839 resultados para Social intervention


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This is a study exploring teenaged girls’ understanding and experiences of cyberbullying as a contemporary social phenomenon. Participants included 4 Grade 11 and 12 girls from a medium-sized independent school in southwestern Ontario, Canada. The girls participated in 9 extracurricular study sessions from January to April 2013. During the sessions, they engaged with Drama for Social Intervention (Clark, 2009; Conrad, 2004; Lepp, 2011) activities with the intended goal of producing a collective creation. Qualitative data were collected throughout the sessions using fieldnotes, participant journals, interviews, and participant artefacts. The findings are presented as an ethnodrama (Campbell & Conrad, 2006; Denzin, 2003; Saldaña, 1999) with each thematic statement forming a title of a scene in the script (Rogers, Frellick, & Babinski, 2002). The study found that girl identity online consists of many disconnected avatars. It also suggested that distancing (Eriksson, 2011) techniques, used to engender safety in Drama for Social Intervention, might have contributed to participant disengagement with the study’s content. Implications for further research included the utility of arts-based methods to promote participants’ feelings of growth and reflection, and a reevaluation of cyberbullying discourses to better reflect girls’ multiple avatar identities. Implications for teachers and administrators encompassed a need for preventative approaches to cyberbullying education, incorporating affective empathy-building (Ang & Goh, 2010) and addressing girls’ feelings of safety in perceived anonymity online.


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The research design for this paper is based on the critical need for greater emphasis by Australian arts organizations on relationship marketing as a means of achieving sustainability. Recent injections of government funds into the performing arts in Australia, to meet a "crisis" in financial viability and audience development, highlighted the dependence of arts organizations on government funds in building audiences. A hypothesis was developed through an analysis of the literature on relationship marketing, cultural economics and value measurement, and an analysis of the long-term outcomes of government strategies for the funding of arts marketing. The hypothesis is that while social intervention is acceptable (even desirable and necessary), and achieves the social goals of governments, market intervention reduces the benefits of relationship-building and the exchange of values between arts organizations and their audiences.

Analysis of government documents and primary research in audience development proved the hypothesis. Empirical research resulted in the development of a theory and model that describe the limits of market intervention and in the development of a definition of values in the continuum of government activity from social to market intervention. The model could be useful for governments in developing arts policy with regard to audiencebuilding. It could also be useful in demonstrating to arts managers that sustainability results not from government funding but rather from relationship-marketing strategies.


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Portugal, in particular, and Europe in general are paradigms of diversity in unity and of the need for intercultural mediation and social intervention policies enabling the reception, hospitality, respect for others and their training in a more inclusive society. From a research and sociological and anthropological level of knowledge, the ESECS-IPLeiria invested, in 2013, on a Master program in Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention that is a unique example in Portugal. In this paper, in addition to present the Master’s curriculum, we invest in the distinction between preventive mediation, transformative and social empowerment, rather than focusing on solving, typical of conflict resolution, based on the questionable pillar of neutrality and impartiality.


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[es] La finalidad de esta investigación consiste en dar significado y comprender el enfoque del Buen Vivir como una alternativa al modelo actual de desarrollo. El situar la solidaridad y el pensamiento colectivo en las acciones dirigidas al cambio social, es un reto asumido en esta investigación. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis en profundidad de los principios y teorías que están en la base de este enfoque y, a partir de este, se proponen cinco claves a tener en cuenta en una intervención social, inspiradas en el Sumak Kawsay. Finalmente, se exponen directrices para construir puentes entre el Buen Vivir y la Educación Social, para dotar a la acción comunitaria de una visión holística que se asiente en la concepción del Bien Común.


