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Pimelodidae is one of the most representative of Neotropical catfish families. However, these fish are still poorly studied in terms of cytogenetics, especially regarding the application of more accurate techniques such as the chromosomal localization of ribosomal genes. In the present work, fluorescent in situ hybridization with 5S and 18S rDNA probes was employed for rDNA site mapping in Pimelodus sp., P. fur and P. maculatus from the São Francisco River in the Três Marias municipality - MG. The results from the application of the 18S probe confirmed the previous data obtained by silver nitrate staining, identifying a simple nucleolar organizing region system for these species. However, the labeling results from the 5S rDNA probe demonstrated a difference in the number and localization of these sites between the analyzed species. The obtained data allowed inferences on the possible processes involved in the karyotypic evolution of this genus.
The present work has aimed to determine the 16 US EPA priority PAH atmospheric particulate matter levels present in three sites around Salvador, Bahia: (i) Lapa bus station, strongly impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles; (ii) Aratu harbor, impacted by an intense movement of goods, and (iii) Bananeira village on Maré Island, a non vehicle-influenced site with activities such as handcraft work and fisheries. Results indicated that BbF (0.130-6.85 ng m-3) is the PAH with highest concentration in samples from Aratu harbor and Bananeira and CRY (0.075-6.85 ng m-3) presented higher concentrations at Lapa station. PAH sources from studied sites were mainly of anthropogenic origin such as gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles and diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles, discharges in the port, diesel burning from ships, dust ressuspension, indoor soot from cooking, and coal and wood combustion for energy production.
Purpose - The aim of this paper is to briefly present aspects of public brownfield management policies from Brazilian and German points of view. Design methodology approach - The data collection method combined literature and documental research. The bibliography included Brazilian and German literature about brownfield management. The documental research includes Brazilian and German legislation and official documents published by CETESB, the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Furthermore, publications of German governmental research institutions have been integrated in the paper. Findings - In Brazil, despite the lack of a federal public policy, the State of São Paulo has approved specific rules to deal with contaminated sites. Topics that could be targets of scientific studies have been identified. Experiences in Germany show that it is essential to have political will and cooperation between the different political levels and technical disciplines. Partnerships between German and Brazilian universities would be welcome as there is a wide range of opportunities for academic post-graduation studies and research focusing on human resources capacitation in environmental management. Originality value - The paper makes an original contribution of exploring an area (brownfield management) that is at the forefront of discussion in academe and industry
The objective of this study was to show the radial variation of some anatomic characteristics, wood density and natural durability of teak (Tectona grandis L.F.) growing in Costa Rica. Samples of trees 13 years old were obtained from two growing sites (high and low growing) of plantations established in a humid tropical climate (CHT) and dry tropical climate (CST). The variables measured of the fibers as well as for the rays were not affected by the climate or the type of growing site, except for the length of the fibers. The fibers of teak wood from the best growing site were significantly larger. Vessels were found with a greater frequency for the CST but mostly solitary in comparison with the CBT. Average density, maximum density and the variation within the ring presented a light higher magnitude for the CST. The quality of the growing site did not affect these variables. The resistance of fungus attack was similar in the area of heartwood near the pith compared to the heartwood near the sapwood for all the conditions evaluated. Nevertheless, it was observed in some trees a similar resistance of fungus attack for areas of sapwood compared to similar areas of heartwood.
The identification of alternatively spliced transcripts has contributed to a better comprehension of developmental mechanisms, tissue-specific physiological processes and human diseases. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of alternatively spliced variants commonly leads to the formation of heteroduplexes as a result of base pairing involving exons common between the two variants. S1 nuclease cleaves single-stranded loops of heteroduplexes and also nicks the opposite DNA strand. In order to establish a strategy for mapping alternative splice-prone sites in the whole transcriptome, we developed a method combining the formation of heteroduplexes between 2 distinct splicing variants and S1 nuclease digestion. For 20 consensuses identified here using this methodology, 5 revealed a conserved splice site after inspection of the cDNA alignment against the human genome (exact splice sites). For 8 other consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 2 to 30 bp from the border, called proximal splice sites; for the other 7 consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 40 to 800 bp, called distal splice sites. These latter cases showed a nonspecific activity of S1 nuclease in digesting double-strand DNA. From the 20 consensuses identified here, 5 were selected for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction validation, confirming the splice sites. These data showed the potential of the strategy in mapping splice sites. However, the lack of specificity of the S1 nuclease enzyme is a significant obstacle that impedes the use of this strategy in large-scale studies.
Changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and anatomical and histopathological central nervous system (CNS) lesions were evaluated, and the presence of Trypanosoma vivax in CNS tissues was investigated through PCR. Twelve adult male goats were divided into three groups (G): G1, infected with T. vivax and evaluated during the acute phase; G2, infected goats evaluated during the chronic phase; and G3, consisting of non-infected goats. Each goat from G1 and G2 was infected with 1.25 x 10(5) trypomastigotes. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and investigation of T. vivax was performed at the 15(th) day post-infection (dpi) in G1 goats and on the fifth day after the manifestation of nervous system infection signs in G2 goats. All goats were necropsied, and CNS fragments from G1 and G2 goats were evaluated by PCR for the determination of T. vivax. Hyperthermia, anemia and parasitemia were observed from the fifth dpi for G1 and G2, with the highest parasitemia peak between the seventh and 21(st) dpi. Nervous system infection signs were observed in three G2 goats between the 30(th) and 35(th) dpi. CSF analysis revealed the presence of T. vivax for G2. Meningitis and meningoencephalitis were diagnosed in G2. PCR were positive for T. vivax in all the samples tested. In conclusion, T. vivax may reach the nervous tissue resulting in immune response from the host, which is the cause of progressive clinical and pathological manifestations of the CNS in experimentally infected goats.
The local site symmetry of Ce(3+) ions in the diluted magnetic semiconductors Pb(1-x)Ce(x)A (A=S, Se, and Te) has been investigated by electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The experiments were carried out on single crystals with cerium concentration x ranging from 0.001 to 0.035. The isotropic line due to Ce(3+) ions located at the substitutional Pb cation site with octahedral symmetry was observed for all the studied samples. We determined the effective Lande factors to be g=1.333, 1.364, and 1.402 for A=S, Se, and Te, respectively. The small difference with the predicted Lande factor g of 10/7 for the Gamma(7) (J=5/2) ground state was attributed to crystal-field admixture. In addition, EPR lines from Ce(3+) ions located at sites with small distortion from the original octahedral symmetry were also observed. Two distinct sites with axial distortion along the < 001 > crystallographic direction were identified and a third signal in the spectrum was attributed to sites with the cubic symmetry distorted along the < 110 > direction. The distortion at these distinct Ce sites is attributed to Pb lattice vacancies near the cerium ions that compensate for its donor activity.
A study on the possible sites of oxidation and epoxidation of nortriptyline was performed using electrochemical and quantum chemical methods; these sites are involved in the biological responses (for example, hepatotoxicity) of nortriptyline and other similar antidepressants. Quantum chemical studies and electrochemical experiments demonstrated that the oxidation and epoxidation sites are located on the apolar region of nortriptyline, which will useful for understanding the molecule`s activity. Also, for the determination of the compound in biological fluids or in pharmaceutical formulations, we propose a useful analytical methodology using a graphite-polyurethane composite electrode, which exhibited the best performance when compared with boron-doped diamond or glassy carbon surfaces.
Determining reference concentrations in rivers and streams is an important tool for environmental management. Reference conditions for eutrophication-related water variables are unavailable for Brazilian freshwaters. We aimed to establish reference baselines for So Paulo State tropical rivers and streams for total phosphorus (TP) and nitrogen (TN), nitrogen-ammonia (NH(4) (+)) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) through the best professional judgment and the trisection methods. Data from 319 sites monitored by the So Paulo State Environmental Company (2005 to 2009) and from the 22 Water Resources Management Units in So Paulo State were assessed (N = 27,131). We verified that data from different management units dominated by similar land cover could be analyzed together (Analysis of Variance, P = 0.504). Cumulative frequency diagrams showed that industrialized management units were characterized by the worst water quality (e.g. average TP of 0.51 mg/L), followed by agricultural watersheds. TN and NH(4) (+) were associated with urban percentages and population density (Spearman Rank Correlation Test, P < 0.05). Best professional judgment and trisection (median of lower third of all sites) methods for determining reference concentrations showed agreement: 0.03 & 0.04 mg/L (TP), 0.31 & 0.34 mg/L (TN), 0.06 & 0.10 mg-N/L (NH(4) (+)) and 2 & 2 mg/L (BOD), respectively. Our reference concentrations were similar to TP and TN reference values proposed for temperate water bodies. These baselines can help with water management in So Paulo State, as well as providing some of the first such information for tropical ecosystems.
