79 resultados para Simulans


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The fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster and its sister species are believed to be nonrecombining and have been a model system for testing predictions of the effects of selection on linked, neutral variation. We recently examined nucleotide variat


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O elemento transponível hobo pode estar presente sob três formas no genoma de Drosophila simulans: como cópias autônomas completas (ou canônicas), como cópias defectivas internamente deletadas e como seqüências relacionadas a hobo (ou “relics”). Algumas evidências indicam que cópias completas e internamente deletadas são aquisições recentes desse genoma, enquanto os “relics” são componentes antigos, normalmente degenerados, defectivos e até recentemente considerados imóveis. O estudo desse tipo de seqüências pode ajudar a desvendar algumas questões sobre sua origem, dinâmica e seu papel na história evolutiva da família hobo. No presente trabalho, buscamos contribuir ao entendimento de algumas dessas questões estudando a dinâmica de uma família particular de seqüências relacionadas a hobo de D. simulans. Primeiramente, isolamos uma seqüência “relic” hobo envolvida no surgimento de uma mutação white de novo em uma linhagem hipermutável de D. simulans. Esta seqüência, denominada hobov-a, apresenta divergência típica de elemento “relic” em relação ao elemento canônico, é defectiva como outras já descritas, porém, mobilizável, pois apresentando estruturas essenciais para mobilização bem conservadas. Além disso, apresenta alta similaridade estrutural e de seqüência com um elemento “relic” de Drosophila sechellia, mas parece estar ausente do genoma de Drosophila melanogaster. A análise populacional de hobov-a revela que estes elementos são bem conservados entre diferentes populações de D. simulans. Apresentam, ainda, polimorfismo de sítios de inserção e variabilidade no número de cópias, o que nos dá fortes indícios de atividade atual ou recente desses elementos no genoma dessas populações. Pela similaridade compartilhada com elementos MITEs em muitas de suas características estruturais e funcionais, sugerimos, apontando algumas evidências, que elementos hobov-a podem ser ou uma nova família de MITEs de Drosophila ou, mais provavelmente, estariam se encaminhando para esse destino, utilizando o elemento canônico como fonte para sua mobilização.


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Maternally inherited bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are responsible for the early death of embryos in crosses between uninfected females and infected males in several insect species. This phenomenon, known as cytoplasmic incompatibility, also occurs between strains infected by different symbionts in some species, including Drosophila simulans. Wolbachia was found in two species closely related to D. simulans, Drosophila mauritiana, and Drosophila sechellia, and shown to cause incompatibility in the latter species but not in D. mauritiana. Comparison of bacterial and mtDNA history clarifies the origins of bacterial and incompatibility polymorphisms in D. simulans. Infection in D. mauritiana is probably the result of introgression of an infected D. simulans cytoplasm. Some D. simulans and D. sechellia cytoplasmic lineages harbor two bacteria as a consequence of a double infection which probably occurred in a common ancestor. The descendant symbionts in each species are associated with similar incompatibility relationships, which suggests that little variation of incompatibility types has occurred within maternal lineages beyond that related to the density of symbionts in their hosts.


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Species coexist using the same nutritional resource by partitioning it either in space or time, but few studies explore how species-specific nutritional requirements allow partitioning. Zaprionus indianus and Drosophila simulans co-exist in figs by invading the fruit at different stages; Z. indianus colonizes ripe figs, whereas D. simulans oviposits in decaying fruit. Larvae feed on yeast growing on the fruit, which serves as their primary protein source. Because yeast populations increase as fruit decays, we find that ripe fruit has lower protein content than rotting fruit. Therefore, we hypothesized that Z. indianus and D. simulans larvae differ in their dietary requirements for protein. We used nutritional geometry to assess the effects of protein and carbohydrate concentration in the larval diet on life history characters in both species. Survival, development time, and ovariole number respond differently to the composition of the larval diet, with Z. indianus generally performing better across a wider range of protein concentrations. Correspondingly, we found that Z. indianus females preferred to lay eggs on low protein foods, while D. simulans females chose higher protein foods for oviposition when competing with Z. indianus. We propose the different nutritional requirements and oviposition preference of these two species allows them to temporally partition their habitat.