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Uma das principais discussões na dimensão social perpassa sobre o tema emancipação social, o que na concepção de Santos (2007, p.17) é um conceito absolutamente central na modernidade. Estudos que venham revelar as evidências emancipadoras por meio das práticas de projetos sociais são relevantes socialmente e representam alternativas de intervenção social. A tese central é a de que os projetos de intervenção social em áreas de vulnerabilidade social propiciam a emancipação dos atores locais. Este estudo se justifica pela necessidade de compreender como são construídas essas redes de intervenção social que atuam em comunidades pobres. Os objetivos do estudo foram: i) verificar as possibilidades de emancipação que se associam às políticas e práticas de extensão universitária; ii) identificar as representações de mulheres sobre o tempo que destinam a esperar os filhos que participam de atividades em uma Vila Olímpica; iii) analisar os objetivos e ações que mobilizaram a Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), com atenção na fundação e sua trajetória, do Street Basket das Favelas, em 2005, à competição Taça das Favelas, em 2011; iv) identificar o conteúdo das representações sociais (RS) acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Para a realização dos estudos, adotou-se a abordagem qualitativa. No primeiro estudo utilizou-se a metodologia da análise documental para seleção dos documentos e análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2009) para identificação das categorias a serem analisadas. Definimos um marco referencial básico a partir das reflexões de Boaventura de Sousa Santos e Paulo Freire para conceituar a extensão e emancipação social. Os tópicos contemplados na análise se desdobraram em três questões: qual a concepção de extensão universitária está presente nos documentos institucionais; de que forma a universidade promove a articulação com o território; como se dá a prática da extensão universitária na UNISUAM. Os resultados da análise evidenciaram processos emancipadores nas práticas extensionistas. O segundo estudo é de natureza etnográfica, com aportes da etnometodologia e da pesquisa-ação colaborativa. O grupo pesquisado se caracteriza por mulheres que frequentam a Vila Olímpica do Complexo do Alemão. Os resultados em relação à representação das mulheres sobre o tempo que esperam os filhos revelaram que é um tempo para a aprendizagem. O terceiro estudo é sobre o papel da CUFA na cultura hip hop no basquetebol, no Rio de Janeiro e na Taça das Favelas, uma competição de futebol de campo entre 80 seleções, com jovens moradores das favelas. O estudo seguinte é sobre representações sociais acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Os dados provêm de entrevista semiestruturada com 11 jogadores da Taça das Favelas.


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This article studies the gender values that are promoted both in the literacy courses for gypsy women beneficiaries of the Social Integration Revenue Policy of the Region of Madrid and in the events that are organized for this group by public institutions and NGOs. The process of “socialization” that occurs in the educative groups for Gypsy women is focused on constructing an image of what it is to be a “Gypsy modern woman”. Through multiple mechanisms and discursive techniques a specific conception of gender equality is transmitted in these educative spaces. In addition to this, Gypsy women are continually urged to assume certain values and social practices (of gender identity, of "citizenship", of parenting, etc..), while an archetype of "Gypsy Woman" which condenses powerful stereotypes and prejudices about the "Gypsy culture" and the gender relations characteristics of this group is constructed.


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The objective of the present study is to examine the extent to which social ventures are able to increase the smartness of the cities. To achieve this goal, we adopt a qualitative approach, based on the case study method to obtain valuable insights about different characteristics and strategies of Cais (a non-profit association dedicated to help disadvantaged people in urban areas). By focusing on the analysis of the Cais activities, we assess whether its social intervention match the dimensions proposed by Giffinger et al. (2007) to rank smart cities’ performance, namely if it has smart: (i) economy; (ii) people; (iii) governance; (iv) mobility; (v) environment; and (vi) living. The research shows that the action pursued comprises elements from all the above mentioned dimensions. Further, the analysis reveals that Cais reinforces the smartness of the city where it acts (attributes such as living, economy, people, and environment).


