982 resultados para Skill level


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This paper examines the patterning of exposures to occupational hazards in relation to occupational skill level as a proxy for pay rate, testing the general hypothesis that exposures to occupational hazards increase in prevalence with decreasing skill level. A population-based telephone survey was conducted on a random sample of working Victorians (N = 1,101). A set of 10 indicators of exposure to occupational hazards were analysed individually and as a summary scale in multivariate regression models. A significant increasing trend in hazardous working conditions from the highest to lowest occupational skill level was observed, with those in lower skill level jobs twice as likely to be exposed as those at the highest skill level. This overall trend was driven primarily by higher exposure in the middle skill level group (technicians and skilled trades) as well as the lowest (labourers and elementary clerical), the two main bluecollar groups. Findings provided partial support for the hypothesised relationship.


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Studied the attitudes of shopfloor employees toward AMT as a function of experience with working with AMT, skill level, and job involvement. Survey data were collected from 115 employees of a large microelectronics company in England. Four job types were identified, which differed in terms of mode of work (manual/AMT) and skill level (low/high). Results show that those who worked with computers had more favorable attitudes toward AMT than those who did not. Results support A. Rafaeli's (see record 1986-20891-001) finding that the most favorable attitudes toward AMT were held by those who worked with computers and had high job involvement. Skill level had no significant effects on Ss' attitudes.


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Research significance: Job insecurity, the subjective individual anticipation of involuntary job loss, negatively affects employees’ health and their engagement. Although the relationship between job insecurity and health has been extensively studied, job insecurity as an ‘exposure’ has received far less attention, with little known about the upstream determinants of job insecurity in particular. This research sought to identify the relationship between self-rated job insecurity and area-level unemployment using a longitudinal, nationally representative study of Australian households. Methods: Mixed-effect multi-level regression models were used to assess the relationship between area-based unemployment rates and self-reported job insecurity using data from a longitudinal, nationally representative survey running since 2001. Interaction terms were included to test the hypotheses that the relationship between area-level unemployment and job insecurity differed between occupational skill-level groups and by employment arrangement. Marginal effects were computed to visually depict differences in job insecurity across areas with different levels of unemployment. Results: Results indicated that areas with the lowest unemployment rates had significantly lower job insecurity (predicted value 2.74; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.71–2.78, P < 0.001) than areas with higher unemployment (predicted value 2.81; 95% CI 2.79–2.84, P < 0.001). There was a stronger relationship between area-level unemployment and job insecurity among precariously and fixed-term employed workers than permanent workers. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate the independent influences of prevailing economic conditions, individual- and job-level factors on job insecurity. Persons working on a casual basis or on a fixed-term contract in areas with higher levels of unemployment are more susceptible to feelings of job insecurity than those working permanently.


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Sport participation is an issue of relevance to sport managers, yet it is an often-neglected area of sport management research. Cycling is a particularly complex form of participation to examine given its many formats, including sport, recreational and commuter cycling, and the multifaceted nature of the cycling landscape involving a broad range of stakeholders. In Australia, women are underrepresented in cycling participation and membership (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012; Cycling Australia, 2014), yet women show an interest in cycling training courses. The present paper explores motivations, supports and constraints reported by a group of entry-level female cyclists who participated in a training programme accredited by AustCycle, an initiative led by Cycling Australia. We draw on a health and sport development driven framework, informed by social ecological theory (Rowe et al., 2013), and suited to examining the issue of women's cycling participation in Australia. Results show that a range of individual characteristics, and factors within the social and physical environment, were perceived by study participants as barriers to participation. Of these, skill level, confidence, traffic/road conditions, and social support networks held particular relevance. Participants also discussed specific cycling barriers and supports of relevance to certain forms of cycling. Preliminary insights into perceptions held by a group of entry-level female cyclists highlight overlaps between cycling formats and indicate that conceptual advancements in the development of sport, and development through sport could be collectively considered in the context of women's cycling participation. Further research opportunities were also identified.


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Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is a multidisciplinary university in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and has 40,000 students and 1,700 researchers. Notable eResearch infrastructure includes the QUT ePrints repository, Microsoft QUT Research Centre, the OAK (Open Access to Knowledge) Law Project, Cambia and leading research institutes. ---------- The Australian Government, via the Australian National Data Service (ANDS), is funding institutions to identify and describe their research datasets, to develop and populate data repositories and collaborative infrastructure, and to seed the Australian Research Data Commons. QUT is currently broadening its range of research support services, including those to support the management of research data, in recognition of the value of these datasets as products of the research process, and in order to maximize the potential for reuse. QUT is integrating Library and High Performance Computing (HPC) services to achieve its research support goals. ---------- The Library and HPC released an online survey using Key Survey to 1,700 researchers in September 2009. A comprehensive range of eResearch practices and skills was presented for response, and grouped into areas of scholarly communication and open access publishing, using collaborative technologies, data management, data collection and management, computation and visualization tools. Researchers were asked to rate their skill level on each practice. 254 responses were received over two weeks. Eight focus groups were also held with 35 higher degree research (HDR) students and staff to provide additional qualitative feedback. A similar survey was released to 100 support staff and 73 responses were received.---------- Preliminary results from the researcher survey and focus groups indicate a gap between current eResearch practices, and the potential for researchers to engage in eResearch practices. Researchers are more likely to seek advice from their peers, than from support staff. HDR students are more positive about eResearch practices and are more willing to learn new ways of conducting research. An account of the survey methodology, the results obtained, and proposed strategies to embed eResearch practices and skills across and within the research disciplines will be provided.


