866 resultados para Social Issue


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The role of particular third sector organisations, Social Clubs, in supporting gambling through the use of EGMs in venues presents as a difficult social issue. Social Clubs gain revenue from gambling activities; but also contribute to social well-being through the provision of services to communities. The revenues derived from gambling in specific geographic locales has been seen by government as a way to increase economic development particularly in deprived areas. However there are also concerns about accessibility of low-income citizens to Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMS) and the high level of gambling overall in these deprived areas. We argue that social capital can be viewed as a guard against deleterious effects of unconstrained use of EGM gambling in communities. However, it is contended that social capital may also be destroyed by gambling activity if commercial business actors are able to use EGMs without community obligations to service provision. This paper examines access to gambling through EGMs and its relationship to social capital and the consequent effect on community resilience, via an Australian case study. The results highlight the potential two-way relationship between gambling and volunteering, such that volunteering (and social capital more generally) may help protect against problems of gambling, but also that volunteering as an activity may be damaged by increased gambling activity. This suggests that, regardless of the direction of causation, it is necessary to build up social capital via volunteering and other social capital activities in areas where EGMS are concentrated. The study concludes that Social Clubs using EGMs to derive funds are uniquely positioned within the community to develop programs that foster social capital creation and build community resilience in deprived areas.


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This study used both content and frame analyses to test news-media representations of homelessness in The Courier-Mail newspaper for evidence of restricted journalism practice. Specifically, it sought signs of either direct manipulation of issue representation based on ideological grounds, and also evidence of news organisations prioritising low-cost news production over Public Sphere journalistic news values. The study found that news stories from the earlier parts of the longitudinal study showed stereotypical misrepresentations of homelessness for public deliberation which might be attributed to either, or both of the nominated restricting factors. However news stories from the latter part of the study saw a distinct change in the way the issue was represented, indicating a journalistic capacity to thoughtfully and sensitively represent a complex social issue to the public. Further study is recommended to ascertain how and why this change occurred, so that journalistic practice might be further improved.


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The Earth and its peoples are facing great challenges. As a species, humans are over-consuming the Earth’s resources and compromising the capacity of both natural and social systems to function in healthy and sustainable ways. Education at all levels and in all contexts, has a key role in helping societies move to more sustainable ways of living. Two areas in need of catch-up in relation to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) are early childhood education and teacher education. Another area of challenge for ESD is the way it is currently oriented. To date, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on scientific and technological solutions to sustainability issues. This has led to an emphasis on STEM education as education’s main way of addressing sustainability. However, in this paper it is argued that sustainably is primarily a social issue that requires interdisciplinary education approaches. STEM approaches to ESD - emphasising knowledge construction and problem-solving - cannot, on their own, deal effectively with attitudes, values and actions towards more sustainable ways of living. In China and Australia, there are already policies, frameworks, guidelines and initiatives, such as Green Schools and Sustainable Schools that support such forms of ESD. STEM educators need to reach out to social scientists and social educators in order to more fully engage with activist and collaborative educational responses that equip learners with the knowledge, dispositions and capacities to ‘make a difference’.


