998 resultados para Social polices
Esta dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a relação entre capital portador de juros e programas de transferência de renda na atualidade. O objetivo pretendido é a análise da dinâmica de organização desta forma de capital e seus desdobramentos na contemporaneidade, bem como os impactos e determinações impostas às políticas sociais em tempos de financeirização do capital. Partimos da hipótese de que os programas de transferência de renda contribuem para o processo de contra-reforma das políticas sociais, tanto pela focalização preconizada como pela priorização orçamentária, em detrimento dos demais programas e projetos da assistência social, além de permitirem a remuneração do capital portador de juros por meio dos recursos que destinam às instituições bancárias. A pesquisa realizada utilizou-se de análise documental e teórica com base na tradição marxista, buscando analisar criticamente as configurações das políticas sociais na atualidade e o papel das transferências de renda. Buscamos ainda analisar o orçamento público no âmbito federal referente à Seguridade Social e, em particular, aos programas de transferência de renda no âmbito da Assistência Social. Escolhemos estudar o orçamento da Renda Mensal Vitalícia, o Benefício de Prestação Continuada e o Programa Bolsa-Família, entre os anos de 2006 e 2009, analisando os recursos que estes destinam às instituições bancárias que operacionalizam o repasse dos benefícios. O resultado da pesquisa demonstrou que os programas de transferência de renda são estratégias de contra-reformar as políticas sociais ao incentivar o processo de assistencialização da Seguridade Social visto que apresentam um aumento contínuo e substancial no âmbito orçamentário e ao operarem com a seletividade do atendimento aos mais pobres na contramão dos princípios fundamentais presentes no texto constitucional. São ainda mecanismos de alimentação do capital portador de juros ao repassarem consideráveis somas de recursos para as instituições bancárias e inserirem a classe trabalhadora pobre no mundo das finanças.
Includes bibliography
A partir de las transformaciones desarrolladas en el sistema de acumulación capitalista y la reforma del Estado se desarrollan nuevas políticas sociales destinadas a mitigar la pobreza. Con este modelo de abordaje de la cuestión social, desde distintos ámbitos (académicos organizaciones sociales, gubernamentales, entre otros), surge la preocupación por el análisis de la gestión de los programas sociales para evaluar su capacidad de transformación de los problemas sociales. En este trabajo analizamos la gestión social del Programa de Mejoramiento Barrial (PROMEBA) en el barrio Malvinas Argentinas 1º Sección (Córdoba) para comprender cómo la modalidad de gestión desarrollada transforma la política e incide en las posibilidades de afrontar la problemática de la informalidad y pobreza urbana.
This document outlines a framework that could be used by government agencies in assessing policy interventions aimed at achieving social outcomes from government construction contracts. The framework represents a rational interpretation of the information gathered during the multi-outcomes construction policies project. The multi-outcomes project focused on the costs and benefits of using public construction contracts to promote the achievement of training and employment and public art objectives. The origin of the policy framework in a cost-benefit appraisal of current policy interventions is evidenced by its emphasis on sensitivity to policy commitment and project circumstances (especially project size and scope).The quantitative and qualitative analysis conducted in the multi-outcomes project highlighted, first, that in the absence of strong industry commitment to policy objectives, policy interventions typically result in high levels of avoidance activity, substantial administrative costs and very few benefits. Thus, for policy action on, for example, training or local employment to be successful compliance issues must be adequately addressed. Currently it appears that pre-qualification schemes (similar to the Priority Access Scheme) and schemes that rely on measuring, for example, the training investments of contractors within particular projects do not achieve high levels of compliance and involve significant administrative costs. Thus, an alternative is suggested in the policy framework developed here: a levy on each public construction project – set as a proportion of the total project costs. Although a full evaluation of this policy alternative was beyond the scope of the multi-outcomes construction policies project, it appears to offer the potential to minimize the transaction costs on contractors whilst enabling the creation of a training agency dedicated to improving the supply of skilled construction labour. A recommendation is thus made that this policy alternative be fully researched and evaluated. As noted above, the outcomes of the multi-outcomes research project also highlighted the need for sensitivity to project circumstances in the development and implementation of polices for public construction projects. Ideally a policy framework would have the flexibility to respond to circumstances where contractors share a commitment to the policy objectives and are able to identify measurable social outcomes from the particular government projects they are involved in. This would involve a project-by-project negotiation of goals and performance measures. It is likely to only be practical for large, longer term projects.
