992 resultados para Similarity search


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This book provides a comprehensive tutorial on similarity operators. The authors systematically survey the set of similarity operators, primarily focusing on their semantics, while also touching upon mechanisms for processing them effectively.

The book starts off by providing introductory material on similarity search systems, highlighting the central role of similarity operators in such systems. This is followed by a systematic categorized overview of the variety of similarity operators that have been proposed in literature over the last two decades, including advanced operators such as RkNN, Reverse k-Ranks, Skyline k-Groups and K-N-Match. Since indexing is a core technology in the practical implementation of similarity operators, various indexing mechanisms are summarized. Finally, current research challenges are outlined, so as to enable interested readers to identify potential directions for future investigations.

In summary, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the field of similarity search operators, allowing readers to understand the area of similarity operators as it stands today, and in addition providing them with the background needed to understand recent novel approaches.


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Accurate prediction of protein structures is very important for many applications such as drug discovery and biotechnology. Building side chains is an essential to get any reliable prediction of the protein structure for any given a protein main chain conformation. Most of the methods that predict side chain conformations use statistically generated data from known protein structures. It is a computationally intractable problem to search suitable side chains from all possible rotamers simultaneously using information of known protein structures. Reducing the number of possibility is a main issue to predict side chain conformation. This paper proposes an enumeration based similarity search algorithm to predict side chain conformations. By introducing “beam search” technique, a significant number of unrelated side chain rotamers can easily be eliminated. As a result, we can search for suitable residue side chains from all possible side chain conformations.


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Static detection of polymorphic malware variants plays an important role to improve system security. Control flow has shown to be an effective characteristic that represents polymorphic malware instances. In our research, we propose a similarity search of malware using novel distance metrics of malware signatures. We describe a malware signature by the set of control flow graphs the malware contains. We propose two approaches and use the first to perform pre-filtering. Firstly, we use a distance metric based on the distance between feature vectors. The feature vector is a decomposition of the set of graphs into either fixed size k-sub graphs, or q-gram strings of the high-level source after decompilation. We also propose a more effective but less computationally efficient distance metric based on the minimum matching distance. The minimum matching distance uses the string edit distances between programs' decompiled flow graphs, and the linear sum assignment problem to construct a minimum sum weight matching between two sets of graphs. We implement the distance metrics in a complete malware variant detection system. The evaluation shows that our approach is highly effective in terms of a limited false positive rate and our system detects more malware variants when compared to the detection rates of other algorithms.


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With the rapid increase in both centralized video archives and distributed WWW video resources, content-based video retrieval is gaining its importance. To support such applications efficiently, content-based video indexing must be addressed. Typically, each video is represented by a sequence of frames. Due to the high dimensionality of frame representation and the large number of frames, video indexing introduces an additional degree of complexity. In this paper, we address the problem of content-based video indexing and propose an efficient solution, called the Ordered VA-File (OVA-File) based on the VA-file. OVA-File is a hierarchical structure and has two novel features: 1) partitioning the whole file into slices such that only a small number of slices are accessed and checked during k Nearest Neighbor (kNN) search and 2) efficient handling of insertions of new vectors into the OVA-File, such that the average distance between the new vectors and those approximations near that position is minimized. To facilitate a search, we present an efficient approximate kNN algorithm named Ordered VA-LOW (OVA-LOW) based on the proposed OVA-File. OVA-LOW first chooses possible OVA-Slices by ranking the distances between their corresponding centers and the query vector, and then visits all approximations in the selected OVA-Slices to work out approximate kNN. The number of possible OVA-Slices is controlled by a user-defined parameter delta. By adjusting delta, OVA-LOW provides a trade-off between the query cost and the result quality. Query by video clip consisting of multiple frames is also discussed. Extensive experimental studies using real video data sets were conducted and the results showed that our methods can yield a significant speed-up over an existing VA-file-based method and iDistance with high query result quality. Furthermore, by incorporating temporal correlation of video content, our methods achieved much more efficient performance.


