983 resultados para Small producers


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According to different opinion polls, French consumers lack information on fair trade products, albeit certification and labels existing on these products. Labelled fair trade products can be considered as credence goods. Moreover, the impacts of fair trade on the welfare of small producers remain controversial among researchers. Fair trade products are thus also prone to shared uncertainty regarding the global impacts on small producers, and fair trade products can also be considered as indeterminate goods. Faced with this important quality uncertainty, this paper questions the necessity to develop more transparency of fair trade towards consumers.


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La papa juega un rol significativo en el sistema global de alimentación. Es una fuente importante de empleo e ingresos en las áreas rurales. En Colombia, es la principal actividad agrícola de las zonas andinas desarrollada por cerca de 90.000 familias. Se caracteriza por el uso intensivo de fertilizantes y plaguicidas, alta demanda de mano de obra rural no calificada, y por ser un cultivo disperso, aislado, de pequeños productores con limitado acceso a la tecnología. En el modelo de gestión para el sector papero en Cundinamarca se dividió en dos procesos principales de los cuales se desprenden en preparación de la tierra, negociación y adquisición de la semilla, cultivación de la semilla, inspección y control del cultivo, cosecha, almacenamiento, transporte, venta a intermediarios y finalmente colocación del producto en los canales de distribución.


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Este proyecto hace parte de un convenio entre la Gobernación de Cundinamarca y la Universidad del Rosario para desarrollar el proyecto Municipio Saludable como Polo de Desarrollo Local en tres municipios de Cundinamarca: Machetá, Sesquilé y Mesitas de El Colegio. Dicho programa tiene cuatro ejes, de los cuales la Facultad de Administración desarrolla el primer eje que se relaciona con la Generación de empleo e Ingresos. La investigación, objeto de estudio se llevó a cabo en el municipio de Machetá, donde se trabajó el tema lácteo con pequeños productores y se desarrolló el módulo de marco lógico, en el que se llevaron a cabo las siguientes actividades: a) Contacto con la comunidad, visitas periódicas al Municipio. b) Elaboración y aplicación de encuestas a funcionarios de la Alcaldía, vendedores de plaza y productores. c) Procesamiento y análisis de resultados. d) Construcción de árbol de problemas con la comunidad, e) Construcción de árbol de objetivos. f) Socialización con la comunidad. g) Elaboración de estrategias. h) Conclusiones y recomendaciones. Para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los pequeños productores de leche se recomienda la organización de una cooperativa u otro tipo de asociación que les permita ofertar un producto con cantidades, con la calidad que requieren las empresas procesadoras o entrar en un proceso mas elaborado que implica el montaje de un tanque de enfriamiento con capacidad mínima de 3.000 litros/diarios y /o procesar la leche para producir quesos y otros productos derivados de leche. Obtener esto, estabilizaría precios, ingresos y les daría poder de negociación que es algo con lo que no cuentan actualmente los pequeños productores.


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En un mundo globalizado como en el que se vive hoy, se necesitan crear acuerdos comerciales e integraciones económicas que ayuden a la expansión comercial de los países que participan en dichos tratados. Por este motivo es que Colombia durante varias décadas ha buscado relaciones comerciales con diferentes países para facilitar la comercialización de los productos colombianos con el resto del mundo. Al entrar en un acuerdo económico como el Tratado del Libre Comercio se necesita tener productos competitivos, de buena calidad y diferenciados para que puedan mantenerse en un mercado internacional. Este es el caso del sector lácteo colombiano, que se ve amenazado por la firma del TLC con la Unión europea, ya que la Unión Europea es exportador neto de leche, y esto hace que el sector este preocupado el bienestar de pequeños productores, lo que traería como consecuencia un problema en la economía del país. Por este motivo el gobierno ha tomado medidas para proteger este sector y evitar repercusiones que pongan en peligro la estabilidad del sector y que se darán ayudas a este sector para que pueda mejorar sus procesos, renovación tecnológica, mejora de la productividad y demás campos en los que están mal para poder competir con los productores europeos, la ayuda es de 30 millones de euros durante los próximos 5 años; también el gobierno ha puesto restricciones a las cantidades que los países europeos puedan comercializar en Colombia con el fin de garantizar el bienestar de este sector.