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In an environment where it has become increasingly difficult to attract consumer attention, marketers have begun to explore alternative forms of marketing communication. One such form that has emerged is product placement, which has more recently appeared in electronic games. Given changes in media consumption and the growth of the games industry, it is not surprising that games are being exploited as a medium for promotional content. Other market developments are also facilitating and encouraging their use, in terms of both the insertion of brand messages into video games and the creation of brand-centred environments, labelled ‘advergames’. However, while there is much speculation concerning the beneficial outcomes for marketers, there remains a lack of academic work in this area and little empirical evidence of the actual effects of this form of promotion on game players. Only a handful of studies are evident in the literature, which have explored the influence of game placements on consumers. The majority have studied their effect on brand awareness, largely demonstrating that players can recall placed brands. Further, most research conducted to date has focused on computer and online games, but consoles represent the dominant platform for play (Taub, 2004). Finally, advergames have largely been neglected, particularly those in a console format. Widening the gap in the literature is the fact that insufficient academic attention has been given to product placement as a marketing communication strategy overall, and to games in general. The unique nature of the strategy also makes it difficult to apply existing literature to this context. To address a significant need for information in both the academic and business domains, the current research investigates the effects of brand and product placements in video games and advergames on consumer attitude to the brand and corporate image. It was conducted in two stages. Stage one represents a pilot study. It explored the effects of use simulated and peripheral placements in video games on players’ and observers’ attitudinal responses, and whether these are influenced by involvement with a product category or skill level in the game. The ability of gamers to recall placed brands was also examined. A laboratory experiment was employed with a small sample of sixty adult subjects drawn from an Australian east-coast university, some of who were exposed to a console video game on a television set. The major finding of study one is that placements in a video game have no effect on gamers’ attitudes, but they are recalled. For stage two of the research, a field experiment was conducted with a large, random sample of 350 student respondents to investigate the effects on players of brand and product placements in handheld video games and advergames. The constructs of brand attitude and corporate image were again tested, along with several potential confounds. Consistent with the pilot, the results demonstrate that product placement in electronic games has no effect on players’ brand attitudes or corporate image, even when allowing for their involvement with the product category, skill level in the game, or skill level in relation to the medium. Age and gender also have no impact. However, the more interactive a player perceives the game to be, the higher their attitude to the placed brand and corporate image of the brand manufacturer. In other words, when controlling for perceived interactivity, players experienced more favourable attitudes, but the effect was so weak it probably lacks practical significance. It is suggested that this result can be explained by the existence of excitation transfer, rather than any processing of placed brands. The current research provides strong, empirical evidence that brand and product placements in games do not produce strong attitudinal responses. It appears that the nature of the game medium, game playing experience and product placement impose constraints on gamer motivation, opportunity and ability to process these messages, thereby precluding their impact on attitude to the brand and corporate image. Since this is the first study to investigate the ability of video game and advergame placements to facilitate these deeper consumer responses, further research across different contexts is warranted. Nevertheless, the findings have important theoretical and managerial implications. This investigation makes a number of valuable contributions. First, it is relevant to current marketing practice and presents findings that can help guide promotional strategy decisions. It also presents a comprehensive review of the games industry and associated activities in the marketplace, relevant for marketing practitioners. Theoretically, it contributes new knowledge concerning product placement, including how it should be defined, its classification within the existing communications framework, its dimensions and effects. This is extended to include brand-centred entertainment. The thesis also presents the most comprehensive analysis available in the literature of how placements appear in games. In the consumer behaviour discipline, the research builds on theory concerning attitude formation, through application of MacInnis and Jaworski’s (1989) Integrative Attitude Formation Model. With regards to the games literature, the thesis provides a structured framework for the comparison of games with different media types; it advances understanding of the game medium, its characteristics and the game playing experience; and provides insight into console and handheld games specifically, as well as interactive environments generally. This study is the first to test the effects of interactivity in a game environment, and presents a modified scale that can be used as part of future research. Methodologically, it addresses the limitations of prior research through execution of a field experiment and observation with a large sample, making this the largest study of product placement in games available in the literature. Finally, the current thesis offers comprehensive recommendations that will provide structure and direction for future study in this important field.