Aims To verify whether spectral components of atrial electrograms (AE) during sinus rhythm (SR) correlate with cardiac ganglionated plexus (GP) sites. Methods and results Thirteen patients undergoing atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation were prospectively enrolled. Prior to radio frequency application, endocardial AE were recorded with a sequential point-by-point approach. Electrical stimuli were delivered at 20 Hz, amplitude 100 V, and pulse width of 4 ms. A vagal response was defined as a high-frequency stimulation (HFS) evoked atrioventricular block or a prolongation of RR interval. Spectral analysis was performed on single AE during SR, sampling rate of 1000 Hz, Hanning window. Overall, 1488 SR electrograms were analysed from 186 different left atrium sites, 129 of them corresponding to negative vagal response sites, and 57 to positive response sites. The electrogram duration and the number of deflections were similar in positive and negative response sites. Spectral power density of sites with vagal response was lower between 26 and 83 Hz and higher between 107 and 200 Hz compared with negative response sites. The area between 120 and 170 Hz normalized to the total spectrum area was tested as a diagnostic parameter. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis demonstrated that an area120-170/area(total) value >0.14 identified vagal sites with 70.9% sensitivity and 72.1% specificity. Conclusion Spectral analysis of AE during SR in sites that correspond to the anatomical location of the GP is feasible and may be a simpler method of mapping the cardiac autonomic nervous system, compared with the HFS technique.
Establishing a few sites in which measurements of soil water storage (SWS) are time stable significantly reduces the efforts involved in determining average values of SWS. This study aimed to apply a new criterion the mean absolute bias error (MABE)-to identify temporally stable sites for mean SWS evaluation. The performance of MABE was compared with that of the commonly used criterion, the standard deviation of relative difference (SDRD). From October 2004 to October 2008, SWS of four soil layers (0-1.0, 1.0-2.0,2.0-3.0, and 3.0-4.0 m) was measured, using a neutron probe, at 28 sites on a hillslope of the Loess Plateau, China. A total of 37 SWS data sets taken over time were divided into two subsets, the first consisting of 22 dates collected during the calibration period from October 2004 to September 2006, and the second with 15 dates collected during the validation period from October 2006 to October 2008. The results showed that if a critical value of 5% for MABE was defined, more than half the sites were temporally stable for both periods, and the number of temporally stable sires generally increased with soil depth. Compared with SDRD, MABE was more suitable for the identification of time-stable sites for mean SS prediction. Since the absolute prediction error of drier sites is more sensitive to changes in relative difference in terms of mean SWS prediction, the sites of wet sectors should be preferable for mean SWS prediction for the same changes in relative difference.
This study shows for the first time that terrestrial tank bromeliads from Brazilian restinga can act as natural traps for dispersed palm Euterpe edulis seeds. Such bromeliads, which are shade intolerant, gain benefits by limiting palm recruitment since they hinder canopy formation and, consequently, increase luminosity over its aggregates.
This study aimed to achieve a better understanding about the foraging behavior of leaf-cutter ant (Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel) workers with respect to defoliation sites in plants. To accomplish that, artificial plants 70 cm in height were prepared and divided into four levels (heights), having natural plant leaves attached to them. Evaluations during the bioassays included the number of leaves dropped by the ants, as well as the percentage of plant mass removed. In all replicates, it became evident that the most exploited plant site is the apical region, which significantly differed from other plant levels.
The extensive use of antineoplastic agents in chemotherapy may be at risk to health care workers involved in the preparation and administration of these drugs. In this study cyclophosphamide, a drug classified as a human carcinogen, was quantified by adapting a previous analytical method using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after solid phase extraction with diatomaceous earth. The drug was measured by analysis in surfaces (wipe samples) and gloves, collected from four different hospitals, before and after the practice of cleaning procedures, and the use of a closed-system device for the preparation and administration. Validation results were satisfactory and cyclophosphamide levels ranging from below the quantification limit to 141000 ng. Our findings demonstrated that surfaces and materials contamination was found in all hospitals during the traditional open technique for preparation and administration of cyclophosphamide and a significant reduction in contamination when a closed-system device was used. However, some values were considered unexpected, especially those obtained from samples collected after the cleaning surfaces.
Bent DNA sites promote the curvature of DNA in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic chromosomes. Here, we investigate the localization and structure of intrinsically bent DNA sites in the extensively characterized Drosophila melanogaster third chromosome DAFC-66D segment (Drosophila amplicon in the follicle cells). This region contains the amplification control element ACE3, which is a replication enhancer that acts in cis to activate the major replication origin ori-beta. Through both electrophoretic and in silico analysis, we have identified three major bent DNA sites in DAFC-66D. The bent DNA site (b1) is localized in the ACE3 element, whereas the other two bent DNA sites (b2 and b3) are localized in the ori-beta region. Four additional bent DNA sites were identified in the intron of the S18 gene and near the TATA box of the S15, S19, and S16 genes. The identification of DNA bent sites in genomic regions previously characterized as functionally relevant for DNA amplification further supports a function for DNA bent sites in DNA replication in eukaryotes.