992 resultados para Slow tourism e storytelling dos residentes


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Il presente lavoro intende analizzare il tema del turista lento che nell’ultimo decennio si è diffuso nel dibattito scientifico e culturale connesso al tema della sostenibilità e della qualità della vita e nel contesto dell’approccio teorico strutturato intorno alle nuove tendenze dello Slow Tourism. In una prima parte la tesi delinea il framework della sostenibilità con particolare attenzione al recente dibattito in corso sulla “decrescita” e l’“a-crescita” come concetti alternativi al paradigma della crescita. Successivamente viene evidenziato il modo in cui le idee di base ed i principi dello sviluppo sostenibile sono stati applicati al turismo e indagato il legame tra sostenibilità e responsabilità e come questo configura l’emergere di un turismo “responsustable”. In tale contesto viene analizzata la relazione tra turismo e lentezza in cui a filosofia slow non deve essere interpretata come un fenomeno del momento o un innovativo prodotto turistico, ma come una filosofia di vita, un movimento sociale e globale che negli ultimi anni ha caratterizzato i diversi ambiti socio-economici delle comunità locali. Successivamente attraverso una review della letteratura nazionale ed internazionale sul tema, la pluralità di prospettive teoriche vengono sistematizzate in tre ipotesi di lettura riconducibili a tre paradigmi: sostenibilità- slow tourism- territorio; benessere – slow tourism – qualità della vita; esperienza – slow tourism – consumo. Nella seconda parte del lavoro viene presentata l’indagine empirica a partire dall’analisi di contesto del territorio in cui si è svolta l’attività di ricerca, i nove comuni del Comprensorio Turistico della Valnerina in Umbria, con particolare riferimento all’analisi dell’offerta e della domanda turistica. Successivamente sono presentati i risultati di un questionario somministrato a 620 turisti attraverso il quale viene analizzato il profilo motivazionale, le esperienze di fruizione turistica e la percezione della qualità territoriale da parte del turista e delineato il profilo del turista slow in Valnerina.


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In this chapter we present a case study set in Beloi, a fishing village located on Ataúro Island, 30 km across the sea from Díli, capital of Timor-Leste (East-Timor). We explore the tension between tourism development, food security and marine conservation in a developing country context. In order to better understand the relationships between the social, ecological and economic issues that arise in tourism planning we use an approach and associated methodology based on storytelling, complexity theory and concept mapping. Through testing scenarios with this methodology we hope to evaluate which trade-offs are acceptable to local people in return for the hoped-for economic boost from increased tourist visitation and associated developments.


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No actual contexto de competitividade, os destinos turísticos podem diferenciar-se pela imagem que os turistas e residentes têm sobre eles enquanto espaços alternativos de lazer e turismo (Baloglu & Mangaloglu, 2001). A imagem dos destinos constitui um conceito central na literatura em turismo porque está fortemente relacionada com o comportamento dos residentes e dos turistas (Baloglu & McCleary, 1999). A imagem afecta o comportamento de escolha e avaliação do destino, da viagem e da participação e experiência turísticas (Echtner and Ritchie 1991; Lee & Lee, 2009). Por outro lado, os residentes têm, também eles, uma imagem sobre o local onde residem que pode e deve ser analisada, afectando, por sua vez, a percepção que os turistas têm desses espaços (Gallarza, Saura & García, 2001). Alguns destinos turísticos possuem características simbólicas que exercem forte influência na formação da sua imagem, como são o caso dos espaços de montanha. De facto, as montanhas constituem um dos mais profundos arquétipos da Humanidade simbolizando poder, liberdade e eternidade (Smethurst, 2000, p.36). As regiões de montanha têm-se tornado num dos mais atractivos destinos turísticos constituindo a sua procura, actualmente, 20% dos fluxos turísticos globais com 500 milhões de turistas anualmente (UNEP, 2002; Thomas et al., 2006). Mas até muito recentemente, os estudos sobre os espaços de montanha limitavam-se, maioritariamente, às suas características físicas, ecológicas e ambientais (Smethurst, 2000). Uma abordagem do ponto de vista do turismo de montanha, no contexto da imagem, pode revelar-se, assim, essencial. Neste contexto, o presente estudo pretende analisar, de uma forma holística e multidisciplinar, a imagem que os residentes e turistas têm dos espaços de montanha, bem como o respectivo gap. O objectivo central é construir uma escala MDI - Mountain Destination Image Scale - no sentido de medir os parâmetros da imagem do destino, incluindo factores cognitivos e afectivos e tendo em conta os grupos populacionais turistas e residentes. Com base numa extensa revisão da literatura em imagem dos destinos turísticos e nos significados sociais e culturais da montanha ao longo do tempo, e no âmbito do trabalho empírico realizado a 315 turistas e 315 residentes na Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Alpes (França, Áustria e Suiça) e Picos da Europa (Espanha), os resultados indicam que a escala multidimensional MDI integra cinco dimensões de imagem de montanha pelos turistas: (1) histórico-cultural, (2) natural/ecológica, (3) social e prestígio, (4) lazer e desporto e (5) afectiva; e três dimensões percepcionadas pelos residentes: (1) mística/sagrada, (2) histórico-cultural e (3) afectiva. A discussão é centrada nas implicações teóricas e práticas da escala MDI no planeamento, gestão e marketing dos destinos turísticos de montanha. São igualmente apresentadas as limitações do presente estudo e traçadas algumas linhas orientadoras para investigações futuras.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This study aimed to analyse the factors that can contribute to the support of residents in the process of management of environmental tourism projects. The importance of reflecting on the municipal planning, including the management of stakeholders, is justified by changes in economic and social values of local communities, the concern with their space and quality of life. Thus, the support of the dwellers to the management process of an attractive allows motivate and prioritize the opinion of this community, strengthening social groups and integrating them into projects and local actions. The study was described as descriptive, exploratory and quantitative. As the analysis model. They were used the research variables done by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), as a way to assess the support of local dwellers on the development of Revitalization project of Monumento Natural Vale dos Dinossauros, in the management of environmental tourist destination, in Sousa/PB. Results show the relationship among the dimensions, confidence in government agencies, benefits and costs occasioned by tourism development in the attractive as influencers support elements of the deweller. Thus, it is intended to corroborate to the inclusion of stakeholdersin the planning process in the development of tourism in this location in order to involve them in decision making about planning and management of tourism in the city, with a view to sustainable local development