There is general agreement in the scientific community that entrepreneurship plays a central role in the growth and development of an economy in rapidly changing environments (Acs & Virgill 2010). In particular, when business activities are regarded as a vehicle for sustainable growth at large, that goes beyond mere economic returns of singular entities, encompassing also social problems and heavily relying on collaborative actions, then we more precisely fall into the domain of ‘social entrepreneurship’(Robinson et al. 2009). In the entrepreneurship literature, prior studies demonstrated the role of intentionality as the best predictor of planned behavior (Ajzen 1991), and assumed that the intention to start a business derives from the perception of desirability and feasibility and from a propensity to act upon an opportunity (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975). Recognizing that starting a business is an intentional act (Krueger et al. 2000) and entrepreneurship is a planned behaviour (Katz & Gartner 1988), models of entrepreneurial intentions have substantial implications for intentionality research in entrepreneurship. The purpose of this paper is to explore the emerging practice of social entrepreneurship by comparing the determinants of entrepreneurial intention in general versus those leading to startups with a social mission. Social entrepreneurial intentions clearly merit to be investigated given that the opportunity identification process is an intentional process not only typical of for profit start-ups, and yet there is a lack of research examining opportunity recognition in social entrepreneurship (Haugh 2005). The key argument is that intentionality in both traditional and social entrepreneurs during the decision-making process of new venture creation is influenced by an individual's perceptions toward opportunities (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975). Besides opportunity recognition, at least two other aspects can substantially influence intentionality: human and social capital (Davidsson, 2003). This paper is set to establish if and to what extent the social intentions of potential entrepreneurs, at the cognitive level, are influenced by opportunities recognition, human capital, and social capital. By applying established theoretical constructs, the paper draws comparisons between ‘for-profit’ and ‘social’ intentionality using two samples of students enrolled in Economy and Business Administration at the University G. d’Annunzio in Pescara, Italy. A questionnaire was submitted to 310 potential entrepreneurs to test the robustness of the model. The collected data were used to measure the theoretical constructs of the paper. Reliability of the multi-item scale for each dimension was measured using Cronbach alpha, and for all the dimensions measures of reliability are above 0.70. We empirically tested the model using structural equation modeling with AMOS. The results allow us to empirically contribute to the argument regarding the influence of human and social cognitive capital on social and non-social entrepreneurial intentions. Moreover, we highlight the importance for further researchers to look deeper into the determinants of traditional and social entrepreneurial intention so that governments can one day define better polices and regulations that promote sustainable businesses with a social imprint, rather than inhibit their formation and growth.
Esta pesquisa avalia o estilo de gestão do CMAS/POA na elaboração da política de assistência social do município, na visão dos seus próprios integrantes (conselheiros). Baseiase no modelo de análise de estilo de gestão estruturado por Rensis Likert, aplicado às condições e contexto de um conselho de assistência social. Todos os 35 conselheiros municipais responderam a um questionário de levantamento de dados quantitativos, utilizando uma escala tipo Likert, com respostas no intervalo de 1 a 4, correspondendo aos estilos de gestão: autoritário-forte, autoritário-benévolo, participativoconsultivo e participativo-grupal. As questões abrangem aspectos relativos às dimensões ou temas: processos de liderança utilizados, natureza das forças motivacionais, do processo de comunicação, do processo de influência e interação, do processo decisório, do sistema de metas e diretrizes, do processo de controle e metas de desempenho e treinamento. Os resultados evidenciam que o estilo de gestão do CMAS/POA é o participativoconsultivo. A análise das variáveis causais permite sugerir diversas ações para tornar o estilo de gestão participativo grupal.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Knowing when to compete and when to cooperate to maximize opportunities for equal access to activities and materials in groups is critical to children's social and cognitive development. The present study examined the individual (gender, social competence) and contextual factors (gender context) that may determine why some children are more successful than others. One hundred and fifty-six children (M age=6.5 years) were divided into 39 groups of four and videotaped while engaged in a task that required them to cooperate in order to view cartoons. Children within all groups were unfamiliar to one another. Groups varied in gender composition (all girls, all boys, or mixed-sex) and social competence (high vs. low). Group composition by gender interaction effects were found. Girls were most successful at gaining viewing time in same-sex groups, and least successful in mixed-sex groups. Conversely, boys were least successful in same-sex groups and most successful in mixed-sex groups. Similar results were also found at the group level of analysis; however, the way in which the resources were distributed differed as a function of group type. Same-sex girl groups were inequitable but efficient whereas same-sex boy groups were more equitable than mixed groups but inefficient compared to same-sex girl groups. Social competence did not influence children's behavior. The findings from the present study highlight the effect of gender context on cooperation and competition and the relevance of adopting an unfamiliar peer paradigm when investigating children's social behavior.