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Bioacoustic data can provide an important base for environmental monitoring. To explore a large amount of field recordings collected, an automated similarity search algorithm is presented in this paper. A region of an audio defined by frequency and time bounds is provided by a user; the content of the region is used to construct a query. In the retrieving process, our algorithm will automatically scan through recordings to search for similar regions. In detail, we present a feature extraction approach based on the visual content of vocalisations – in this case ridges, and develop a generic regional representation of vocalisations for indexing. Our feature extraction method works best for bird vocalisations showing ridge characteristics. The regional representation method allows the content of an arbitrary region of a continuous recording to be described in a compressed format.


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Karwath, A. King, R. Homology induction: the use of machine learning to improve sequence similarity searches. BMC Bioinformatics. 23rd April 2002. 3:11 Additional File Describes the title organims species declaration in one string [http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/supplementary/1471- 2105-3-11-S1.doc] Sponsorship: Andreas Karwath and Ross D. King were supported by the EPSRC grant GR/L62849.


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Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) is a class of enzymes where the substrate identification is particularly important to know. It would help medicinal chemists to design drugs with lower side effects due to drug-drug interactions and to extensive genetic polymorphism. Herein, we discuss the application of the 2D and 3D-similarity searches in identifying reference Structures with higher capacity to retrieve Substrates of three important CYP enzymes (CYP2C9, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4). On the basis of the complementarities of multiple reference structures selected by different similarity search methods, we proposed the fusion of their individual Tanimoto scores into a consensus Tanimoto score (T(consensus)). Using this new score, true positive rates of 63% (CYP2C9) and 81% (CYP2D6) were achieved with false positive rates of 4% for the CYP2C9-CYP2D6 data Set. Extended similarity searches were carried out oil a validation data set, and the results showed that by using the T(consensus) score, not only the area of a ROC graph increased, but also more substrates were recovered at the beginning of a ranked list.


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This work contributes to the development of search engines that self-adapt their size in response to fluctuations in workload. Deploying a search engine in an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud facilitates allocating or deallocating computational resources to or from the engine. In this paper, we focus on the problem of regrouping the metric-space search index when the number of virtual machines used to run the search engine is modified to reflect changes in workload. We propose an algorithm for incrementally adjusting the index to fit the varying number of virtual machines. We tested its performance using a custom-build prototype search engine deployed in the Amazon EC2 cloud, while calibrating the results to compensate for the performance fluctuations of the platform. Our experiments show that, when compared with computing the index from scratch, the incremental algorithm speeds up the index computation 2–10 times while maintaining a similar search performance.


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Acoustic sensors allow scientists to scale environmental monitoring over large spatiotemporal scales. The faunal vocalisations captured by these sensors can answer ecological questions, however, identifying these vocalisations within recorded audio is difficult: automatic recognition is currently intractable and manual recognition is slow and error prone. In this paper, a semi-automated approach to call recognition is presented. An automated decision support tool is tested that assists users in the manual annotation process. The respective strengths of human and computer analysis are used to complement one another. The tool recommends the species of an unknown vocalisation and thereby minimises the need for the memorization of a large corpus of vocalisations. In the case of a folksonomic tagging system, recommending species tags also minimises the proliferation of redundant tag categories. We describe two algorithms: (1) a “naïve” decision support tool (16%–64% sensitivity) with efficiency of O(n) but which becomes unscalable as more data is added and (2) a scalable alternative with 48% sensitivity and an efficiency ofO(log n). The improved algorithm was also tested in a HTML-based annotation prototype. The result of this work is a decision support tool for annotating faunal acoustic events that may be utilised by other bioacoustics projects.


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A scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) based mean shift algorithm is presented for object tracking in real scenarios. SIFT features are used to correspond the region of interests across frames. Meanwhile, mean shift is applied to conduct similarity search via color histograms. The probability distributions from these two measurements are evaluated in an expectation–maximization scheme so as to achieve maximum likelihood estimation of similar regions. This mutual support mechanism can lead to consistent tracking performance if one of the two measurements becomes unstable. Experimental work demonstrates that the proposed mean shift/SIFT strategy improves the tracking performance of the classical mean shift and SIFT tracking algorithms in complicated real scenarios.