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De grandes enquêtes en milieu scolaire, au Québec comme ailleurs, ont documenté depuis les années 2000 la portée des violences homophobes, particulièrement à l’école secondaire, ainsi que leurs impacts négatifs sur les élèves qui en sont victimes, qu’ils s’identifient ou non comme lesbiennes, gais, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement (LGBQ). La diffusion des résultats de ces enquêtes, ainsi que les constats similaires d’acteurs sur le terrain, ont fait accroitre les appels à la vigilance des écoles quant aux discriminations homophobes pouvant prendre forme en leur enceinte. Plusieurs des responsabilités résultant de cette mobilisation ont échoué par défaut aux enseignants, notamment en raison de leur proximité avec leurs élèves. Cependant, malgré la panoplie de publications et de formations visant explicitement à les outiller à ce sujet, les enseignants rapportent de manière consistante manquer de formation, d’habiletés, de soutien et d’aise à l’idée d’intervenir contre l’homophobie ou de parler de diversité sexuelle en classe. Cette thèse de doctorat vise à comprendre les pratiques d’intervention et d’enseignement que rapportent avoir les enseignants de l’école secondaire québécoise, toutes orientations sexuelles confondues, par rapport à la diversité sexuelle et à l’homophobie. Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, nous avons interrogé la sociologie de l’éducation, les études de genre (gender studies) et les études gaies et lesbiennes, ainsi qu’emprunté aux littératures sur les pratiques enseignantes et sur l’intervention sociale. Les données colligées consistent en des entrevues semi-structurées menées auprès de 22 enseignants du secondaire, validées auprès de 243 enseignants, par le biais d’un questionnaire en ligne. Étayés dans trois articles scientifiques, les résultats de notre recherche permettent de mieux saisir la nature des pratiques enseignantes liées à la diversité sexuelle, mais également les mécanismes par lesquels elles viennent ou non à être adoptées par les enseignants. Les témoignages des enseignants ont permis d’identifier que les enseignants sont globalement au fait des attentes dont ils font l’objet en termes d’intervention contre l’homophobie. Ceci dit, en ce qu’ils sont guidés dans leurs interventions par le concept limité d’homophobie, ils ne paraissent pas toujours à même de saisir les mécanismes parfois subtils par lesquels opèrent les discriminations sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle, mais aussi des expressions de genre atypiques. De même, si la plupart disent condamner vertement l’homophobie dont ils sont témoins, les enseignants peuvent néanmoins adopter malgré eux des pratiques contribuant à reconduire l’hétérosexisme et à alimenter les mêmes phénomènes d’infériorisation que ceux qu’ils cherchent à combattre. Sauf exception, les enseignants tendent à comprendre le genre et l’expression de genre davantage comme des déterminants de type essentialiste avec lesquels ils doivent composer que comme des normes scolaires et sociales sur lesquelles ils peuvent, comme enseignants, avoir une quelconque influence. Les stratégies de gestion identitaire des enseignants LGB influencent les pratiques qu’ils rapportent être en mesure d’adopter. Ceux qui optent pour la divulgation, totale ou partielle, de leur homosexualité ou bisexualité peuvent autant rapporter adopter des pratiques inclusives que choisir de se tenir à distance de telles pratiques, alors que ceux qui favorisent la dissimulation rapportent plutôt éviter autant que possible ces pratiques, de manière à se garder de faire face à des situations potentiellement délicates. Également, alors que les enseignants LGB étaient presque exclusivement vus jusqu’ici comme ceux chez qui et par qui se jouaient ces injonctions à la vie privée, les enseignants hétérosexuels estiment également être appelés à se positionner par rapport à leur orientation sexuelle lorsqu’ils mettent en œuvre de telles pratiques. Nos résultats révèlent un double standard dans l’évocation de la vie privée des enseignants. En effet, la divulgation d’une orientation hétérosexuelle, considérée comme normale, est vue comme conciliable avec la neutralité attendue des enseignants, alors qu’une révélation similaire par un enseignant LGB est comprise comme un geste politique qui n’a pas sa place dans une salle de classe, puisqu’elle se fait au prix du bris d’une présomption d’hétérosexualité. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’il existe de fortes prescriptions normatives relatives à la mise en genre et à la mise en orientation sexuelle à l’école. Les enseignants s’inscrivent malgré eux dans cet environnement hétéronormatif. Ils peuvent être amenés à y jouer un rôle important, que ce soit en contribuant à la reconduction de ces normes (par exemple, en taisant les informations relatives à la diversité sexuelle) ou en les contestant (par exemple, en expliquant que certains stéréotypes accolés à l’homosexualité relèvent d’aprioris non fondés). Les discours des enseignants suggèrent également qu’ils sont traversés par ces normes. Ils peuvent en effet choisir de se conformer aux attentes normatives dont ils font l’objet (par exemple, en affirmant leur hétérosexualité), ou encore d’y résister (par exemple, en divulguant leur homosexualité à leurs élèves, ou en évitant de conforter les attentes dont ils font l’objet) au risque d’être conséquemment pénalisés. Bien entendu, cette influence des normes de genre diffère d’un enseignant à l’autre, mais semble jouer autant sur les enseignants hétérosexuels que LGB. Les enseignants qui choisissent de contester, explicitement ou implicitement, certaines de ces normes dominantes rapportent chercher des appuis formels à leurs démarches. Dans ce contexte, une telle quête de légitimation (par exemple, la référence aux règlements contre l’homophobie, la mobilisation des similitudes entre l’homophobie et le racisme, ou encore le rapprochement de ces enseignements avec les apprentissages prescrits pour leur matière) est à comprendre comme un outillage à la contestation normative. La formation professionnelle des enseignants sur l’homophobie et sur la diversité sexuelle constitue un autre de ces outils. Alors que les enseignants québécois continuent d’être identifiés comme des acteurs clés dans la création et le maintien d’environnements scolaires non-discriminatoires et inclusifs aux réalités de la diversité sexuelle, il est impératif de les appuyer en multipliant les signes formels tangibles sur lesquelles leurs initiatives peuvent prendre appui (politiques explicites, curriculum scolaire inclusif de ces sujets, etc.). Nos résultats plaident en faveur d’une formation enseignante sur la diversité sexuelle, qui ferait partie du tronc commun de la formation initiale des maîtres. Chez les enseignants en exercice, il nous apparait préférable de miser sur une accessibilité accrue des formations et des outils disponibles. En réponse toutefois aux limites que pose à long terme une approche cumulative des formations spécifiques portant sur différents types d’oppressions (l’homophobie, le racisme, le sexisme, etc.), nous argumentons en faveur d’un modèle d’éducation anti-oppressive au sein duquel les élèves seraient invités à considérer, non seulement la multiplicité et le caractère situé des divers types d’oppressions, mais également les mécanismes d’attribution de privilège, de constitution de la normalité et de la marginalité, et de présentation de ces arbitraires culturels comme des ordres naturels.