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Wolbachia is an endosymbiont of diverse arthropod lineages that can induce various alterations of host reproduction for its own benefice. Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is the most common phenomenon, which results in embryonic lethality when males that bear Wolbachia are mated with females that do not. In the cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi, Wolbachia seems to be responsible for previously reported patterns of incompatibility between populations. Here we report on the artificial transfer of two Wolbachia variants (wCer1 and wCer2) from R. cerasi into Drosophila simulans, which was performed with two major goals in mind: first, to isolate wCer1 from wCer2 in order to individually test their respective abilities to induce Cl in the new host; and, second, to test the theoretical prediction that recent Wolbachia-host associations should be characterized by high levels of CI, fitness costs to the new host, and inefficient transmission from mothers to offspring. wCer1 was unable to develop in the new host, resulting in its rapid loss after successful injection, while wCer2 was established in the new host. Transmission rates of wCer2 were low, and the infection showed negative fitness effects, consistent with our prediction, but CI levels were unexpectedly lower in the new host. Based on these parameter estimates, neither wCer1 nor wCer2 could be naturally maintained in D. simulans. The experiment thus suggests that natural Wolbachia transfer between species might be restricted by many factors, should the ecological barriers be bypassed.


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Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic bacterium present in diverse insect species. Although it is well studied for its dramatic effects on host reproductive biology, little is known about its effects on other aspects of host biology, despite its presence in a wide array of host tissues. This study examined the effects of three Wolbachia strains on two different Drosophila species, using a laboratory performance assay for insect locomotion in response to olfactory cues. The results demonstrate that Wolbachia infection can have significant effects on host responsiveness that vary with respect to the Wolbachia strain-host species combination. The wRi strain, native to Drosophila simulans, increases the basal activity level of the host insect as well as its responsiveness to food cues. In contrast, the wMel strain and the virulent wMelPop strain, native to Drosophila melanogaster, cause slight decreases in responsiveness to food cues but do not alter basal activity levels in the host. Surprisingly, the virulent wMelPop strain has very little impact on host responsiveness in D. simulans. This novel strain-host relationship was artificially created previously by transinfection. These findings have implications for understanding the evolution and spread of Wolbachia infections in wild populations and for Wolbachia-based vector-borne disease control strategies currently being developed.


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The 3′ UTRs of eukaryotic genes participate in a variety of post-transcriptional (and some transcriptional) regulatory interactions. Some of these interactions are well characterised, but an undetermined number remain to be discovered. While some regulatory sequences in 3′ UTRs may be conserved over long evolutionary time scales, others may have only ephemeral functional significance as regulatory profiles respond to changing selective pressures. Here we propose a sensitive segmentation methodology for investigating patterns of composition and conservation in 3′ UTRs based on comparison of closely related species. We describe encodings of pairwise and three-way alignments integrating information about conservation, GC content and transition/transversion ratios and apply the method to three closely related Drosophila species: D. melanogaster, D. simulans and D. yakuba. Incorporating multiple data types greatly increased the number of segment classes identified compared to similar methods based on conservation or GC content alone. We propose that the number of segments and number of types of segment identified by the method can be used as proxies for functional complexity. Our main finding is that the number of segments and segment classes identified in 3′ UTRs is greater than in the same length of protein-coding sequence, suggesting greater functional complexity in 3′ UTRs. There is thus a need for sustained and extensive efforts by bioinformaticians to delineate functional elements in this important genomic fraction. C code, data and results are available upon request.