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Motivation: DNA assembly programs classically perform an all-against-all comparison of reads to identify overlaps, followed by a multiple sequence alignment and generation of a consensus sequence. If the aim is to assemble a particular segment, instead of a whole genome or transcriptome, a target-specific assembly is a more sensible approach. GenSeed is a Perl program that implements a seed-driven recursive assembly consisting of cycles comprising a similarity search, read selection and assembly. The iterative process results in a progressive extension of the original seed sequence. GenSeed was tested and validated on many applications, including the reconstruction of nuclear genes or segments, full-length transcripts, and extrachromosomal genomes. The robustness of the method was confirmed through the use of a variety of DNA and protein seeds, including short sequences derived from SAGE and proteome projects.


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Searching in a dataset for elements that are similar to a given query element is a core problem in applications that manage complex data, and has been aided by metric access methods (MAMs). A growing number of applications require indices that must be built faster and repeatedly, also providing faster response for similarity queries. The increase in the main memory capacity and its lowering costs also motivate using memory-based MAMs. In this paper. we propose the Onion-tree, a new and robust dynamic memory-based MAM that slices the metric space into disjoint subspaces to provide quick indexing of complex data. It introduces three major characteristics: (i) a partitioning method that controls the number of disjoint subspaces generated at each node; (ii) a replacement technique that can change the leaf node pivots in insertion operations; and (iii) range and k-NN extended query algorithms to support the new partitioning method, including a new visit order of the subspaces in k-NN queries. Performance tests with both real-world and synthetic datasets showed that the Onion-tree is very compact. Comparisons of the Onion-tree with the MM-tree and a memory-based version of the Slim-tree showed that the Onion-tree was always faster to build the index. The experiments also showed that the Onion-tree significantly improved range and k-NN query processing performance and was the most efficient MAM, followed by the MM-tree, which in turn outperformed the Slim-tree in almost all the tests. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A myriad of methods are available for virtual screening of small organic compound databases. In this study we have successfully applied a quantitative model of consensus measurements, using a combination of 3D similarity searches (ROCS and EON), Hologram Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (HQSAR) and docking (FRED, FlexX, Glide and AutoDock Vina), to retrieve cruzain inhibitors from collected databases. All methods were assessed individually and then combined in a Ligand-Based Virtual Screening (LBVS) and Target-Based Virtual Screening (TBVS) consensus scoring, using Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves to evaluate their performance. Three consensus strategies were used: scaled-rank-by-number, rank-by-rank and rank-by-vote, with the most thriving the scaled-rank-by-number strategy, considering that the stiff ROC curve appeared to be satisfactory in every way to indicate a higher enrichment power at early retrieval of active compounds from the database. The ligand-based method provided access to a robust and predictive HQSAR model that was developed to show superior discrimination between active and inactive compounds, which was also better than ROCS and EON procedures. Overall, the integration of fast computational techniques based on ligand and target structures resulted in a more efficient retrieval of cruzain inhibitors with desired pharmacological profiles that may be useful to advance the discovery of new trypanocidal agents.


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Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are short DNA sequences generated by sequencing the transcribed cDNAs coming from a gene expression. They can provide significant functional, structural and evolutionary information and thus are a primary resource for gene discovery. EST annotation basically refers to the analysis of unknown ESTs that can be performed by database similarity search for possible identities and database search for functional prediction of translation products. Such kind of annotation typically consists of a series of repetitive tasks which should be automated, and be customizable and amenable to using distributed computing resources. Furthermore, processing of EST data should be done efficiently using a high performance computing platform. In this paper, we describe an EST annotator, EST-PACHPC, which has been developed for harnessing HPC resources potentially from Grid and Cloud systems for high throughput EST annotations. The performance analysis of EST-PACHPC has shown that it provides substantial performance gain in EST annotation.