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A presente pesquisa centrou-se em analisar as implicações do processo de supervisão e sua importância para a formação acadêmico-profissional em Serviço Social, tendo como pressuposto o acompanhamento sistemático realizado pelo assistente social junto ao discente, uma das dimensões que envolvem a supervisão, qual seja, a supervisão profissional ou de campo. O objetivo do estudo sobre essa dimensão da formação profissional refletiu o entendimento da realidade profissional, das transformações no mundo do trabalho e as respectivas formas de enfrentamento da questão social. Tratou do processo de supervisão acadêmico-profissional em Serviço Social no município de Ipatinga/MG a partir dos projetos de extensão universitária coordenados pelo curso de Serviço Social da UNIPAC/Campus Vale do aço, onde são desenvolvidas atividades que envolvem ações de assistentes sociais e se constituem em espaços sócio-ocupacionais onde se inserem estagiários. A hipótese do presente estudo é de que existe uma tensão entre a proposta das Diretrizes Curriculares da Associação Brasileira de Ensino em Serviço Social (ABESS), de 1996 e sua efetivação em um contexto de aceleramento de privatização do ensino superior e das condições de trabalho dos profissionais. Os pressupostos relacionados à direção social ou ao aparato legal para a profissão são norteados e conduzidos pelas diretrizes curriculares. E a direção assumida pela profissão a partir das mudanças que vinculam a ação profissional ao projeto societário da classe trabalhadora, demanda novas respostas profissionais, que vão se refletir diretamente numa exigência de um trabalho profissional que ultrapasse o mero fazer cotidiano. Para a apreensão do objeto de estudo, procurou-se discutir a formação profissional mediante o que está preconizado nas Diretrizes Curriculares de 1996. Num segundo momento discutiu-se acerca da mercantilização do ensino superior pós década de 1990 e a UNIPAC nesse contexto. Já no capítulo 3 foram analisadas as particularidades do processo de supervisão de campo no universo dos projetos de extensão da UNIPAC e as condições de trabalho dos supervisores de campo. Nas considerações mais conclusivas é apresentado um balanço da pesquisa realizada, buscando apontar possíveis desafios e tendências para a formação profissional dos assistentes sociais na atualidade.


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Este estudo objetiva apresentar contribuições para o aprofundamento do debate acerca da relação entre questão social e mídia no Brasil, articulando esta temática à discussão sobre as particularidades da formação social brasileira, com destaque para o conceito de revolução passiva no pensamento de Antonio Gramsci. A aproximação a este complexo campo de reflexão se dará, em seus aspectos gerais, pela articulação entre três grandes debates teóricos: a) o concernente à questão social, sobretudo a discussão realizada no interior do Serviço Social, pelo estudo de suas expressões e determinações fundantes, seu desenvolvimento histórico, as particularidades que assume na formação social brasileira e em tempos de hegemonia neoliberal; b) o denso debate sobre as particularidades do desenvolvimento histórico da formação social brasileira, tendo como fio condutor a noção de revolução burguesa, tal como desenvolvida por Florestan Fernandes. O diálogo com autores que trataram das especificidades do desenvolvimento capitalista e da instauração da ordem burguesa no Brasil, aporta não apenas elementos para se pensar na questão social no País, mas também, compreender a conexão entre a trajetória histórica da sociedade brasileira que, a nosso ver, é marcada por momentos de transição pelo alto (o que Gramsci chamou de revolução passiva) e a relevância e influência que a chamada grande mídia tem na sociedade brasileira atual; c) o debate teórico entorno do conceito de hegemonia no pensamento de Gramsci, no sentido de compreender a função e o lugar da grande mídia na luta de classes, articulando o conceito de hegemonia compreendido como a capacidade de uma classe formar e conservar seu poder através da direção intelectual e moral às noções de sociedade civil, senso comum, aparelhos privados de hegemonia, cultura, entre outros. Trata-se de uma análise de caráter fundamentalmente teórico-interpretativo, que não pode prescindir, assim sendo, de uma análise que, partindo do presente, se aproxime de processos históricos elementares para pensar o contexto atual, sobre o qual incide nossa proposta de estudo. Na condição de aparelho privado de hegemonia, a mídia burguesa cumpre a função de fabricar e difundir consensos que formam o senso comum e contribuem para a reprodução da passivização das classes subalternas. No Brasil, essa questão assume dimensão diferenciada, em virtude das recorrentes soluções pelo alto, típicas de uma revolução burguesa experimentada como revolução sem revolução, que marcaram a trajetória histórica do país. Nesse processo, o Estado assume protagonismo para preservar a hegemonia das classes dominantes, excluindo a massa do povo de exercer influência na direção da vida política e social através da repressão direta e da coerção e através da construção de estratégias destinadas à obtenção do consenso das classes subalternas. Com a hegemonia neoliberal, efetiva-se um aprofundamento da subordinação e passivização destas classes, por um novo processo de fragilização de seus aparelhos de disputa por hegemonia, ao mesmo tempo que grandes conglomerados midiáticos se formam e se fortalecem, interferindo em todas as esferas da vida social e participando na construção de uma direção hegemônica da sociedade que seja favorável à preservação da ordem.