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Koagulaasinegatiivisia stafylokokkeja (KNS) on pidetty ja osittain pidetään edelleenkin vähäpätöisinä utaretulehdusta aiheuttavina bakteereina. Tämä on johtunut niiden aiheuttaman utaretulehduksen lievästä taudinkuvasta ja korkeasta paranemisprosentista, verrattuna esimerkiksi koagulaasipositiivisen Staphylococcus aureuksen aiheuttamaan utaretulehdukseen. Utaretulehdusdiagnostiikassa on näinollen tyydytty määrittämään KNS:t ainoastaan ryhmätasolle, ei lajitasolle. KNS:n esiintyvyys utaretulehdusten aiheuttajina on lisääntynyt jatkuvasti. Niistä on tullut Suomessa ja monessa muussakin maassa yleisimmin utaretulehdusnäytteistä eristetty taudinaiheuttaja. Joillakin tiloilla KNS:t ovat voineet muodostua jo karjaongelmaksikin. Tämä on herättänyt tutkijoiden ja karjanomistajien kiinnostuksen kyseistä bakteeriryhmää ja sen merkitystä kohtaan. Maidontuottajia KNS-bakteeriryhmä kiinnostaa eniten maidon laadun kannalta, koska KNS-tulehdus aiheuttaa muutoksia maidossa ja nostaa solulukua. KNS-tulehdukset ovat yleisimpiä ensikoilla, jotka ovat karjojen uudistumisen perusta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään tämänhetkiseen tietoon KNS:n yleispiirteistä, niiden esiintyvyyteen, merkitykseen utaretulehduksen aiheuttajana, mikrobilääkeresistenssiin, etiologiaan ja taudinaiheutuskykyyn. Lisäksi käsitellään utareen puolustusmekanismeja sekä maidon tulehdusindikaattoreita. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen lopussa keskitytään KNS-tulehdusten hoitoon ja ehkäisyyn. Kokeellisessa osassa kuvataan tekemämme tartutuskoe, jossa kahdeksaan kerran poikineeseen lehmään tartutettiin peräkkäin S. epidermidis ja S. simulans. Tartutuksen jälkeen seurasimme mm. lehmien yleisoireita, maitomäärää, maidon solupitoisuutta sekä maidon entsyymiaktiivisuuksia. Koejärjestelyt perustuivat Simojoki ym. vuonna 2005 tekemään pilottikokeeseen. Kokeessa havaittiin eroavaisuuksia käyttämiemme KNS-lajien aiheuttamissa utaretulehduksissa. Tulosten perusteella voitiin todeta, että S. simulans aiheuttaa lehmälle voimakkaamman tulehdusvasteen kuin S. epidermidis. Lisätietoa eri KNS-lajien ominaisuuksista kaivataan edelleen ja uusia tutkimuksia julkaistaankin jatkuvasti. Jos tulevissa tutkimuksissa saadaan yhä enemmän todisteita KNS:n välisistä taudinaiheutuskyvyn eroista, epidemiologiasta sekä resistenssitilanteesta, uskon, että koagulaasinegatiivisia stafylokokkeja aletaan tyypittää lajitasolle asti. Lajitason tietämys mahdollistaisi yhä tehokkaampien utareterveyssuunnitelmien tekemisen KNS-tartuntojen ehkäisyä varten sekä yksityiskohtaisempien hoito-ohjeiden antamisen.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are the most common bacteria isolated in bovine subclinical mastitis in many countries, and also a frequent cause of clinical mastitis. The most common species isolated are Staphylococcus (S) chromogenes, S. simulans, S. epidermidis, and S. xylosus. One half of the intramammary infections (IMI) caused by CNS persist in the udder. The pathogenesis of IMI caused by CNS is poorly understood. This dissertation focuses on host response in experimental intramammary infection induced by S. chromogenes, S. epidermidis and S. simulans. Model for a mild experimental CNS infection was developed with S. chromogenes (study I). All cows were infected and most developed subclinical mastitis. In study II the innate immune response to S. epidermidis and S. simulans IMI was compared in eight cows using a crossover design. A larger dose of bacteria was used to induce clinical mastitis. All cows became infected and showed mild to moderate clinical signs of mastitis. S. simulans caused a slightly stronger innate immune response than S. epidermidis, with significantly higher concentrations of the interleukins IL-1beta and IL-8 in the milk. The spontaneous elimination rate of the 16 IMIs was 31%, with no difference between species. No significant differences were recorded between infections eliminated spontaneously or remaining persistent, although the response was stronger in IMIs eliminated spontaneously, except the concentration of TNF-α, which remained elevated in persistent infections. Lactoferrin (Lf) is a component of the humoral defence of the host and is present at low concentrations in the milk. The concentration of Lf in milk is high during the dry period, in colostrum, and in mastitic milk. The effect of an inherent, high concentration of Lf in the milk on experimental IMI induced with S. chromogenes was studied in transgenic cows that expressed recombinant human Lf in their milk. Human Lf did not prevent S. chromogenes IMI, but the host response was milder in transgenic cows than in normal cows, and the former eliminated infection faster. Biofilm production has been suggested to promote persistence of IMI. Phenotypic biofilm formation and slime producing ability of CNS isolates from bovine mastitis was investigated in vitro. One-third of mastitis isolates produced biofilm. Slime production was less frequent for isolates of the most common mastitis causing species S. chromogenes and S. simulans compared with S. epidermidis. No association was found between the phenotypic ability to form biofilm and the persistence of IMI or severity of mastitis. Slime production was associated with persistent infections, but only 8% of isolates produced slime.