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This study is about the primary stakeholder management - the resident community, given its participation and support for the development of tourism in touristic destinations. It has as a general aim to analyze the factors that are capable to influence the residents‟ support to the development of religious tourism in Santa Cruz, RN, and the existing interrelationships between factors. In order to achieve this objective, it was necessary to use exploratory and descriptive research, followed by a quantitative approach through questionnaires with 422 residents of Santa Cruz -RN. The study was based on the variables relationship model proposed by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), it was also used the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM, aiming to explain the relationships between the constructs studied. The results found on the survey suggest that the more residents realize the benefits generated by tourism, as well as trust in government actors in charge of tourism development, the more there will be a propensity to support the development of religious tourism. This result is similar to the one found in the study of Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012). We conclude that the structural model that best represents the reality of Santa Cruz -RN is composed of the factors: benefits, costs, and confidence in governmental actors, which are able to influence the support of Santa Cruz‟s residents for the development of religious tourism. It is also noteworthy that it was found a highly significant connection between the factors benefits perceived from tourism and confidence in governmental actors and between both of them, the political support for tourism


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The tourist activity , which appropriates spaces and natural , cultural , social and economic scenarios in a given locality , requires a model of integrated development necessarily reconciling the support of residents. In this perspective , this study aims to analyze the factors influencing the support of residents in tourism development in archaeological sites , specifically in the two counties of Parelhas and Carnaúba dos Dantas , in Rio Grande do Norte, in the region of Seridó Potiguar as well as the interrelationship existing between these factors . To achieve the proposed objective of the research , a descriptive -exploratory and quantitative study based on the study of Nunkoo and Hamkisson (2012 ) , using the technique of Structural Equation Modeling - SEM to explain the relationships of the constructs used in this research. Data collection was performed during the periodof May 2013 to July 2013. Among other studies, results indicate that , for the profile of the interviewees used , the higher the confidence of the community residing in the government agencies responsible for, the largest tourism will support the resident to the tourism development and that this supply relationship institutions and government agencies an opportunity to enhance their development strategies and social thinking of the resident agent of tourism . It was also found that the analysis model proposed has a better structural relationship when used interviewees who have knowledge about the activities in the archaeological sites , then suggesting the need for further research on the effect of the level of knowledge of the interviewee on the object and support of residents to tourism development


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This study emerges and develops, from a note by Italo Calvino, who in his novel Invisible Cities advised to avoid saying "that sometimes different cities follow on the same site and with the same name, born and die without knowing, without communication among itself ". The research with a transdisciplinary work ( using elements of sociology, anthropology, geography and communication) made a reflection about segregation and tourism: poverty-richness, center-periphery, tradition- spectaclezation , the visitor-visited maping the touristic circuit and discussing about the phenomenon on the real city and touristic place: Natal and the "Sun City" - Rio Grande do Norte, studying videos produced by residents (documentary) and tourists ( posted on the Internet). Doing a comparative analysis between the realities of these two subjects (resident and tourist), the research found few similarities, many differences on the urban experience, with the existence of two distinct realities (tourist region X the periphery region). Based on theory of phenomenology, social representation, and using content analysis of film, it was noted that promotes to the visitor a trip segmented and disintegrated to daily life, culture and contact with the resident. Resident that, in largely part, lives in a unattended area, with no prospect of life (represented by Novo Horizonte Community). The confinement and segregation occurs even in his moments of leisure and cultural expressions (represented by Redinha‟s Beach), because the private an public leisure areas of tourism indirectly prevent access by people who can not contribute to the consumption on this places. This papper concluded that the tourism in Natal is an activity-phenomenon that directs and focuses on public investments for infrastructure tourist region (Ponta Negra Beach), in detriment of the poorest and periphery areas of the city