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Latin America is known as the most unequal region in the world, where extreme displays of wealth and exposure to scarcity lay bare in the urban landscape. Inequality is not just a social issue; it has considerable impact on economic development. This is because social inequality generates instability and conflict, which can create unsettling conditions for investment. At the macro level, social inequality can also present barriers to economic development, as most government policies and resources tend to be directed in solving social conflict rather than to promote and generate growth. This is one of the reasons usually cited in explaining the development gap between Latin America and other emerging economies, take East Asia for example - they have similar policies to those applied recently in Latin America, but are achieving better growth. The other reason cited is institutional; this includes governance as well as property rights and enforcement of contracts. The latter is the focus of this chapter.


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The present study analyses the actual relations and work conditions found in the third sector in Natal city, in the context of productive restoration and increasingly retraction from the State in providing Social Service before the new approach that has been destined to the social issue. The study talks about the work of the social worker when fighting the different expressions the social issue has, such as social service provision as a way of teamwork associated to work relations and conditions, to accessible resources and quality control management. These are elements that affect and interfere in the accomplishment and in the work of the social worker itself. The State s improvement, according to neoliberal-political precepts and increasingly retraction from the public investment in the areas of social concern (health, social welfare, assistance) and in the wage and employment policy, besides expanding the partnership with the public and private areas, in search for social services with quality, it has diversified the structures of the professional work with the growth of the so called third sector institutions. However, the absorption of the social workers by the third sector groups in general, has as major features the impoverishment of work relations, the maintenance of an unequal salary model, pointing out the deadline contracts and/or single tasks that generate work instability. The research debates, with a critical view and full perspective, over the conception of the third sector, interpreted as an action that expresses functions and values, treated as a real phenomenon generated from the restoration of the capital based on neoliberal principles. This study aims for responding what the established work relations are and under what work conditions the social worker has been fitting in the third sector and how such a reality echoes in the current work conditions for a social work in the city of Natal, before this new model of state intervention that transfers part of the social service provision to distinctive divisions of society, among them the so called third sector. The research results have shown that like the other workers the social worker passes through the same crises, dilemmas, advances and challenges that occur in the world of employment and which are expressed in the drop of salary average in the growth of contemporary contracts, unemployment, and in the ever more selective requirements to one be included in the social spaces, where the professional work is done, having as a result a greater impoverishment of work relations and conditions as well as more vulnerability as a salaried occupation


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The present study deals with the exercise of professional social workers in private health care plans registered with the Regional Council of Medicine/RN, in the city of Natal/RN, with regards to the demands/tasks, work conditions, and the professional response, given the climate of restructuring the capital. The set of socio-historical transformations, as a results of the dynamic capitalist, is a process of new configurations in relation to state and society that interfere directly in relation to working conditions, social rights historically won by workers. In this context, the operator of health plans arises as a possibilities to provide services in health, through the logic of the market, in which the subjects of law, become consumers contributing to the displacement of the responsibilities of the State. Obligating workers to lessen the burden with the reproduction of their workforce. This involves changing societal context for social service, since it is one of the professions that are active in terms of the immediate social issue, and come as part of the collective worker. From qualitative research based on a theoretical and methodological perspective and critical dialectics, it was possible to unveil some features and trends of the exercise of(a) social operators in private health care plans. The survey results indicated that : a) the demands and duties for certain social service, are associated with the redevelopment of the capital, whose requirements and responsibilities professionals have with their needs, particularly the guarantee of profit, services rendered; b) in the conditions of work there is a trend of insecurity uncertainty and dismantling of professionals; c) the answers professionals suffer the limits and contradictions present in the daily training, mainly depending one the characteristics of management and operation of the operators, which has professional relative autonomy


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We will discuss the new determinations of the degradation of work in the historical conditions of the 21st century. Thus, considering the determinations of the structural value appreciation crisis and the prevalence of machinefacture as a new form of capital production, the degradation of work sets itself not only as wage degradation but also as existential degradation, changing the historical records of the social issue in the 21st century. We will briefly explain the concepts of global capitalism, machinefacture, structural value appreciation crisis, existential degradation, just-in-time way of life, and ideological work.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)