros de campo tomados en observaciones realizadas en diversos espacios del barrio
Secret and power constitute two fundamental instances of the social world. Secret takes care of the concealment of things and of social processes. Secret is also a power device. Power is the social capacity to do, create, not doing and stop from doing. Secret and power get mutual feedback. Power uses the secret to protect his potential, be it what may, to increment its operative strength. Secret uses the power to achieve its aims and proposals. Social sciences seem to ignore the huge explanatory capacity of these two interrelated concepts, and even more, their powerful intervention in societies.
This paper presents an explanatory typology of social relations which moves forward from those habitual and known by social disciplines, and labels the three types: actions - strategies - institutions . We set out to research characteristics, specificities, relevance of and differences between each type, as well as their interactions and interweaving, which make up the complexity of social relations. Moreover, mutual interdependence between the said social categories is established, which corresponds to a new conceptualization of power . This avoids traditional reductionism and rescues rarely taken-into-account capacities and determinations. The pair "social relations and power" makes up a necessary and indispensable framework to tackle the various problems of the social world.
La política social y el mercado de trabajo son dimensiones del sistema social mutuamente implicadas en las sociedades industriales capitalistas. Sin embargo, una interpretación apresurada sobre el mundo social podría opacar los procesos que hacen que en un grupo de la población se yuxtapongan: una inserción laboral precaria dentro del mercado de trabajo informal junto con la (re) construcción de ese grupo como sujeto-objeto de políticas sociales. El artículo tiene por propósito problematizar las representaciones dominantes sobre el trabajo y su relación con las prácticas de organización de los hogares, considerando que en su interior la dimensión laboral se articula con otros recursos (provenientes de las políticas sociales). De modo más específico, el objetivo se orienta a la descripción y análisis de prácticas y representaciones sobre la situaci162n ocupacional de jefas/es y cónyuges que realizan actividades laborales en la informalidad de subsistencia. Se plantea como hipótesis exploratoria que en el período actual las condiciones de trabajo y representaciones de los trabajadores ocupados en ese tipo de actividades expresarían la existencia de un tipo de informalidad fuertemente segregada respecto de las actividades productivas, un en un contexto de crecimiento del empleo. También se sostiene que las formas bajo las cuales estas inserciones laborales se articulan con los planes sociales (como un nivel específico de política social) evidenciarían el carácter de la contribución estatal a la reproducción de las condiciones de vida de los trabajadores insertos en este tipo de informalidad. Los hallazgos presentados constituyen un avance de investigación sobre la reproducción de la marginalidad urbana en el Conurbano Bonaerense. Parte del trabajo de campo se realizó durante el año 2008, en un barrio del Partido de Almirante Brown. Se organizaron dos grupos de discusión: uno con mujeres perceptoras de planes y otro con hombres que realizaban changas como actividad principal. Con el objeto de aportar datos acerca de las condiciones materiales de los hogares, se aplicó un cuestionario a los participantes. Junto con esta información, se analizaron registros de campo tomados en observaciones realizadas en diversos espacios del barrio
Secret and power constitute two fundamental instances of the social world. Secret takes care of the concealment of things and of social processes. Secret is also a power device. Power is the social capacity to do, create, not doing and stop from doing. Secret and power get mutual feedback. Power uses the secret to protect his potential, be it what may, to increment its operative strength. Secret uses the power to achieve its aims and proposals. Social sciences seem to ignore the huge explanatory capacity of these two interrelated concepts, and even more, their powerful intervention in societies.