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The work present entitled the participation of resident in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada/CE has as objective analyse of which form the site population participates of the manufacturing process and appropriation of the territory s tourist Canoa Quebrada CE , in period undestood between from 1980 to the present day. The theoretical variable about which rest this search is the concept the territory expressed in the manifested in the process deterritorialization that always appears in conjuction whith the reconstruction of territories, in other words, the process of repossession. The migratory movement of new residents acts in the new sociospatial configuration that location, form new territoriality and (de) territorializing in space turistificado reflected dialectically through the emergence of a new sociospatial setting consisting of forms and images expressed physically in place.Finish the job showing that the participation of resident native and nonnative in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada occurred unevenly characterized by dominance of a small group, who has control of the practice of this activity, thus appears that tourism can be tendentious, since a large portion of the population does not benefit from their results, having a exclusion with various impacts that directly affect the everyday social population


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Includes bibliography


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A tuberculose (TB) é um grande problema de saúde pública, intimamente ligada aos fatores sócio-econômicos, e tem como principal agente etiológico o Mycobacterium tuberculosis. O Spoligotyping é uma técnica baseada em PCR-hibridização reversa que permite detectar e diferenciar simultaneamente membros do Complexo M. tuberculosis diretamente de amostras clínicas, como em amostras obtidas de lâminas de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), evitando problemas associados ao lento crescimento destes microrganismos, tornando-se assim uma importante ferramenta para o monitoramento de cepas em diferentes contextos epidemiológicos, sendo capaz de revelar o caráter biogeográfico destas. A possibilidade de caracterizar genética, demográfica e geograficamente estes microrganismos pode contribuir para o entendimento de como a doença é transmitida e para a implementação das ações para seu controle e combate. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo que avaliou amostras obtidas a partir de lâminas coradas pela técnica de ZN, confeccionadas por laboratórios da rede pública dos municípios paraenses de Belém e Ananindeua entre outubro de 2007 e março de 2008. A maioria (61,3%) dos 163 casos incluídos no estudo pertencia ao gênero masculino e 68,0% dos casos tinham entre 20 e 49 anos, com média de idade de 38 anos. A aplicação do Spoligotyping neste tipo de amostras apresentou bom rendimento, com 146 (89,6%) padrões de hibridização completos e concordantes entre si após as duplicatas. Destes, 142 foram considerados para comparação com o banco de dados internacional de Spoligotyping (SpolDB4), dentre os quais foram observados 67 espoligotipos ou genótipos distintos, compreendendo 95 (67%) casos com padrões compartilhados por duas a 20 amostras e 47 (33%) casos com padrões únicos. Quarenta e oito (71,6%) genótipos eram conhecidos e 19 (28,4%) ainda não haviam sido relatados no SpolDB4. As famílias LAM e T foram as mais frequentes, concentrando 56 (39,4%) e 35 (24,6%) casos, respectivamente, e as famílias Haarlem e EAI compreenderam 12 (8,45%) amostras cada. A geolocalização dos casos permitiu visualizar a distribuição dos espoligotipos nos municípios estudados, evidenciando alguns agrupamentos com mesmo genótipo, mostrando-se útil para direcionar e auxiliar investigações futuras.


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[ES] El turismo de cruceros ha reaparecido con fuerza desde los años ochenta, acelerándose su implantación en Europa -y en particular en Canarias-, desde la siguiente década. Gran parte de los estudios sobre el turismo de cruceros se han centrado en las características de la demanda (el perfil del turista, la capacidad de gasto, los impactos que causa, etc.). Sin embargo, la literatura sobre la percepción que tienen los residentes sobre este turismo es más bien escasa y donde se centra el actual estudio, en particular en el espacio más inmediato al Puerto de La Luz y de Las Palmas.[EN] Cruise tourism is a way of taking leisure time in our society. It is an activity that has become very popular since the eighties, accelerating its presence in Europe and, particularly,in the Canary Islands since the following decade. Many of the studies on cruise tourism have focused on the characteristics of the demand (including the profile of tourists, spending power, the impacts that this activity causes, etc.). However, the literature on the residents’ perception about this tourism where this study focuses on, is rather scarce is rather scarce, particularly in the space immediately to the Port of La Luz and Las Palmas.