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La empresa S.I.C.C. (soluciones integrales para el campo del Caribe) con el fin de seguir desarrollando su concepto empresarial, surge la idea de crear una nueva línea de negocio con énfasis en la producción de quesos para vender a minoristas. Para empezar a desarrollar esta nueva idea, los dueños tienen en cuenta el conocimiento de productores artesanales de queso, a los cuales proveen de leche. Debe tenerse en cuenta que estos productores no tienen sus negocios formalizados, sino por el contrario son productores informales que realizan la producción de queso de manera artesanal en sus casas, en donde la forma de producción no es la más adecuada por cuestiones fitosanitarias, transporte inadecuado, entre otros. Para hacer efectivo el proyecto, la empresa nos plantea al grupo crear un proyecto para acoger a estos pequeños productores de queso y formalizar su actividad productiva dentro de la empresa S.I.C.C. con el fin de crear una nueva línea de producto dentro de la compañía en donde se beneficiaran los productores y la empresa como tal; a partir de lo anterior se requiere realizar una investigación y planeación en cuanto al sector lácteo, particularmente en cuanto a los quesos en la región de Sucre, específicamente en Sincelejo. El proyecto surge con el fin de seguir apoyando la visión de la empresa, en donde se plantea que la empresa llegue a ser líder en el sector forestal y agropecuario, a través del desarrollo y ejecución de proyectos que sean generadores de empleo y que garanticen un crecimiento social y económico de las regiones donde se ejecuten.


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The working paper depicts two innovative examples from Japan of the direct supply of food, which involves the development of closer producer-consumer relations, as well as closer producer-producer networks. Choku-bai-jo and Teikei networks are considered as examples of practices implicated in alternative food networks (AFNs). One example has become a quasi-public endeavour and is seen by the Japanese state as a legitimate part of rural development and is promoted in support of small producers. The other is borne from consumer concern over food quality and, despite its long-lived status, this arrangement remains marginal and with little institutional or governmental support. A model which blends the organization and aims of both examples holds potential for a more sustainable eco-economic future.


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The research contemplates the dilemma faced by small rural communities producers¿ in north-eastern Brazil maintaining last longing relationships. Due to difficult social conditions in distant regions, small producers utilize practices of commercial exclusivity to obtain sustainability. In the Lago do Junco community case, located in the state of Maranhão, the babaçu oil exports¿, the social environmental appeal guarantee the cluster participants sustainability and the representation of women in society. But social problems related to the lack of formal education e the absence of relationship with local aid organizations causes the non compliance with market demands, leading the cluster to a non-innovative trap. In the honey community case in Simplício Mendes, located in the state of Piauí, the closest relationship with the external aid agents increased the conversion of market demands in reality. The analysis reveal possibilities on obtaining economic sustainability for small producers thru the conscientious utilization of nature resources guaranteeing the harmony between the environmental preservation and the development of both activities, apiculture in Piauí and babaçu oil processing in Maranhão.


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The present study aimed to understand how and to what extent the electronic forró, currently hegemonic in the music market in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, establishes and maintains relations of domination in the social contexts in which it is produced, transmitted and received. Based, in significant form-content, on the writings of the first generation of theorists of the so-called Frankfurt School (Critical Theory), particularly with Theodor W. Adorno, and systematically using the contributions of the Cultural Studies (from the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies of Birmingham) and of the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, this study aimed to perform, in the fertile intersection of these references, a critical possibility of interpretation of the electronic forró predominantly spread in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, aiming at a better apprehension of the so-called capital circuits/culture circuits , this study resulted from a qualitative investment of research, based on structured interviews with musicians, entrepreneurs of the sector and music consumers, as well as on the analysis of the themes contained in the official discography of the electronic forró band called Garota Safada (Shameless Girl). As a general empirical conclusion, it was possible to infer that far from the significant presence of domination or mere prevalence of oppositions, there is a relational pluralism of forms of domination and ways of resistances present in the production and consumption of electronic forró, regardless of gender, age, income, education or place of residence. However, the artifices of the cultural industry has been shown to be efficient: from large-scale businessmen to small producers enabled by the so-called open markets . The currentness of the concept of cultural industry is based on the idea that its products are offered systematically (the systematic insistence of everything to everyone) and on the notion that its production primarily meets the administrative criteria of control over the effects on the receiver (capacity of prescription of desires). Thus, the Adornian reflection on the pseudo-individualization leads to the inference that even in some of the most apparent ways of negotiation and/or refusal regarding the consumption of forró, certain behaviors of the cultural industry still prevail both in the very (re)interpretation of the forró and in the choice of other music genres also standardized, rationalized and massified. Therefore, despite the absence of cause-effect relation and the recognition of the popular capacity of re-elaboration and contestation of the media consumption, some world views prevailing in relation to the electronic forró establish or, at least, support some hegemonic ideologies, especially those concerning the life style, consumption and genre relations (fun by all means). Therefore, due the massification of certain songs, some ways of dissemination of values, beliefs and feelings are potentially experienced from the electronic forró. So, it is presumable that in the current advance of the process of semiformation (Halbbildung), the habitus of a part of the youth from the state of Rio Grande do Norte reinforces and is reinforced by the centrality of the trinomial fun, love and sex present in the songs, emphasized in some constructive practices of sense and in certain flows of social significance