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Crises cause social disturbances within their host organisation and the patterns of interpersonal ties that emerge are an important determinant of crisis management efficiency. In this article, social network analysis is used within a construction project context, to demonstrate that efficient crisis management depends upon the design and maintenance of an appropriate social fabric. However, crises have defence mechanisms that make management difficult by inducing forces that encourage people to pursue inappropriate social ties. Purposeful social intervention is therefore an essential part of the crisis management process to confront and avoid disorganisation.


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Many intervention programmes to increase the number of women in theInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) profession have been implemented over the last twenty years. Detailed evaluations help us to determine the effectiveness of these programmes yet few comprehensive evaluations appear in the literature.The research reported here describes an investigation of the evaluation of the intervention programmes focusing on increasing the enrolment and retention of females in ICT in Australia. This paper describes an empirical study which explores how evaluation has been and might be conducted and concludes with guidelines for evaluation for those developing programmes for increasing the participation of women in ICT.The guidelines encourage evaluation to be considered early, highlight the importance of establishing objective outcomes and promote the publication of results to build knowledge for those planning programmes in the future. Further, the developed guidelines could adapted and used with other ICT intervention programs.


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Introduction The social agenda is long-term in nature, in the sense that poverty alleviation along with a better distribution of income, wealth and opportunities are long-term goals. A sound macroeconomic policy, on the other hand, has to do largely with the consistent management of short-term policy instruments pursuing a sustainable and predictable pace for aggregate economic variables and major prices (wages, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates). In spite of the different arena and rationale in which they play, there are strong links between the two. First and most obvious, macroeconomic adjustment and structural reform are more likely to be sustainable when they are equitable. Second, social intervention —i.e., policies, programmes and reforms aimed at improving social performance in the long run—, needs stable funding which is not always available in view of macroeconomic constraints. Third, macroeconomic instability —especially episodes of recession or hyperinflation— increases poverty and inequality, while restoring macroeconomic equilibrium does not restore previous social balances. Finally, there is no unique macroeconomic policy mix to tackle a given situation, and the policy options may not be neutral from a social standpoint. Monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies, together with structural reform, have major consequences for the social wellbeing of societies, not only in terms of protection against shocks and crises but also in terms of equity. Many, if not all, of the necessary social policies are of a domestic nature. This report thus concentrates on domestic strategies aimed at maximizing the linkages between consistent macroeconomic policies and social progress. Pursuing them, however, depends to a considerable extent on the international enabling environment in which the global financial system, the unsettled debt crisis and increasing ODA flows play a significant role. Countries operate in a world economy where market players everywhere immediately scrutinize domestic monetary, financial or fiscal policy decisions and the performance of exchange rate regimes of individual countries. Under these conditions, the room for manoeuvre of policymakers has become considerably constrained. Consequently, it is becoming increasingly complex to incorporate the social dimensions into such policy decisions, to the extent that external analysts consider that authorities are sacrificing sound macroeconomic policies. The main message of the report is that the expediency of short-term economic efficiency as embedded in much of the advice on macroeconomic stability needs to be tempered by long-term development objectives. The report starts with a short historical background which describes the ascendancy of macroeconomic policies over social development policies (chapter I). It continues with an evaluation of the relation between macroeconomic consistency and social effort (chapter II), and the importance of sustainable and stable growth for social progress (chapter III). The report then turns to the need for an equity-enhancing growth strategy (chapter IV) and an analysis of the priorities of social policies in an integrated approach to growth (chapter V). The final chapter adds some final institutional remarks.


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Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo etnográfico em uma comunidade ribeirinha da várzea amazônica, destacando suas especificidades em relação ao uso dos recursos naturais. Tendo como elemento de análise um projeto de desenvolvimento da pequena produção agrícola, elaborado com base em resultados de investigações científicas, direcionado ao manejo participativo dos recursos naturais, com acompanhamento do processo, através de avaliações periódicas dos resultados obtidos, em conjunto entre extensionistas do Instituto Mamirauá e as famílias camponesas. O objetivo da dissertação é analisar uma situação de intervenção social direcionada ao manejo sustentado de produtos agrícolas, em uma área de Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável na várzea amazônica. Este estudo traz elementos que contribuem para a compreensão dos resultados dos investimentos feitos na produção agrícola das famílias da comunidade de São Francisco do Aiucá, possibilitando a interação entre o pensar-fazer a partir do entendimento dos resultados e avaliação da intervenção social. Através de alguns indicadores, construídos com uso das metodologias participativas, foi possível avaliar as alterações nas atividades econômicas de São Francisco do Aiucá, e outras formas de uso dos recursos naturais, identificando alternativas para diversificação do plantio e formas de organização para a comercialização desses produtos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)