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A novel application of the popular web instruction architecture Blackboard Academic Suite® is described. The method was applied to a large number of students to assess quantitatively the accuracy of each student’s laboratory skills. The method provided immediate feedback to students on their personal skill level, replaced labour-intensive scrutiny of laboratory skills by teaching staff and identified immediately those students requiring further individual assistance in mastering the skill under evaluation. The method can be used for both formative and summative assessment. When used formatively, the assessment can be repeated by the student without penalty until the skill is mastered. When used for summative assessment, the method can save the teacher much time and effort in assessing laboratory skills of vital importance to students in the real world.


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about 82 million immigrants in the OECD area; and worldwide, there are about 191 million immigrants and displaced persons, and some 30-40 million unauthorised immigrants. Also according to recent OECD report, little in-depth research has been carried out to-date to help decision makers in government, business, and society at large, to better understand the complexities and wider consequences of future migration flows. Literatures have also indicated that the lack of a skilled population in muchneeded occupations in countries of destination have contributed to the need to bring in skilled foreign workers. Furthermore, despite current global financial crisis, some areas of occupation are in need of skilled workers such that in a job-scarce environment jobs become fewer and employers are more likely to demand skilled workers from both natives and immigrants. Global competition for labour is expected to intensify, especially for top talent, highly qualified and semi-skilled individuals. This exacerbate the problems faced by current skilled immigrants and skilled refugees, particularly those from non-main English speaking countries who are not employed at optimal skill level in countries of destination. The research study investigates whether skilled immigrants are being effectively utilised in their countries of destination, in the context of employment. In addition to skilled immigrants, data sampling will also include skilled refugees who, although arriving under the humanitarian program, possess formal qualifications from their country of origin. Underlying variables will be explored such as the strength of social capital or interpersonal ties; and human capital in terms of educational attainment and proficiency in the English Language. The aim of the study is to explain the relationship between the variables; and whether the variables influence the employment outcomes. A broad-ranging preliminary literature review has been undertaken to explore the substantial bodies of knowledge on skilled immigrants worldwide, including skilled refugees; and to investigate whether the utilisation issues are universal or specific to a country. In addition, preliminary empirical research and analysis has been undertaken, to set the research focus and to identify the problems beyond literature. Preliminary findings have indicated that immigrants and refugees from non-main English speaking countries are particularly impacted by employment issues regardless of their skills and qualifications acquired in their country of origins; compared with immigrants from main-English speaking countries. Preliminary findings from the literature review also indicate that gaps in knowledge still exist. Although the past two decades have witnessed a virtual explosion of theory and research on international migration, no in-depth research has been located that specifically links immigrants and refugees social and human capitals in terms of employment outcomes. This research study aims to fill these gaps in research; and subsequently contribute to contemporary body of knowledge in literatures on the utilisation of skilled immigrants and skilled refugees, specifically those from non-main English speaking countries. A mixed methods design will be used, which incorporates techniques from both quantitative and qualitative research traditions that will be triangulated at the end of the data collection stage.


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The aim of this project was to implement a just-in-time hints help system into a real time strategy (RTS) computer game that would deliver information to the user at the time that it would be of the most benefit. The goal of this help system is to improve the user’s learning in terms of their rate of learning, retention and avoidance of stagnation. The first stage of this project was implementing a computer game to incorporate four different types of skill that the user must acquire, namely motor, perceptual, declarative knowledge and strategic. Subsequently, the just-in-time hints help system was incorporated into the game to assess the user’s knowledge and deliver hints accordingly. The final stage of the project was to test the effectiveness of this help system by conducting two phases of testing. The goal of this testing was to demonstrate an increase in the user’s assessment of the helpfulness of the system from phase one to phase two. The results of this testing showed that there was no significant difference in the user’s responses in the two phases. However, when the results were analysed with respect to several categories of hints that were identified, it became apparent that patterns in the data were beginning to emerge. The conclusions of the project were that further testing with a larger sample size would be required to provide more reliable results and that factors such as the user’s skill level and different types of goals should be taken into account.


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Alcohol-related harms are disproportionately represented in licensed-premises. This study aimed to investigate the practices and perceived capabilities of a group of police officers who engage in policing activities in and around licensed premises in a capital city policing district in an Australian jurisdiction. Analysis of the self-reported data revealed that the 254 participants were much more likely to attend to alcohol-related incidents outside rather than inside licensed premises. Policing licensed premises that involved an alcohol-related event was perceived as the most difficult task compared to other forms of police activities, which was mirrored by low levels of perceived knowledge regarding effective intervention strategies to deal with incidents inside licensed premises. The findings have direct implication in regards to training police officers, particularly increasing their perceived knowledge and skill level to deal with incidents inside licensed premises.