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This work presents the cashew nuts chain in the State of Rio Grande do Norte between 1960 and 2009. The main purpose of this research was to find the reason of the low productivity of the cashew nut in this state, identifying in the cashew's chain production the struggling points which were limiting the commerce of this product through the distribution network. Therefore, the Supply Chain Management was used as a logistic analysis methodology, focusing on relationships management between the nodes of this chain, from the producer until the final customer. Many problems were found: first, the precarious production conditions of the small producer don't lead to reach the demanded productivity by the market. The distance, the lack of communication of the small producers among themselves and an archaic way of dealing with their businesses, may be an explanatory reason for this problem, considering that those factors are the main elements which contribute for the weakening of the small producer placed in the productive chain. Another spotted point was that the business-oriented relationship between the producer and the local trader does not allow the small producer's economical development, which interferes in any technological investment to reach a good quality production that fulfills the market demand. And also, the fact that there is a tendency of the final costumer to require lower prices day-byday, forcing a pressure on the nodes transferring to the other and successively until arriving at the producer who inevitably is suffering the biggest impacts from this mentioned pressure.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A figueira-da-índia é uma cactácea de origem mexicana, com grande potencial produtivo para as condições edafoclimáticas do Brasil, porém a falta de conhecimento faz com que a cultura seja pouco cultivada. Com o objetivo de avaliar a fenologia da figueira-da-índia, o presente trabalho foi realizado em plantas com 4 anos de idade, no espaçamento de 1,0 x 2,5 m, na área experimental da Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira - UNESP, localizada no município de Selvíria - MS, de agosto de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições, com uma planta por parcela experimental, ocasião em que foram avaliados a fenologia e o crescimento dos frutos. O período de emissão das gemas concentrou-se nos meses de setembro e outubro. O florescimento, ocorreu 30 dias após a emissão da gema florífera. Os frutos atingiram a maturidade fisiológica (ponto de colheita) aos 66 dias após o florescimento e aos 72 dias apresentavam-se maduros, aptos para o consumo. O período de desenvolvimento dos frutos, desde a emissão da gema florífera até a maturidade fisiológica, foi de 96 dias. A curva de crescimento dos frutos foi do tipo quadrática. A cultura da figueira-da-índia pode tornar-se uma alternativa principalmente para pequenos produtores, visto que não exige grandes investimentos para sua implantação e condução, além de se adaptar bem às condições ambientais de nosso País. Seus frutos possuem excelentes preços tanto no mercado nacional como no internacional, e o aproveitamento na forma de doces e geleias pode incrementar a renda dos produtores.


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This study aimed to explore the process of reproduction of space from the small family farm production in the municipality of Canguaretama, specifically focused on foodstuffs of plant origin, seeking to understand the changes in agrarian space canguaretamense and its impact on small family farms the last 35 years. Since colonization, during the seventeenth century, the production of space agrarian Canguaretama was founded under a structure based on large ownership and cultivation of cane sugar. Secondly, it was being built a small space reserved for food production to meet both the consumption of property, but also for local marketing. In the centuries following the changes in the capitalist system imposed a new dynamic for small food production, mostly in the early twentieth century, with processing plants and mills in the area extending toward the cultivation of sugarcane. In the second half of that century, mainly in the 1980s, the cultivation of cane sugar was encouraged to produce alcohol, which led to a further expansion of sugar cane toward the areas targeted for the production of foodstuffs. Currently, the framework of small food production differs little from the period of colonization in relation to the difficulties faced by this segment of agriculture. Thus, we have a reality based on socio-spatial inequality, and the near absence of the Government, which requires urgent implementation of public policies for the production and organization of small producers into associations or cooperatives to improve the productivity and hence in their standards of living and their families


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Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de três sistemas de adubação (30 t. ha-1 de esterco de curral, 3,5 t.ha-1 de esterco de galinha e adubação química - 120 kg.ha-1 de P2O5 e de K2O no plantio + 60 kg.ha-1 de N em cobertura) e três épocas de colheita da cana (julho, agosto e setembro de 2003), na qualidade da matéria-prima e nos rendimentos de colmos e de açúcar mascavo de duas cultivares de cana-de-açúcar (SP79-1011 e RB72454). O experimento foi instalado em área do Alambique JM, Perdões, MG. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial (2 x 3 x 3), com três repetições. Não houve efeito dos fertilizantes nos rendimentos de colmos e de açúcar mascavo das cultivares estudadas. Verificou-se efeito de épocas de colheita no rendimento de colmos, com destaque para os meses de agosto e setembro. No entanto, para rendimento de açúcar mascavo nenhuma diferença foi observada. Assim, nas condições deste trabalho, é viável a substituição da adubação química pela orgânica (esterco de curral ou de galinha), sem perdas na qualidade da matéria-prima e nos rendimentos de colmos e de açúcar mascavo artesanal, sendo que os meses de agosto e setembro foram os que proporcionaram matéria-prima de melhor qualidade e maiores rendimentos de colmos.